King of Daytona Memorial Service – Biketoberfest

I met Doug King in the ’70s at his shop King’s Cycle Haven in Daytona Beach. It was a place where bikers went to get their parts and sometimes work on their own bikes. Many people from out of town also found it a place to set up and stay.
Somewhere around 1980 or 1981 I was riding with Doug when he was in a wreck and lost a leg. After he got out of the hospital he went back to work and riding again.

He eventually closed the shop, I believe around 1988 and moved to South Pittsburg Tennessee in 1991

He lived there until he passed away in a hospital in Chattanooga Tennessee on August 25th 2013
Some of his friends got together during Biketoberfest to hold a memorial party for him at the Town Line Lounge on Beach Street on Sunday October 20th 2013.

He was a good man, and if he liked you there was not much he would not do for you. Now, if he didn’t like you that was a whole different story. A Biker through and through, and I am proud to called him my Brother. 

 Rest In Peace My Friend

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