Special Reports

The “Pandemic” Con

The opinions and views expressed in this article are those of the writer. Me. Period. No one else on earth thinks like me or has the opinions I do. And if they do they’re keeping pretty fucking quiet about it. It’s not a conspiracy if it’s dancing naked on your lawn and shouting, “We’re actually […]

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11 Hollywood heroes who felt the need for speed and one grubby Biker

     Actors who make the jump from racing movie to race track aren’t as uncommon as you might think. It’s more than a silver-screen ruse, too; some actors invest their own off-camera hours in motorsports. Here are 11 stars who did just that, some with impressive amounts of success.       Michael Fassbender 

11 Hollywood heroes who felt the need for speed and one grubby Biker Read More »

Climategate: Ten Years Later

      This month marks the tenth anniversary of “Climategate” – the release of thousands of emails to and from climate scientists who had been (and still are) collaborating and colluding to create a manmade climate crisis that exists in their minds and computer models, but not in the real world. The scandal should

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Ocasio-Cortez Joins Effort to Pressure Banks into Adopting the Far Left’s Anti-gun Agenda

The battle over politics in the financial marketplace continues to intensify. The combatants include anti-gun politicians who insist that banks have a social responsibility to sign onto the far left’s political agenda. Opposing them are patriotic Americans of all stripes who believe that federally chartered banks should serve the law-abiding public without ideological or political

Ocasio-Cortez Joins Effort to Pressure Banks into Adopting the Far Left’s Anti-gun Agenda Read More »


  A Giant Leap Back in Time: Dangerous Streetcar Tracks Return to Milwaukee     Hupy and Abraham, S.C., a well-known law firm located in Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, is representing the first motorcycle victim of a new streetcar system being constructed in Milwaukee. With all the technological advances in road design, there has been


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