Bike Features

Steed Sintaur

The industry is nuts with production bikes, new manufacturers andone-off custom builders popping up daily. It's terrific for the guylooking for a particular machine. The sky's the limit, and here's astrong example of a custom line bent on performance. John Covingtonhas more than a 15 year history of building bikes. His goal is to build […]

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Muscle Steed 300 Sintuar

What's in a name? Even a vivid description of the mythological half-horse, half-man, the Centaur leaves something to the imagination. You might have a Centaur picture in your mind, recalling a panting or drawing published in a old high school textbook. But, no one has really witnessed the mechanical version, in the metallic-flesh, until now.

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The Punisher

Roger, Chris and Darren.Everyone has their dream bike in mind but very few people have the vision, let alone the money to make it all happen. But once in a while, a customer comes along that gives builders the chance of a lifetime. My friend Chris was one of these customers. Returning from a Las

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