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This story is about a pair of Southern Californians who stormed their way across China on big, powerful Harley-Davidson motorcycles with no drivers’ licenses, no real idea of where they were going, and very little idea of what they were getting into once the kickstand came up. They didn’t know the names of the cities they traveled through. They didn’t know sometimes who was feeding them.They were simply following the bike in front of them and hanging on for dear life.READ FULL STORY HERE Note: Franz and Mraz will be presenting a multi-media show of their travels through China with the Shanghai HOG at 6-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27, at Keesal Young & Logan, 14th floor, 400 Oceangate, Long Beach, 90802. The event is sponsored by the Long Beach Qingdao China Sister City Association. The cost is $15, and reservations can be made by calling 562/244-7644.


Lowbrow Custom Events Are Too Cool To Miss

  Bored? Lethargic? Moderate to severe bone pain? Well I have some events you need to go to to blast you straight out of doldrums and into a good time. Born Free 4 is happening in Orange, California this coming Saturday, June 30th. That evening there is the BF4 after party and screening of the El Diablo Run DVD at The District Lounge (click for map) in historic downtown Orange. Brought to you by Lowbrow, Biltwell, Four Aces Cycle, Street Chopper Magrazine and DiCE Magazine! After Born Free that is where the action will be, so come on by. Check out theFacebook event page or Chop Cult event page for more info. Next up is the Lowbrow Getdown at Nelson's Ledges Quarry near Garrettsville, Ohio (click for map). The combination of motorcycles, riding, camping and swimming is time-tested and a guaranteed good time. Come on out to chill with a couple hundred like-minded individual and enjoy a resplendent summer weekend chock full of all the good stuff in life. Facebook Getdown event pagefor more info as well as the micro-site. See you there! We are trying to build up our base of online evangelists and make sure you are in the know. Why spend money on advertising when we can give it away in free product to you guys? We are going to give away 3 full Lowbrow DVD libraries at the beginning of July, each valued at over $300. Like our page on Facebook to be automatically entered; existing interweb friends do not worry, if you already Liked our page you are entered! 3 winners will be randomly drawn Monday, July 2nd, 2012. Help us spread the word! Thanks for your support! – Regards, Tyler, Darly, Kyle, Katy, Todd, John, Greg & Jim

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Midnight Rider: The Plot Thickens EPISODE 13

The Midnight Rider keeps getting deeper in to trouble with his sexy sidekick Lisette. The white 18 wheeler with confederate flags is parked in the front row.  For a split second I contemplate staking it out from the restaurant, but I’m just too tired.  I approach, step up, grab the handle, open the passenger door and pull myself inside.  This cockpit looks more like a motor home than a big rig. Inside are tables and couch with a massive flat screen TV, fridge and microwave. There are more switches and video displays in here than a freakin 747.  No sooner than I sink into the plush passenger seat, there’s a sharp prick to my neck and then blackness. Down I fall, into a long dark corridor.  READ FULL STORY In case you missed an episode here is a link to ALL EPISODES

Midnight Rider: The Plot Thickens EPISODE 13 Read More »

Roadsmith Declares Victory with New Trike Design!

  Roadsmith Trikes introduced their newest trike design, the Victory VTR, at this year's Americade Rally in Lake George, NY.   Given the success that Roadsmith has enjoyed using the large touring bike platform as the basis for their trike kits, it was a natural evolution to add the popular Victory touring bikes to its stable of trike kit conversions.   Once Roadsmith made the commitment to begin building kits for these bikes, they started to dig into how the bikes were made and determine how their new kit could best complement this extraordinary piece of machinery. While the styling is still somewhat unique, there is no denying that these new luxury steeds are designed and built with the best technology and engineering available.   The sheer genius of the design is even more apparent when you start to strip away some of the fancy plastic and get down to what really makes these motorcycles ride and handle so beautifully. A prime example of this design genius is the lack of a single weld on the frame or swingarm, each being cast from aluminum to offer superior strength and rigidity while saving considerable weight. This is just one of many design and manufacturing breakthroughs that enabled this platform to mate exceptionally well with the highly-engineered Roadsmith chassis and create, yet another, outstanding example of their proven motorcycle trike conversions.   Roadsmith is proud to offer its new Victory VTR Trike Kit which will work with any of the "Cross" products from Victory, including the Cross Road, the Cross Country and the Cross Country Tour. While pricing is still being determined, kits will be available for shipment starting sometime in June. In business for 40 years, Roadsmith Trikes is based in White Bear Lake, MN where it manufactures and distributes

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