General Posts

July 20, 2000

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–BANDIT CANCELS ZEBRA’S ROOM IN STURGIS–CONSPIRACY FOILED AS PROBE DISCOVERS FOUL PLAY Hey,I’m innocent, I tell you. Fortunately a reasonable officer let me off that night and I’m back at the keyboard. Two days ago the Blue Flame was loaded into Japanese Jay’s hammered ’78 Ranchero, and we hauled out to smog-ridden, bleak, […]

July 20, 2000 Read More »

July 13, 2000

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–BANDIT ARRESTED ON THE BACK STREETS OF SAN PEDRO Hey, I’m telling you I was innocent. Phil Ross of Supermax belt drives was with me, he can tell you, and the dark haired beauty, well she was there, too. I’ve been working like a mad dog on the Blue Bomb for Sturgis everyday,

July 13, 2000 Read More »

July 10, 2000

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–BIKERNET HEADQUARTERS ATTACKED BY DEVIL DOLLS MCHey,Short week, short time to Sturgis, life’s bananas. I’d tell you about the 4th of July weekend, but you wouldn’t believe it. I’d tell you about the plans for this weekend, but they’re too hectic, I’d tell you about my bike build for Sturgis, but I’m frustrated,

July 10, 2000 Read More »

May 26, 2000

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–WIN SHITHERE QUICK, THE REST OF THE STAFF HAS BEEN ARRESTEDIt’s 2:45 a.m. and I’m just stumbling in the door. The week’s beenhectic, and every afternoon I’ve hit a dealership for parts. Agent Zebra’sbike is almost ready for wire and a test ride. While I order parts and waitfor shipments for my Daytec

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May 18, 2000

BIKERNET NEWS–STURGIS 2000CHOP-OFF COMPETITORS INVESTIGATED BY THE DEAHey,Where to start? The heat in the garage has been severe lately. AsZebra’s bike takes shape under Wrench’s tutelage and expertise it’s readyfor lines and wiring, although we’re still digging in the garage for aprimary drive system. Shortly there will be a tech on the site about thenew

May 18, 2000 Read More »

May 11, 2000

BIKERNET NEWSFLASH–STURGIS 2000 CHALLENGE WAY BEHIND SCHEDULE–DEATH THREATSI wish I knew what I was doing half the time. After Laughlin, Iwished I had my reliable Street Stalker at home, or still had the RoadKing, then I looked at my watch, then at the calendar, then at the girlbeside me in bed, then the phone rang.

May 11, 2000 Read More »

April 27, 2000

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–BIKERNET STAFF REVOLTS, HEADS TO LAUGHLIN IN DEAD HEAT I’m in a daze. As I fix one twisted item on the Touring Chopper, another prospective problem jumps out at me. The ride to Laughlin is hours away. Yesterday I rode out to Rivera in Whittier. Buck Lovell has asked me to come out

April 27, 2000 Read More »

April 19, 2000

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–BIKERNET HEADQUARTERS RAIDED BY HOLLYWOOD EXECUTIVES AND SAN PEDRO POLICE Hey, I’m just a guy doing a job in a San Pedro ghetto. It’s a lonely vocation most of the time, hammering away at the keyboard 14 hours a day, and usually not accomplishing much. Sure I knock off to stumble into the

April 19, 2000 Read More »

April 13, 2000

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–TITAN, HARLEY-DAVIDSON, AND EXCELSIOR-HENDERSON TO MEET FACE TO FACE ON JERRY SPRINGER Hey, it’s almost Friday. Friday, the devil’s day of escape from the mundane to a night of sin and the deepest debauchery. I can’t wait. The last couple of weeks have been high pressure, and I left the corporate world to

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