Calming Thursday News


What the hell? We are scrambling on several fronts, and my attorney wants to party this weekend. I need to work on a Rivera tech so I can relocate the Bonne Belle into the gym with the pool table, until we can afford to ship it back to Departure Bike Works for tuning and dyno runs.

You’ll notice Big Bear Choppers is back. I sincerely hope it’s a sign of the times. Kevin and Mona Alsop have endured the toughest of times and prevailed. So many folks don’t realize the level of endurance, intelligence, perseverance, and devotion it took to keep companies alive over the last ten years.

You may dislike your boss, but over the last 10-12 years, he has lost at least half of his wealth, he or she has grappled to raise funds to stay afloat, studied ways in which the business could change to survive, laid off old friends, and dealt with enhanced government restrictions. Any business still surviving after the last decade is tough and dedicated. Buy your boss a beer he or she deserves it.


MORE SAFETY WARNINGS–I no longer go to the cinema because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS when I sit down. I no longer go to shopping centers because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me. And I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a huge phone bill with calls to Jamaica , Uganda , Singapore and Uzbekistan.

Thanks to you I can’t use anyone’s toilet but mine because a big black snake could be lurking under the seat and cause me instant death when it bites my butt. And thanks to your great advice I can’t ever pick up a dime coin dropped in the car park because it was probably placed there by a sex molester waiting to grab me as I bend over.

I can’t do any gardening because I’m afraid I’ll get bitten by the Violin Spider and my hand will fall off. If you don’t send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, and the fleas from 120 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbors ex mother-in-law’s second husband’s cousin’s best friend’s beautician!

Oh, and by the way…A German scientist from Argentina, after a lengthy study, has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity read their e-mails with their hand on the mouse. Don’t bother taking it off now, it’s too late. P. S. I now keep my toothbrush in the living room, because I was told by e-mail that water splashes over 6 ft. out of the toilet.. NOW YOU HAVE YOURSELF A VERY GOOD DAY…

–from Buckshot


SOLID BRASS ACORN NUTS FROM MR. LUCKY–MK731: 110-Piece Solid Brass Acorn Nut Assortment Tray.

Mr Lucky Sez……brass is class!
The most popular UNC & UNF nut sizes, in Solid Brass, all in a convenient assortment tray!
Add some finishing Brass touches to your retro ride, and really make an old-school statement!

The heavy-duty Tray has 12 compartments, holding a 110 piece assortment of 12 different sizes of UNC or UNF Solid Brass Low Crown Acorn nuts; 10 each of 6-32, 8-32, 10-24, 10-32, 1/4-20, 1/4-28, 5/16-18, 5/16-24, 3/8-16, 3/8-24 and 5 each of 1/2-13 & 1/2-20 sizes. Individual sizes are available in bags of 5 or 10 separately. Buying the assortment is priced cheaper than if you bought the various sizes separately, plus you’re getting the tray Free…………..a smokin’ deal!

Made in USA by Mid West Acorn exclusively for Mr Luckys, and can be purchased online at as part # MK731. Check out this, as well as the full line of classic inspired parts crafted in brass & copper being released at Mr Luckys!

MK731 110-piece Solid Brass Acorn Nut Assortment Tray Ret $74.99

Mr Luckys, 6411 Saffron Hills Dr. Spring, TX 77379 USA Ph: 832-559-8560,


BIG BEAR CHOPPERS SHIPPED TO DUBAI THIS WEEK–  We just shipped out Bikes on Saturday to Dubai for Gulf Bike week, October 18th through the 20th

Our Dealer in Dubai MOTORBARN TRADING will present the Big Bear Choppers bikes at the event. RHC’s International Representative Michael Morisoli will be there to promote the Big Bear Choppers Motorcycles. Michael is the leader of BBC Motorcycle Consulting, our Big Bear Choppers Dealer Support program that was created to support our International Dealers, to provide technical support and hands on training by a certified MMA graduate and is experienced with all models of Big Bear Choppers Bikes.

Michael was a Big Bear Chopper dealer and owner of Chopper Doctors in Corcoran, Calif before he closed shop and started working with Big Bear Choppers dealers. Michael has been in Dubai for 10 months now.

Over the last 10 months he has learned one thing, the people in the UAE love custom bikes and the Motorcycle Lifestyle is alive and well .

For more info drop Mickey a line:

We shipped four motorcycles, two Athena choppers, and two Sled Choppers.


BIKERNET TRADE SCHOOL JUST OPENED–For All of you Mechanic’s and Self doer’s out there, here’s a lesson on Penetrating Oil – This was in one of the Military Vehicle Club newsletters.

Recently “Machinist Workshop Magazine” did a test on penetrating oils. Using nuts and
bolts that they ‘scientifically rusted’ to a uniform degree by soaking in salt water, they then
tested the break-out torque required to loosen the nuts. They treated the nuts with a variety
of penetrants and measured the torque required to loosen them.

This is what they came up with:
Nothing: 516 lbs
WD-40: 238 lbs;
PB Blaster: 214 lbs;
Liquid Wrench: 127 lbs,
Kano Kroil: 106 lbs
(ATF)/Acetone mix (50/50): 50 lbs.

This last “shop brew” of 50% automatic transmission fluid and 50% acetone appears to beat out the commercially prepared products costing far more.

–from Rodan


RALLY TV Brings You the Best of Las Vegas BikeFest 2012–Re-live all the action, including events, rides, expos, parties, and contests.

Garage-Source Productions and its Rally TV crew had an amazing time at Las Vegas BikeFest 2012. Now that it’s over, you can get the best footage of all the great events from Rally TV online. Whether you missed the whole weekend, or just want to reminisce, Rally TV is proud to share best highlights of this year’s Sin City event.

Garage-Source Productions is committed to sharing the lifestyle experience with all enthusiasts via video. Check out all the posted Las Vegas BikeFest 2012 videos on the Rally TV website to see what you might have missed and more. Enjoy the action at Hogs & Heifers, watch who won editors choice, see the amazing builds from Artistry In Iron Awards and get a fresh look at the Las Vegas BikeFest Bikini Contest. You’ll get exclusive footage that you won’t see anywhere else. You can see more all of the Rally TV videos at

Rally TV’s coverage of all the Las Vegas BikeFest action is brought to you through the generosity of our sponsors, which include: Las Vegas BikeFest, Hogs&Heifers Saloon, Miller Lite, Jack Daniels, Twisted Tea, Russ Brown, DEI, Cycle Source, J&P Cycles and Bikernet.

For more information about Rally TV or to check out all the amazing things that happened during Las Vegas BikeFest 2012, visit, or the Rally TV Facebook or YouTube pages any time.

–Ken Conte

BIKERNET POLITICAL SCIENCE CLASS–You know you live in a Country run by idiots if… You can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for being in the country illegally.

Actually, in Los Angeles you can be pulled over for a number of infractions and your vehicle will be immediately towed, unless you are illegal. In that case you cannot be towed for four hours, to give you time to find someone who can drive your car away. This new ordinance crushed towing services all over the city.

You know you live in a Country run by idiots if… Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more of our money.

You know you live in a Country run by idiots if… The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.

Hang on, it just gets better in the Sunday Post.

–from Rogue and Maimi Mike


BRAND NEW BIKERNET READER COMMENT–  How to build the 45 Magnum Engine

Came across a top end report recently that I could not understand, until now. It covered how to build a 45 Magnum engine. You are amazing, Duncan.

–Karen Brown



JACKSONVILLE — Gun rights advocates on Tuesday told a task force reviewing Florida’s “stand your ground” law that the statute needs to be revised to take the burden off defendants trying to prove their use of force was justified.

The burden instead should be placed on prosecutors, and their offices should be required to pay the cost of a stand-your­ground hearing if defendants have charges dropped, said Eric Friday, lead counsel for the gun rights group Florida Carry Inc. “Prosecutors will be much more cautious on how they take action,” Friday told members of the Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection during its last hearing involving public comment.

Friday said the cost of a defense can be as much as $20,000. The task force was in Jacksonville for its sixth meeting, and will begin deliberating recommendations next month. Gov. Rick Scott appointed the task force to review Florida’s law following the killing of 17­year-old Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in February. Zimmerman has claimed self defense under the law.??The law currently gives defendants wide latitude in claiming self-defense.

The 2005 legislation allows individuals to use deadly force provided they are doing nothing unlawful and relieves them of a duty to retreat. Friday also argued that in some cases defendants should be able to invoke the law even if they are doing something unlawful, citing the example of someone who may be unlawfully selling Avon products out of her house without a proper business license.



TWO LARGE WOMEN IN A BAR–I was in a pub last Saturday night and drank a few when and noticed two very large women at the bar.

They both had pretty strong accents, so I asked, “Hey, are you two ladies from Ireland?”

One of them chirped saying, “It’s WALES , you friggin’ idiot!”

So, I immediately apologized and said, “I’m sorry. Are you two whales from Ireland?” That’s pretty much the last thing I remember…

—from Paul A.


On August 7th, the Massachusetts Right-to-Repair Coalition reported that Governor Patrick had signed House Bill 4362, “An Act protecting motor vehicle owners and small businesses in repairing motor vehicles”, more commonly referred to as “Right to Repair”, into law. Touting this as a major victory, the enacted law sadly excludes Motorcycles.

The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) does not support this compromise bill and apparently neither do many; with urgency, the MMA asks all voters in Massachusetts to vote “YES” on Ballot Question #1 which would restore the original intention of the Bill, and also contact your state legislators informing them of your support.

As reported by the MMA following the Governor’s signing of House Bill 4362, the Right-to-Repair Bill was pushed over a 3-year period by a coalition of 40 members including the MMA. With little activity, the coalition launched a petition campaign to raise the bill to the status of a Question on the November 6, 2012 Ballot.

Spurring the legislature into action, the bill saw new life and began a journey of bi-partisan negotiation against heavy advertising and lobbying by manufacturers against the bill. Unfortunately, although the Bill began to see light, back-room politics under the cover of darkness reached numerous compromises which ultimately resulted in a Bill being pushed through without support for RVs, Busses, Construction Equipment, trucks over 10,000 pounds, and MOTORCYCLES.

While some good intention did come from the compromise bill, including giving manufacturers more time to comply with the proposed interface. An existing “pass-through” interface defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE j2534, was published in 2004 at the request of the EPA to standardize the protocols of communication to vehicles for the purpose of reporting and repair of vehicles to conform to emission controls. Without this standard, manufacturers provided their own OEM-specific diagnostic tools, sometimes costing dealers several $thousands in diagnostic equipment, or forcing consumers back to dealerships for service.

But the main purpose of the Right-to-Repair legislation was not just standardization of the interface, rather the access to the information and codes necessary to effect correct diagnostics and repairs. The computerization of motor vehicles continues to evolve requiring specialized knowledge, tools, and interfaces to deal with sometimes even the most minor of issues. Even if a repair doesn’t necessarily require a computer diagnostic, often a repair requires that certain information be re-set in the onboard computers to remove warnings and alerts, or for the computers to correctly interact with each other during normal operation.

These computers or Control Units and Modules are now prevalent on ALL motor vehicles, not just passenger cars. Also, while dealerships may be the service venue of choice for some, they are sometimes a significant distance away and/or a more expensive option for others. In some cases, people simply have a strong relationship with talented service providers which span vehicles of many brands and generations. In all non-dealer cases, access to the computer interfaces and codes is critical to perform and complete a full service.

As passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor in August, the Right-to-Repair legislation offers some level of support which is a great improvement for owners of passenger cars, but owners of larger pickup trucks and utility vehicles (“any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds”) as well as motorcycles are excluded.

Another concern is that Massachusetts has led the way in Right-to-Repair legislation nationally. It’s important that we pave the way for other states and or for National Legislation to affirm the rights of consumers to choose their service providers. If the Ballot Question does not pass, it opens the door to challenge further legislation both across the country and in Washington DC which might follow.

As such, the MMA believes that it’s crucial that Massachusetts Ballot Question #1 passes, both to pave the way for consumers outside Massachusetts, but to right the wrongs of the compromise legislation. PLEASE VOTE “YES” ON BALLOT QUESTION #1. Please also ask your friends, family, and any Massachusetts Voters to do the same!

Additionally, the MMA feels it’s important that you also contact your State Legislators – both your State Representative and Senator, to let them know you are voting for Ballot Question #1 to restore the rights of all vehicles, especially motorcycles, to the Right-to-Repair Legislation. Without their support, the results of the ballot could be overridden in informal session to repeal the legislation despite being voted by the citizens of the Commonwealth. While it legally only takes one Senator or Representative to prevent such an action, a stronger message is if they all say, “no, my constituents want this legislation to include motorcycles and other motor vehicles”.

Opponents of the original bill and ballot question have raised concerns that as written, compliance by Model Year 2015 is not possible and that the compromise legislation enacts model year 2018. The MMA has no specific concern with the later date, but neither have we discussed the difficulties of implementing a standard that has been in existence for nearly 10 years and is already in broad use by manufacturers.

PLEASE VOTE “YES” ON BALLOT QUESTION #1. Please also ask your friends, family, and any Massachusetts Voters to do the same!

For more information, please see or contact

MMA 2013 Harley-Davidson Bike Raffle Tickets are now available! Please see to get yours! Limited quantities are available – the 2012 Raffle was SOLD OUT!


WALKSLER WINS “RACE OF THE CENTURY’ ABOARD 1912 INDIAN– Every year in mid-October, tens of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts gather in Birmingham, Alabama for one of the most anticipated vintage motorcycle event in America at the Barber Museum and Motorsports Park. The Barber Vintage Festival celebrated its eight year this October, and as expected, a record crowd of over 80,000 visitors attended the show, making it the single largest vintage motorcycle event in history.

A full weekend of racing was scheduled, and the wonderful weather provided for some of the best motorcycle competition of all sorts from mid-Thursday through late Sunday afternoon.

One of the highlights of the entire Barber Vintage Festival weekend comes every year at noon on Saturday, when the Antique Motorcycle Club of America’s Confederate Chapter puts on “The Race of the Century”. This once a year race is only open to machines 100 years old and older, and is always a favorite among the thousands of spectators attending the races.

This year, more than ten riders made up a field of well prepared machines, ranging from a 1906 Griffon V-twin ridden by Will Paley to three 1912 Indians, which were among the lastest machines to make the 100 year cutoff. Of the dozen or so riders, several were returning ROC veterans including last year’s Champion Joe “Slo-jo” Gardella aboard his original 1912 Harley Twin.

Wheels Through Time fielded two entries this year — Matt Walksler on a former Race of the Century Championship Machine – a beautifully original 1911 Indian 500cc Single on which Dale captured victory in the Single Cylinder Class in 2011; and Dale aboard a powerful 1000cc Indian V-twin of 1912 vintage.

Once all machines were in their proper starting positions, AMCA Confederate Chapter President David Lloyd sent them off with a wave of the green flag for 2-laps on the 2.3-mile world class Barber Road Course. Out of the gate, Matt took the lead into the first downhill sweeping turn and the race was on.

The course winds through 17 turns and over 85 feet of elevation change, and can quickly separate the field if machines aren’t properly tuned for optimal track performance. By the fifth turn, it became clear the race would be between three machines; Gardella’s 1912 Harley, and the Walkslers’ 1911 and 1912 Indian’s. Sweeping through the curves at speeds above 50 miles per hour, the trio stayed within 10 bike lengths for much of the race.

As they entered the last turn before the finish line straightaway, only a few feet separated 1st from 3rd place. Midway through the 90-degree bend, the rear tire of the 1911 Indian gave way with a loud bang, causing the bike to roll to a stop. Instantly, the three-man race turned into a final straightaway between the pair of 1912s — one Harley and one Indian. With only a few hundred yards to go, Walksler gave the 1912 Indian a last twist of the throttle and pulled ahead, capturing yet another checkered flag in record time.

The recent win became Dale’s third Race of the Century victory. In 2006 he piloted the world’s oldest running Indian — a 1903 Single — to a checkered flag against Bruce Linsday, and in 2011, he brought home a victory in the Single Cylinder Class aboard the same 1911 Indian that blew a tire in this years race.

Keep an eye on the Velocity Channel for coverage of this years race, who was on hand shooting footage for a new series about Dale and all that goes on at Wheels Through Time.

NEWEST BIKERNET READER COMMENT— Hollister 1947 & The Birth of the American Biker


This is an amazing story into the origin of the notorious bike clubs that started the whole biker lifestyle. Well written and presented.

— Paul “Goblin” Parkinson
Raceview, Queensland, Australia

I’ll let Bill Hayes, the esteemed author, know.–Bandit

BAKER DRIVE TRAIN BIKERNET TECH QUESTION–Dude! Pics were great… Info was great…. but I am left with a question!

Wondering on the ball and ramp assembly (Looking at your pics I don’t see room), if and extended length shift arm could be added. Why?…. I am looking at doing the same thing on a ‘99 fatty, and have a suicide shift with brass knuckle clutch mounted on the shift arm itself… just a straight up pull to clutch while shifting.. works sweet…BUT…

Had to add the longer arm on the ball and ramp assembly, as well as a small lever type pulley to gain some mechanical advantage to work the clutch…. It all works great, but going to a kick start and losing the extended arm in the ramp assembly, well, I would have to spend a winter using my left hand more on those cold nights to be able to shift the thing…..

Since I seen the article, I see I found a guy with some experience with the F5K kit… so what do ya think?

–Gary Wyness

The F5K uses special ball and ramps. They are un like H-D in that instead of the coupler, there is a ferrule that goes on the end of the cable instead of the H-D coupler. Therefore, there is no room to extend the length of the ball ramp.

We do offer a Hydraulic F5K kit if that is any help.

–James Simonelli
Baker Drivetrain


IOWA JEWELER OFFERS FREE RIFLES WITH RINGS– Have you spent your life hunting for the perfect wife? Maybe you have met the one but are feeling gun shy? An Iowa jeweler is offering free rifles for husbands-to-be who spend at least $1,999 on an engagement ring at his store near Iowa City.

Jeweler Harold van Beek told KCRG near Cedar Rapids that he wanted to “do something for the boy who doesn’t like to hunt for diamonds but likes to hunt for deer.” The deal at Jewelry By Harold in North Liberty starts Thursday and will run through the end of October. The rifle offer is subject to Iowa laws on gun ownership. Those barred include felons and addicts.

–from John Herlihy


INDUSTRY UPDATE FROM AEROMACH—I’m monitoring industry trends.

–Paul Aiken

RIDE AND GONE TO HEAVEN DEAL OF THE WEEK–Imagine you lived in Huntington Beach California; Right across from the Pacific Ocean and had a pool and Jacuzzi. Imagine 360 days of perfect ocean beach fair weather riding down PCH and the spectacular mountains of So Cal.

And imagine this biker friendly three bedroom two bath home cost only $59,500. This fantasy is a reality. It’s in an awesome mobile home community Huntington by the Sea.

This place has a freakin’ fire place and a carport big enough for two cars and four bikes. At this price you can have your cake and eat it too with enough dough left to buy that 2013 Harley Ultra Classic CVO! (Motorcycle price starts at $37,500.00)


Email or call 818-625-6540 


WOMEN RIDERS NOW SUPPORT BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH–  Every year motorcycle-focused companies step forward to do their part for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Now it’s your turn! A portion of the sales from these items will go toward the cause. Check them out, plus find out how to enter the WRN Breast Cancer Awareness Month Giveaway.


COMING TO BIKERNET TRIKES–This aint your daddy’s Trike… The faring started life as a Harley Road Glide, toss in 1967 327 Corvette engine Edlebrock heads with dual Webber carbs and a 2- speed powerglide tranny linked to a Toyota truck rear end and you got one motha Triker. Full Story coming to Bikernet Trikes soon!

[page break]

OLD BLACK BY LC FABRICATIONS – HIGHEST PLACING AMERICAN @ AMD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP– Old Black is an award-winning sportster-based sled from the stables of LC Fabrications built by the artistic mind of Jeremy Cupp. From the enclave of Crawford, VA, Cupp creates premium retro motorcycles that are built around a specific timeline with his artistic interpretation. His guiding principle is to build bikes that look like what would be built in the 30’s if the builders had access to modern technology.

Old Black was built to compete at the 2012 edition of the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building in Sturgis, SD. As a tune up to the Sturgis event, Old Black won the Charlotte edition of the Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show. The win gave Cupp a ticket to the Ultimate Builder national show, which took place during Daytona Bike Week. There Old Black took first place in the FreeStyle category making it the US National Champion. The machine then went on to the 2012 AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building in Sturgis where it captured second place in the coveted FreeStyle Class, making him the top American finisher in this year’s competition.

As the top placing American, Cupp will represent American builders as the leading member of the 2014 Team USA at the AMD World Championship in Europe.

History is important to Cupp. Old Black was built to connect the historic hill climb events in Sturgis with the rally’s custom bike interests. The bike is a hard-tail, twin-drive modified Harley-Davidson with a springer front end and a classic, chain-wrapped rear tire. The finish of the bike makes the first impression. The bike gleams as the paint and bolts are highly polished.

The Sportster-based 1976 Ironhead v-twin sled mimics the lines of a vintage hillclimber. The engine features two rear heads and exposed valve rockers that flow into dual chain drives and dual BSA drum brakes at the rear. The engine runs through a modified Triumph A-10 transmission. The front end is a custom springer fabricated Cupp.

Cupp built LC Fabrications based on a simple idea; a craftsman, working with his own hands and answering to no one, builds works of art based on his own rules.

To see Jeremy Cupp’s creations visit

2012 World Championship competitor
BuilderJeremy Cupp
OwnerJeremy Cupp
LocationCrawford, VA
Country USA
Bike NameOld Black
Year/Model2012 Custom
Engine Make/Size1976 Ironhead 900
DrivetrainBSA A-10, Modified unit Triumph Clutch
Frame Make/TypeLC Fabrications custom
Front EndLC Fabrications Custom Springer
Rake30 deg
Wheels Front19″ BSA
Wheels Rear19″ Triumph
Tires Front19″ coker
Tires Rear19″ coker
Brakes Frontn/a
Brakes RearDual BSA Drums
PainterLC Fabrications
Chroming/PlatingCeramic coating by BREW
Additional InfoJackshafted dual rear drive, 2 rear ironheads, cylinder and head cooling fins reworked, custom exposed valvetrain by LC Fabrications, WLA military rear fender, dual Amal Carbs, all other parts handmade by LC Fabrications.


LOST SPITFIRES RECOVERY–  Burma has signed a deal with a British aviation enthusiast to allow the excavation of dozens of vintage Spitfire fighter planes that have been buried since the Second World War.

The British Embassy said that the agreement was reached after discussions between president Thein Sein and David Cameron during his visit to Burma earlier this year.

Aviation enthusiast David Cundall discovered the locations of the planes after years of searching. The planes are believed to be in good condition, since they were reportedly packed in crates and hidden by British forces to keep them out of the hands of invading Japanese.

Excavating is due to begin by the end of the month. Htoo Htoo, managing director of Mr Cundall’s Burma partner company said: “It took 16 years for Mr Cundall to locate the planes buried in crates. We estimate that there are at least 60 Spitfires buried and they are in good condition.

“This will be the largest number of Spitfires in the world,” he said. “We want to let people see those historic fighters, and the excavation of these fighter planes will further strengthen relations.”

The British Embassy described the agreement as a chance to work with Burma’s new reformist government “in uncovering, restoring, displaying these fighter planes.”

“We hope that many of them will be gracing the skies of Britain and as discussed, some will be displayed here in Burma,” said an embassy spokesman.

Burma has since last the past year turned away from many of the repressive policies of the previous military government and patched up relations with Western nations that had previously shunned it.

Mr Cundall’s quest to find the planes involved 12 trips to Burma and more than £130,000 pounds.
–MSN news

–from Bob Clark

BAD JOHNNY– The teacher was asking her students what they wanted to be when they grow up. It was Johnny’s turn. Johnny: “I wanna be a billionaire and go to expensive clubs. Find a bitch there, buy her a million dollar apartment in Vegas. Get her a Ferrari. Buy her a beach house in Miami, a jet to fly with, get her expensive jewelry and have sex with her 3 times a day.”
The teacher was lost for words and didn’t know what to do. She just proceeded along and asked Marie what she wanted to be.
Marie replied: “Without a doubt ma’am, I’d like to be Johnny’s bitch!!”



TOM CALDWELL/OLD GUYS DO RULE RACING– SMOKING HOT at the ROCK–  Tom Caldwell/Old Guys Do Rule Racing with a #2 in National points, after a short season with the AMRA (American Motorcycle Racing Assoc) under his belt, Caldwell was totally ready to ROCK at the ROCK.

“Dana Eckhardt and I had a fabulous time at the infamous Rockingham Dragway. The weather couldn’t have been better and we were running great. After running a 8.10 and 8.12 ET last spring, we were sure we could squeeze a little more out of the ol’ beast. And we did, we ran a 7.967 ET at 162.45 MPH on Saturday (The national record is 7.892, very close!).

We ran in the 8.1s on Sunday to take the win against protagonist (and good friend 😉 John “OJ” Marinelli.

The 7.967 made us the 5th AHDRA Pro Stocker to join the AHDRA 7 SECOND CLUB. Shaun Reno came by to congratulate me. Thanks Shaun that meant a lot to me.

This is especially satisfying as, I use CONVENTIONAL S&S ROCKER ARMS and not a Jessel valve train and no automatic transmission!.

There is still more there. I wanted to back it up but, the good air disappeared on Sunday.

I will say it again, SA (Steve Allstaedt) HORSEPOWER!!!!!!!

The weekend was not without some chaos. On the 3rd qualifying run, it drove through the clutch again and then it hit and spun the tire and drove me to the right to the centerline. I wrestled it back and still managed a 8.139.

After going through the traps, I chopped the throttle and grabbed the clutch. Surprise, No clutch!

Ok, ride the motor down, till it started bucking, clip the ignition and slid to a stop and then find neutral and push it to the side of the track. The track crew was on top of the situation as I rolled to the turn off.

I get back to the pits and find the threaded end of my mainshaft had snapped off. Man, I am glad the clutch pulley did not come flying off! That could be bad in many ways.

So, I tear it down, evaluate the situation. Craig Cochran called a friend, Patrick Lamb (Man, I cannot thank him enough), who picked up the my damaged mainshaft and drove it to Rockingham from Knoxville over night!

He saved the day and I dedicate the win to HIM!
It was also, great to have Craig and Angi in the pits with us. He crewed for my during the 06 and 07 season; a good friend

I had exploded my spare trans and damaged the mainshaft. I only had one mainshaft left and it just broke.

Got up early Sunday morning, took my Dremel and lap stones and proceeded to make do with what I had. After some massaging, the gears would slide on the spines.
Start it up, put it on the stands, and see if it would shift! IT DID!

Next, the clutch has been giving me inconsistent 60 ft times for a couple of races. It was tormenting me, and I awoke at 4 am Sunday morning with the answer (funny how the mind solves a problem), and the issue was corrected. Another save.

HogScrap Brands joined us at the “ROCK” displaying their All AMERICAN made products my pit area. Be sure to stop by next season. Their products are truly unique and shirts are comfy soft.

I wish to express my gratitude to Robert Minge for his assistance me with the fuel cost, for the rig. THANK YOU!

I am now 1st in the points, and can’t wait to get to No Problem, to hopefully win the Pro Stock Championship; which would bring my national championship total to 3. Plus, I have family there and plan to bring some GULF SEAFOOD back to ROCKY TOP! “

2012 Results to date:
8 #1 qualifier’s
5 wins!
2 runner up

Not too shabby for the “Old Guys Do Rule Racing Team”

Thanks to:


JANET (Sister)
DAN (Nephew)

Caldwell’s merchandise can be found on:


VERN’S FUNERAL– Vern works hard at the Phone Company but spends two nights each week bowling, and plays golf every Saturday.  His wife thinks he’s pushing himself too hard, so for his birthday she takes him to a local Strip club.

The doorman at the club greets them and says, “Hey, Vern! How ya doin?” His wife is puzzled and asks if he’s been to this club before. 

“Oh no,” says Vern. “He’s in my bowling league .”

When they are seated, a waitress asks Vern if he’d like his usual and brings over a Budweiser.

His wife is becoming increasingly uncomfortable and says, “How did she know that you drink Budweiser?”

“I recognize her, she’s the waitress from the golf club. I always have a Bud at the end of the 1st nine, honey.” A stripper then comes over to their table, throws her arms around Vern, starts to rub herself all over him and says… “Hi Vern. Want your usual table dance, big boy?”

Vern’s wife, now furious, grabs her purse and storms out of the club. Vern follows and spots her getting into a cab. Before she can slam the door, he jumps in beside her.

Vern tries desperately to explain how the stripper must have mistaken him for someone else, but his wife is having none of it  She is screaming at him at the top of her lungs, calling him every 4 letter word in the book..

The cabby turns around and says, ‘Geez Vern, you picked up a real bitch this time.’

–from Jim Waggaman


DIRECT REPLACEMENT STEEL TOURING FENDER FROM PAUGHCO ELIMINATES TRIM AND LIGHTS–These awesome steel fenders now available from Paughco are designed for 2000 thru 2012 touring models. A direct bolt-on replacements for stock fender (OEM 59045-00B) this latest addition to the industry’s largest selection of custom/replacement H-D and chopper fenders allow the elimination of lights and other trim without welding, filling, etc.

Fenders are precision fabricated to attach at stock factory mounting holes and are supplied in raw 14-gauge steel, ready for prep and paint.

Suggested retail is $313.39 each which can be ordered by calling 775-246-5738 or go on line to


BIKER’S CHOICE HEADS TO DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST–Are you headed to the 20th Annual Biketoberfest in beautiful Daytona Beach, Florida this weekend? The dates are October 18th-21st.

We are located at J&P Cycles Destination Daytona location. Make sure to stop by and say hello to our people, and maybe buy some gear! We have a lot of new merchandise to show you, Frogg Toggs rain gear, River Road vest, jackets and gloves, FirstGear, T-Bags saddlebags, GoPro Camera’s, Cardo Scala Rider, Skid Lids; and that’s just SOME of the great product we have!


Looking forward to some great weather and talking to some great riders!!

Happy Riding!

Midnight Rider is back with OPERATION THUNDERTAKER!–What better than the Himalayas to cleanse your soul? Lisette and I will be riding Royal Enfield motorcycles; it will be awesome. We’ll be traveling 1,500 miles through the Himalayas. The terrain is rugged, the weather unpredictable, and we’ll sleep at local Monasteries, traveling through places frozen in time for thousands of years.

An adventure of a lifetime, man/woman, machine and the mountains. Both of us are in good health but most people have some varying response to high altitude. Taking Diamox, prescribed by your doctor during the trip will help, although Viagra has a similar effect of increasing blood flow at high altitude.


By Jeffrey Cassady BUSINESS WRITER, Daytona News Journal

DAYTONA BEACH — Biketoberfest has arrived and so have thousands of bikers from around the country. And, they brought their wallets.

Some hotels and campgrounds are already booked for the event, which rolls Thursday through Sunday, and area shops and restaurants expect to do big business over the weekend, too.
“We’re already sold out,” said Brian O’Dwyer of the 98-site Daytona/Speedway KOA campground, which he co-owns.

O’Dwyer also is co-owner of two other camping areas, Racetrack RV on International Speedway Boulevard and Daytona Beach KOA on Nova Road, and he expects both to be sold out by the weekend. On Wednesday, the 350-site Daytona Beach KOA was at 90 percent capacity, O’Dwyer said.

Biketoberfest attracts an estimated 100,000 motorcycle enthusiasts. And, many of those bikers are already here, O’Dwyer said.

“(Business is) better than it was last year, and people are showing up early, too,” O’Dwyer said. “For these bikers, (Biketoberfest is) a weeklong event, regardless of what the city (of Daytona Beach) says.”

Likewise, Volusia hotels expect to show improvement over last year’s Biketoberfest business.

“We’re growing every year,” said Bob Davis, president and CEO of the Hotel and Lodging Association of Volusia County. “The economy is improving, But, regardless of the economy, people need to get out of the house.”

Bikers began trickling into the Ramada Inn on International Speedway Boulevard earlier in the week, said Chris Fagan, the hotel’s general manager. Half of the Ramada’s 128 rooms were filled on Tuesday, Fagan added, and the hotel is booked for the weekend. “It’s a nice little bump,” Fagan said of Biketoberfest business. “Every bit helps.”

Business also has been good at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort on Atlantic Avenue. The 744-room hotel is booked through most of the weekend and at more than 90 percent occupancy for the rest, said Jason Reader, the hotel’s general manager. Rates are also up slightly, he added.

Restaurants and stores also plan to be packed this weekend.

“On (Biketoberfest) weekends, we get slammed,” said Kandie Lewis, shift manager at the Burger King across from the Ocean Walk Shoppes on Atlantic Avenue.

Lewis said the fast-food restaurant’s business usually doubles during Biketoberfest, with most of the additional business coming from bikers.
“It’s a huge weekend. It always is,” said Paul Politis, president of Gator Beach & Sport, a sports apparel and gifts store next to the Burger King. “It’s a big boost for everybody.”

Things might be hopping in Volusia County, but they’ve been a bit slow at Mike Patel’s hotel in Flagler County.
“It’s a little slow compared to last year,” said Patel, owner of the 58-room Topaz Motel/Hotel in Flagler Beach. The motel was about 70 percent filled on Wednesday, Patel said, adding that rainy weather might have kept bikers away.

–from Rogue



Man, this gal gets around. Glad she has taken note of Dave Barr, read Riding the Edge years ago and he truly is an inspiration, drives home the truism that the only thing that holds one back is lack of determination.
Go get it Ms Betsy!
— Capt Ed
Corolla, NC

IN BIKERNET TRIKES RIGHT NOW–Why didn’t Volkswagen build the GX3?
GX3 was conceived for the U.S. by the Moonraker team and VWs Design Center in California

5.7 seconds to go from 0-62.5 mph (100 km/h) and the fuel consumption in the city is estimated to be 46 mpg (5.2 l/100 km)

Retail price $17,000 with 46 MPG
–Gary Mraz
Extreme Editor of Bikernet Trikes


BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL EDITOR CHECKING IN FROM CHINA–Been here three days now – plus two in Guangzhou – have yet to se the sun unfiltered through the “fog”
There have been a few moments when it was strong enough to cast a shadow.

The place remInds me of Vegas in a few ways.
Stepping outside early morning the temperature is warm but not hot.
Tall buildings around wide streets – not much traffic and old neighborhoods hidden from view.
Humidity is dry – very comfortable.

Wednesday we went to the Canton Fair – 112th session – they do two a year.
50,000 plus vendors booths !! Everything and everything produced is available here.

The motorcycle section only has 250 cc and under – cannot make larger bikes here.

Facebook is banned in the PRC – Peoples Republic of China

Walked arouund the hood – quite a bit to see here. Big, new mall – nice.

Been eating Chinese food – very authentic – not so much like American Chinese food.
I did not see egg foo young on any menu – or chop suey.

Getting in about 1 or 2 am – getting up about 9 or so.

Few bars but many KTV’s – not my style – much money little fun;
Unless you call hearing someone sing terribly off key fun.

Had a couple of Western style dinners – BBQ one night, a burger the other, as I won’t do steak.
Have never found a steak outside the US to compare with the US.

Lots of electric motorscooters/bikes and light delivery vehicles.
Speaking of vehicles – they honk horns almost as much as Saigon –

In spite of people throwing trash all around, the streets are reasonably clean.
And the streets are very wide – traffic fairly predictable – light signals etc.

Seems helmets are optional.

Fewer motorbike here than any SE Asian city I visit.

Little English signage – gotta guess or go inside to see.

Few menus have any English written – gotta rely on the pictures.

It looks like life here is good in general – on the surface things seem okay.
In the two major cities things are orderly and clean, modern – everything is available.
Taxi’s are reasonable – people are considerate in general – they do look at us more here in Chammping.
Even had a few want to take pictures with us. Rock Stars !!!

Tomorrow, Friday, will go back to the Manufacturers show in Guangzhou on my way to airport.
Then on to Bangkok.

That’s it for now

–Art Hall
Bikernet International Editor and Emperor

[page break]


El Mirage, 3 days, Oct. 21, Sunday

Quite the week in Morgan Hill working on the 5-BALL Raycer , seems the project kicked off in Salem, Oregon at R/T Performance early June of this year, almost five months ago. Just yesterday I packed my road kit and hit the unknown road seeking the quest for speed, building the ultimate land speed racer.

Five months later at the Beach Racing and Hobby Shop in Morgan Hill, Ca. and we’re paying attention to the smallest life-saving details while keeping the K I S S theory on the top of the to-do list. All nuts and bolts are thoroughly cleaned, (brake cleaner), thread locker applied, fresh flats and lock washers are installed where necessary, proper torque, cotter keys and or safety wire. The way we’re building this machine you might think someone’s life depends on the details.

Today we fabricated a piece of ½-inch angle iron to securely mount the Pingel shift light, Pingel kill switch, boost gage and an Auto Meter Tach to read the rpms at warp speed on or of off the race track.

This week end we tackle the brake cylinders and calipers for needed stopping power. We’ll be installing the latest Lyndall Racing Brakes, front and rear by the end of the month. The latest in braking technology, ceramic composite rotors with brake pads using material transfer theory. The pads will deposit a thin layer of material on the rotor giving the rider the ability to stop using race car technology. You stop brake pad material to brake pad material with a 60% reduction in rotating mass.

Just this week we started our suspension program with the crew at Race Tech in Corona. We provided necessary weights to calculate the proper spring rate front and rear. We’ll keep you informed as we move along.

The Raycer weighed in today at (DRY Weight) 557 lbs. a Sportster comes in at 536 to 553, a Busa, 525 lbs., Dyna weighs 648 dry, a V-Rod at 637 and an Electra Glide a slim and trim 889 pounds. The big boy of the bunch might have a hundred horses hidden under the hood on a good day. Our 5-Ball Racing Team, Turbo Charged Twin Cam in the 275 horsepower plus range with modest boost.

My ass is still draggin’ from last week. Ah, but the light at the end of the tunnel shines brightly everyday.

Ride like everyday might be your last, tell your family you love them.

Haul Ass!
Ride for your Life!
–Ray c wheeler
Performance Editor


SWEDISH CHOPPER FACTORY–Calles Chopperdelar of Sweden is after 40 years in the trade one of the few remaining shops who both do parts and bikes. It all started on the Swedish countryside in Calles fathers barn! Milking cows on the right, Calle making girder frontends on the left, what a sight. Slowly growing through the years, he and his crew of ten, now handle everything except chrome.

The customers gets a tailor-made frame, frontend or brake, you name it. That’s the secret.
If they don’t have it they make it. Calle just celebrated his 60th with the launch of a retro gas station and a museum with 2-wheelers of all sizes.
No vacaition just having fun at work!


V-Twin EXPO EXHIBITORS Up the Ante– Long-time and new exhibitors increase dealer offerings at the 13th Annual V-Twin Expo.

Agoura Hills, CA— (October 15, 2012) V-Twin Expo Exhibitors have upped the ante for attending dealers at the upcoming 13th Annual V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati, OH next February. On top of displaying their newest and most advanced products and services, exhibitors have added interactive in-booth demonstrations as well as attendee only Show Specials.

“Based on research, we know dealers attending the V-Twin Expo come to learn about product, trends and how to increase their profits. By attending, dealers have an edge over their competition. Being able to see and meet the creator or manufacturer of the products first hand, and see how products perform, is a big win for dealers and exhibitors,” explained Jim Betlach, Show Producer. “We also know attending dealers place a high value on Show Specials exhibitors extend to them. This year, those Show Specials become even more enticing since many, many exhibitors will offer added values to dealers present at the V-Twin Expo.”

The V-Twin Expo has a preliminary list of exhibitors committed to enhancing their Show Specials as well as offering in-booth demonstrations. Those exhibitors include: Avon Motorcycle Tyres North America, Barnett Tool & Eng., Bike Brite, Centramatic, Cometic Gasket, Custom Cycle Engineering, Cycle Electric, Cyco Gaskets, Goodridge USA, Headwinds Inc., Helmet City Inc (HCI Helmets), Henry Ham Insurance Agency, Inc., Hawg Halters/HHI, Horsepower, IronWorks Magazine, Jim Nasi Customs, Kibblewhite Precision Machining, MIC Systems & Software, National Motorcycle Museum, Öhlins USA, Performance Machine, Revolution Performance LLC, Rivera Primo Inc., S&S Cycle, Inc., Sign of the Times, Superchips, Symtec, UltraCool Oil Cooling System, Wimmer Custom Cycle, Wood Performance, Yean Horng Enterprise Co., Ltd., Yuasa Battery. Watch for more details on the V-Twin Expo website.

The V-Twin Expo held at the Duke Energy Convention Center in downtown Cincinnati consistently attracts thousands of dealers from the US, Canada and around the world. In 2013, new show hours will be Saturday, February 2 from 8:00AM – 6:00PM and Sunday, February 3 from 9:00AM – 5:00PM. For more details on show hours and to register as a v-twin dealer or exhibitor, please visit us at: Follow us online on Facebook at V-Twin Expo and on Twitter @VTwinExpoCincy.


BIKERNET ATTENDS DINNER AT GRANDMA’S–elderly lady was invited to an old friend’s home for dinner one evening. She was impressed by the way her lady friend preceded every request to her husband with endearing terms such as: Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, etc.

The couple had been married almost 70 years and, clearly, they were still very much in love.

While the husband was in the living room, her lady friend leaned over to her hostess to say, ‘I think it’s wonderful that, after all these years, you still call your husband all those loving names.’

The elderly lady hung her head, ‘I have to tell you the truth,’ she said, ‘his name slipped my mind about 10 years ago, and I’m scared to death to ask the cranky old asshole what his name is.’

–from Jim Waggaman

GET IN THE SHOW – ULTIMATE BUILDER ATLANTA EDITION NOV 2-4–Enter the J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Competition in Atlanta on Nov 2-4. We are awarding $7,000 in prize money, a FREE pro photo shoot and an editorial for the Editor’s Choice winner in IronWorks Magazine. Details here… The Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show is produced by


A novel study of the eating habits of 80,000 people in the U.K. by Dartmouth College and Britain’s University of Warwick has found that happiness and mental health are correlated with consuming seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

The researchers looked at the number of fruits and vegetables the study subjects typically ate and compared it to each person’s life satisfactions, mental well-being, and self-report of health, happiness, nervousness and how often they feel low. The investigators also factored in other variables including what else the individuals ate, their alcohol consumption plus a number of social, economic and demographic factors.

They found that happiness and mental health rise in a “dose-response way” with the number of daily servings of fruit and vegetables and found that well-being appears to peak at seven. The upshot of this study is that by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, we may be able to support and benefit our mental and emotional health, and not just our physical health.

My take? My anti-inflammatory diet calls for four to five servings of vegetables per day plus three to four servings of fruit. The focus of this eating plan is to help counteract chronic inflammation, a root cause of many serious diseases, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, age-related disorders including many cancers, and autoimmune diseases including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

This new study suggests that there are perhaps even more benefits to consuming fresh produce. We know that food affects mood – why else reach for “comfort foods” when you’re feeling low? If this study is right about the impact of fruits and vegetables on feelings of well-being, making sure you get all seven servings may prove to have benefits beyond keeping inflammation at bay.
What Makes the Anti-Inflammatory Diet Healthy?
From the best grains and oils to which fish to enjoy (and which to avoid), eating for your health can seem challenging – but it doesn’t have to be!

–Dr. Weil

DON’T MISS 2WHEELERS ON MAIN IN DAYTONA DURING BIKETOBERFEST– Check out the new wall art at 2wheelers Main Street Daytona Biketoberfest 2012.
Don’t miss checkin’ in with Arlin and Donna.


DEER TAKE DEADLY TOLL ON MOTORCYCLISTS–  “When a deer collides with a vehicle that weighs a couple of tons, the fragile animal almost always gets the worst of it. When a deer meets a motorcycle on the roadway, both the rider and the deer may suffer the same fate,” stated the Washington Post in reporting on research by AAA that found that seven of the eight people who died in crashes involving deer over a three-year period in Maryland and Virginia were motorcyclists. Nationwide, the auto club said, about 70% of deer-crash fatalities involve motorcycles.

“Because they are riding on two wheels, motorcycle riders and their passengers are especially vulnerable when they smash into a deer,” said John B. Townsend II, an AAA spokesman.

The deer mortality rate becomes most evident this time of year, as the mating season has more deer on the move. Their carcasses by the roadside attest to the danger that the lure of romance poses for them and for drivers.

In 2010, the latest year for which there are national statistics, 403 people were killed in accidents involving deer.

Read the entire Bill Bish NCOM Coast to Coast Legislative news in the next couple of days on Bikernet.—Bandit


BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE WEEK– “Politics has become so expensive that it takes a lot of money even to be defeated.” — Will Rogers

–from Dr. Willie


Looking for a killer deal on an awesome custom chopper? Then check this out! This bike is fully loaded with custom chromed wheels, (21″ in front, 18″ out back), custom orange paint, dual carb system, custom radius exhaust, open primary, Headwinds headlight, mid controls, belt drive, and more.


Come see it today! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.


THE MASTER, UNCLE MONKEY ON CHANGE–Change is a necessity of life and yet it is something that some of us struggle with. To them everything will stay the same, seasons will come a go but life will be consistent. It’s not. Just as the seasons change we must learn and adapt, failing to brings about extinction. To them life is an all-or- nothing proposition. They don’t see the gray area where we can improve, where we can grow.

Harley-Davidson while very similar, very reminiscent of the bikes of old has changed and evolved as times changed. While we maybe able to see the heart and soul of a rigid Knucklehead in today’s Softail the bike had to change. Hidden rear suspension, six speed transmissions, EFI, ABS, and a motor that will run miles around the best built Pan or Knuckle, they are all improvements made, improvements necessary for the motorcycle to survive.

“If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it” can only take you so far. Imagine if Harley had decided the 1948 Panhead was the pinnacle of motorcycles, that every Harley today was built the exact same way, the same motorcycle year after year. I doubt Harley would still be around and almost wasn’t before AMF. Did you know that the same Indian transmission from 1915 was being installed in Indian Chiefs in 1952.

Change is inevitable. We all get older, our taste change, our expectations change. We used to ride cross-country on rigid bikes, but now we can barely walk after a few hours on a Softail, so we switch to Electra Glides. We loved spending hours in the shop or on the side of the road fixing bikes, but eventually we just want a bike to throw our leg over and ride until the sun sets.

Younger kids today don’t have a problem with EFI’s and computer control systems, they plug in their computers and tweak away but the day won’t be far off when they will have an app for their iPhone to download and upload to their bikes in a moments notice. Imagine screaming, tire shredding performance at your fingertips that can be calmed to a cross-country fuel-efficient bike that runs on a single cylinder when at traffic lights.

Some of you are snickering at the idea but it is closer then you think. It is inevitable.
So should we throw tradition to the junk heap and embrace this fast paced technology-driven machine outpacing us? No. Traditions are what have got us to where we are. Today’s roads and railroads are still based on the roads the Romans built. A big bonfire and intoxicating drink will always bring us together; we’ll just be listening to an iPod instead of an 8-track, instead of a traveling minstrel.

-bad Uncle Monkey

WIN, RUNNER UP and Semi’s for Capone Racing, Bammer Racing & Team HeadBlade–It was a fabulous birthday weekend for Larry “Drums” Brancaccio along with team members of Capone Racing and Team HeadBlade at THE ROCK, Rockingham Dragway for the Jim McClure Nitro Nationals Presented by Carolina Harley-Davidson Dealers Association.

Brancaccio was runner up in a fast and furious 15 bike field in the AHDRA Screamin’ Eagle Top Fuel class. He qualified 5th this weekend with a 6.341 ET almost bracket bike style also running a 6.40 and a 6.47 ET; his fastest mph was 217 mph and with a can of special whoop-*ss fuel for the final round, was runner up in a very tight 1/4 mile with points leader and reigning AHDRA national champion, Douglas Horne. Great weekend for Bammer Racing.

Consistency was the name of the game in the Pro Mod side of the pits with Frank Capone extending his points lead in the AHDRA Pro Mod class with a win at the Rock. Capone qualified #2 with an 8.343 ET and Shaun Reno’s Team HeadBlade qualified number 3 with an 8.391 ET. Team HeadBlade made rounds to the semi’s and is anxiously waiting as the points to be officially tallied in the quick gas class. Tuner, Steve Allstaedt was in and out of the pits on Saturday and Sunday adding his expertise and tweaks to the Pro Mod bikes.

Although the action on the track is quick and fast, photographer Kelsie and Katy Miller are documenting the teams action both off and on the track. Please check out the websites for more great images.

It’ll be all hands on deck for the final AHDRA event of the season at No Problem Dragway, Belle Rose, LA, Oct. 26-29th.

The date of the Championship Banquet has yet to be announced but is traditionally in March at the season opener. Watch for the 2013 calendar coming soon.

Capone’s team consists of Mark Godin, Richard Murray, Craig Fisher, Lorne Buchanan and Katy Miller.
Capone Racing sponsors and friends supporting Capone’s record breaking season include: G&G Engineering, DAS Performance, L. Buchanan Co., Gannos Machine, Energy One Clutches, Vanson Leathers and all the staff at Capone Landscape.

Capone can be reached at:

Reno’s team includes his wife, Kim; crew chief, Ricky Stewart and photographer extrodiarre, Kelsie

Special thanks to: HeadBlade, Inc., Hampton Roads Harley Davidson, Energy One Clutches, SA (Steve Allstaedt) Racing
Reno can be reached at:
phone (804)642-0554


HALLOWEEN PARTY APPROACHING–our first year anniversary / halloween party is quickly approaching.. just 6 days away!

Check the most recent flyer.
See you there!


BANDIT’S CANTINA AIN’T BAD–Bandit, I have been a member of Bandit’s Cantina now for approx 5 yrs., love it! Keep up the good work. I will keep on subscribing!

Hope to get out there one day for a tour of the Headquarters. Ride safe & keep ‘em between the ditches & 2 wheels on the ground.

— J.R (Bucky) Wilkerson, Jr. AKA “The Wanderer”

P.S. Let me know when you are out here on the east coast are Maryland, stop on by. You are always welcome! Got a place to rest your head.


RELAX—Why not? Seems like a calm enough weekend ahead. Maybe it’s the calm before the elections and holiday storms. Good God. I visited my first wife this week. She’s in a very bad way with breast cancer. She has always been highly religious and asked me to pray. I promised I would.

I’ve had bouts with religion, some good and some bad. Our history is fraught with problems, torture, murder, and mayhem around religions. We are facing terrorists threats behind a religion right now. I have another close friend who is a devout Catholic, and he hammers me. He talked to me about doubts. Newsweek recently published an article about a surgeon who was in a coma and close to death. He wasn’t religious, but he woke up in Heaven and returned to write a book about it.

I tried to express to my friend my thoughts of God and religion. And let’s see if I can make sense here. It’s not about doubts. It’s about hope and wishing, when man has bungled religion badly. So, maybe we all need to pray once a day. For just a quiet minute each day, every thought will be pure, relaxed, and wishful for a more peaceful, tranquil earth. Can’t be anything wrong with that. Even Dr. Weil talks of spiritual tranquility as a source of positive health.

Then go for a ride,

Ride Forever,


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