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Black Sunshine Customs New Oil Filter– Macon, Illinois, March 24- Black Sunshine Customs is introducing their new oil filter. This is the second-generation oil filter that has been CNC machined for accuracy and is now available in machined Aluminum or Brass. It uses a standard Harley spin-on filter. You have the choice of black or chrome filter and it includes all of the mounting hardware. Please specify weld on clamp or bolt on clamp. Bolt on clamps are available in 1?, 1 1/8? 1 1/4? or 1 3/8? tubing size. Available at
–Brian Elliott

As stated on your website, SB 435 is intended to address the excessive emissions caused by the replacement of catalytic converters with more polluting ?custom? exhaust systems. To accomplish this objective, the bill would amend the Health and Safety Code to require biennial ?Smog Check? inspections for model year 2000 and newer motorcycles beginning on January 1, 2012. The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) agrees that the removal of catalysts on late-model motorcycles is a problem, but for the reasons described below, we are certain that adding motorcycles to the Smog Check program will not be an effective solution.
The fundamental problem with attempting to prevent catalyst removal through biennial inspections is that it takes, on average, less than one hour to change a motorcycle exhaust system. The vast majority of owners who have removed catalysts can be expected to reinstall the catalyst only for as long as it takes to pass Smog Check once every two years.
There are three other problems with a change in legislation that causes model year 2000 and newer motorcycles to be treated just like cars and trucks under the Smog Check program. First, Health and Safety Code section 44012 specifies that the test performed on all vehicles registered in ?enhanced? areas ?shall require, at a minimum, loaded mode dynamometer testing.? The dynamometers used in Smog Check stations were not designed for motorcycles and it has never been demonstrated that high-volume dynamometer testing can be safely and cost-effectively done for motorcycles. Being ?single track? vehicles, motorcycles are unstable when operated on a chassis dynamometer. Failure to properly restrain the front wheel significantly increases the risk of accidents.
The second problem is that dynamometer tests will not be effective in identifying catalyst removal. Unlike passenger cars, motorcycles are certified based on each manufacturer?s fleet average emissions: a particular model is allowed to have higher emissions if another model has sufficiently low emissions to allow the average of a manufacturer?s production to meet the applicable standards. This makes it infeasible to make a pass-fail decision based on the measured emissions from a particular model. The problem that the bill is attempting to address (i.e., the removal of catalysts) can be more reliably determined through a simple visual inspection.
The third problem with treating motorcycles like cars and trucks is that the motorcycles most responsible for excessive emissions would be exempted from testing. As the bill is written, motorcycles would be subject to the provisions of existing law that exempt from testing ?all motor vehicles six or less model-years old.? This provision makes perfect sense for cars and trucks because there is an overwhelming body of evidence that very few cars or trucks emit excessively until they are more than six years old. However, catalyst removal is just as much of a problem with new motorcycles as with older models. In addition, newer motorcycles are ridden much more frequently. By the time they are more than six years old, annual average mileage accumulation has dropped significantly.
There is an alternative to Smog Checks that would be much more effective in preventing the removal of catalysts from motorcycles. With MIC?s encouragement, the Air Resources Board recently adopted a regulation allowing the sale of catalyst-equipped aftermarket exhaust systems. Until this recent change, it was illegal for a manufacturer of aftermarket exhaust systems to sell a system with a catalyst even if the aftermarket system was as effective as the original equipment system. Under the new regulation, motorcycle owners can customize their exhaust systems without increasing emissions. Now what is needed is an incentive for owners to use emissions-legal systems every day (not just one day every two years).
For more than two years, MIC has been working with the Society of Automotive Engineers on the development of a new sound test procedure for on-road motorcycles that will discourage the replacement of catalyst-equipped exhaust systems with unbaffled pipes. The new procedure is expected to be published within a few months. Legislation allowing the California Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies to take enforcement action based on this new procedure not only will protect the public from obnoxiously loud motorcycles, but also will be highly effective in identifying motorcycles that have had a catalyst equipped exhaust system replaced by a system with unbaffled pipes.
MIC would be pleased to work with your office and the American Lung Association on the specific changes to the Vehicle Code that would accomplish the objectives of SB 435 using the new sound test procedure. We have draft language available, if you are interested in pursuing this alternative approach.
Pamela Amette
If you wish to write the California Senator, here’s the info:
The Honorable Fran Pavley
State Capitol, Room 4035
Sacramento, CA 95814
Subject: Senate Bill 435, Clean Air Equity Act

PONDERISMS FROM THE BIKERNET UNIVERSITY– Never take life seriously? Nobody gets out alive anyway.
There are two kinds of pedestrians: the Quick and the Dead.
Life is sexually transmitted.
Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
–from Chopper Dave Monson

BIKERNET HISTORIC DIGITAL DISCOVERY–Hey Fella?s??found this old pic. That?s me up on the tank with my sister?.
My Dad used to ride this bike to his nite-job as a bartender at the local pub?.the guys at the bar dubbed him ?Chaly Honda?.
Funny story, after awhile, they thought that was his name. My mom called up there one night and asked for Chaly Young?..They said ?Aint No Chaly Young works here Mam??.oh, she was pissed.
Anyhow, probably wasn?t 2 or 3 yrs later, my 5th Birthday, I got my first mini-bike?..all downhill from there!
Anybody know what bike that is?
–Charley Young

WIN PEREWITZ CUSTOM THROUGH ALLSTATE’S GARAGE–Hey Guys check this out ? sign up to win this awesome Bobba by The King of Flames – Dave Perewitz ? IT?S FREE! Check back with for upcoming events!
Hey, Have you heard about the Allstate Motorcycle Sweepstakes? The prize is a Dave Perewitz custom bobber. Better yet, you can get a free Allstate Motorcycle ringtone (trust me, you need a new ringtone). You can sign up at
–from Gina Woods

WHEELS THROUGH TIME ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE UPDATE–Several months back, we were tracking the progress of one of our latest bike builds here on my blog. The bike being built was quiet a rare one — a 1942 Harley-Davidson FL Knucklehead. We captured much of the build on video, and as of this week, you can see them in our Time Machine Video Archives!
The project at hand came to my doorstep in an interesting way. One day at the museum, a fella pulled up with truck and trailer, came up and introduced himself, and let me know he had something that may be of interest to me. After talking a bit, we made our way out to his trailer and, to my surprise, he uncovered a1942 Knucklehead in complete and running condition. “Its for sale” he said. And after a bit of talking, we made a deal.

The bike looked good at first, but after a few days to look at it, we decided it wasn’t all that I thought it was. I’m telling you, this was a real “look before you leap” story. After removing a few parts, and then a few more, then a few more, we had the bike torn down to a bare frame and set of engine cases. Not where I expected to be!!!
New Updates on “Dale’s Blog” at!

INTERNATIONAL Show NewsWe’re All Ears ? Tell Us What You Think! For all those enthusiasts clamoring for the latest and greatest products showcased on next year’s Tour, you’re not alone! The complete 2010 Tour schedule, kicking off around October 2009, will be released once finalized, and as an e-news subscriber, you’ll be the first to know!
To all our enthusiasts: Thank you for sharing your feedback in this year’s Post-Show Survey Your suggestions will soon be hard at work shaping next year’s tour. In case you haven’t given us your thoughts, we’ll keep the survey open for a couple more days.
Now Double Your Chances to Win an iPod By Taking Our Sponsor Survey! The sponsors on tour play a critical role in supporting the International Motorcycle Shows year after year. Without their support, we couldn’t deliver a national show series of this magnitude to over half a million enthusiasts.
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey and you could win an iPod Touch for your feedback! Take the Sponsor Survey
Stay Connected Year-Round! This year’s Tour may be over, but your dedicated International Motorcycle Show team is already gearing up to make the 2010 Tour even better! Stay connected with the shows year-round through updates, news and tidbits on MySpace
Featured Column from Jessica Zalusky– A New Journeyin Life On November 16, 2008, pro racer Jessica Zalusky suffered a stroke that affected the left side of her body. Since then she has been recovering at her home in Minnesota and is working hard to redevelop the everyday skills that she took for granted all her life. But with determination and the support of her husband, family and friends she’s learning new tricks every day. READ JESSICA’S BLOG
Roland Sands discusses his latest charity custom built for Ride for Kids ? “The Mission” —How do you get a chance at a Roland Sands custom Honda CBR 1000RR for $5.00 and feel good about it even if you don’t win? Watch Roland’s Interview.
There’s still time to enter the drawing
At last count, “The Mission” has raised $60,884! We can’t break last year’s record-setting numbers without your support! The drawing ends this month, with a winner announced on May 1, 2009. Tickets are available online

ENGINE DEAL OF THE WEEK–Hey, deal of the week, 84 inch stroker panhead, delkron cases and S&S internals, carb, fairbanks mag, gen, external oiling, o-ring heads. The engine is fresh never run, leinweber cam. Five k. I have the mso for the cases and will give a bill of sale.

ROCKER LITA FORD JOINS BUFFALO CHIP BILL– BUFFALO CHIP CAMPGROUND, SD ?? Iconic hard rock singer-songwriter-guitarist Lita Ford will play at the Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground Monday, Aug. 3 during the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Ford began her career as a founding member and lead guitar player for the hard rockin? all-female band, The Runaways, which also included lead singer Joan Jett.
Ford later went on to a solo career, managed by Sharon Osbourne. Her hits include: ?Kiss Me Deadly, Hungry,? ?Close My Eyes Forever,? (a duet with Ozzy Osbourne), ?Lisa,? ?Shot of Poison,? ?Gotta Let Go,? ?Back To The Cave,? ?Out For Blood,? and ?Fallin In and Out of Love,? which she co-wrote with Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue.
In spite of her striking good looks, Ford established herself as a first-class guitarist and singer-songwriter.
Missing from the stage for 15 years, while she and husband Jim Gillette of the band Nitro raised their two sons, Ford is returning to recording and performing this year with only 75 concert dates. Ford and family live on a deserted Caribbean island.
Ford joins a full slate of events on Monday of the rally including the Legends Ride, The Chip?s annual Tribute to the Military and a performance by Country superstar Toby Keith.
Other confirmed performers for the Buffalo Chip?s concert series include: Aerosmith, George Thorogood & the Destroyers, Billy Squier and counter-culture comics Cheech & Chong. Information and reservations are available at:

Suspected drunken driver rams San Diego house, gaping hole reveals alleged pot farm–SAN DIEGO – Authorities said a 63-year-old man suspected of drunken driving crashed his pickup truck into a neighbor’s house, leaving a gaping hole and revealing a small marijuana farm inside.
San Diego police got a search warrant after the Sunday afternoon crash and confiscated more than 20 pot plants from the house.
Police Sgt. David Jennings said no one was inside the house, and neighbors told officers the residents were gone on a ski trip.
No one was injured in the crash.
The Associated Press

FROM BIKERNET METRIC, What is going on in the Metric world– Well, our friends over at AFT Customs have created a new website ( This site has many of the bikes that Jim Giuffra and his team have built over the years and the new site shows ALL of the girls from the modeling agency.
Probably the coolest part of the site is the new videos that they have put up. The videos show the building of the World Champion bike, Er Hed and the photo shoot around it. Big deal? They shot the bike in a mine approximately 600 feet under ground!
If you are an Easyriders reader, make sure you check out the March issue. Andrea, one of the AFT Customs Girls is the Fox Hunt winner and she sits poised on Scott Hultquists? Mas Te Kill Ya bike. If you are going to the Arlen Ness show in a couple of weeks, bring your Easyriders mag and come by the AFT Customs? booth. Andrea will be there in person to sign the photo spread.
Also, I have a great photo shoot of a hot lil? red head on a CB 750 chopper. Give me a couple of days and it will be in the features section. The builder learned how to fabricate on this bike and has since gone on to build some really twisted frames at a very reasonable price?and, they will build them to fit HD or Metrics at your request.
A good buddy of mine has also expanded into the bike world from the hot rod industry. Todd Evans, winner of several awards at this year?s Sacramento Easyriders, has been building bikes for years but mostly as a hobby or to help out buddies. Now is going full throttle into the two wheeled world. I will keep you posted on what is going on. He has a new bagger comin? our way, a Sporty and a bitchin? Busa! He also has a paint exchange program that I am taking advantage of.
I will show the before and after when I receive them in a about a week?hurry up UPS?I am dyin? on the vine! Look out, this riding season is going to be kick ass?.I can feel it in my old bones.

PAUL COX IS RUNNING THE SMOKE OUT 10’S LONG ROAD– Paul Cox, long established as a leather craftsman, fabricator and key member of “Indian Larry Legacy,” will be running the Long Road during the Smoke Out 10 rally.
The 10th Anniversary Smoke Out starts on May 8, 2009 in Cottonwood, AZ with a two-day blow out launch party and ends the following week May 15 and 16 at the Rockingham Drag Strip in Rockingham, NC.
Cox will ride The Long Road, which will be a 350-mile ride each day with an insane party each night.
If you are interested in taking the Long Road with Paul, here for details.
–Jeff Najar

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