Continued From Page 2

Montgomery, AL ?Dennis Murray of Oro Valley, Arizona, is the grand prize winner of the IronWorks Magazine/BIKERNET.COM/Brass Balls Bobber 2009 giveaway bike. The motorcycle was custom built by Darwin Motorcycles, LLC of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, employing the help of IronWorks readers who voted online for the various components– Participating sponsors of the contest include: Tauer Machine, W8LESS Technologies, Trailer In a Bag, Gatorz, Carl?s Speed Shop, Torian Leathers, Metzeler Tires, Todds Cycle, Amzoil, Battery Tender, Art of the Chopper, Saddlemen Seats, D&D Exhaust, Baker Drivetrain, Hawg Halters, Crazy Horse, Biker Pros, and
Dennis, a long-time rider, has owned several Harleys over the years. He?s owned a Sporster, Dyna Super Glide, Road King, and an Ultra trike. His wife Susan joins him on many of his rides throughout the scenic Southwest.
Congratulations to Dennis, and a huge thanks to all the sponsors who helped to make this sweepstakes possible!
– IronWorks Magazine and Brass Balls Bobbers are also proud to announce the kick off of their 2010 giveaway sweepstakes. See or for complete details.

RIDE FOR CHARITY GOT A BIKE…LIKE TO RIDE…WHY NOT RIDE FOR A CAUSE?– ROT is sponsoring three April Charity Rides that you all are invited to join us in efforts to raise funds for: Austin Children’s Shelter, 100 Club of Central TX, ALS Research and Patient Services, and Relief Nursery for child abuse prevention.
April 5th – PEACE LOVE HAPPINESS – Austin, TX
April 18th – MAX’S RIDE for ALS – Austin, TX
April 25th – RIDE FOR RELIEF – Plano, TX
ROT would like to sponsor your charity ride, click here for more info…

APRIL ISSUE OF CYCLE SOURCE MAG IS NOW ON THE STANDS–Cycle Source Magazine is proud to announce that the April 2008 issue is on newsstands now and contains our “Salute Our Troops” edition. We have some of the coolest service men and woman that have been over or are still fighting the fight. They have graciously sent us images and thoughts about coming home to motorcycles.
There is also a feature on Brass Balls Military Digger and a very cool one on one with UFC Fighter Randy Couture and his Extreme Couture GI Foundation. And you don’t want to miss our full report on Ron Paugh and his Reno based facility of Paugho Manufacturing. This was a once in a lifetime inside tour of one of the greatest aftermarket production facilities in the industry.
Last but not least, we got a chance to ride Zero Engineering’s production motorcycle, The Model Five. It was great bike and a ride down the strip in Vegas to boot! All that in addition to the regular ass grabbin’ good times of Scooter Tramps on the loose. See ya’ at the newsstands.
–Chris Callen

SEVEN DWARFS FIRST GUESTS AT CHURCH OF BIKERNET —The Seven Dwarfs went to the Vatican, and got ushered in to see the Pope. Dopey led the pack.
“Dopey, my son,” said the Pope, “What can I do for you?”
Dopey asked, “Excuse me, Your Eminence, but are there any dwarf nuns in Rome?”
The Pope wrinkled his brow at the odd question, thought for a moment and answered, “No, Dopey, there are no dwarf nuns in Rome.”
In the background the dwarfs started giggling. Dopey turned around and gave them a fiery stare, silencing them.
Dopey turned back to the Pope. “Your Holiness, are there any dwarf nuns anywhere in Europe?”
The Pope, puzzled again, answered, “No Dopey, there are no dwarf nuns anywhere in Europe.”
This time, all the dwarfs burst into laughter. Once again, Dopey turned around and silenced them all with an angry stare.
Dopey turned back to the Pope and said with a slight pleading tone, “Please, Mr. Pope, are there ANY dwarf nuns in the entire world?”
The Pope shook his head, “I’m sorry, my son, there are no dwarf nuns anywhere in the world.”
The other dwarfs collapsed into a heap, rolling and howling with laughter, tears running down their faces as they began chanting: “Dopey screwed a penguin, Dopey screwed a penguin!”
–from Art Friedman

SECRET BONNEVILLE TRAILER CONNECTION DISCOVERED–A while back you were looking for drop-bed trailers, so you didn’t have to deal with getting bikes over the hump, like the problem we had with the Assault Weapan at Bonneville 07. Here’s a site that might have what you’re looking for…
Saw it in American Iron. No idea what the quality is like, but in the pictures, the trailers look well-engineered and carefully thought out….

Kids & Chrome, sponsored by, 2008 Raises $120,000 for Children?s Home Society and Sturgis Motorcycle Museum–RAPID CITY, SD ? While we all know there is something about kids that opens people?s hearts, the combination of ?Kids? and ?Chrome? brought folks to not only open their hearts, but their pocketbooks as well. Kids and Chrome Foundation announced this week that its 4th Annual Kids & Chrome benefit dinner and auction event, held during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, raised $120,000 in support of two vital Black Hills non-profit organizations: Children?s Home Society, the ?Kids? in the foundation?s moniker, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame, the ?Chrome.?
?The Dakota,? a one-off custom bagger, created for Kids & Chrome by Tom Binyon, of BaggerWorks Custom Touring Motorcycles in Wichita, Kansas, was the featured auction item at this year?s event, bringing $40,000. The 2008 ?Pit Boss,? donated by Lehman Trikes of Spearfish, South Dakota, also topped the list of auction donations, raising $22,000. Additionally, the 2008 Legends Ride, a celebrity-charity event produced by the Legendary Buffalo Chip to support the mission of Kids & Chrome, raised $38,000 for the foundation, according to Rod Woodruff, Buffalo Chip President and CEO.
?Kids & Chrome provides a very unique, one-of-a-kind platform that unites the eclectic world-wide community of motorcycle enthusiasts, who join us each year during the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, for a very philanthropic and genuinely worthwhile cause,? said Jim Burgess, President of the Kids & Chrome Foundation, promoter of Kids & Chrome. ?It?s just a remarkable event,? Burgess continued, ?that gives us a chance to welcome folks around the globe and publicly thank all of our friends in the industry who come together each August in support of Kids & Chrome, Children?s Home Society and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.?
Funding provided by Kids & Chrome supports the therapeutic programming of the Children?s Home Society, a home and school for children with emotional and behavioral issues, many of whom are victims of severe abuse and neglect.
Kids & Chrome?s funding also supports the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame in its mission to preserve the history of motorcycling.
?The dollars raised through the Kids & Chrome Foundation allow the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame to continue to bring the history of motorcycling alive for its visitors,? said Christine Paige Diers, Executive Director of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame. ?It is our hope to be able to expand the museum in the next few years using proceeds from the Kids & Chrome events. Without this support, plans for expansion would still be only a distant dream.?
Next year?s Kids & Chrome benefit dinner and auction is slated for Wednesday, Augsut 5, 2009. For more information and event updates, visit,, or contact Ronda Gusinsky, Executive Director, Kids & Chrome Foundation, at 605/716-9190.
Kids & Chrome Foundation is a Black Hills 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.


NEW D&D DEALERS FOR THE WEEK–Here are the new dealers from last week.
1) Beul’s Cycle Dynamics 12406 Waldorf Square Business Center Waldorf,MD 20601 301-870-0707
2) CDR Motorsports 1708 Heights Dr Katy, TX 77493 281-744-3872
3) American Twins LLC 19363 Brandy Rd Brandy Station, VA 22714 540-829-0313
4) Kickstart Motorcycle 521 W Germantown Pike Norristown,PA 19403 610-635-0733
5) Speedwrench 665 E 70th Ave # 5 Denver, CO 80229 303-287-9784
6) Roadrace City LLC 13409 Garvey Ave # 2 Baldwin Park, CA 91706 626-638-3910
7) Freedom H-D 8020 W Colfax Ave Lakewood, CO 80214 303-238-0425
8) DC Cycles 2081 SW 70th Ave # H-12 Davie, FL 33317 954-916-9807

NEW CATALOG FROM RPW MOTORCYCLE ACCESSORIES–The 2009 RPW Motorcycle Accessories Division Catalog is now available! Withproducts ranging from our new Marsee tank, rear and cruiser bar bags to ournew camping section with tents, lights and cots, this catalog is full ofproducts we have found useful for maintaining bikes and enhancing yourriding experience.
You can download a PDF of the entire catalog or each indvidual page here:
You may also request a printed version online or by sending an e-maildirectly to me at
–Amy Hall
Marketing, RPW Motorcycle Accessories Division, Home of Marsee Products andHelen Twowheels Super Packing System

EASYRIDERS SPECIAL CUSTOMER AWARD– This year we started a new award called the Arrgo Conley Award. This is to recognize a particular customer that has demonstrated the true Easyriders spirit of the Bike Shows. This year, of course, Arrgo Conley won it.
–Jene’ Green
(407) 718-5192

NEW DUANE BALLARD PROJECT BIKE–It’s starting to look like something. Taking it to someone this week that can turn my shitty spot welds into something more solid. Then I can finish the tank.

Still trying to figure out what I’m going to use for brakes and a few other things. What’s everyone else working on?
I’m shooting for the end of June but we’ll see.
– Duane
Duane Ballard Custom Leather
3401 Spruce St.
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

MAYBE BANDIT SHOULD HAVE SUED THE DEER–MONTEREY, Calif.?A Monterey County man will be getting millions of dollars from the state for the injuries he received when he crashed his motorcycle after hitting a wild pig.
Adam Rogers is confined to a wheelchair after hitting the pig on Highway 1 near Carmel late at night in September of 2003.He sued the state Department of Transportation, claiming the state was responsible for his injuries because it knew wild pigs were crossing the highway.
The jury agreed, and awarded Rogers $8.6 million.Jurors determined that state officials failed to take action even though they had evidence that a stretch of the highway was dangerous because wild pigs were crossing it.
The attorney representing the 45-year-old Rogers says most the award will be used for future medical bills.

THE UNCLE MONKEY SOAP BOX IS NOW OPEN, Where have all the old bikes gone?– I am very fortunate to have a large circle of friends, customers and readers, almost all of which have ventured down to the local Harley dealership to purchase a shiny new Harley. With the considerable drop in price from several years ago it only makes sense and as I pull my Evo Fatboy out of the garage I can?t help but be a little jealous.
New bikes are everywhere as more and more people are joining the sport and even more women are taking the reins to their own horse. The question I have to ask though is where have all the old bikes gone?
While a couple of my friends still have an old Panhead or Shovel in the garage that they tinker on; on the whole everyone traded their Evo Heritages and Fatboys in on new bikes. The market should be flooded with an over abundance of used Evo Harleys for cheap but I can?t find any.
As I checkout the rows of bikes at the local hangout and at the toy and poker runs I would expect to spot at least some of those old bikes even if it with new paint and parts but not one can be found. Living in a province with a total population of less then a million, once you drill it down to number of riders; Harley riders; we become a fairly tight knit community and yet no one knows of anyone buying an old Harley. Calls to friends across North America reveal a similar phenomenon in their areas. So, where have all the old bikes gone?
The dealers are tight lipped about it only giving a vague ?Oh, someone bought it.? answer. The bikes weren?t sold locally because the 1000+ bikes would be easy to spot. Years ago Arlen Ness bought every Mexican Police bike he could get his hands on but I find it unlikely successful master builders like Arlen are scooping them up to be stored until transforming them into another masterpiece.
Maybe the answer is in wild conspiracy theories. Perhaps the factory crushed all the old bikes to choke off the chain of supply to those that want to build choppers. Gone will be the days of ?true? Harley choppers. Perhaps it is a ploy to drive up the cost of new Harleys? With no old bikes customers have to purchase new ones. Calls to local dealers reveal a wait list of over a year for a new Harley but yet the company is scaling back production; creating even more demand; driving up the price.
Again I can only speculate but you have to ask, ?Where have all the old bikes gone??
–Wayne ?Uncle Monkey? Wuschke
Southern Independent Riders

COBRA SELLS ELECTRIC BIKE EXHAUST COMPONENTS?–Yorba Linda, CA — April 1, 2009 — In a stunning announcement today, Cobra Engineering President, Tim McCool, released information to the media as well as Cobra’s national distributors about the company’s new line of exhaust systems for the growing electric scooter market.
“Transportation technologies are rapidly moving to electric vehicles, mostly electric cars. But now, research has shown us there is a small, but rapidly-growing demand for electric-powered scooters. We plan to achieve and maintain a number-one market share of the two-wheel electric exhaust industry,” McCool said.
McCool then pulled the cover off a smattering of contemporary electric-powered scooters — all equipped with Cobra’s new “Watt’s Happening” line of high performance electric exhaust systems. Those media guests in attendance were at first impressed when the scooters were “fired up” so-to-speak. Yet after just a few minutes of complete silence, the spectators were soon bored to tears by the lack of an exhaust note.
Then, in an obviously orchestrated move, Cobra’s VP of Marketing, Ken Boyko entered the stage to announce Cobra’s new “Exhaust System Enhancement Kit” for most popular electric scooters. The CESE kit is powered by a compact, built-in DVD audio output device that links to the rider’s throttle inputs. The Cobra engineers say the enthusiast will not only have a scooter that sounds like a high performance motor vehicle, but he will be able to “tune” it to taste. The rider can choose sound tracks ranging from Pan Head Harleys to Yamaha’s Moto GP racer.
Boyko went on to explain that the DVD also delivers your choice of 11 output levels. “If you are cruising down the road with your exhaust system set on the “11,” the loudest setting and the police pull you over,” Boyko explained, “you can quickly turn the output knob to the “1” setting, making it difficult for the authorities to write you for excessive noise.”
When asked which electric scooter model will get the first fitment of the CESE electronic exhaust system, McCool and Boyko said they have targeted the soon-to-be-released cruiser-styled Panda 16, a 1600-watt machine from offshore scooter manufacturer, Soy Industries.In closing, Boyko said the all-new Panda scooter when equipped with the Cobra CESE system will allow the rider to switch from a wide variety of various exhaust notes plus a righteous rendition of the all-time biker classic, Free Bird.

In Bikernet Studio: Interview with Clint Lawrence, Owner and Operator of JC Motors.–
Clint Lawrence, Owner and Operator of JC Motors
–Jeff Najar

Continued On Page 4