National and Regional News
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced a Notice of Public Rulemaking regarding labels on E15 fuel dispensers. In the notice, the EPA proposed two changes to the current E15 fuel pump labels. The first is modification of the current label, and the second is removal of the label altogether. However, there would still be a label on the pumps, as required by the Federal Trade Commission. The EPA’s modified label proposal contains these possible changes:
- Removing the “Attention” stripe along the upper right corner of the label.
- Removing the phrase “E15” from the label, while including the language “contains up to 15% percent ethanol.”
- Revising the language “Use only in” to “Safe for use in.”
- Revising the language “Don’t use in” to “Avoid use in.”
- Revising the format of the word “prohibited” so it is not in bold and italicized type.
The AMA believes either option holds potential harm for riders, whose motorcycles and ATVs are not EPA-certified to use fuel containing more than 10 percent ethanol by volume (E10).
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – City commissioners voted in January to welcome motorcyclists to the 80th Daytona Bike Week event, scheduled for March 5-14. The event, which attracts nearly 500,000 motorcyclists to the area for racing, riding and entertainment, was cut short by a day and a half in 2020, when the COVID-19 threat arose. The 2021 event carries new rules and restrictions. Bars, restaurants and shops that offer some outside activities must limit the number of customers at any given time to 60 percent of the normal facility capacity. Businesses that have outdoor activities also were required to submit detailed plans for the location and use of cleaning products, masks, hand sanitizer, temperature checks, signs and social distancing. Businesses without outside activities will be allowed to have their usual 100 percent occupancy. Property owners who violate the agreement with the city could be banned from future outdoor activities.
LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. – The Americade Motorcycle Touring Rally, an annual event that draws thousands of riders from across the country, has been rescheduled to Sept. 21-25 this year due to restrictions related to the coronavirus. The event, which has been occurring since 1983, typically is scheduled for June. The 2020 Americade event was postponed to July before being canceled. For the most up-to-date information, visit

State News
MORENO VALLEY, Calif. -The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is hosting several virtual public and stakeholder meetings to gather input on the development of off-highway vehicle grant proposals for submission to the California State Parks, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division, for the 2021 grant cycle. With the exception of El Centro, scoping meetings are scheduled for the first 45 minutes of each session. The stakeholder meeting will follow. Stakeholders and members of the public are invited to attend either session or both by using the Zoom virtual meeting platform or by phone. The meetings are:
El Centro Field Office: Feb. 9, 3:30-4 p.m. scoping meeting; 4-4:30 p.m. stakeholder meeting
Phone:Â (833) 568-8864 / ID: 161 936 1494 / Passcode: 099547
Needles Field Office: Feb. 11, 5-6:30 p.m.
Phone: (833) 568-8864 / ID: 161 207 5095 / Passcode: 524063
Palm Springs-South Coast Field Office: Feb. 17, 5-7 p.m.
Phone: (833) 568-8864 / ID: 161 829 0522 / Passcode: 724142
Barstow Field Office: Feb. 18, 2-4 p.m.
Phone: (833) 568-8864 / ID: 160 161 0703 / Passcode: 596221
Ridgecrest Field Office: Feb. 25, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Phone: (833) 568-8864 / ID: 161 314 1240 / Passcode: 261383
Preliminary applications must be submitted to OHMVR Division no later than March 1 and will be available on the OHMVR Division’s website at for additional public review and comment March 2 through May 3.
OCEANO, Calif. – The state Department of Parks and Recreation is developing a public works plan for Pismo State Beach and Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area. A public works plan is a long-range land use management plan for compliance with the California Coastal Act. To support this planning effort, officials are evaluating the use of the parks and are seeking public input regarding possible improvements. Take the agency survey at Learn more about the plan at
PLACERVILLE, Calif. – The El Dorado Resource Advisory Committee, which advises the U.S. Forest Service on projects related to the El Dorado National Forest in California, has scheduled two virtual meetings in February. During the meetings, RAC members and the public will consider Federal Advisory Committee Act regulations, update committee governing documents, review past practices, determine new process for project proposals and solicit project proposals. The meetings are at 4 p.m. Feb. 3 and Feb. 17. More information about the meetings is available from Kristi Schroeder, public affairs specialist, at (530) 305-6864 or For more information about the RAC, visit
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has released a draft environmental impact statement and plan amendment for the three plans that underlie the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan. The public comment period ends April 15. The BLM is proposing amendments to the California Desert Conservation Area Plan, the Bakersfield Resource Management Plan, and the Bishop Resource Management Plan. These amendments are intended to promote economic growth, support broadband infrastructure development, increase public access, and allow for greater management flexibility in order to meet our nation’s energy needs. Deputy BLM Secretary Kat MacGregor said the previous plan made 4 percent of 10.8 million acres managed by the BLM available as renewable energy development focus areas. This proposal will add more than 800,000 acres for renewable energy development and alter the approach to fostering responsible off-highway vehicle recreation, rural broadband and other multiple-use projects. The draft EIS and draft plan amendment can be viewed and comments submitted on the BLM website: Comments may also be submitted by mail to BLM-CA Desert Plan Amendment, 2800 Cottage Way, Room W-1623, Sacramento, CA 95825.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The state Department of Motor Vehicles has issued a permit to Baidu USA LLC, authorizing the company to test driverless vehicles on public roads in Sunnyvale, Calif. Baidu has had state authority to test autonomous vehicles with safety drivers since 2016. The new permit allows the company to test three autonomous vehicles without a driver behind the wheel on specified streets within Sunnyvale in Santa Clara County. The vehicles are designed to operate on roads with posted speed limits not exceeding 45 mph. Tests may be conducted during all times of the day and night, but not during heavy fog or heavy rain. Baidu is the sixth company to receive a driverless testing permit in the state. Currently, 58 companies have an active permit to test autonomous vehicles with a safety driver.
BEND, Ore. – The AMA, with the National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance, American Trails, the American Hiking Society, Back Country Horsemen of America, the International Mountain Bicycling Association and the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, announces the fourth round trails grants in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service for the 2021 season of the National Forest Trail Stewardship Partnership Funding for National Forest System trails. Funding will be available for trails and stewardship organizations seeking to increase trail maintenance and reduce deferred maintenance. Funding will be available for motorized and nonmotorized trail uses. Details of the funding program including a fact sheet, an application form and a budget form are available at

International News
HOCHGURGL, Austria – Top Mountain Motorcycle Crosspoint Museum burned in January, destroying the 230 historic motorcycles housed there. Authorities are investigating the cause of the blaze at the 32,000-square-foot facility. The museum was opened in 2016 by twin brothers and hotel entrepreneurs Alban and Attila Scheiber.
AMA News
PICKERINGTON, Ohio – AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famers Mike Bell and Joël Robert passed away in January. Mr. Bell, one of America’s leading Supercross and motocross racers of the late 1970s and early ’80s, was 63. Click to read his full obituary. Mr. Robert, the legendary Belgian motocross racer who won the 250cc Motocross World Championship six times, including five consecutive titles from 1968 through 1972, was 77. Click to read his full obituary.
PICKERINGTON, Ohio – The AMA announced in January the winners of the 2020 AMA Racing and Organizer Awards, which recognize individuals and organizations that excelled in AMA-sanctioned competition and recreational activity during the calendar year. AMA members helped select the winners of certain racing categories, including the AMA Athlete of the Year and the AMA Racer of the Year awards. Read the full press release.
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AMA News & Notes is a monthly publication compiled and edited by the American Motorcyclist Association. Designed to inform motorcyclists of rights-related issues and events in the United States and around the world, AMA News & Notes welcomes your input. Suggestions and editorial contributions can be sent to AMA Director of Communications Matthew Miles at
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