When BillRowe purchased the assets of the inert AHDRA All-American motorcycle dragracing series late in 2019, the challenges before him and his family staff weredaunting enough. But when 2020 came along and the event landscape went haywire,Rowe put his head down and completed a schedule for AHDRA racers at some of thebest tracks in the world—finishing the season at legendary Gainesville Raceway on November 6-8.
Racedaystarted off with a rousing, live National Anthem by Rebecca Daniels and wastopped off Monday’s true, classic racing banquet with great food and drinks ina suitably classy atmosphere. Champions get gold cards, jackets, great framedMoto-Lenz montages, and of course—#1 plates.

ProDragster and Pro Fuel/Nitro Funnybike
Few people were happier in the Gainesville Raceway winners circle than veteran racer SamWhite. That’s because Sam had a lotta plaques to hold—for Pro Dragster winsfrom both Orlando and Gainesville, Gainesville number one qualifier,and Gainesville Pro Fuel/Nitro Funnybike winner.
The Pro Dragster class opted to runtheir Orlando eliminations during Saturday qualifying, and White—riding theiconic, yellow, former Johnny Vickers Hawaya Racing bike—took that win over JimMartin.
Second verse, same as the first as theSaturday result repeated on Sunday. Martin took the tree by .030 this time butthat yellow bike always seems to find a way to win. White’s 7.34 at 171 drovearound Martin’s 7.39 at 166.
Florida’s own Preston “President”Bartlett won his fourth Pro Dragster championship across multiple series. “I’mvery humbled,” said Bartlett. “Still trying to wrap my head around this. Thanksto all our sponsors who make this happen.”
White also won Pro Fuel when championRocky Jackson no-showed for the final. Jackson detonated his motorspectacularly in qualifying and was finished in the class for the weekend..

Top Fuel
Rich Vreeland bookendedthis first AHDRA season, winning TopFuel in the Cordovaopener and then again at the finals in Gainesville.
Vreelandwasn’t so confident heading into the Gainesville final, and was openly saying he’d feel bad beingchampion if he only had the one win. And with Bob “Opie” Malloy as his opponent, Vreeland had every reason to contemplatethat outcome.
Numidiawinner and NHRA Top Fuel Harley record-holder Malloy qualified number one inOrlando and again in Gainesville—this time with a 6.31 that left quite a gap between him and the restof the field.
Malloyadvanced to the final when Robert “Ziggy” Stewart couldn’t get started in thesemi, then Malloy ran a very off-performance solo pass that—as it turnedout—damaged a piston that left him wounded for the final with Vreeland. “Iknew something wasn’t right but a lot of times it still runs fine,” said Bob, who wasn’t under power for 60 feetagainst Rich, who ran his usual, consistent pass—a 6.73 at 206 miles per hour—forthe win.
“I just what to thank my girlfriendand my team for giving me a consistent bike all year, and especially thisweekend,” said Vreeland. “I also want to thank Advanced Sleeve and WorldwideBearings.
“I am humbled to have my name added to the list of AHDRA Top Fuel championslike Ray Price, Jim McClure, Jay Turner, Tommy Grimes.”
T-Man Performance Pro Mod
John Price swept all the T-ManPerformance Pro Mod honors at Gainesville—qualifying number one, winning the race, and nettingthe championship. Runner-up Loreto Prescegave a game effort, taking the tree by a whopping .076. Price’s 8.65 at 150.68mph was enough to drive around Presce’s 8.82.
Zippers Performance Modified
JeffWorkman polished off a great year, winning Zippers Performance Modified and the championship. Like Presce in Pro Mod, runner-up Gary DeGrange (also the number one qualifier) took the tree (.140 to .169) but slowed to an 11.03 while Workmanworked it on by with a 9.55 at 135.
“It was a battle, a repeat of Numidia,” saidWorkman. “DeGrange was running the same numbers with me, (we were both)battling a strong headwind.
“To win the Modified championship is the highlightof my career. I’ve been chasing it for ten years with most of the same racers, beenrunner-up several times, but finally got it done. Special thanks to Powermistracing fuel and Harley-Davidson of Bowling Green. They kept me running strongand fast.”

GMS Racing Engines Extreme Gas and Outlaw Street
To his motto be true, MikeMotto again won two—GMS Racing Engines Extreme Gas and Outlaw Street. Theno-bar FuelTech racer doubled up at Numidia and Atlanta, qualified number onein both classes at Orlando, and did it all again in Gainesville.
Motto beat Rylan Mason inOutlaw and Andie Rawlings (riding Donnie Huffman’s Buell) in X Gas. Motto tookthe X Gas championship while Mason won the Outlaw season title.
“It’sbeen a crazy year in the drag race world with all this COVID crap going on,”said Motto. “I think that we are all grateful to Bill Rowe and his newlyresurrected AHDRA to give us all a place race our machines! There’s a greatsaying: ‘Quitters never win and winners never quit.’ This is a great ‘Motto’ tolive by!
“Winning a championship in Extreme Gas and a runner-up Outlaw Street championship in the same yearis something I never expected, but am grateful for. We have had a tough fewyears prior to this year but we pushed harder and harder and every time wefailed it made us stronger! I have a strong will to persist and quitting isjust not in my DNA.
“We were number qualifier at every event weentered, set multiple AHDRA records and won every race! This was a result of alot of testing and a lot of hard work. Being a part of the GMS Racing Team hasmade these results possible. My friends Gregg Dahl, Damon Kuskie and the restof the team at GMS were relentless in helping me to achieve this extraordinaryracing year!
“We have now dipped into the 7 second quarter mileat speeds of 170+ mph. GMS Racing Engines and their superior tuning programhave just begun! GMS has developed and produced the new ‘War Head’ program andthese heads are in full production and for sale by GMS to race teams lookingfor an advantage in the 2021 race season.
“We believe that we will break the into the low 7to high 6 second range next year, and Gregg and Damon will not rest until wemeet the challenge. I’m excited to see what we can do with these beasts nextyear!
“I cannot say enough about GMS Racing and thesupport and friendship that they extended to me. Thank you GMS, Energy Oneclutches, FuelTech, MTC Engineering, Renegade Fuels, R&D Transmissions, AHDRA,Moto Lenz Photos, and my entire race family and friends.
“I would especially like to thank my beautifulwife, who travels to every race with me. She assists me with set-up, tuning,and maintenance between every round, always keeps my head straight, and most ofall tolerates my insatiable need for speed! This would not be possible withouther! I love that woman! See you all at the races!”

Horsepower Inc. Hot Street and Vreeland’s Harley-Davidson 9.70Super Gas
ScottSchenkel also won two at Gainesville—Horsepower Inc. HotStreet and Vreeland’s Harley-Davidson 9.70 Super Gas.
Schenkelwon the Hot Street championship, too. Scott and his V-Rod took the Super Gas win when runner-up Vance Houdyshellredlit by -.073. John Schotts scored the 9.70 championship.
“Of course, thanks to Bill Rowe and AHDRA forgiving us a season when things looked grim with this pandemic,” said Schenkel. “It was a greatseason and to get two wins in 9.70 Vreelands Super Gas is awesome. Second placein points is great, this year was the most effort I put in since I started racingand it paid off. Anytime to win one of these races is a great accomplishmentbecause the competition is super tough.
“The Hot Street win was my first of season—the restof them I was runner-up. The win was bittersweet to finish the season with and takethe championship.
“Chad Hart, owner/operator of xlxbhorsepower, comesthrough making this little 76 incher fly. He’s the go-to shop for making theseXL-base platforms make power. Do need to thank Cliff Lick Jr. Trucking and Salvagefor partnering up and helping me get to these last few races. Being so far fromPennsylvania, they came through in a big way with travel costs for the southernswing.
“Next season it’s not gonna come easy. I’m suremany of the veteran players will be back out in force and we are all gonna besuper competitive, but until then I’m gonna enjoy my limelight.”
“It’s been a stressful year for my brother Jimmyand I,” said 9.70 champ Schotts. “I’ve been drag racing motorcycles off and onmy whole life and I never got a championship, and at my age (62) it was one ofthe things on my bucket list. We put 8000 miles on the motorhome this yeargoing to AHDRA races and it paid off. So when I think about this championship,all I really can say is that dreams really do come true.”

Pro Eliminator 10.90 and Big Money $5000EliminatorShootout
Justin Collier was yetanother double winner, taking Pro Eliminator 10.90 and—more importantly—the BigMoney $5000 Eliminator Shootouton Saturday night. Chris Robbie’slight would have been very competitive to Collier’s in the .400 reaction timeera, but in this era it was .340 behind. That made him a nearly instant runner-up.Collier celebrated with a monster burnout.
Paul Watson was the 10.90runner-up. Natural-born promoter Watson is quick with his social media postsbut wasn’t so quick at the tree against Collier, with a .122 vs. Justin’s sharp.016. That pretty much tells you all you need to know.
Collier drove to Gainesville early Saturdaymorning after deciding to race as late as 3:00 on Friday. “I had to use aborrowed bike, as my personal bike broke the motor bad in Atlanta a fewweekends ago,” said Justin. “My plan for the entire weekend was to not worryabout anyone in the other lane. Each and every pass I raced myself. It was upto the opponent in the other lane to beat me.
“Saturday in the Shootout, the bike was dead-on.The 60-foot times moved .008 between five passes. That allowed me to just go domy job.
“Sunday morning my wife Kristin drove up. I hadn’tfelt any pressure all weekend till first round in 10.90. I thought to myself‘Oh crap. The wife drove up, I sure as hell better not lose!’ Luckily again, thebike and me where able to do our job better than the rest of the field and landin the winners circle!
“Huge ‘Thank You’ To Gil and Debra for loaning methe bike. Giant Thanks to Bill Rowe and the entire AHDRA staff for sticking itout this tough year and making sure we all had somewhere to race!”
BradReiss Jr. snagged 10.90 number one qualifier and the championship.
Crete’s Performance Street Eliminator and Sunday Eliminator
There’s a very good chancethat Kevin Winters would havedoubled up—again. Winters won Crete’s PerformanceStreet Eliminator and was in Sunday’s Eliminator final against Darrell Smithwhen one rain shower too many ended the event one final short of completion.
Charlie Walker finished upthe season with the unfortunate distinction of Runner-Up King. Walker redlit by-.009 against Winters in the 11:50 final.Kevin also won the 11:50 and Eliminator championships.
“Iraced at Gainesville in ‘06, ‘07, ’08 and ‘12, was never able to get a win,” saidWinters. “I finally did it this weekend. Atlanta was the same way.
“What can I say about this season, it was a lot offun! I only ran five out of the seven races, had ET locked up going intoGainesville, and had to go one round for 11.50. I was just happy to be racingthis year with the pandemic and all. I want to thank Energy One clutches—bestclutches in the business!”

Mad Monkey Motorsports Draggin’ Bagger
Numidia Mad MonkeyMotorsports Draggin’ Bagger winner Branon White qualified number one inAtlanta, then did it again at Orlando, and one last time in Gainesville. Addall that up and more and it spelled “Championship” beforeGainesville eliminations even started.
White redlit and let the Gainesville final slip awayto teammate Travis Groff. “This weekend waschallenging to say the least,” said Groff. “We struggled in qualifying with thehurricane coming in and the air constantly changing, and 20 mph headwinds. But,what we did not struggle with was determination to figure it out and keep ournumber two position in the race for the points.
“Wehonestly hoped we would end up in the finals with my teammate and mentorBranon, but we could not bet on it. We for sure were not going to bet I wouldwin against him!
“Branonis one hell of a racer and friend, but when it comes to the win, it’s business.Bottom line, we knew we would have to be more focused than ever to beat him.All in all, we did it and we put on one hell of a show doing it. I also made apersonal best pass at 10.06 at 130 mph.
“There’sgoing to be ups and downs. Not everyday is going to be a win. But we worked ourbutts off since May and we made second place in points for the 2020 AHDRAseason, won the World Finals in Gainesville, and lastly, Rookie of the Year.Needless to say, this weekend was an emotionally and physically challengingweekend, but I would not trade it for a second!
“I’vegotta thank Branon and Mad Monkey Motorsports, Robert Snipes with SnipesMachine, John MaGee with Bandit Machine Works, Rick Byrun with RaptorPerformance, and Rodney and Melissa Shrum at Revolution Performance. Lastly, mywife and best friend Suzanne Groff for helping me live out my dream. Withoutthese folks, we could not do this.”
White also had some‘Thanks’ to dish out. “I’d like to give a special thanks to AndySimon for his input and advice during the 2020 season,” said Branon. “We struggledmore in 2019 than any other season in my life. It seemed nothing was ever justright—constant engine failures, electrical gremlins, and anything you couldthink of happened. It was time for a change with our engine program.
“Andy and I have raced in the AHDRA for over 20years together and I’m no stranger to his accomplishments. After many talks andtime with the engine, Andy found the issues and It has been smooth sailingsince then. Now if I can just do my job!”
White also thanked RC Components, SprocketSpecialists, Backyardbaggers, Fox Suspension, Barnett Tool, Vanson Leathers,Competition Cams, C&S Machine Works, Raptor Performance, RW Mason Roofing,Lumbee Racing, Second Shift Cycles, Law Tigers, Sunoco Fuel, WorldwideBearings, and friends and family.
Greg Quinn nailed down the Extreme Baggerwin and championship on his ProCharged, formerTii Tharpe bike, then waxed poetic about the experience.
“The racing world conforms unity, to see differentnationalities come together and be like family,” said Quinn. “There is differencesin many lives. Humbleness, passion and offerings without expecting to receive isabundant within the racing world. To hold the title ‘World Champion’ is arevelation to shoot for the moon and never give up on your dreams! Never thinkit makes you better than anyone but be humble and know it was part of God’splan! Thanks to all whom help me on this journey! If you are reading thismessage, hope to see you in the stands in the near future.”

Super Pro 10.30 Index
Vance Houdyshell took the SuperPro 10.30 Index win, all but sealed when runner-up Tom Krava ceded .045 to Houdyshellat the tree. Vance need only measure his approach to the stripe at that point.But Krava—the numberone qualifier—won the championshipbattle.
“TheAHDRA Gainesville finals was a joyous success for me,” said Houdyshell. “Gainesvilleis like a homecoming three-fold due to that I’m a Gator Grad, NHRA Division 2racer, and that it was an AHDRA event. Winning 10.30 and taking second in 9.7was a victorious homecoming. Go Gators!”
“Thank you to all that made it happen!” saidchampion Krava. “I’m just thrilled about the whole thing. I’m so happy thatBill Rowe got the AHDRA going again! Looking forward to next season too, I’mgoing to do it again! You know I had to do better than I did at Cordova!” Kravaqualified number one there and got knocked out early.
Donnie Huffman and hisclockwork Livewire were two for two in Trophy races, beating Manny “Flyin’Taco” Carrasquillo in one and Jeremy Cullen in the other. Cullen gas a bigly.156 advantage at the tree but broke out anyway.
ShutdownArea and Return Road
The hardest working,All-American motorcycle drag racing organization in the business never lets upand is nailing down the schedule for 2021.
Currently the series is slated for April 16-18 atAtlanta Dragway, May 21-23 at Rockingham Dragway, August 8-10 at SturgisDragway, October 1-3 at Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, November 5-7Gainesville Raceway followed by the banquet in Gainesville at the Gateway GrandHotel and Conference Center. More to announce soon!
AHDRA’s Bill Rowe, his family and crewthank all the racers and sponsors for making this first season back on track asuccessful one. They wish everyone a great off-season and lookforward to welcoming all the racers and fans back for an even better 2021.
The AHDRA website is at http://raceahdra.com/
The AHDRA Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/ahdraracing/
The AHDRA Facebook group can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/AHDRA/
For more information, email AHDRA’s Bill Rowe at bcrowe92891@gmail.com
AHDRA is owned by Pulse Marketing, the Hellertown, Pennsylvania-based motorsports promotion companyrun by veteran drag racer Rowe and his family.
AHDRA thanks Cox Double EagleHarley-Davidson https://doubleeagleharley.com/ , Vreeland’s Harley-Davidson https://vreelandsharley.com/ , Gainesville Harley-Davidson https://gainesvilleharley.com/ , MTC Engineering http://www.mtceng.com/ , Hawaya Racing https://hawayaracing.com/ , GMS Racing Engines http://www.gmsracingengines.com/ , A-1 Cycles https://www.a1cycles.net/ , T-Man Performance https://tmanperformance.com/ , Zippers Performance https://www.zippersperformance.com/ , Horsepower Inc. https://www.horsepowerinc.net/ , Mad Monkey Motorsports https://www.m3-madmonkeymotorsports.com/ , Vanson Leathers https://vansonleathers.com/ , Crete’s Performance https://www.youtube.com/user/creteperformance/featured , and Racers For Christ https://teamrfc.org/
Thisreport was prepared by Tim Hailey. Enjoy everything there is to read, see andwatch about motorcycle drag racing and more at https://www.eatmyink.com