About 30 years ago, Neil Hultman pulled a 1930 Indian out ofa junk pile in a hay field in South Dakota. At the time, he wasn’t sure what would become of this bike,but he knew someday it would be a project worth doing. Neil is a long-time Jackpine Gypsy –having joined the club in 1947. Throughout the years, Neil has played a variety of rolls in the SturgisMotorcycle Rally. He’s been a roadcaptain and led many rides through the Black Hills. He’s been a racer. He worked at the race track for many years, and helped plan and executemany events for the Jackpine Gypsies throughout the years.
A few years ago, Neil had retired, was living in BoulderCanyon near Sturgis, and he welcomed his nephew from Colorado for a visitduring the Sturgis Rally. That waswhen Neil told Ron Kriz about the 75 cubic inch side-valve bike just waiting tobe saved. And save it they did. Neil and Ron worked together to get thebike put together, find parts to replace any missing pieces and get it cleanedup and restored. While Ron was incharge of the complete restoration, he had help from some greats in themotorcycle world, too. WoodyCarson (since deceased) built the front cylinder and transmission. Bill Tuman, a retired professionalracer assisted in rebuilding the engine, painting and assembly. It took five years to complete therestoration, but both Ron and Neil think it was well worth the time and effort.
Shortly after it was completed, the bike won theRat’s Hole Custom Antique Classic-Restored class in 2007 and the People’sChoice Award for the pre-1960 class in 2008. Now, it makes its home in the Sturgis MotorcycleMuseum where thousands of visitors get to see the excellent restoration workevery year.
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