Bikernet Brotherhood Effort: FREE ATOMIC BOB

Editor’s Note: This is an amazing story. I’ve worked with motorcycle artists for over 40 years, from David Mann, to custom bike painters like Dave Perewitz. Many of them became life-long friends and associates. Some, you work with once and never go back for one reason or another.

I was introduced to Atomic Bob and Sara Belle through Prince Najar, who started to work with them on our 5-Ball Racing Leather ™ line for a special one-off touch. Since my location on the west coast fell far from their homes on the east coast, I didn’t have a direct, working relationship until I met them at the Smoke Out in 2015.

I was so moved by their professionalism and Bob’s talents, I commissioned them with two artistic pieces to inspire our Bonneville streamlined trike project. That was the start of a magnificent dual project with amazing results. Bob is no slow-moving artistic prima donna. He moved quickly with sketches, was completely receptive to suggestions, and knocked me out with final results, a complete professional. So, I was knocked off my feet when the following occurred. Ever since, we have been doing all we can to support his wife, Sara, and their kids.

Like many people with artistic talents, Atomic suffers from severe mental illness and was under a great deal of treatment including both doctors prescribing him medications and counselors to talk to, be it a nurse or physician.

Atomic ended a problem relationship with someone who took advantage of his illness. 

Atomic then met an angel, SaraBelle. She helped him with medical treatments, new medications during therapy alterations and his business.

While still going through a medication change, Atomic drank to stop the pain and hallucinations of the medication. 

An unexpected confrontation led to a fight and the police were called. It all went wrong and court battles continue. Atomic received a beating before the police showed up to break up the fight. Atomic’s driver’s license still listed the address of this residence and his belongings were still at this location, but he was arrested.

Atomic was bailed out by SaraBelle immediately, and she quit her job working in marketing and public relations at Salem Regional Medical Center to take Atomic to and from intensive outpatient behavioral health treatment at the same hospital she left employment.

SaraBelle knew the program would help him, and for half-a-day, four days a week she drove Atomic to and from his counseling for five months straight. During this time, Atomic found out from the physicians in the program that he was indeed on the wrong blend of medication and immediately changed to something that has worked for him.

The couple married at a private ceremony February 7, 2015 and they turned Atomic’s art talent into an LLC, created a website, traveled and made their mark in the motorcycle and hot rod industry while they awaited trial. During this past year, both Atomic and SaraBelle spent time in court fighting for their children. SaraBelle continues to fight because her ex-husband wants custody of their five year old.

Atomic decided not to have a trial, which meant no one ever heard his story. He took the deal, a max sentence of 10 months, thinking he would just get probation. Atomic never spent a day in jail or had any trouble in his life until now. He assumed the judge would understand he had a medical condition at the time of the incident. Atomic also re-enrolled into the same program for behavioral health again for another 5 months (which ended as he was taken to jail the very week he re-enrolled).

The presiding Judge, Ashley Pike, did not consider the medical issues, countless letters, and the fact that the alleged victims did not show up to court. He gave Atomic the full 10-month sentence. The verdict has basically ripped the entire family apart.

Atomic is in prison, but not for long. SaraBelle’s devotion to her husband and the company has left her unemployed, and now the artist is in prison. No customers are scheduled for motorcycle paint or hot rod projects. Everything ended.

SaraBelle started a new plan, one that doesn’t pay all the bills but it helps a little–prison art. Using the mail Atomic sends SaraBelle images, and she turns them into t-shirts, art for shop rags, prints, and even Valentine’s Day cards.

SaraBelle also spends time as a beauty consultant with Mary Kay and does photography on the side. This certainly does not pay the bills Atomic and SaraBelle have, especially with the investment in their art company. Due to the many court dates for custody, and to help Atomic get released with her attorney visits; SaraBelle is unable to work a normal scheduled job because she missed work constantly.

After 30 days in prison that brings Atomic to January 11, 2015 where he is eligible for judicial review. We hope that he is released on parole or to house arrest so he can help support his family once again. However, the judge seemed very clear at the sentencing that Atomic spend the full 10 months in prison.

Oddly, the prisoner is taken care of by the system but not the family. It is left to fend for itself. SaraBelle does not want to lose the company they have worked so hard to create. She also needs her partner in life as well. During the yearlong wait for sentencing, Atomic sobered up and never touched a drop of alcohol the entire year. He has been a model inmate and has received no tickets, but we need to find a way to help the family.

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