
My grandson just experienced his first rally vendor effort in Southern California. He’s 28 and went to fantastic efforts to build a cool booth, man it and display a large inventory of leathers for sale.

Yesterday, his dad asked him if he wanted to set up a booth at the Sturgis Rally in a couple of weeks. His response was immediate and layered with expletives, “Fuck that,” Frankie said. “I wanna ride.”

Attending a rally even for a young rider takes planning, scheduling, finances, maintenance, you name it. Today a brother on a chopper might need to save for months to afford the gas.

Think about Saddlemen seats, moving product, marketing materials, staff, you name it to be present at the Sturgis rally for a week. The planning for one event could take several months.

I guess what I’m trying to say is: I honor and congratulate every brother who makes it to the Black Hills for rally. There better be enough Jack Daniels to go around. And for every vendor small and large, I respect their efforts to make the rally a more complete experience for every rider and enthusiast. I wish them traveling luck and success in the Black Hills. The brothers and sisters are anxiously waiting.

This rally represents so much more to the world of riders. It represents freedom from all the anxiety of daily life. It represents creativity in the best custom motorcycles from all over the world, new technology and innovation, the wild west, open roads and the Zen beauty of the Black Hills.

What could be better. Have a helluva rally and don’t run out of Jack Daniels, or we’re fucked!

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

PA Court Win in the Wake of SCOTUS Win

RGGI’s Flawed Climate Analysis
Over the last two years, members and staff of the CO2 Coalition have been actively fighting against the imposition of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) in Pennsylvania (PA).

We have provided testimony before committees in both the PA House and Senate and published a detailed report debunking the supposed justification for it entitled Pennsylvania’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Relies on Faulty Data – Why RGGI is a “solution in search of a problem”.

On Friday 8 July 2022, Judge Michael Wojcik granted a preliminary injunction preventing the state from implementing this costly program pending a court ruling later this fall. According to the injunction, the outcome of the ruling is likely to succeed in completely blocking this program.

–CO2 Coalition
CO2 Coalition
1621 North Kent Street, Suite 603
Arlington, Virginia 22209



Yelawolf, Shooter Jennings
Friday, August 5th
Ages 21+ welcome
No Cover, No Tickets Required – FREE CONCERTS

Should the Public Score Police Encounters?
“To Protect and To Serve” is the motto we frequently see on the side of police vehicles. Most of us understand the “To Protect” part of the equation. We ask the men and women in blue to handle life-and-death situations on a regular basis. But what about the ‘To Serve” portion of the job?

The Washington Post recently reported on three police departments, which employ a new officer rating system. The Warrenton, Virginia, department, patrolling a small town of nearly 10,000 residents an hour’s drive from Washington DC, uses Guardian Score along with two university police departments.

After any significant encounter, an officer hands out a business card with a QR code on the back. Each officer must then take additional time to explain what it is and how one can access a questionnaire.

The person stopped by the officer can fill out a questionnaire by first pointing their smartphone at the QR code on the back of the business card. After accessing the portal, the respondent can rate the officer’s conduct anonymously through a series of questions on their phone. The questionnaire is similar to how we rate a ridesharing experience or a phone company call. The police department wants people to give honest feedback on the effectiveness of the officer’s communications and fairness.

The goal is to give more power to those stopped by the police, most commonly during traffic stops. Most people are anxious during these encounters, but being black or brown takes on additional significance due to the potential for racial profiling. Filling out a Guardian Score is a way citizens can give feedback without feeling intimidated.

An officer’s conglomerate score could also be used as part of an individual evaluation that goes beyond the number of arrests and tickets issued. Burke Brownfeld, former Alexandria, VA police officer and founder of Guardian Score said in the Post article:

“If we started to measure how officers are treating community members, we realized we could actually infuse this into the overall evaluation process of individual offers. The definition of doing a good job could change. It would also include: How are your listening skills? How fairly are you treating people based on their perception?”

In May 2022, President Biden signed an executive order that called for the creation of standards for police department accreditation. The order also requires an update on departmental use-of-force policies. In the wake of George Floyd’s death, the subsequent street protests, and calls for police reform, many see this executive order as necessary.

Police Executive Research Forum Executive Director Chuck Wexler said he feels the Guardian Score program could become a powerful tool for departments across the country to measure community engagement—sometimes an elusive and missing element. He added, “At a time when many people are questioning police accountability and how police deal with citizens, police departments are looking for ways to measure how they are doing. And this is one of them.”

So does the program work?
Launched in November 2021, the Warrenton, VA pilot presents many questions about its impact and whether it could work in major cities. The other pilot locations are at two university campus police departments at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA, and Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA.

So far, the Warrenton citizen response rate is around 10 percent, and the rate is closer to 20 percent at both universities. As of early June, the Warrenton police department received 170 reviews, with every one of them positive. Over the past six months, the average department score was 4.94 out of 5 stars.

Questions for our readers: Would you feel comfortable filling out a questionnaire about an officer’s conduct during a traffic stop? What if the encounter was negative–Would it make a difference to you whether to fill out a Guardian Score-type questionnaire?

Your responses could lead to a follow-up newsletter.


He has this bitchin place here in Columbia. Says he moved here because of Mike Wolfe. Now he is moving back to Florida because his wife wants to. I guess happy wife happy life.

He is mounting old Sportster heads on custom long jugs on UL and WL cases I suspect he is going to drill and tap the rockers for grease zerks.

They are really cool but you would need to carry around a squirt oil can to go very far. He was on the run, so I didn’t get to interview him much. He loves my truck.

Billy will be featured at the Flying Piston Breakfast in Sturgis on August 8th.

–Bill May

Updates from BMST!
Pre-Entry Discount Ends July 15th!

Get in early to make the most of the Pre-Entry Discount!
Late fee applies from July 16th 2022.

How can you support BMST?
Register Early

Not only do you save money by registering early, this enables us to make appropriate plans for facilities and resources for those attending. Pre-Entry Discount is available through July 15th 2022. Price increases July 16th. Register early and save.

FIM World Record Application Form now online
The FIM World Records Form is now available online to download, fill in and submit for your FIM World Record Attempt. Be sure to take a look at the Checklist ensure you have submitted ALL 3 parts for an FIM World Record Attempt. Click here to access the FIM Info and forms page.

The 2022 form has some slight changes. Please use the latest form. Additional information for your technical form may be requested prior to the event. More updates on that soon.

Dates to mark on your calendar:
July 15th Pre-Entry discount Closes, FIM Entries due
August 15th- Online Entry Closes (Entry on the salt still available after deadline)
August 26th – VIR Pit Entry and Registration
August 27th – General Entry Pits, Registration & Scruineering Open
August 28th- Sept 1st – Racing
September 1st – Awards Party.

In 2015, I stumbled across my first motorcycle show, Mama Tried, in Milwaukee. After that show, I realized I wanted a bike of my own. I saved up enough money and bought a ‘99 Sportster 1200 from my buddy. I rode that for the remainder of the year until winter hit and then decided I wanted to make it my own.

Read the whole story on Mama Tried.

FUEL CLEVELAND is Saturday, July 30th, 2022
Come join us later this month for Fuel Cleveland!

This year it is an all-outdoor event at Hale Farm & Village, a 90 acre historic property housed in a National Park.

This will be a weekend you don’t want to miss!
A few tips to ensure the best time:

Join in on the BMW Motorad Ride to Fuel Cleveland Run! Departing from Edgewater Park in Cleveland on Saturday, July 30th at 9am sharp. It is a beautiful ride that ends at Fuel Cleveland!

There are no ATMs at Fuel CLE, so be sure to bring cash for food, beer, and to shop with the unique vendors that are coming from all over the country!

Entry to Fuel Cleveland and Motorcycle parking is FREE, car parking costs $10 cash.

Get the Details at: FuelCleveland.com

PS – Scope out FuelCleveland.com for all the details, to submit your bike for a spot in the show, or to secure your vendor spot!

NEW S&S 96-INCH Evo engine with a dual 42 mm Mikuni carbs on a Rivera-Primo dual-carb intake for sale. Asking $7800 for both, the new engine and the used intake system.

–Carl Pussar

If peckers tasted like chocolate /

and pussies like brisket roast /
I wonder which of the genders /
would get oral sex the most / burma shave

–J.J. Solari

Dutch Farmers mass protest with tractors against regulations that will reduce farms and food

Dutch farmers – who sit as the second-largest agricultural exporter in the world and largest meat exporter in Europe – have brought the Netherlands to a standstill, protesting against Climate Change regulations.

The newly elected government has set up a 55-60 per cent emissions goal by 2030, 70 per cent by 2035, and 80 per cent at 2040. To meet these arbitrary climate targets, they have created a self-inflicted disaster that will see the government drag its agricultural sector up the temple stairs, tear it to bits, and let whatever bloody stumps are left to tumble down the steps for the pleasure of the United Nations climate gods.

Farms which have been feeding the world for hundreds of years are going to be unceremoniously shut and their owners ruined because a couple of bureaucrats decided they didn’t like the nitrogen and ammonia emissions produced by growing food.

–Climate Depot

We considered this shot by Buck Lovell of a flying Hamster for our Deadwood billboard but decided against it. Hamsters are a custom club and many of their efforts go to charities, including this All Kids Bike Strider build by Cabana Dan a Hamster in the hills east of Sturgis.

Dan just received his paint back from Blue Moon Kustoms, Jayme Schmidt. This cutie will be auctioned off to support the All Kid’s Bike efforts.


‘Maybe We Should Not Want A Transition To Electric Motorcycles Too Quickly’

A European Council decision leaves room for the internal combustion engine.

The European Commission wants to ban the sale of vehicles with an internal combustion engine from 2035. The political reality may however force the Commission to accept a compromise that allows for vehicles to run on alternative fuel alongside battery electric vehicles. FEMA’s Dolf Willigers looks at the possible consequences for us motorcyclists.

Although many press releases from environmental organizations and several other articles could make you believe different, the Council of the European Union left some room for vehicles with internal combustion engines that run of fossil-free fuels after 2035.

After the legislators of the European Parliament adopted – with some changes – the plans (part of the Fit for 55 package, reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030) of the European Commission to ban the sales of new cars and vans that have no zero CO2 tailpipe emission from 2035 (in practice all vehicles with an internal combustion engine), the Council of the European Union – after a long discussion that went into the night of 29 June 2022 – also came to a compromise that meant the adoption of this among other elements of the Fit for 55 package. One of them is the introduction of a CO2 tax for the heating of houses and other buildings and for fuels for cars. This should also affect private households and persons from 2028.

However, there is a difference. In the European Parliament the lawmakers that could not agree with the new plans were just outnumbered and the proposal about the zero CO2 emission for new cars from 2035 passed with 339 votes in favor to 249 against and 24 abstentions.

However, the Council decisions are by consensus: in the end, all member states must agree with a compromise to get it adopted. This changes everything, because some countries have a large car industry and lots of people working there. The idea of having a large part of these workers made redundant did not appeal very much to – for example – the German liberal party.

The solution came in the form of an additional sentence to the Council agreement: “Different technologies are and remain available to reach the zero-emission fleet wide target. Zero-emission vehicles currently include battery electric vehicles, fuel-cell and other hydrogen powered vehicles, and technological innovations are continuing.

Zero and low-emission vehicles, which also include well performing plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, can continue to play a role in the transition pathway.” And an additional clause 9a: “Following consultation with stakeholders, the Commission will make a proposal for registering after 2035 vehicles running exclusively on CO2 neutral fuels in conformity with EU law, outside the scope of the fleet standards, and in conformity with the Union’s climate neutrality objective.”

Now, whatever is meant by “outside the scope of the fleet standards”, this leaves the door open for cars thermal engines after 2035 and not only for a few years for small series supercars like Ferrari. This is not the end of it.

The next step is that delegates of the Commission, the Parliament, and the Council of the EU are going to negotiate in the so-called trialogue. Here they must find a compromise and with that the Parliament and the Council will have a vote again. In short: that can be the end of the story, or a new round of negotiations will start.

Range and costs are the main reasons that not many larger electric motorcycles are being sold yet.

Now what does this all mean for motorcycling? Motorcycles are still not mentioned by either the Commission, the Parliament, or the Council of the EU and are out of the scope.

The reason why we look at what happens with cars and vans is that history has learned that sooner or later the same will happen with motorcycles, and then it may not be possible to escape the fate that strikes cars and vans. The day will come that the Commission comes with a proposal for a new type-approval regulation that contains a clause that means that motorcycles must have zero CO2 emission too.

Here it becomes interesting. We already see electric motorcycles. They are not sold much yet and the market for electric powered two-wheelers consists mainly of mopeds and small, city-oriented motorcycles. There are large ones too, think of Energica, Zero, Livewire, but these are expensive and still offer an at best moderate range.

Range and costs are the main reason that not many larger electric motorcycles are being sold yet. A 150 km range may be enough for the commuter and the average leisure rider, but you do not spend more than € 30,000 on a commuting bike.

As was recently pointed out in an article on the Bennetts website, with motorcycles, the drivetrain is a larger part of the vehicle, compared with cars, and the higher costs of engine, battery pack and software, that also must be special developed for motorcycles on a smaller scale, have a larger effect on the purchase costs of the motorcycle.

This may be one of the reasons that the established motorcycle brands are slower than their colleagues of the car brands. Another reason could be that with present development of batteries when you want a larger range, they will use a lot of space and add much weight to the motorcycle which has of course consequences for the handling. All good reasons why electric motorcycles are not as obvious, yet as electric cars may be.

Next to the motorcycle themselves (weight, price, range), there are other reasons why maybe we should not be very keen on a quick transition to electric motorcycles.

There is the issue of the infrastructure. Only a few countries in Europe have a proper charging infrastructure, and that is directed exclusively at cars.

Some motorcycles cannot even charge at all charging poles and the parking lots that comes with them are designed for cars. Car owners will not be happy with you when you keep one of ‘their’ parking spaces occupied while charging. Neither will you, because the charging stations ore often located at a far end of the service area with no facilities, social security, or anti-theft provisions.

We asked for that in a letter to the rapporteur of the new Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation, MEP Ismail Ertug, but he has ignored our input to his report.

Then there is the issue of the grid and the production of electricity. In the EU member state that is most advantaged in implementing a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, the Netherlands, there is a problem with the grid already because of the great number of electric cars and the transition from heating of buildings and houses with natural gas to electricity. Even to the point that at present new companies are denied a connection to the grid. More or less the same do we hear from other countries. For producing electricity coal plants are re-opened or their capacity is enlarged because of the larger demand, the present situation with the shrinking supply of natural gas from Russia, the rising cost of oil and the lagging production of sustainable energy. To be honest: e-fuels are not available yet on a commercial scale, the price will also be high and there is no guarantee that it gets cheaper on the long term.

There is the element of the production of batteries, solar panels, and turbines. All needed to produce and store electricity. This needs large amounts of rare materials that can only be delved at high social, economic, and environmental costs. This is also often the case with oil, let us not forget that. But still, contrary to what was and still is predicted, the prices of these raw materials and thus of batteries is rising and there is a good chance that they will rise even further with a growing demand.

As said before: this has a larger effect on the price of motorcycles than it has on the price of other vehicles.

Motorcycles, partly due to lower mileage per year, last very long, much longer than cars. In the European parliament, the Havana-effect was already mentioned: people will use their vehicles as long as they can to avoid purchasing a new car or motorcycle that they perhaps cannot afford or that they just do not want to have.

This transition period will be very long for motorcycles because of their longer lifespan. If you want to lower the CO2-emission it is better to have cleaner fuel than to wait until the end of this transition period.

The motorcycle industry should not be forced to completely switch to electric in 2035; there are still too many unsolved problems to put all efforts on one technique.

This being said, the Japanese big four in motorcycles have already announced that, due to environmental legislation in Japan, many existing models will not be made after this year, even the iconic Honda Gold Wing and the Yamaha FJR1300 will not be sold anymore. They have also announced that they will shift to electric. Honda will completely switch to electric from 2040, Yamaha will make 90% of new vehicles plug-ins by 2050.

–Written by Dolf Willigers



We’re offering up a bunch of Sportster chops. Some are painted and or built by Bernard Pouget, who worked at Bad Products 1962.

–Sam Burns
Feature investigator

Subject: We are One

What is behind this all?

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Emerson

“Rest and be kind, you have nothing to prove.” — Buddha


Thank You
–Yale Gelfant
Choppers Cycle

Your support has made our 20th Anniversary week the best one yet!

Thanks to everyone who came out last weekend to celebrate our 20th Anniversary! We had a great time firing up over 20 of the rarest bikes in our collection and sharing their incredible history. We’re continuing the celebration all month long, and you can join in with us through this month’s raffle special.

This month, when you enter our annual raffle at the “Greater Deal” package, you will get our limited edition 20th Anniversary Commemorative Coin along with your Raffle Tee, DVD, and Tickets. At the “Better Deal” package or higher, you will get the new Anniversary package, including the 20th Anniversary Commemorative Coin, Lapel Pin, and Anniversary Tee, in addition to your ’37 Knucklehead Tee, DVD, and Tickets!

This year’s Raffle Bike is the stunning 1937 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead finished in one-year-only Delphine Blue, striped in Teak Red, and edged in Gold. This Model EL features an all-1937 61c.i. Knucklehead engine cradled in a genuine 1937 frame and fork, along with all-original pre-war fenders and gas tanks. The 1937-only dash panel sports a 120-mph speedo, NOS amp gauge, and oil pressure switch. This 30-year assemblage of genuine HD components makes it the rarest and most original WTT Raffle Bike to date!

Consumer Education on Ethanol H.R. 7731 Call-To-Action

In May, President Biden announced the Environmental Protection Agency would temporarily lift the summer restrictions on the sale of gasoline with 15% ethanol (E15). In response Representative Austin Scott (R-GA) and Representative Lois Frankel (D-FL) introduced the Consumer Protection and Fuel Transparency Act of 2022 (H.R. 7731).

H.R. 7731 requires more detailed labeling of gas pumps that dispense E15 fuel. Clearer labeling of E15 at the pump will warn consumers about the harmful impacts of misfuelling so consumers can better protect their engines.

Unfortunately, most consumers are not aware that these fuel blends may be causing damage to their vehicle. A recent survey found 3 in 5 consumers mistakenly believe that E15 is safe for use in all their products. Motorcycles, boats, pre-2001 model year vehicles, and outdoor power equipment are especially at risk to E15 blends.

Please GO to the MRF website and help us tell your Representative that consumer education on E15 is needed and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 7731.


About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.

[page break]


Meanwhile, something I am sure will cheer up every biker and can associate with.


Song: I’m Not for Everyone
Artist: Brothers Osborne
Album: Skeletons (2020)
Song Duration: 2:52

… Some people clap on the one and three
Some people clap on the two and four
Some people don’t join at all
‘Cause they got no rhythm
And that’s alright
Some people, they drink too much
Some people don’t drink enough
Some people are just like me
I hope y’all forgive ’em

… I’m like scotch and zydeco bands
I’m like B-side Townes Van Zandt
I’m always speaking my mind
When I’m better off biting my tongue
I’m a bad joke at the wrong time
Hell, I’m a legend in my own mind
I’m good for some but I’m not for everyone

… If I was sweet tea, it’d be a bit bitter
If you took a drink, you might reconsider
If I was a church, I’d be hanging with the sinners
Talking ’bout Hendrix and Heaven
If I was a bar, I’d be a dive
A free jukebox in a double-wide
Neon lights saying “Come inside”
And I’d be “Open 24/7”

… I’m like scotch and zydeco bands
I’m like B-side Townes Van Zandt
I’m always speaking my mind
When I’m better off biting my tongue
I’m a bad joke at the wrong time
Hell, I’m a legend in my own mind
I’m good for some but I’m not for everyone

Yeah, I’m hard to love, it’s true
I’m a little more rough than smooth
It’s a wonder I found somebody like me, like you

… I’m like scotch and zydeco bands
I’m like B-side Townes Van Zandt
I’m always speaking my mind
When I’m better off biting my tongue
I’m a bad joke at the wrong time
Hell, I’m a legend in my own mind
I’m good for some but I’m not for everyone
Yeah, I’m good for some but I’m not for everyone

Music Editor

Want to see motorcycles being put together in the basements, garages, and woodsheds around the world…

The kind of machines that are fondled by the wild-eyed and sleepless?

Then here you are.

Lowbrow has over 40 different back issues of DiCE Magazine available (along with some killer DiCE shirts, hats and stickers).

–Lowbrow Crew


Today’s “Feel Like” was 112, tomorrow temp 104 feels like 114. I just realized I can run straight 60wt in the Dyna, of course I just changed the oil too! Need a oil cooler too!

A few of Ms Cheyenne “Fire” Wolf(?), trying to confirm her name, somehow I missed getting her site, I’m sure Silvia & Kent have all the info. I’m doing the mother medical thing daily, after 122 days for the broken arm

She’s back home. But now the cancer adventure starts, not sure if she’s going to even try and fight it. Life moving forward.

Public service message – 6 years is too long for a helmet face shield. I can actually see out of the new one I got today! Not sure if my girls are going to require a helmet once the Shovelhead is back together? Don’t think I’ve ever ridden that bike wearing one since ‘79? Your shop is frickin’ cool!

Certified Meteorologist

The summer seems to be racing by (again). We are preparing for our annual trek to the EAA Fly-In in Oshkosh, WI and will have the gallery there July 25-31.

For the Sturgis rally, we’ll be at the Gold Dust Casino in Deadwood from August 4-14.

For those who have ordered the new “Eternal Radiance” piece, we are now moving forward with production. I’ll be reaching out to you soon for any information we may need.

The big news for today is that we are offering a special Summer Promotion!

We recently went through all of the pieces we take on the road and also the ones on display in the gallery here in Colorado. It’s time to put find new homes for these! Because some of these pieces have traveled a bit, we are offering them at fantastic prices. With this promotion, we are also including pieces that are for sale by clients. There are some true gems in here.

You can view all of these pieces on our website. Please note the Current Price on our website, compared to the prices posted for these specific pieces for sale.

Art, listed alphabetically
The list below is not a complete list, so if you don’t see the piece you’re looking for below, please let me know!

David’s 115th Anniversary European Harley-Davidson commemorative. Image size 32×24

$1,850 and Rare on our website, this one is priced at $1,150

“Bikini Bike Wash”
David’s 2014 Sturgis commemorative, image size 20×26.5

$3,850 and Rare, this one is $2,500

Alexander Smith joins the All Kids Bike national ambassador roster.

Malcolm Smith Motorsports funded the All Kids Bike program at Loma Linda Elementary during the 2021-22 school year.

Alexander grew up on two wheels with his motorcycling legend father Malcolm Smith. Two wheels meant freedom and adventure for Alexander in his youth but was also serious business for the Smith family.

Malcolm Smith Motorsports in Riverside, California is home to 15 OEM franchises and 70 staff members while Malcolm Smith Adventures operates motorcycle adventures in Baja Mexico. When Alexander isn’t riding with his young daughter, he spends his time managing the Smith family of companies.

The NASCAR Foundation is partnering with All Kids Bike to place 50 kindergarten PE Learn-To-Ride programs into the Los Angeles Unified School District. This partnership includes the giveaway of a custom 2021 Harley-Davidson Road Glide FLTRXS built by Rusty Wallace and his son Stephen from Southern Country Customs. Stop by our booth on Main St at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally to say “hello” and enter for your chance to win this one-of-a-kind motorcycle.
For more information visit www.allkidsbike.org/raffle

If you’re interested in seeing the All Kids Bike Program in a school that’s important to you, or would like to create your own fundraising page, please contact hunter@allkidsbike.org.

Consumer Education on Ethanol H.R. 7731 Call-To-Action

In May, President Biden announced the Environmental Protection Agency would temporarily lift the summer restrictions on the sale of gasoline with 15% ethanol (E15). In response Representative Austin Scott (R-GA) and Representative Lois Frankel (D-FL) introduced the Consumer Protection and Fuel Transparency Act of 2022 (H.R. 7731).

H.R. 7731 requires more detailed labeling of gas pumps that dispense E15 fuel. Clearer labeling of E15 at the pump will warn consumers about the harmful impacts of misfuelling so consumers can better protect their engines.

Unfortunately, most consumers are not aware that these fuel blends may be causing damage to their vehicle. A recent survey found 3 in 5 consumers mistakenly believe that E15 is safe for use in all their products. Motorcycles, boats, pre-2001 model year vehicles, and outdoor power equipment are especially at risk to E15 blends.

Please take action now and tell your Representative that consumer education on E15 is needed and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 7731.


HANG ON!— United Nations Will Allow Automated Cars To Maneuver At Higher Speeds

FEMA: ‘Motorcycle safety has to be the highest priority when automated cars change lanes at high speeds’.

The UNECE’s World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations has adopted an amendment to UN Regulation No. 157, which extends the maximum speed for Automated Driving System (ADS) for passenger cars and light duty vehicles up to 130 km/h on motorways (the current limit is 60 km/h, which was introduced in January 2021), and allows automated lane changes. It will enter into force in January 2023 in those contracting parties which decide to apply it.

These systems can be activated only under certain conditions on roads where pedestrians and cyclists are prohibited and which, by design, are equipped with a physical separation that divides the traffic moving in opposite directions. The driver can override such systems and can be requested by the system to regain control of the vehicle at any moment.

The regulation stipulates clearly that all test that need to be conducted for a system like ALKS (Automated Lane Keeping System) or LCP (Lane Change Procedure), have to be carried out with a passenger car target as well as a powered two-wheeler target. In the amendment all tests that need to be conducted are described in detail, including all the tests – both on test tracks and in real-world conditions – where a ‘motorcycle target’ is to be used.

FEMA General Secretary Dolf Willigers: “FEMA has been asking for mandatory tests for automated vehicles to include motorcycles and other powered two-wheelers for years and we are pleased to see that the amended regulation now considers riders’ safety as important as drivers’ safety. We will however keep monitoring this, to make sure that manufacturers of automated cars do not take any ‘short cuts’ in the testing procedures. FEMA thinks motorcycle safety has to be of the highest priority when automated cars change lanes at high speeds.”

In October 2016 FEMA expressed its concern about automated vehicles not being able to detect motorcycles under all circumstances, because at that point advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) were apparently not tested with motorcyclists in mind. After this, the Netherlands Vehicle Authority RDW investigated the visibility of motorcycles for vehicles with innovative driving systems that control the speed of the vehicle.

RDW’s research showed that cars with an innovative driving system are capable of noticing motorcycles. But when motorcycles are riding at the edge of their lane, the adaptive cruise control does not respond well to them. In many tests, action had to be taken by the driver of the car to prevent a collision. The UN Regulation now sets out clear performance-based requirements that must be complied with by car manufacturers before equipped vehicles can be sold. It includes provisions concerning type approval, technical requirements, audit and reporting, and testing both on test tracks and in real-world conditions.

The adopted amendment mentions the following tests that need to be conducted with a motorcycle target (for the full details of the tests, please download the document)

A test to demonstrate that the ALKS does not leave its lane and maintains a stable motion inside its own lane across the speed range and different curvatures within its system boundaries.

A test to demonstrate that the ALKS avoids a collision with a stationary vehicle, road user or fully or partially blocked lane up to the maximum specified speed of the system.

A test to demonstrate that the ALKS is able to maintain and restore the required safety distance to a vehicle in front and is able to avoid a collision with a lead vehicle which decelerates up to its maximum deceleration.
A test to demonstrate that the ALKS is capable of avoiding a collision with a vehicle cutting into the lane of the ALKS vehicle.

A test to demonstrate that the ALKS does not leave its lane and maintains a stable motion inside its own lane across the speed range and different curvatures within its system boundaries.

A test to demonstrate that the ALKS avoids a collision with a stationary vehicle, road user or fully or partially blocked lane up to the maximum specified speed of the system.

A test to demonstrate that the ALKS is able to maintain and restore the required safety distance to a vehicle in front and is able to avoid a collision with a lead vehicle which decelerates up to its maximum deceleration.
A test to demonstrate that the ALKS is capable of avoiding a collision with a stationary vehicle, road user or blocked lane that becomes visible after a preceding vehicle avoided a collision by an evasive maneuver.

A test to demonstrate that the ALKS is capable of detecting another road user within the forward detection area up to the declared forward detection range and a vehicle beside within the lateral detection area up to at least the full width of the adjacent lane. If the ALKS is capable of performing lane changes, it shall additionally demonstrate that the ALKS is capable of detecting another vehicle within the front, side and rearward detection range.

A test to demonstrate that the ALKS vehicle does not cause an unreasonable risk to safety of the vehicle occupants and other road users during a (Lane Change Procedure), that the system is capable of correctly performing lane changes, and is able to assess the criticality of the surrounding situation before starting the manoeuvre.

Written by Wim Taal
Source: UNECE
Top photograph courtesy of itu.int


The 5-Ball Leathers 5/8 Jak shirt is in the news again. Frankie and the bros are headed into the desert shortly for another photo shoot.

And, of course, watch for Frankie’s full page ad in Choppers Magazine.

And he’s showing his prowess with portraits. Amazing. He’s available in Los Angeles, Austin or Deadwood.

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!

SciFi Satire: Gavin Newsom and the Doomed Planet


I liked the article! That’s why I am trying to get the hell out of California as soon as possible, before they squeeze another hard-earned dollar out of my pocket, let alone $40 billion out of the state of taxpayers!

— John Gray
Fawnskin, CA


A Skid Plate helps protect the underside of your engine and chassis from mud, rocks, dirt, crud……and whatever else the open road, or off-road, may throw at it!


Lowbrow’s new Skid Plates are
Available in Black or Stainless Steel finishes
A Quick and Easy Install On 1991-2003 Harley Sportsters

Help You Be Prepared For Any Terrain!
Made in the USA


PS – If you would like to help us spread the word about our new Sportster Skid Plates, post up the link www.lowbrowcustoms.com/skid on your favorite motorcycle group or forum! Thanks!





Thursday, August 11th – 6:00 PM – MIDNIGHT
Ages 21+ welcome
No Cover, No Tickets Required – FREE CONCERTS



2022 Harley-Davidson FLHXS – Street Glide Special FOR ONLY $35,995.00


Stock # 13436C is a 2022 Midnight Crimson/ Vivid Black two-tone Harley-Davidson STEET GLIDE SPECIAL 114 FLHXS with only 127.00 miles!

This bike is a LIKE NEW LOW MILEAGE 114 Street Glide some of the features/Add-ons on this bike are

* 114c.i. Motor with a 6-Speed trans.
* Prodigy wheels 19 front and 18 rear
* LED headlamp
* ABS Rotors with dual floating rotors
* 2-1-2 Dual exhaust with tapered mufflers
* High-flo air cleaner with rain cover
* Detachable backrest
* Only 127.00 miles!
* Two-tone paint

This bike is only $35,995.00

Plus, license, $85.00 documentation fee, and local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like some dealers. And we have no reconditioning or prep fees. This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety/mechanical/structural inspection.

Fill out an online application today. We have EZ FINANCING and EXTENDED WARRANTIES available!

Lifestyle Cycles is located at 1510 State College Blvd,Anaheim,CA,92806. NOT LOCAL? WE HAVE SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Call today (714) 490-0155. Open 7 days a week.

We carry Street Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Ultras, Sportsters, Softails, Dynas, and much more!

We are California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock! To view our current inventory,

Please visit www.LifestyleCycles.com or www.facebook.com/LifestyleCyclesUsedHarleys/


[page break]


We Ride Harley-Davidson’s Next-Gen Adventure Machine
Our Co-Founder Bill Bryant put a new Harley Pan Am through the paces on and off-road to try and wrap his head around the ADV thing in general and the new machine from Milwaukee specifically. The results may surprise you as much as they did him…

Check the Biltwell site for all the info.

“We received some very positive feedback from a member of the Uglies, who rode one all over Alaska.”–Bandit

Thought you would be interested in knowing Charlie Brechtel’s movie Rough Boys is now available.

It was made with a lot of people you know in it including me.

Today is Charlie Brechtel’s Birthday!?? We are happy to announce “Rough Boys” the Movie is ready for streaming! The Movie is high quality definition, some tvs will have to go to settings and lower the speed! You will need an email to receive confirmation!
Go to https://roughboysthemovie.live

Senior Editor

With Silvia and the girls.

To say this project has a long story is quite an understatement. . and because we have all stayed friends and loosely in contact over the years there are so many memories, kids, work, life and the madness that comes from it all, haha!

Now the bike is finished and the first tech article is headed to Bikernet in the very near future.

–Kent Weeks

NEWS FROM THE AMA— Thank you for being an AMA member!

There is a AMA National Dual-Sport ride happening soon!

What: Mountain Madness
When: August, 6th – 7th, 2022
Where: Flagstaff, Ariz.
Hosted by: Coconino Trail Riders

There will be four available routes, Expert (A), Intermediate (B), Novice (C), and a Rally style route. A, B, and C routes will be approximately 100 miles on Saturday and 70 miles on Sunday. Rally style route will be Saturday only and approximately 200 miles. GPS tracks provided. Rally route will also include a road book. Routes start and end at Fort Tuthill. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included on Saturday. Breakfast included on Sunday.

Check website for more Information!
Questions? Contact Coconino Trail Riders at info@coconinotrailriders.org.

TRIKE OF THE WEEK (NEXT WEEK)— from Choppers Magazine

The Rum Runner
My part of this trike’s story goes back some years ago when I acquired the rolling chassis from my homie Junior Combs out in Indiana. He had bought it out of a storage unit in Chicago to pull the OG Knucklehead out of it and told me that she had last been seen at the Chicago World of Wheels Show sometime in the early 1980s.

Now, I love Knuckles just as much as anyone, but that motor didn’t matter to me; I had mucho desire and grand plans for this dreamily idiotic chassis. I had been wanting a crazy throwback trike forever and figured one day I’d just have to build something wacky. Then this fell in my lap like a golden gift from the Gods!

See the whole story at the Choppers Mag Web Site. But that’s not all. Gotta couple more.


The BAKER Gearhead crew will be out in force at many of the events during the rally. Bert, Lisa, and the gang are looking forward to meeting you, hearing about your passion for motorcycling, and answering your drivetrain questions. We hope to see you at any or all of the following:

Michael Lichter’s Motorcycles As Art Exhibit (8/7/22-8/11/22)
The Flying Piston Benefit Breakfast (8/7/22)
The FXR Show and Dyna Mixer (8/7/22)
The Old School Chopper Show (8/8/22)
Biker Belles Women’s Day (8/9/22)
The BAKER Burnout Drags (8/9/22)
The Perewitz Paint Show (8/10/22)
The Evo Entanglement Show (8/10/22)
The FREE BAKER Drags (8/10/22)

Our headquarters for the event will be Deadwood Custom Cycles, be sure to see Jason and his crew to have your BAKER products installed during the rally!

TRIUMPH completes TE-1 motorcycle project with Helix electric powertrain
Milton Keynes, UK/12 July 2022: Triumph has announced the completion of its TE-1 electric motorcycle development project, powered by Scalable Integrated Modular Inverter (SIMI) technology from Helix.

During rolling road and track trials, the TE-1’s electric powertrain delivered 130kW (177PS/175bhp) peak power, for a 0-60mph time of 3.6 seconds and 0-100mph in 6.2 seconds. It also achieved a 100-mile range, based on live testing and official projections.

The high-power density that characterizes Helix electric powertrains contributed to making the TE-1 prototype as much as 25% lighter than comparable electric motorcycles and achieving its outstanding power-to-weight ratio.

Integral Powertrain Limited’s e-Drive division developed the SIMI in close cooperation with Triumph from 2018. On 4 July 2022, the company relaunched its electric powertrain engineering and manufacturing capability under the Helix brand. Helix offers unique Scalable Core Technology across three Product Levels, while advanced product development, epitomised by the Scalable Integrated Modular Inverter, is delivered by its X-Division.

Andrew Cross, Helix Chief Technology Manager, said: “We’re delighted to see the final TE-1 motorcycle testing phase completed and further validation of the performance and efficiency of our Scalable Integrated Modular Inverter.

“In its TE-1 application, the motor achieved peak and continuous power densities of 13kW/kg and 9kW/kg respectively; 60% higher than Advanced Propulsion Centre technology roadmap targets for 2025. All this was achieved using materials and processes compatible with volume automotive production and using a motor scalability concept that provided a springboard to our Scalable Core Technology, providing similar performance levels at much greater manufacturing scale than previously possible.

“We’re really proud to have been a key part of this exciting project, which is a landmark for electric motorcycles and British industry.”

You need to check out his Nordic long-bike story right here on Bikernet.



Take a spin in the all-new Experience Gallery at the Harley-Davidson Museum

Plus, guided tours – including Beyond the Gate access – are back!

MILWAUKEE, USA (July 12, 2022) – If it seems like there’s something new popping up on the campus of the world’s only Harley-Davidson Museum every month, you’re right! The 10,000-square-foot Harley-Davidson Shop – with its eclectic collection of exclusive apparel, collectibles and accessories – has been wowing customers since opening in June. And now, the all-new Experience Gallery has been unveiled, bringing the thrill of the open road to guests from all corners of the globe.

With this new multimedia experience, guests will be able hear straight from the H-D team how Harley-Davidson motorcycles are designed and engineered to be the most desirable in the world. Find inspiration from your fellow riders’ stories or discover how easy it is to take the first step in learning how to ride. And of course, finish off your visit by throwing a leg over one of five fresh-from-the-factory Harley-Davidson models – including the Pan America, a premier two-wheel multi-tool built to endure, designed to explore, and engineered for adventure.

Plus, the Harley-Davidson Museum is thrilled to announce that guided tours have made their triumphant return. And they’re all new in ’22! The guided-tour portfolio has been updated with new experiences and content. Choose from the Spotlight Tour, the Beyond the Gate Tour or the VIP Tour.

And another community event will be headed back to campus this month. The H-D Museum is partnering with WISN-TV and 102.9 The Hog to host “Coffee with the Morning Crew.” Mark your calendars for Friday, July 29 as we welcome everyone to stop down to 6th & Canal for a morning of fun, prizes and free coffee.

Choppers and tattoos have gone together from the get-go. From Terry the Tramp’s iconic piston and skull chest piece to Biltwell’s co-founder Magoo’s “$5 job killer” hand tattoo. There are lots of tattoo artists out there that are killin’ the game, but there’s only one Tony Medellin. Born and raised in the biggest little city in the world, Reno, Nevada, Tony has made quite a name for himself and his shop Lasting Dose Tattoo.

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!


Great article and CONGRATULATIONS to all.

— Robert Chester
Phoenix, AZ

WHAT’S NEXT?—My son just received his seven-year clean and sober token. I’m very proud. He’s very involved in AA, runs meetings and counsels guys.

Tim made me a gantry for moving shit in the shop. We immediately hoisted the Salt Torpedo and removed the damaged rear tire. It’s at Jason Mook’s Deadwood Custom Cycles having a new tire mounted and balanced.

Frank and I rolled over to Irish Rich’s Shamrocks Fab shop to pick up the VL frame. I’m real close to writing our first tech. I just need that concept drawing from Atomic Bob.

Bob is also working with Andy Calagero on our Salt Torpedo t-shirt art.

If you’re headed to the Black Hills for the Sturgis Rally and slide through Deadwood, you might just spot our Billboards.

With the help of the Salt Torpedo Crew, Dan and Luke, we unloaded the final crates. Then my son came over and helps install vices and move tools and equipment around. Gotta keep the flow going.

Yesterday, we received our certified Harness back. We will install them back into the Torpedo next week. Need some help ordering parts from S&S including intake flanges and a velocity stack for this puppy.

I need to ride more. Getting ready to ride out to meet some Hamsters heading this way. Shit, I moved to Sturgis, and I’m still riding to Sturgis for the Rally. WTF?

Keep after the dream and ride free forever or die trying.


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