
It’s a quirky day. I’ve got deals and wheels stuff happening all around me. A brother’s house burnt down in the northern California fires. Another brother, Bill Dodge, is in the hospital fighting motorcycle injuries (you’ll see the report in the news).

I’m scrambling to save and make more money in trying times and I would like to head back to Deadwood. On the active front, I have most of the pieces to finish the fender mounts on the Salt Torpedo. I started to write the 90th Episode of the Cantina Series and sorta like it. I’m playing with the Covid, homelessness and much of the bullshit society is struggling with right now.

Sam Burns sent me more encouraging photos of bikes and girls. Maybe it’s a hint to write more about the story line of my life. I’m still struggling with it. And I’m about to start another chapter of the third Chance Hogan books. Plus, Gary Mraz stopped by and stayed for a week. He is writing a series of books about the Midnight Rider or the Midnight Writer or Zac or Zachary, he can’t decide.

So, what does all of this tell you? I told Bob Bitchin that he’s about to start a new adventure after his beautiful Berry Creek mansion burnt down. I like to think motorcycles and freedom are at the heart of everything I do. And finally, there are so many wonderful things in life to do. Just smile and go after them. But do it with grace and style, compassion and benevolence. Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

Restoring Outdoor Majesty: New Law to Reduce Maintenance Backlog on Federal Lands

Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA). This SAN-supported law will dedicate $9.5 billion over the next five years to address the maintenance backlog on federal lands by creating a national parks and public land legacy restoration fund, enabling the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and several other federal agencies to rebuild and improve trails, roads, docks, campgrounds and more.

The bill will also appropriate $900 million annually to the Land and Water Conservation Fund for projects that help to protect natural areas, water resources, cultural heritage sites and to provide recreation opportunities. The GAOA will benefit SAN’s off-roading community in addition to those who use RVs and boats to enjoy the nation’s parks and recreation areas.



DIRECT FROM THE TWISTED ROAD–The 7 Differences Between Driving a Car and Riding A Motorcycle

Most people incorrectly think that riding a motorcycle and driving a car are fairly similar activities. Both vehicles have a key, an engine, and a seat, and both are used to move the passenger from one destination to another. Same same. Right?

Not so fast, Speedy.

These activities couldn’t be more different.

Twisted Road

HOT FROM DAVID UHL– What a crazy year this has been for everyone! Quite some time ago, we launched the idea of a new series for David, celebrating the female figure. We are happy to announce the release of the first in the series, titled “Female Figure on Motorcycle 1”.

The back story – – David and a small group of artist friends in Denver have been meeting weekly for years to paint classic female figures with live models.

In David’s words, “I have been asked many times over the years to do tasteful classic female figures with the motorcycle theme. I found the time recently and now plan on doing a series. I am very interested in exploring this as an artistic expression, not sensationalistic clickbait. Most any serious artists have portrayed the nude – in fact I started in art school with nude models in life drawing. Interesting that nobody has tried this combination…it’s almost impossible to find anyone who has put these two together without falling into the centerfold trap. Fine line I know, but I’m going to try.

I really look forward to exploring the limits of this, it becomes so much more about the “painting” than a story or subject. Makes you look at “how” it’s portrayed. With this approach I’m trying to play one of the oldest games ever… hide and seek. Makes the viewer use his/her imagination rather than rendering it all out so it’s like a photo. Becomes more about the way it’s painted than the subject matter.”

Oil paint historically has been the ideal medium for depicting the nude. By blending and layering paint, the surface can become more like skin. Its slow drying time and various degrees of viscosity enable the artist to achieve rich and subtle blends of color and texture.


He is pricing the original oil, measuring 24×32, at $9,500 which is a GREAT price for a David Uhl original (some have sold for as much as $90,000).

We will also be offering a VERY SMALL edition of canvas prints, hand-signed and numbered, with Certificate of Authenticity.

** Image size 18×24, edition of 12 plus 2 Artist Proofs and 2 Hors d’ Commerce, $895 framed

** Image size 24×32, edition of 12 plus 2 Artist Proofs and 2 Hors d’ Commerce, $1,295 framed

David is excited about this new series! Those collecting this first piece will have first right of refusal for their matching edition number on future additions.

You can place your order by return email, or by calling me at 303-913-4840.

–Greg Rhodes
International Sales Director

Uhl Studios
15801 W. Colfax Avenue
Golden, CO 80401


THE BILL DODGE UPDATE–On Saturday, September 12th Bill Dodge was involved in a motorcycle accident where the driver of a car made a left turn in front of him, leaving Bill with multiple fractures to his spine, multiple bone fractures, as well as skull and facial injuries. Bill is going to require a total shoulder reconstruction of his shoulder including a shoulder replacement. Bill also has a substantial amount of road rash everywhere. with a long road to recovery ahead of him.

I thought you might be interested in supporting this GoFundMe,

Even a small donation could help Ray LLanes reach their fundraising goal. And if you can’t make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.

Thanks for taking a look!

Latest Update:
I just spoke to Denise and she asked me to make a post and let everyone know what’s going on with Bill. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but..

Bill is not doing very good due to the brain trauma he sustained. They aren’t sure what exactly is going on, but the bleeding has pretty much subsided, which is good.

However, he’s being very combative and not listening to anyone including Denise. We all know Bill is the kindest human and doesn’t have a nasty bone in his body. He fell as he was trying to get out of bed, which is not allowed, with the severity of his spine fractures of the C6 and C7.

He’s completely sedated at this point to help his brain rest and keep him from moving so much. If he doesn’t rest and continues to try to get up and keep moving, he could become a quadriplegic. So, PLEASE EVERYONE, say the prayers and more! Pray for him to rest and stay still and get that brain injury and spine injury healed up quickly so he can start the road to recovery!!!

I love you so much Bill and Denise and family and friends and we’re all here for you and know that you’ll get through this, and we will all do whatever it takes to help!!!

–Steve Garn

This morning he’s much more coherent and concerned about his customers.

Senior Editor™

ANOTHER EVENT CANCELLED--We regret to announce that this year’s Smokey Mountain Chopper Fest is canceled.

If you have ever been to SMCF, you know that the beautiful land and family that own it is a huge part of SMCF. This year has been tough across the board and it has been especially taxing on the family. (A big portion of the proceeds from SMCF benefit a scholarship in the memory of their beloved son and brother, Brandon Stiwinter.)

The family’s difficulties combined with the current limitations on the number of people allowed to gather in North Carolina led us to make this difficult decision.

Along with the hardships everyone has faced this year, there is also a history of nosy neighbors who aren’t too fond of the fun we like to have. The last thing that we’d want to happen is folks travel to the event and then have to go home due to the involvement of local authorities in this odd time. People have been making plans to come in from all over the country and world and to have everyone make the trip for nothing would be heartbreaking.

We know a lot of people will be upset about this and we are just as bummed as you are. The heart and soul of SMCF is the family and location. It just wouldn’t be the same anywhere else. Please know that this is a complex situation. Behind the scenes, we considered many other options, but unfortunately canceling is in the best interest of everyone — you, the family and staff.

ALL of the money for passes will be refunded over the next two weeks. You DO NOT need to reach out and request a refund. We are not holding your money hostage until the next event and will have it back to you as fast as humanly possible. Please be patient with us while we work out the logistics. If you are a sponsor, we can’t thank you enough for your time, energy, and contributions. Your involvement is greatly appreciated and we will be in touch very soon.

We held on to all hope of being able to party with y’all this fall for as long as possible, but it just isn’t in the cards for this year. We don’t know what the future holds, but we hope to party with y’all next year. Take care of each other.

RECOGNIZING A STROKE–Thank God for the sense to remember the ‘3’ steps, STR. Read and

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S * Ask the individual to SMILE.
T * Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. Chicken Soup)
R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke ——–

Stick out Your Tongue!

NOTE: Another ‘sign’ of a stroke is this: Ask the person to ‘stick’ out his tongue. If the tongue is ‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved

I have done my part. Will you?

–Joe Smith
Chief Medical Investigator™ Medical Center

BIKERNET GUN NUT REPORT–Engravings in metals that are precious to us can be so meaningful and expressive!

I believe this engraving is especially communicative and I thought you would appreciate it (below).

–Wanda Weber

NEW FEATURE FROM LOWBROW–What do you get when you spend 9 months working in the garage?

Well, if you do it right, hopefullly something as cool as this ’62 FL chopper.

Scope out this rad bike (built by Ken), in everyone’s favorite color, black (painted by Ken), in some tastefully taken photographs (taken by Ken).
If you enjoy anything about this bike or article (written by Ken), you have him to thank for it! Nice work, Ken!


The motor and transmission came from my friend Michael Geltz who gave me a deal I couldn’t refuse. He also happened to have other parts that I needed such as the Linkert M74B, 1 & ½-inch primary belt drive setup and a few other odds and ends. As soon as I sent him the payment, I started buying the rest of the parts for the bike. I wanted to challenge myself and do it all by myself in my garage which probably took way longer than it should have.

Nine months later, it made its way into the Stag Magazine, issue #11, MamaTried Show in Milwaukee, The Congregation Show in North Carolina, Fuel Cleveland, The Greasiest in Lombard, and the No Show digital bike show by Harley-Davidson. I’m very honored for the invitation to show the bike at all of these great motorcycle shows.

After that tour of shows, I freshened the top end and installed a PSP manifold with the Pangea Zeppelin air cleaner. The bike now usually fires up on the first or second kick. I’ve shaken it down quite a bit and have taken it on a couple long distance trips. One of those trips was this year’s Apocalypse Run #13 where I rode it from Chicago to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and back. Aside from a loose wire and a faulty ignition switch, it got me home safely.

It took nine months for Ken to finish this build, but it was totally worth it.


It was originally painted Garnet red and I thought it looked good, until I rolled it out of the garage and into the sunlight. Just something about it didn’t sit well with me. It originally had a re-pop Wassel tank and I had been looking for a Hap Jones tank for some time. As soon as I found one, I used that as an opportunity to re-paint the whole bike black, which is what I wanted to do in the first place.

I’m really happy with how it sits currently, and I find it very rewarding to ride, given that it started out as a bunch of parts. But it wouldn’t be where it is today – an awesome Harley-Davidson FL Panhead, if it wasn’t for my friends who helped along the way.

I get asked a lot about the front end which at first glance, looks like a vintage Triumph front end. I initially wanted to get a 2-under springer but at that time, I had been over my budget. So I modified a narrow glide, cleaned the trees, had my buddy Phil at Bravetown shave the lower legs to fit inside a set of MCM fork shrouds that I got from Ed Zender at Morrie’s Place in Ringwood, IL. I also had him make the spacers to fill the gap between the shrouds and the top tree.

A lot of effort has been put into the front end.

The hand shifter was a piece that I cut from an old sissy bar that came off of my Triumph and the wooden knob was from an old antique file that I found in my garage.

Who would have thought an old sissy bar could become a hand shifter, right?

Who would have thought an old sissy bar could become a hand shifter, right?

The rear fender is special to me. It’s made by my dear friend Ron Brefka at 7 Metal West who forms these by hand based on your specs, rear wheel/tire size. He’s a hardworking guy and takes great care when making these fenders. Honored to have one of his fenders on my bike.

Words and photos by – Ken Carvajal

BIKERNET READER COMMENT–Cool intro into your beginnings. It sounds like a lot of us during those times. Dads that would kick our asses and we couldn’t wait to get out of the house. We deserved those ass kickings sometimes though.

Some of us went to war, some of us went to the ship yards, and some of us went to work the Alaskan pipelines back in the day. I can’t wait to read the next story line.

Looks good and sounds good.



Brand Fitment: Saddlemen
Model Fitment: RoadSofa’s with Driver Backrest Seat Models
Year Fitment: all (Harley-Davidson)

Rain Cover is for touring seats with driver backrests.

Convenient, easy-to-use design
Folds into itself for storage
Fully waterproof
Protects expensive seats from sun or rain
Fits most seats up to 38″ L x 18″ W


–Buster Cates

SUPREME BIKERNET INTERGALATIC HEADQUARTERS FOR SALE—We are trying to move our headquarters to South Dakota. Talk about an adventure…

So, our current headquarters are a biker’s dream. It has 440, 3-phase wiring, a massive shop, a giant loft to live in. Retail space is available up front for use or rental income. It has a large one-bedroom apartment for rental income. It’s very secure and the Port of Los Angeles is across the street. Total square footage 8,515.

This is a place for a guy who wants his own shop and doesn’t want to commute. Wake up in the morning, grab a cup of joe and walk out to your office overlooking your shop.

It’s basically between two freeways on the coast between Long Beach and San Pedro and the Port just broke ground on a long-awaited waterfront effort, which is across the street. At some time in the near future it may be across the street from the Wilmington restaurant district.

Here’s a link to the listing:

BIKERTOBERFEST NEWS—Biketoberfest At Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona
Oct 15 at 8 AM – Oct 18 at 6 PM

Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona and Daytona Harley-Davidson are preparing to hold our Biketoberfest event while implementing recommended safety measures. The scope of the event is planned to include vendors, daily live music, bike shows and much more at our open-air venue. For all information and a schedule of events log on to–biketoberfest

Senior Editor™

LEGISLATIVE WATCH–Congress is moving legislation quickly, and federal agencies are enacting sweeping regulations that will impact our right to ride. Your help is needed now to support motorcycle-friendly lawmakers in Washington, D.C., and ensure they are elected—or re-elected—in this critical election year.

The most cost-effective way to make a difference is to donate to the American Motorcyclist Political Action Committee. AMPAC exists for one reason: to financially support federal lawmakers who will fight to defend your freedom to ride. Every dollar given is used precisely for that purpose.

Give to AMPAC Today

Every donation counts, and with just $25 or more, you will help support:

• Ensuring automated-vehicle technology does not put motorcyclists at risk
• Your right to modify your own bike
• Responsible off-highway vehicle access to public lands
• Restrictions on high-ethanol fuels that are unsafe for motorcycles
• The defeat of a proposed 100 percent tariff on certain European motorcycles
• A greater voice for motorcyclists in federal government
• Ending discriminatory motorcycle-only checkpoints and equipment laws

With the election season fast approaching, this is a critical time to give to protect and expand our rights.
Give to AMPAC Today

Politicians and unelected Washington bureaucrats are under constant pressure from powerful lobbies encouraging them to permit unproven highly automated vehicles on our highways, expand the availability of unsafe high-ethanol fuels and prohibit responsible access to public lands. Our support through AMPAC counters that pressure!

Without your involvement, new legislative and regulatory victories will be impossible. Politicians understand strength in numbers. Help build the roster of elected officials standing up for the rights of all motorcyclists—donate to AMPAC today!

–Michael Sayre
Director of Government Relations
American Motorcyclist Association

P.S.: Donate $25 to AMPAC to protect your access to everything motorcycling. In this election year, we need your help more than ever. Your donation is needed now!

ANOTHER MOTORCYCLE MAGAZINE DOWN–Cycle World print edition ends as Octane buys Bonnier digital assets.

Cycle World, once the largest consumer motorcycle magazine in the United States and now the last remaining motorcycle print publication in the once-large Bonnier Motorcycle Group, will print its last edition in October.

Octane, a powersports finance company, announced that it has acquired the digital assets of the former Bonnier powersports print magazines: Cycle World, Motorcyclist, Dirt Rider, Motorcycle Cruiser, UTV Driver, ATV Rider, and Cycle Volta. While the other publications had ceased appearing in print form, Cycle World was still being published quarterly. “Bonnier Corp. will help produce Cycle World’s final print issue in October 2020; existing print subscribers will receive a digital edition beginning in 2021,” said the news release.

“Our goal for this acquisition is to ensure that unbiased product reviews, rigorous and objective testing, and informed storytelling will continue to be available to powersports enthusiasts,” said Jason Guss, CEO of Octane. “When combined with Octane’s financing platform and dealership partners, consumers will soon be able to go directly from researching their dream vehicle to owning it, in a fast, seamless process.”

Octane said it would invest in content and web site development of the former Bonnier brands and it seems at least some, if not all, of the same editorial team will be in place, led by Mark Hoyer.

Cycle World Magazine to cease print publication

While print motorcycle magazines continue to thrive in countries like Spain, there is no longer a single, national, monthly consumer motorcycle magazine left in the United States.

From any perspective, Bonnier’s relatively short ownership of some of the oldest motorcycle magazines in the country has to be considered a disaster. The U.S.-based Bonnier Corp., owned by the Bonnier Group of Sweden, acquired Cycle World and several other titles in 2011. In 2017, it killed off some of its motorcycle print magazines, including Sport Rider and Dirt Rider. Motorcyclist, the oldest motorcycling magazine in the country, got a new editorial focus and switched to six issues a year in 2017 and then the print edition was eliminated in 2019.

Early this year, before the COVID-19 epidemic disrupted the U.S. economy, Bonnier had already hired a firm to try to sell its U.S. magazine titles, which included not only Cycle World, but also some formerly huge print publications such as Field & Stream and Popular Science. Later reports suggested there was little if any interest in the print motorcycle magazines, however.

The wealth of content produced over the years, both in print and online, by magazines such as Cycle World, Motorcyclist, Sport Rider, Dirt Rider and others, still has value, though. If a consumer is considering buying a used street motorcycle from 2015, for example, and searches for reviews online, it’s quite likely a Cycle World or Motorcyclist evaluation will be near the top of the search results. If that material also leads to a financing option provided by Octane, then it’s easy to see why the financing company would want to own the Cycle World or Motorcyclist brand and archives. It’s the same reason that RevZilla finds it to be a good business practice to provide free content to customers and potential customers here at Common Tread.

On the other hand, it’s also clear the old model of advertising-supported national print magazines is no longer viable. With Motorcycle Consumer News, Rider and American Iron all ending their print editions this year, there was no national, monthly, consumer motorcycle magazine left in the United States. While we have highlighted some print magazines that have succeeded by serving local, regional or specialized audiences, the general interest national motorcycle magazine is essentially extinct.

Almost the only remaining national print motorcycle magazines are those published by associations for their members, such as the AMA’s American Motorcyclist, the Antique Motorcycle Club of America’s The Antique Motorcycle and, the biggest of them all, the Harley Owners Group’s The Enthusiast. Harley-Davidson recently announced it was returning its quarterly publication to the traditional name, The Enthusiast, after a little more than a decade of being called HOG Magazine.

–Photos and text by Lance Oliver

Cycle Source is still around, I hope. If you read the above, it’s sorta obvious that membership magazines are viable. I still think a sharp magazine that uses the benefits of the internet is a winner, especially if folks are stuck at home and anxious to receive something, anything in the mail.–Bandit


Twin Power Klincher clutches provide increased surface area and torque capacity while maintaining an easy lever pull. They are available for 1937-2017 models with cable or hydraulic clutches (except M-8) and tuneable for any application.

Clutch Hubs

These accurate reproductions of the Big Twin clutch hub feature steel spines and aluminum hub. They are available for selected Big Twins 1984-2006.

Clutch Shell

This clutch shell is a “perfect replacement bearing” for ’90 and later 5-speed Big Twin models. These are exact reproductions of the OEM clutch shell. They feature hardened components and include the inner and outer ramps. For 2007 and up applications they come with a coupler with clip and three balls.

Clutch Hub Assembly

This 3-stud replacement clutch hub assembly for the stock early clutch hub includes assembled clutch hub, complete with friction disc and rivets, bearing retainer with bearings, spring pressure plate and stud nuts.

Aluminum Clutch Pressure Plate

“Restore-like-new clutch performance with this Twin Power aluminum pressure plate – the perfect OEM replacement” for ’90-’97 Big Twins and ’91-’15 Sportsters.


New 2021 Motorcycle PinUp Calendars
The PinUp Calendars featuring Iron & Lace Custom Motorcycles and Garage Girls Hard at Work photographed by renown glamour and motorsports photographer Jim Gianatsis make their return for the 2021 Calendar year commemorating 30 years of publication!

Both the new 2021 Iron & Lace and Garage Girls Calendars feature the beautiful Calendar Kittens photographed with many of the world’s top Cafe Racer Bikes, Sportbikes, Bobbers, Metric and American Customs. You will want to get both Calendars, one for the house and one for the garage. What better way to enjoy each month but with great photography of the world’s best motorcycles and beautiful girls. Order now at

The 2021 Calendars again feature the top custom motorcycles from our LA Calendar Motorcycle Show and the world’s top custom bike builders including this year Richard Pollock & Rex Harris / Mule Motorcycles, Ron Baldonado, Damon Gregory, Sonny Nutter, Ron Simms, Roland Sands, Yasuyoshi Chikawaza / Chica Custom, Shinya Kimura / Chabbot Engineering, and Russ Tom.
This is your exclusive 16-month pit pass to some of the world’s top custom and race bike and sexiest models in revealing swimwear and lingerie. Calendars are highest quality full color 15 x 15″ wire spiral bound printed on heavy art stock art board.16-month Calendars being with September 2020. $22.95 each.

Also available is the FAST 2021 Calendar Yearbook in OnLine Digital FlipBook or Printed Hardcover Coffee Table Book talking you behind the scenes for an even more exciting look at the incredible Custom Motorcycles and the Kittens who tamed them! Now online at Calendars are also available in the USA at, / 1-800-366-3645; and in Europe at Zodiac Motorcycle Parts /, and Custom Chrome Europe /

SEPARATING FACT FROM FICTION ABOUT WILDFIRES–When it comes to wildfires, to co-opt the immortal words of naval officer Oliver Hazard Perry, “we have met the enemy, and it is, not climate change, but us.”

Due to much of the western United States being naturally arid, high mountain scrub desert, grassland, and dry forest, wildfires are an unfortunate fact of life. They always have been and likely always will be.

And despite what you may have heard, there is no evidence climate change is making the problem worse.

California, where much of the attention on wildfires has been focused in recent years, because it has a large population and major media outlets are located there, was one of the least populated (and lowest population density) regions of the country before European colonizers spread across the continent. Research shows droughts in the region have on occasion lasted on the order of a hundred years. And there is evidence massive wildfires regularly swept through the region in the past.

Indeed, a 2007 paper in the journal Forest Ecology and Management found prior to European colonization in the 1800s, more than 4.4 million acres of California forest and shrub-land burned annually, far more than the area of California that has burned since 2000, which ranges from 90,000 acres to 1,590,000 acres per year.

Although one wouldn’t know it from the news coverage and alarming, but false, claims that climate change is making wildfires more frequent and severe, the opposite is true. A 2012 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found wildfires in the western United States attained “the lowest levels … during the 20th century and during the Little Ice Age (LIA, ca. 1400–1700 CE [Common Era]). Prominent peaks in forest fires occurred during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (ca. 950–1250 CE) and during the 1800s.”

Wildfires have declined sharply over the course of the past century in the United States and globally. As reported in Climate at a Glance: Wildfires, long-term data from U.S. National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) show wildfires have declined in number and severity since the early 1900s. Using data on U.S. wildfires from as far back as 1926, NIFC reports the numbers of acres burned is far less now than it was throughout the early 20th century, with the current acres burned running about 1/4th to 1/5th of the record values that occurred in the 1930s.

Globally, the data on wildfires are just as clear. In his book “False Alarm,” Bjorn Lomborg observes:

“There is plenty of evidence for a reduction in the level of devastation caused by fire, with satellites showing a 25 percent reduction globally in burned area just over the past 18 years … In total, the global amount of area burned has declined by more than 540,000 square miles, from 1.9 million square miles in the early part of last century to 1.4 million square miles today.”

To the extent wildfires have grown modestly in recent years, although still far below the modern peaks of the early 1900s, government policies and demographic shifts are mostly to blame.

After the end of Ronald Reagan’s presidency, forest policy on federal lands shifted, and not for the better. After Reagan, forests began to be managed for the imagined good of ecosystems, placing ecological and recreational values above timber production. The result was an abdication of management so that nature was allowed to take its course unfettered.

Under this policy, thousands of miles of forest roads were ripped out, roads built to allow the harvesting of timber, but also used by firefighters to access wildfires in the hinterlands before they spread to populated regions. And timber harvests plunged as much as 84 percent from 12 billion board feet per year to less than 2 billion board feet per year.

The result across much of the western states has been an unnatural tree density. For example, historically, ponderosa pines grew in stands of 20 to 55 trees per acre, but in some areas they now grow in densities of 300 to 900 trees per acre. The unnatural density allowed what were formerly isolated pockets of insect infestations to morph into massive infestations killing large swaths of forests. There are now more dead trees in many federal forests than live ones, drying out and becoming growing stockpile of fuel for wildfires. Indeed, the U.S. Forest Service estimates more than 190 million acres of public land, almost all of it in the arid west, are at risk of catastrophic fires. Too many trees, too much brush, and bureaucratic regulations and lawsuits filed by environmental extremists are to blame.

On the demographic side, populations have grown dramatically in the western states. What were once uninhabited areas or small towns have become major metropolitan areas with suburbs growing out to the edges of wildlands. For instance, in Colorado, where wildfires are raging at the moment, the population has grown five-fold since 1940, from a little more than one million in 1940 to nearly 5.76 million today. Former small mining towns have become cities. Colorado’s population has grown 14.5 percent since the 2010 census, the fourth largest percentage growth in the nation.

Across the west, more people, more buildings, and more infrastructure have created a growing urban-rural interface, meaning more people and property are in harm’s way when wildfires inevitably occur. Indeed, the absolute costs of wildfires have increased dramatically over the past century even as the number of acres burned has declined. When wildfires strike, more people are affected and more expensive property is destroyed. The higher costs aren’t caused by climate change but from the rise in the number of people and value of assets placed in the “bullseye” as a result of demographic shifts in where people live and the lifestyles they pursue.

When it comes to wildfires, to co-opt the immortal words of naval officer Oliver Hazard Perry, “we have met the enemy, and it is, not climate change, but us.”

[First published at The Epoch Times]

By H. Sterling Burnett

Someone pointed out that wildfires in Canada have declined. Did the Climate Change miss Canada?–Bandit

[page break]

SOCIAL SECURITY HISTORY LESSON–I’m sure many of my recipients already know this, but I would rather be redundant then you be ignorant….

If you pay into Social Security or receive Social Security this is as advertised a real eye opener.

Facts very few people know but directly impact their lives..

–from El Waggs
Bikernet Retirement Counselor™

LIFESTYLE CYCLES DEAL OF THE WEEK– 2016 Harley-Davidson FXDWG – Dyna Wide Glide for $12,995.00

See it here:

2016 FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide

The 2016 FXDWG pays homage to its predecessor yet embodies present technology. The Twin Cam 103 is an awesome power plant and with the weight to power ratio this Wide Glide kicks to 110 mph very quickly. The safety of standard ABS brakes confidently slows you down.

Absent from the Dyna line in 2009, the FXDWG returns for its third tour of duty with a down-’n’-dirty, old-school-chopper-inspired look. The long, low look is largely a product of new suspension that has been shortened by 1 inch at both ends. A black “wire? sissybar, which helps give the Wide Glide a 1970s street-chopper vibe. The black steel swingarm is controlled by a pair of preload-adjustable Showa shocks.


Charcoal Pearl with flames and raised tank logos is like new. Vivid black console with chrome fuel caps and gauge accent ring. Vivid Black 12″ TBars, black mirrors, chrome hi-reflective blinkers, vivid black headlamp with chrome bezel, chrome fork, polished crossties, lower legs on vivid black 6 twin spoke cast wheels. ABS anti-lock braking system. DanMoto black 2:1 exhaust. Chrome open stage one air cleaner. Black powder motor and covers including timing with vivid black H-D cover, trans with ‘six speed’, chrome horn / 103 derby covers, vivid black coil cover and battery case with chrome ‘wide glide’ band.

Solo seat, pillion, forward controls, passenger pegs and very mini sissy bar. Vivid black fender supports, swing arm, chrome adjustable shocks / chain guard, and black drive sprocket with a polished rim. LED stop / turn / tail rear lights with side license plate and good tires…

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 101 point safety and mechanical inspection. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to roll!!!


Fill out an online application and ride today!!!

**Open 7 days a week**

Only $12,995 at Lifestyle Cycles (714) 490-0155


THE STAINLESS LOWBROW–Lowbrow makes it painless.

Here at Lowbrow we know just what you need when it comes to stainless steel motorcycle handlebars:

 Perfect fit and finish
 All stainless-steel construction
 100% TIG Welded
 Leave as-is, or polish to a mirror shine
 Made in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Only $99.95, and ships free.
PS – if you don’t like stainless, there are always black or chrome!

ANOTHER EVENT CRIPPLED–Cripple Creek City Council

Been to motorcycle events all over the country for years. There is no U.S. military tribute motorcycle event like “The Salute to American Veterans Rally,” especially since it is combined with the 33-year tradition of the POW-MIA Honor Ride.

What the Wear’s and support staff endeavor to do, and have done for nearly 30 years, is a work of love that has consistently delivered heartfelt thanks to America’s active & veteran military service members – “America’s treasures.”

The Salute to American Veterans Rally is also an opportunity for veterans, who all wrote America a blank check for their lives, to heal from the unimaginable horrors of war by gathering in historic picturesque Cripple Creek to shake hands, embrace and be recognized and honored for their service and sacrifice so we American citizens AND ELECTED OFFICIALS can continue to be free.

For families with children to attend is an opportunity for America’s youth to be taught about our sacred American heritage and also to be wowed by thousands of beautiful motorcyles, many flying American flags and military themed flags.

I have been to this event nine times over the last fourteen years, as a patron-supporter, and on assignment from largest national motorcycle monthly newspaper, Thunder Press in 2015 – the year James Downing, the oldest living survivor of Pearl Harbor, was the guest of honor and a featured speaker at the ceremonies in Cripple Creek’s City Park.

I am also currently on assignment from veteran owned, one of the largest online motorcycle community websites in the world for an as yet to be published report of the events leading up to the cancelation of this year’s event, the 33rd annual POW-MIA Honor Ride and the future of all aspects of this entire weekend event schedule.

Over the years I have happily introduced several of our family’s veteran biker brothers and sisters, friends and colleagues to this event, including the founders of Operation Gratitude, SSG Elizabeth Cowie (attended ’17 & ’18) & Mrs Carolyn Blashek (2 million+ care packages My wife, Debbie, and I are also former double corporate sponsors of “OPGrat.”

Finally, and the most important facet of this event are the organizers, Mr. Jim Wear and his wife, Mrs Pam Wear. (The Wear’s would never say this because when it comes to America’s fighting forces, they are truly humble and the event they produce is about American soldiers.) Like America’s fighting forces, and when it comes to this event, the Wear family is indomitable. The passion, love and appreciation this family has consistently demonstrated for nearly three decades to our nation’s military to produce this event is something pure, rare and needed, especially in today’s world where the history and roots of America’s bought-by-blood freedom is too often taken for granted, “white washed” and worst of all, forgotten.

I doubt Colorado or any Colorado town could find a more qualified and dedicated family to produce an event of comparable quality. Not only that, and even more important, veterans and active military personnel trust the Wear’s to “do them proud.” This trust was earned and after so many years, well deserved.

I will be observing and feel it is my duty to report how the current city government of Cripple Creek handles the future of this event. Anything less than continued enthusiastic support will be an insult to American service members, the always patriotic motorcycle community and the Wear family.

–Jeffrey B Kraus
Independent journalist™

Cripple Creek City Council

Veterans Rally Citizens Alliance
Annie Durham
Petition By:
Annie Durham

We, the undersigned, are asking the Mayor and City Council Members of the City of Cripple Creek, Colorado to please continue to support and keep the annual Salute to American Veterans Rally in Cripple Creek. We are also asking that the City continue to financially sponsor this event as was agreed upon in 2009.

For nearly 30 years, on the third weekend in August, Veterans, riders and patriots have gathered in Cripple Creek to thank and show support for our American men and women who have served and who are still serving in the United States Armed Forces. This rally has great importance on many levels.

First and foremost is how important and meaningful this event is for our Veterans. Suicide among Veterans is at an all time high, patriotism is under attack, and the fact that we still have thousands of troops deployed overseas is being forgotten. It is of utmost importance to let our Veterans, as well as our active duty military members, know that their service for our country is appreciated and is not forgotten.

For many of the Rally attendees, this is an opportunity to gather with fellow Vets and talk about their nightmares or their traumas without scrutiny or criticism. For two or three days, they sleep in peace. It is also a chance for them to reconnect with friends old and new.

For the citizen attendees, this is an opportunity to truly show our love, support and gratitude for those who served our country. It is also a time for us to honor those who never made it home.

The Salute to American Veterans Rally is also important to so many local Veterans organizations that are recipients of the proceeds from the event. Those monies then go to help local Vets in need.

Lastly, this event is economically important to the City of Cripple Creek coming in the way of lodging taxes, sales tax revenue from vendors and local businesses, and gaming revenue.

We again ask respectfully that the City of Cripple Creek keep the Salute to American Veterans Rally in Cripple Creek.

To Cripple Creek City Council:

This petition was created by the Veterans Rally Citizens Alliance to demonstrate the immense amount of support that exists for the Salute to American Veterans Rally. As it is evident that this Rally is extremely important to American Veterans from all over our Nation, we respectfully request that you take this into consideration regarding any decisions made by Cripple Creek City Council in regards to the future of the Rally.

Annie Durham
Veterans Rally Citizens Alliance
[Your Name]


This one I caught in the SGV Tribune the other day and called the Editorial Room and asked who wrote this. It took two or three readings before the editor realized that what he was reading was impossible!!! They put in a correction the next day.

I just couldn’t help but sending this along. Too funny.
Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
No, really? Ya think?
Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
Now that’s taking things a bit far!

Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
What a guy!
Miners Refuse to Work after Death
No-good-for-nothing’ lazy so-and-so’s!
Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
See if that works any better than a fair trial!
War Dims Hope for Peace
I can see where it might have that effect!
If Strike Isn’t Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile
Ya think?!
Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Who would have thought!
Enfield ( London ) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide
They may be on to something!
Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
You mean there’s something stronger than duct tape? Oklahoma’s new construction program!
Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge
He probably IS the battery charge!
New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group
Weren’t they fat enough?!

Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft
That’s what he gets for eating those beans!
Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Do they taste like chicken?

Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
Chainsaw Massacre all over again!
Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
Boy, are they tall!
And the winner is….
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead

Did I read that right?
Now that you’ve smiled at least once, it’s your turn to spread the stupidity and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to (maybe even a chuckle). We all need a good laugh, at least once a day.

Associated Editor™ Editorial Board



CARL MORROW PASSES–I read today where Carl Morrow of Carl’s Speed Shop passed away. You and I were in Daytona in 2018, and I had never met Carl. He gave us a complete tour of his shop. A real gentleman.

Sorry to hear this.

East Coast Feature Editor™

As we’re just over a month until the inaugural King of the Baggers race, we wanted to provide you with an update on the S&S Indian Challenger entry. Early last week, the team’s rider, renowned road racer Tyler O’Hara, was able to throw a leg over the modified Indian Challenger race bike at the team’s first testing session.

Though rain limited the full testing that was planned, the team was able to gather valuable information around rider ergonomics, suspension and more.

Below we have provided a link to some photos from the testing day. If you have any interest in learning more, we’d be happy to connect you with Tyler or any key team members from S&S or Indian Motorcycle.

As a reminder, King of the Baggers will join the MotoAmerica Superbike Speedfest at Monterey Oct. 23-25.

THE COVID ENGLAND REPORT–People in England who see their neighbours flouting the new “rule of six” are being encouraged to contact police by the government.
Social gatherings of more than six people are now illegal in England from today.

People face fines of up to £3,200 if they do not abide by the new measure, which aims to curb an increase in COVID-19 cases.

A total of 3,330 confirmed coronavirus cases were recorded in the UK on Sunday – the first time since May that cases have been above 3,000 on three consecutive days.

As the new rule came into force, policing minister Kit Malthouse said concerned neighbours should ring the non-emergency police phone number to report violations of the restriction.

–Greg Heffer, political reporter
Sky News

SKEECHERS SHOES MAKES THE STROKER’S DALLAS SPECIAL FOR WOMEN—This just in and I don’t know if Rick Fairless knows about it.


SFV TECH REPORT– I’ve been working on my 2015 Harley Street glide since I got it new, sorting out all the issues you should not have to do on a new bike. Suspension.. #1, new seat , bars and tires and now exhaust system. Of course, I wanted some more performance but my main issue was the heat coming off the catalytic converter that was the deciding factor for me to make a change.

Here in California we can’t order a 2-1 system that is not EPA approved and get it delivered, so I looked into who offers one that is compliant for California and found that S&S has the 2-1 Sidewinder 50-state compliant system.

These have the Catalytic converter in the muffler and moves the heat back away from your leg. More about that later.

I won’t go into the installation you can look it up online for plenty of good youtubes but wanted to talk more about tuning once you’re up and running with this system.

Let me be very clear here…… you need to tune this system with a good tuner. Not a stage one from Harley. I spent a lot of time with a Vance and Hines FP3 auto tuning and then with their techs and got it running really good.

After installing the sidewinder, I took it for a ride and the bike ran so lean it would not pull at all and was obviously in need of tuning. There are quite a few company’s making good tuners out there so it’s your choice, but it’s a must.

After all the work getting it dialed in, I really like the S&S sidewinder. It smoothed the engine quite a bit and the bottom end and midrange are outstanding.

Here is the big plus for me. The engine runs cooler and the muffler barely radiates any heat under the saddle bag and my leg. They did a good job with containing the heat in the muffler. Where it falls down a bit is the top end.

You feel the Cat in the upper RPMs, which I stay out of anyway, but it’s on par with the stock system.
I think that S&S is on to something here with performance Cat 2-1 exhaust systems if it fits your needs.

This was not the direction I wanted to go originally but I’m very happy with the results now. S&S always has great products and has done it again.

–Mike Stevenson
Tech Editor™

REACH OUT REQUEST–Tell New York to Allow Racing to Resume with Fans

UPDATE: New York’s shopping malls and casinos may now reopen. However, racetracks are still off-limits to spectators. If you have not done so already, please ask Governor Andrew Cuomo to open racetracks to fans before the season ends.

DON’T DELAY! Please contact New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and ask him to support the New York Motorsports Coalition’s plan to safely resume racing.

You may use the following points in your message:

The New York Motorsports Coalition (NYMC) has put forth a plan to safely allow racing to resume statewide with limited spectators following CDC guidelines.

NYMC’s plan allows residents to enjoy racing in their communities instead of traveling to neighboring states that have already implemented similar guidelines.

New York has a rich motorsports tradition and is home to over 60 racetracks and the businesses and enthusiasts that support them.

The safe resumption of racing with spectators would provide desperately needed economic stimulus to New York and a morale boost to its residents.

The New York Motorsports Coalition (NYMC), a group comprised of racing facilities across New York, has submitted a comprehensive plan to Governor Andrew Cuomo that would allow motorsports to safely resume with spectators statewide. As it stands, New York residents must travel to neighboring states in order to enjoy racing.


[ luh-pid-uh-fahy ]
verb (used with or without object)


to turn into stone.


The relatively rare verb lapidify, “to turn into or become stone, petrify,” comes via French lapidifier from Medieval Latin lapidificare. Lapidificare is a transparent compound of Latin lapid– (the inflectional stem of lapis “stone”) and the Latin verb-forming suffix –ficare, ultimately a derivative of facere “to make, do.” The resemblance between lapis and Greek lépas “bare rock” is “hardly accidental,” as the pros say: Both words probably come from a Mediterranean (non-Indo-European) language. Lapidify entered English in the mid-17th century.


Perhaps in a few months a slow seepage, rich in minerals, would return to these passages and gradually glue their bodies to the rocks where they sat, to seal their crypt and lapidify their bones.


The rule of the Abang, in an age when the techniques existed to lapidify any rule to permanency, was, because of the very rise of a party, doomed.


OKAY—What’s next? I have other thoughts about magazines, but I don’t want to go there. Every time I go to a magazine web site and shit is popping up everywhere, I want the real thing. Fortunately, when you read something on Bikernet, you’re not barraged with ads. I hope someone notices.

Okay, so tomorrow I’m going to run some errands and start on the Salt Torpedo front fender mounts, with the help of Prism Motorcycle Supply. I’ll hit ACE hardware for some 12-point fasteners. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I may need to hit Phillips steel for some tubing, but I think I have the stuff I need in the shop. I also need to hit Staples for some long, narrow, shipping boxes.

I’m shipping my Spitfire girder to Paughco. They are going to check it out. My son wants to buy this FXR but the last Spitfire girder I had broke, and Paul never fixed it, so I don’t want to sell this bike without having the girder checed. Plus, Paughco is going to take over building Donnie Smith styled girders. If this one doesn’t work out, I’ll shift to a new Donnie Smith unit from Paughco.

The homeless are stealing my mail, but that’s okay according my city councilman, Joe Busciano. According to my Feng Shui guide book, this month is going to be a blast, but so far it’s been short of whacky as you know.

But don’t forget, when shit looks out of hand, we’re living in the best of times. It’s just that some folks are jealous or confused and want to fuck with it, big time. Ultimately they’ll learn. In the meantime:

Ride Fast and Free, Forever,


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