When it comes to the motorcycle industry success is equated to wealth, talent displayed through social media exposure and legacy by the empire you were able to build through one’s business acumen. If this is true then several people integral to the fabric of our custom motorcycle world don’t exist. But, if success can also be equated to ones network of friends, talent displayed through bikes on the road and the reverence inspired in other talented builders and legacy born out of one’s character then my friend Bill Dodge has secured his place as a legend and icon in our industry.
Of course, Bill Dodge of Bling Cycles in Daytona Beach, Florida would aggressively spurn any titles or positions thrust on him in any form of praise.He takes great pride in his work but he does so with humility most of us will never have known. Nonetheless, Bill Dodge is a premier motorcycle craftsman, a trend setting designer and a mentor that has spawned more than one extraordinary builder.
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