Bill was born in Compton and still has that tough take notshit attitude.His path into the custommotorcycle world is one of great cultural lineage but also one that he doesn’trely on for his own reputation.Bill isa self-made man whose life isn’t unlike the Badlands of South Dakota.While it is full of beauty and character itis the result of struggle and perseverance.His ups have a corresponding down; with almost every triumph there is anaccompanying defeat.In that way BillDodge is really just very much like most of us. He is an everyman (with mad fucking skills).
Bill could have thrown in the towel many times but hasinstead miraculously found the intestinal fortitude to move forward becomingever humbler.Some might attribute thisto the street grit he acquired growing up in the tough neighborhoods ofCompton.Others might want to believethat he has some wealthy benefactor that swoops in and softens the blows.But anyone who really knows Bill Dodgeunderstands that Bill’s resoluteness, his stoutheartedness is a result of anever deepening faith in Jesus Christ.Whoa!Don’t go there Pat.People will cringe.Keep it motorcycles.No.Thisis the absolute truth.Bill Dodgebelieves in Jesus Christ and prays his way through difficulty.I know this because Bill has prayed methrough difficulty.He brings wisecounsel to others in the industry through the teachings of his Christian faith.He is not over the top.He’s still a helluva lot of fun to bearound. And he throws one hell of aparty!

Bling Cycles on Beach Street in Daytona Beach, Florida gotover 3 feet of flood water.With floodinsurance running around $2000 a month that wasn’t a realistic option.But Bill has lost virtually everything in hisprofessional life.He single handedlypushed 23 motorcycles above the water.His customer bikes and builds were saved.But every memento, every remembrance of alife in the motorcycle industry, every silly but precious friendly note aregone.All of the parts collected overthe years, the swap meet scores, the bones of any good shop gone.His own motorcycles are in need of seriousoverhaul. The tools of his tradeincluding his grandfather’s big aluminum drill, gone.
“Love one another with brotherly affection as members of onefamily, giving precedence and showing honor to one another.”Romans 12:10
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for atime of adversity.”Proverbs 17:17