I am Rogue’s 2009 Harley FLHTC and I am using the name Dirty Girl for this article because well I am, Oh not that kind of dirty girl silly. Some years ago, after returning from our ride to Sturgis, Rogue said, “Damn Girl Your Dirty,” and the name sort of stuck. To tell the truth I wear it like a badge of honor.

Throughout the year, I am taken care of very well, serviced on schedule with quality products and even some safety and performance upgrades. Before Sturgis, I get a complete check-over. All my Spectro fluids are changed, tire pressure checked, thread depth measured, drive belt tension checked, the full service, even polished.

Earlier in the year I got a new Harley Daymaker Headlight and then running lights, and they really make a difference. If you’re interested you can see the article at – http://baggers.bikernet.com/pages/LIGHTING_UP_THE_NIGHT.aspx
Rogue’s sister Tammy showed up on that cute Freewheeler H-D Trike she rides, and we headed off to pick up Beat-on in New Jersey. Yea I know, that is some extra riding. But we were out for a ride and going to do it up right.

We actually got to Georgia before the rain started. They stopped to put on rain gear and this was also going to be the first time Rogue was going to actually use new Harley Rain Gear. It worked so well I kept hearing him tell people about it on the trip and showing them, he was dry.
If you are interested you can see his article on it at:
Well the rain got so bad and they decided to get off the highway. Tammy hydroplaned coming off the ramp and ended up in a field, the little guy got a fender busted up, but otherwise both we’re okay.
We waited for a bit and eventually made it up I-95 until we found a town with a hotel.

The next day we made it to Beat-0n house. A couple of days later we headed west until Ole 79 had an engine issue on the turnpike, and they knew the trip was over for them. I have done a lot of miles with that old boy and he usually does well.
Well we made it to Springfield, Ohio and Tammy had to fly home, so we went to the nice people at Revved-Up Harley and the took care of the trike and arranged for it to catch a truck ride home after the rally.
We got back out on the interstate and Rogue gave me a little throttle. I got to admit, I do like getting out in the left lane and strutting down the road. Rogue turned on a bunch of stuff to let him know where them guys, with the blue lights on their cars are. They always seem to want to stop people. Did that until we ran into more rain, damn they sure seemed to be a lot of it this year.
Stopped to see Cat and Cowboy and parked next to that nice Softail. Her and I have done some fun riding in the past.

Made it to Mitchell, South Dakota for the Klock Werkz event, which actually became a city event last year because it got so big. Did get by the shop though and said Hi to everyone and the woman Jenifer, who has done some work on me in the past. Always like seeing people, who touch me just right.

Rogue will tell you more about the event in one of his articles.
The girl at the Buffalo Chip said the sun was shining there as we were leaving Mitchell. Well it sure wasn’t on I-90, Damn. Oh, but when I rode into the Chip the sun did step out and dry up the roads to the town of Buffalo Chip.

Got to Tim and Helen’s, got settled in and checked over, a bath and back tire checked. Yep, time for a new one. I like Black Hills Harley and have sent other motorcycles there before and all were satisfied, so I got there early and they took me right in.
That gave Rogue time to walk around the parking lot and see some of his vendor friends. He was looking for something for his grandsons FXR.

Got some nice riding in the hills but did ended up not feeling right at low speed, so back to Rapid City and a visit to Thunder Max. Got there early and they got right to me. Turns out I had a bad O-2 Sensor on my front cylinder giving me indigestion. It is the sensor that says how my gasoline and air are mixed. Suspect that nasty rain somehow got in the wiring and did something. Well, they had me feeling good in no time.

Stopped By to see Klock Werkz and a few other vendors.
Left Sturgis on Sunday and caught a bunch of rain again but made it back to Cat’s. Always good to see her and Cowboy.
Caught bad rain coming out of Nashville and when getting gas, a fire truck pulled in. A siren went off and I heard the fire fighter tell him flood warnings and suggested he find some higher ground. There was a hotel up the hill, the only issue was getting to it as it had a small river running down the hill. When I tried to cross it, it tried to tip me over, Rogue turned into it and gave me some throttle, after all we had been through wasn’t going to let something like that stop us.
The next morning, we hit it hard for Florida. Yeah, more rain, damn I was getting tired of this. I got rain places where the sun don’t shine and has never in the past. We did 6005 miles and I feel good about that.
We have been home for awhile, and I got stripped of saddle bags and everything that could be easily removed. I have had numerous baths including one to the stick wash where they wash the 4-wheel things. More washing, cleaning and polishing. Got new Spectro Engine Oil and a H-D oil filter, some shift rod ends and a fuse replaced.

I am still sitting on the lift, because there is more rain coming, something called a hurricane. Rogue told me when it was over, we would go for a ride to Alabama and see some friends who are making a movie. Now, that sounds like Fun. I might even get a little Dirty Again, LOL.

Ask your friends to join the Cantina, so the Dirty Girl can keep making trips in the rain…–Bandit