Women’s Motorcycle Clothing – Chaps


When it comes to buying clothing to wear while riding, partying or just going out – where do you go?

When it comes to buying clothing to wear while riding, partying or just going out – where do you go? Harley-Davidson Fashion has always been a good, solid, standby and for many years that was often the only choice we had. Or we used to have to buy men’s clothing and make do with the fit. In order to get a perfect fit you could also pay a lot of money to have a handmade, measured to fit garment.

Nowadays there are a lot of brands that specialize in offering women’s motorcycle gear, aimed at women and cut and fit specifically for women. I don’t personally have any experience with the following suggestions, and you shop at your own risk. Check sizes carefully, they vary tremendously from place to place. Prices also vary tremendously, and perhaps the old adage “You get what you pay for” applies here. The top of the line goods are much more expensive but they are often better made, cut to fit better and last longer, and then perhaps most importantly they look amazing!!


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