“White Knuckle” a Movie Review


A Movie Review by Dr. Feng and Sailor Sherry

“White Knuckle” by Atomic Hot Rods is a present day documentary, about a current coast to coast motorcycle race called Cannonball in Honor of “Cannonball Baker”.  It centers around three guys who have an irresistible love of riding and of racing vintage bikes built before 1916, across the U.S. 

If you are looking for a slick Hollywood production with special effects and an overdone sound track, this is not your movie. A basic down to earth tale of American motorcycling grit and ingenuity mixed with a heavy dose of patience and endurance.  This is a great reminder of our forefathers, and the ‘just birthing’ days of the American Motorcycle Industry.

The first time I saw the movie, I noticed it represents bikers of both sexes, various ages and at various stages of sobriety. A good time was had by all, with lots of audience participation and commentary, “That reminds me of…” along with “That’s amazing, cool…” The second time I saw the movie, it was just myself and my friend Sherry.  We enjoyed it just as much the second time around, if not more.
Should you have it in your Collection?  Absolutely, I definitely recommend it! 
–Dr Feng

Second review

Motorcyclists, enthusiasts, groupies and novices alike are shown in a unique documentary of a cross country motorcycle run, which features bikes from their infancy. The documentary by Brian Darwas, chronicles the story of three of those riders, through the perils and pitfalls of this 2010 cross country.  The run is from coast to coast, a 3,300 mile run starting in Kitty Hawk, NC and finishing in Santa Monica, CA with bikes made before 1916. 

Reaching speeds of 25 to 45 miles per hour, gives us an inside view of the endurance, mechanical ingenuity, and a new appreciation for the early days of motorcycles, as well as the adventure they sparked. The imagery of the past mixed with modern day obstacles and a kick ass sound track makes this documentary truly special. One can not walk away without thinking of the Forefathers and their ability to conquer America with passion. This movie gives insight into just what it took to get across the country on old pre 1916 bikes, with breakdowns, repairs, and personal challenges.

The stories told in this Cannonball journey, make it a true classic American Motorcycle documentary and one that is hard to ignore. It would be a shame for someone who truly loves their bike, bikes or biking to not add this unique DVD to their collection.
Recommendation definite!  
–Sailor Sherry
“I followed some friends as they rode on the first Motorcycle Cannonball.  The run was all pre-1916 motorcycles. Some were single cylinder engines, some had no transmissions (just a belt and a tensioner). They started in Kitty Hawk, NC and rode clear across the country to Santa Monica, CA.  Literally “Coast to Coast”, on all secondary roads, no highways……and since I like to witness pain and suffering I tagged along and made a movie about the trip.”  –  Brian Darwas – Hot Rod Builder and Award Winning Filmmaker

To purchase DVD please visit www.choppertown.com
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