Watermelon Whine

The author and builder, Kevin Brooks.

To understand the Bike you must first know the two parties involved, I am The builder and conceiver of its whole, the man who twisted the steel and gave life to its thundering heart, who saw a means to an end, to reach its owner’s, desired results. My history lives in a world regulated by the speed and power of all things in it, years of building, owning or racing the fastest Boats, Cars, Trucks, Snowmobiles, Bikes or what ever other thing we were into at that time, in this area, made me the one who could bring all the chromed elements together.

The bikes owner, T.A. Bertolucci, is also a firm believer in paying homage to the Great Speed Gods in all forms and functions. He has been a friend and a customer for over 20 years. We have collaborated on many projects over the years, all in the same manner and form, to make metal objects the nastiest and wildest speedsters we can.

As we speak we have already embarked on a new project for this year. It’s a single seat Cole Hydro running a 10-71 blown and injected 572 inch Big Block on Alcohol with a 2-speed Lenco trans, this will definitely be a boat that will “light your hair on fire”.

When we began building Watermelon Whine for T.A. it was to be a simultaneous build along with 58 Corvette he had owned for 25 years, we fabricated a new four linked tube chassis with four corner disc brakes to contain the 6-71 blown Weber carbureted Big Block Chevy and four speed trans. Modified the body and repainted it with a fresh Pearl White covering. The end result was one very wickedly fast Pro Street Car!

The bike project began with the same type of idea, a low slung Pro Street style bike with an over-powering engine, Just the way all things should be, if bigger is better, than biggest must be best, then if that isn’t enough just add a blower!

The engine is a TP 124 Pro Series, Tom Perrone was kind enough to special build this unit for us, featuring a blower specific grind camshaft, 8:1 compression ratio and mild head work it became a perfect foundation for my next trick. Calling upon my friends at Magna Charger I had them build up a blower configuration to work on a 131 inch motor, I than modified the intake manifold to fit my 124 inch unit, the result is a highly compressed intake charge raising the intake air density even higher than normal resulting in way too much torque and power, this combo will put a permanent big shit eating grin on to the face of anyone with the Balls to really lay into this monster.

With the fuel being fed by twin Mikuni’s and fired by the Crane ignition system the engine never falters. Driving all this power thru a 6-speed trans the acceleration and top speeds are staggering.

As with all our projects power and beauty must go hand in hand. The foundation of this bike is a custom Diamond Chassis softail frame built to my specs, then modified with custom metal work through out. There’s the usual Legend Air Ride, Hard Oil Lines, welded in rear fender, hidden lines etc. that have become so common place on high end customs. This was not so, back when this bike was built. LA. wanted a Zoomie style exhaust to go with, the all-business power plant, a digital tach/speedo to know if he should be scared yet.

We added a complete PM wheel and brake package to ensure safety, suspended it with an American Suspension front end and had my guy Bill “Long Hair” Brown at Long Hair Customs mix the Watermelon Whine green and add those always over the top graphics.

From a block away you can hear the whine of this blower motor, you know long before you can see it that something wicked this way comes. Couple that one off green color, the higher than life feeling you get when riding it and what else could you call this beast but “Watermelon Whine”.

Bikernet Supreme Tech Chart
Owner: T. A. Bertolucci
Built by: Thunder Mountain Motor Sports
City: Mount Shasta
State/Zip: California, 96067
Phone: (530) 926-2287
Website: www.thundermtnmotorsports.com
E-mail: Kevin@thundermtnmotorsports.com

Type of bike

Make: Thunder Mountain Motor Sports
Year: 2005
Model: Watermelon Whine
Class: Pro Street

Fabrication: Thunder Mountain (TMMS)
Sheet metal: Hand formed steel
Time: 3 months
Assembly: TMMS
Assembler: Kevin Brooks
Value: $75,000


Type: Total performance blower motor
Displacement: 124 cubic inches
Year: 2005
Horsepower: 168 hp on pump gas
Heads: TP
Valves: TP
Pistons: TP
Cylinders: TP
Cam: TP

Lifters: TP
Pushrods: TP
Carbs: Twin Mikunis
Air cleaners: Velocity Stacks
Blower: Magna Charger
Ignition: Crane Hi-4
Exhaust: TMMC
Mufflers: No freakin’ way
Exhaust finish: Chrome


Type: TMMC
Year: 2005
Builder: Diamond Chassis
Stretch: 4 out, 2 up
Rake: 41 degree neck, 3 degree trees
Swingarm: TMMC
Shocks: Legend Air Ride
Modifications: Extensive


Type: Inverted
Year: 2005
Builder: American Suspension
Finish: Chrome
Triple Trees: 3 degrees billet



Rim: Performance Machine
Size: 21-2.15
Hub: PM
Finish: Chrome
Fender: TMMS
Tire: Avon 80/90
Brakes: Peformance Machine

Rim: Performance Machine
Size: 18-8.5
Brake: Inboard
Builder: PM
Finish: Chrome
Fender: TMMS’
Tire: Avon 250 Venom
Hub: PM


Colors: Custom Green Metallic
Type: PPG
Special paint: Harlequin
The Painter: Bill “Long Hair” Brown
Address: 224 S. Mt. Shasta Blvd,
Mount Shasta, CA 96067
Chrome: Walkers Custom Chrome


Handlebars: TMMS
Risers: Taylor Engineering
Taillights: Taylor Engineering
Turn signals: LED built in
Speedometer: Dakota Digital

Tachometer: Dakota Digital
Gauges: Dakota Digital
Electric’s: TMMS

Seat: Corbin
Oil Tank: TMMS
Fuel Tank: Independent Tank Co.

Da Brooks’ gang. Check the next page for one of Kevin’s car projects.

Peter Linney Banner
Click on the Cadillac for more info about the photo master, Peter Linney.

T.A. bought the 1958 Corvette in the Early ’70s, it had a classic 60’s style psychedelicPurple and weird graphics paint job. Originally equipped with a small block the car went thrumany engine changes prior to its last metamorphosis, the first time it was a potent 468 bigblock, Followed by an original LT-1 small block with a dual quad intake.

During a conversation over a couple of beers and some shots of Tequila T.A. came tothe vivid conclusion that since he had just added a nice Split Window Vette to his collection thatit would be a good time to remodel the 58’ into a vicious Pro Street car to match the Custom BikeI was building for him already. A few more beers, a couple more shots and he gave his all clearto do what ever the fuck I wanted to the car, as long as it was over powered and off the hook.

The project began by building a new foundation for what would become our latestcollaboration. We started with a custom Triangulated Four Linked tube chassis using a Fordinch rear end, four corner disc brakes with Mustang 2 drop spindles up front gave the car aperfect stance.

The engine is a 500 inch rollerized big block Chevy with all the goodies inside and out.Sporting a 6-71 Blower and four down draft Webers the intake supplies more than enough funAnd visuals to please everyone. Coupled to a four speed Muncie bang box the car is a tireroasting son of bitch. About half way thru third gear on street tires the ground speed catchesup to the tire speed enough for shit to really start happening quickly.

We had our boy Bill “Long Hair” Brown lay down the custom Pearl White withRed Pearl overly upon the flawless fiberglass body. When all was said and done, T.A. and Ilifted up our shot glasses and toasted another job well done, after a few more beers and shotsT.A. was overheard quietly asking me what should we do next? And that’s all it took to beginour latest act of overpowered joy!

Click on the banner for more info.

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