I want to thank all the Vets out there today for their service. I spent three tours off the coast of Viet Nam on a heavy cruiser. During the second tour, our Captain made a promise to blast his way into the record books by launching over 85,000 rounds of 3, 5 and 8-inch shells at the coast of Nam in seven months. Maybe that’s why my brain still rattles today.
This scrambled news column is wild with hot girls, new jokes and quirky news. So let’s hit it.
We also got a call from a brave warrior who received a shirt from us last year. That really brings home why we do it. He proceeded to tell us that the Soldier we had sent the packages too was killed in action, along with a lot of their other guys and having people they didn’t know take the time to send them wrapped gifts really was comforting to them all, and really did give them the feeling of being home even if it was a brief feeling!

T-shirts for Troops
311 Aviation Parkway
Cape Coral, FL 33904
To learn more go to www.rollinsixeschoppers.com
Rollin Sixes is also working hard to expand our product line and network of dealerships! We hope this not only gives you more really awesome stuff like our grips and pegs, but also makes it easier to find at your local bike or rod shop. Those of you in the New York area can be the first to benefit from this effort by visiting South Side Kustoms! I have to say I am a bit amped about this because along with SSK carrying a full line of Rollin Sixes gear Rollin Sixes now carries the complete line up of really killer bikes from South Side Kustoms. Checking back often at www.rollinsixeschoppers.com as we have some really cool stuff in the works and will be getting them added as soon as they are ready! Starting with some really creepy and cool shifter knobs for your hot rod.
–J. Bias
Rollin Sixes Choppers & Rods
BIKERNET UNIVERSITY PHILOSOPHY CLASS FINDINGS–When tempted to fight fire with fire; remember that Fire Departments usually use water.
You’re never too old to learn something stupid.
Nostalgia isn’t what it use to be.
Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people. Others have no imagination whatsoever.
A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it.
If you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, why do some people have more than one child?
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
–from BA Berry
NEIL ARMSTRONG’S SECRET– In case you didn’t already know this
Little titbit of trivia, it might make you chuckle when you read it:
This is a TRUE STORY
–More Wag…Less Bark

STURGIS MUSEUM WEB SITE IMPROVEMENTS– If you go to www.sturgismuseum.com you will see several upgrades to the site. Video is the first and most obvious addition, but even better is the all new “Members” Page. Here you will find all kinds of cool stuff that will change weekly and even daily in some cases where the museum will “take you places you have never been before.”
In September 2010 we traveled to Hot Springs, Arkansas to join the Motorcycle Cannonball Endurance Run in progress. What a historic event! Words cannot describe the vibe and feel that being in the presence of the 95+ year old machines and the participants gave as we walked around the convention center and observed the road crews working, rebuilding, and preparing the machines and riders for the second leg of the 3000+ mile journey. These interviews and many photos of the visit to Hot Springs can be seen on the Members page of the website.
In October, we ventured down to Birmingham, Alabama as guest of the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum. This 5-story modern facility is impressive to say the least. The only thing more impressive than the exhibits is the staff running this great facility. What a terrific group of people. They welcomed us with open arms and gave us access to the entire place and gave us some very good insight on this organization.
Our last trip for the month took us to Daytona Beach and the 18th annual Biketoberfest event. As usual, no disappointments during the visit to the “World’s Most Famous Beach.” We hit Main Street and of course had to check out the legendary Rats Hole Custom Bike Show. We saw some real works of art and possible future hall of famers who built them.
The details of all the above are documented in video on the member’s page of www.sturgismuseum.com. If you’re not a member of the museum, you can become one right there at the member’s area of the website.
In November we will travel to Europe. Specifically to Rosmalen, Netherlands to cover the action at the Big Twin Custom Bike Show which is an affiliate show of the American Motorcycle Dealers (AMD) World Championship of Custom Bike Building held annually in Sturgis at the rally. In 2010 the major sponsors of the World Championship cited and feel the need to keep you up to speed on our plans, travels, events, and expansion progress.
KRYLON JOHN REPORT ON SHITHOUSE GASSES– The one fact I think most citizens in the state of California didn’t realize when they voted against proposition 23 is the people at CARB are the ones who are in charge of implementing every phase of AB 32 including Cap and Trade.
If a guy has a job like Jay Leno where the buffoons in our government are providing hilarious monologue content without having to pay a writer it’s a great deal. For the ones of us including Jay, who have to suffer the ignorance of CARB’s mentality, and pursuant actions, it’s a nightmare that only seems to get worse. The Cool Cars initiative appeared as part of California’s Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), which mandates a drop in greenhouse gas emissions for the state to 1990 levels by 2020. Within the Cool Cars initiative was the “Cool Paint” initiative that was about as uncool as a moronic idiot’s law can get.
It was so stupid that it even caught the attention of the square press. Kirsten Dirksen of the Huffington Post wrote, “Originally CARB was pushing a “cool paint” initiative, or a requirement that all cars use heat-reflecting paints, but automakers complained that the technology, especially for black cars, wasn’t ready yet.” Going into a little more depth here’s what I had to say in a Custom Classic Trucks’ editorial.
Leaf Blowers Suck!
A good analogy to describe life in the 21st century is it’s like being an actor in a poorly written episode of the Twilight Zone that’s televised on a continuous loop and can’t be turned off. Let’s temporarily forget about the Wall Street crooks that get paid multi-million-dollar retention bonuses to stick around in case they’re needed to bankrupt their companies again, and move on to issues which are closer to the hearts of automobile enthusiasts. I’m talking about the contrived energy crisis, and all of the related baloney that goes with it. If there really were such a thing as impending doom from greenhouse gases the solution offered up by the powers that be would run on a more urgent timeline. Think about it, instead of pouring millions of tax dollars into subsidizing hydrogen-powered vehicles that might prove out in 20 years how about an effective change that could be put into action before the sun sets tonight?
Zeroing in on a specific example brings me to the state of California’s recent “cool paints” initiative introduced on March 12, 2009 to ban black paintjobs on automobiles and trucks. The trouble stems from the California Air Resources Board. CARB wants to mandate the phase-in of non-existent heat-reflecting paints on vehicles starting with the 2012 model year, with all colors meeting a 20 percent reflectivity requirement by the 2016 model year. The premise behind the black paint ban is to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions and improve fuel economy by keeping vehicles cooler on hot days and decrease the amount of time California drivers turn their air conditioning on.
The folks at CARB are operating on the conclusion that air conditioning robs engine power and hurts fuel economy. The CARB brain trust concurs if vehicles have reflective paint, interiors will be cooler and drivers will use their air conditioning less, the A/C compressors won’t have to work as hard and this means less gasoline will be consumed.
Oh goody-goody, and all of this by 2016, that’s wonderful, but if CARB really felt there was a problem there’s an instant solution. The CARB folks could wake up tomorrow knowing they made the world a better place to live if they yanked the fuse out of their state-owned automobile’s air conditioner. Imagine the instantaneous beneficial effects realized by disarming California’s fleet of what must amount to thousands of vehicles burdened with air conditioning.
The undeniable proof the whole green movement is a bunch of hooey is the existence of gasoline-powered leaf blowers in California. With over 35 million people in California there has to be millions of leaf blowers burning hundreds of thousands of gallons of gasoline on a daily basis. There are some counties in California where leaf blowers are banned, but it’s because of noise pollution and has nothing to do with gasoline consumption or what effects leaf blowers might have on air quality. If CARB really believed there was a problem I’m sure they would come up with a replacement technology that hasn’t been invented yet, like a big stick with whiskers on the end that could be used to sweep dirt into a flat thing with a handle on it. Acting as a responsible global citizen the gardener could then throw it into the trash instead of blowing it into a neighbor’s front yard.
In my neighborhood, the gardeners like to show up on different days and then take turns blasting dirt and rocks onto my trucks. Thankfully, water conservation isn’t an issue in California, so I can flood the dirt off with water anytime that I want, and who cares about having their custom paint scratched.
Well, I’m getting towards the end where I need to wrap things up, but before I do I’d like to turn the folks at CARB onto a neat product I saw advertised on early morning television. It’s called the Window Weasel and it’s a solar-powered device that attaches to a car window which is slightly opened and circulates fresh air from the outside and keeps the car’s interior much cooler while parked. The benefits advertised were more about creature comfort than energy conservation, but it offers a realistic solution to the problem. It’s too bad the CARB guys don’t get up real early like me and watch television, they would have known about this thing. Only time will tell who is right, the magazine editor with his factory-installed Window Weasel or CARB with their ban on black paintjobs.
There’s plenty more good material where that came from. On September 1, 2010 ARB as they now like to be called instead of CARB, implemented the Tire Pressure Law — I’ll cover it in an upcoming report, but by the time it’s all said and done ARB will have banned Mexican food in California due to the methane (shithouse gasses) content in farts.
— “Krylon” John
BIKERNET DENTAL LAB– The dentist pulls out a needle to give the man a shot to numb his jaw.
‘No way! No needles. I hate needles’ the patient said.
The dentist starts to hook up the nitrous oxide and the man objects.
“I can’t do the gas thing. The thought of having the gas mask on is suffocating me!”
The dentist then asks the patient if he has any objection to taking a pill.
“No objection,” the patient says. “‘I’m fine with pills.”
The dentist then returns and says, “Here’s a Viagra.”
The patient says, “Wow! I didn’t know Viagra worked as a pain killer!”
“It doesn’t” said the dentist, “but it’s going to give you something to hold on to when I pull your tooth.”
RENEGADE BICYCLE GANGS ROAM CITY STREETS AROUND THE WORLD–Critical Mass is a bicycling event typically held on the last Friday of every month in over 300 cities around the world.[1] The ride was originally founded in 1992 in San Francisco with the idea of drawing attention to how unfriendly the city was to cyclists.[2] In fact, the purpose of Critical Mass is not usually formalized beyond the direct action of meeting at a set location and time and traveling as a group through city or town streets on bikes. Although for some bigger scale events like the one in Budapest, Hungary there is an activist group formed around it, organizing the rides and communicating the desires and problems of the cyclists to the city council.–from Wikipedia
Critical Mass is a monthly bicycle ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists’ right to the road. The idea started in San Francisco in September 1992 and quickly spread to cities all over the world. This site attempts to be the most complete guide to all Critical Mass rides around the globe.
Critical Mass has a different flavor from city to city — there’s a big variety in size, respect of traffic laws (or lack thereof), interaction with motorists, and intervention by police. So, if you want to know more about Critical Mass, you’ll really need to find out what your local ride is like. For those who must know more right now, here’s a link to Chicago CM, which I suppose is a “typical” CM ride, if there is such a thing.
Critical Mass has no leaders, and no central organization licenses rides. In every city that has a CM ride, some locals simply picked a date, time, and location for the ride and publicized it, and thus the ride was born.
CM is an idea and an event, not an organization. You can’t write to “Critical Mass” — certainly not by writing to me.
CM is intended to be a celebration, not an opportunity to cause trouble. Those who want to try to tie up traffic as much as possible and be confrontational with motorists are missing the point. We can assert our right to the road without being rude about it. Focus on the ride, not on the cars that also happen to be on the road.
Don’t have a CM in your city? Then start one!

Like Book One, Tattoo Bible Book Two includes flash images never before compiled in a single book. The artists included in this book include the very well known, and those artists who should be well known. The best known names include Kevin LeBlanc, Aaron Coleman, Bob Sims, Nate Powers and many, many more.
Book Two covers different styles and an endless supply of ideas. Make your own design by combining different pieces of art from within the book, or use one of the images as a stand-alone tattoo. Let this book be a supplement to your imagination.
The images are represented in a range of physical sizes, some are printed two or four per page, while the more intricate designs are reproduced one per page. The designs include Hearts, Dragons, Roses, Skulls, Butterflies, Girls, Crosses, Celestial, Tribal, and Back Pieces.
Published by ArtKulture, an imprint of Wolfgang Publications, Tattoo Bible – Book Two, includes over 500 pieces of flash art. Colorful Tattoo images that are useful to both the tattoo shop, and the tattoo aficionado.
This week only, Tattoo Bible Book Two is available for $17.95 with free shipping to US addresses.

SUPREME BIKERNET INVESTIGATION, EDITOR LOSES CAMERA CASE–Did you attend the Lone Star Rally and Yaga’s last night? We need your help. Chris Callen- editor of Cycle Source magazine lost his camera bag.
It is very important that we retrieve this bag. If you know where it is, please contact Chris at cyclesource69@comcast.net right away. His business card is in the bag. Tell him Bikernet saved his ass!

11 NEW 1975 NORTON COMMANDOES FOUND IN BELGIUM–A “brand new” 1975 Norton Commando Interstate still in its crate, one of 11 found recently in Belgium.
Heres something you don’t come across every day: 11 brand new 1975 electric-start Norton Interstate motorcycles, still in the crate and awaiting final assembly!
The horde of Nortons came to light recently following the death of the owner of Motoshop Podevyn in Aalst , Belgium .
Incredibly, the bikes are just a small part of an even larger collection.
From what weve been able to learn, the owner of Motoshop Podevyn had quite a reputation for collecting bikes and parts, but he also collected quite a reputation for being difficult to deal with, many former customers saying he rarely let go of parts or complete bikes from the huge collection he amassed over the years.
Here are the other 10 Nortons, still in their original, unopened packing crates.
Regardless, collect he did, and we can tell you from looking over the auction bill that this is going to be an amazing auction, with almost 400 lots being offered.
In addition to the 11 Nortons theres also an ex-Peter Williams Norton-powered space frame racer, a Rotax-powered 1989 Matchless G80 still in its crate, numerous
standard and customized Nortons, a Triumph T160, Bonnevilles, piles and piles of wheels and seats, and racks of used and new-old-stock gas tanks.
Also discovered was this never-assembled 1989 Rotax-powered Matchless G80.
-from Jim Waggaman
QUICK THROTTLE ART HITS SEMA–Once a year in Las Vegas,
Over 2000 vendors. Mostly aftermarket automobile parts. Also – tools- equipment – new products.
Worldwide attendance and manufacturers.
–Quick Throttle Art

DR NUTTBOY REVIEW OF SUNDAY POST– Krylon John commentary… He starts off with an intended humorous denial in first the paragraph. He throws in comments and criticisms of “Muslim sensibilities”, “rabbit sphincters,” “Jewish (sic) rabbis,” and for some strange reason he throws in “teenage blond girls with low self-esteem.” The “Buddhist monk drenched in gasoline:” seems thrown in for no clear purpose.
Then he ‘waxes poetic’, intoning “the orb our species inhabits…”, then in the same paragraph, changes to a criticism of politicians and describes the pitiful passiveness of citizens (voters?)
Switching gears, Krylon John makes a joke of the “art world,” stating that “people” (assuming he means everyone) are being taken advantage of or “pounded in the pooper,” without a clear justification. His concerns were generated by a second-hand comment made by a friend (not necessarily a qualified art critic) who attended a “big hoopla” relating an artist named Jack Armstrong as an “associate” of Pop Artist Andy Warhol.
Further, the show, created by Bartels Harley-Davison (not a known authority critic of the contemporary art scene) “crawling with celebrities” which apparently he found some criticism with. That is, it seemed from Krylon John’s perspective that these “celebrities” were just shallow ‘hangers-on.” There is also a concern with the V-Rod as an “objet d’ art”. Inferring a criticism of the “million dollar price tag.”
Kenny (someone the author doesn’t identify except as ‘a friend and fellow custom painter), informed the ‘audience’ that the graphics or painted imagery applied to the bike was something one could find in “any 5 year old kid’s bedroom…”
KJ critically “commented the sponges must be a visual metaphor for sucking the money our ot some rich snob’s pockets…” implies both the ignorance of an art buying public and a cynical attribution of the marketplace of art.
The next paragraph was a diatribe of personal criticisms such as “artsy-fartsy” types, stating eventually that the “art” was “crap.” Then the author brings up an article from the Huffinton Post, which quotes a contributor, Ellen Sterling, “an award winning journalist and editor.” The author goes on to criticize Sterling by reference, stating that she is “full of shit.”
Krylon John goes on to, appropriately from this commentors point of view, rightly bring up the pivotal exhibition, “Kustom Kulture” at the Laguna Art Museum. The exhibition presented a rigorously researched and professionally presented thesis of the ‘pop culture’ phenomenon of Southern California ‘car culture’ that extended to other forms of creative expression.
In general, the submitted comments of Krylon John are candid (open and honest), inappropriately attributed (no foot notes, no citations, no bibliography, no intellectual evidence, no quotations related to authoritative evidence, etc.) In essence, anyone can say anything they want to say, but for us to take notice or regard what they say as having any worth requires some substantiation. Just ‘cause you say it’s so don’t make it so.
–Dr. Nuttboy
The good Doctor teaches art and art history at several SoCal community colleges.

FEMA – The European Motorcyclists’ Federation-NEWS FOR OCTOBER– Who has never wondered what the bike of tomorrow will look like? Riders are not the only ones musing about this, and the question has recently been addressed by none else than the European Commission. New type-approval rules, dictating what motorcycles have to comply with to be road-legal during the coming decade, have been published a few weeks ago. FEMA has to congratulate the Commission for its work, as most parts of the new “Proposal for a regulation on the approval and market surveillance of two- or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles” are well thought and balanced.
An important victory for FEMA: the discussion to limit the maximum power of motorcycles to 74kW finally came to an end. The Commission reached the only logical conclusion and acknowledged that “the anticipated correlation between safety and absolute power limitation could not be confirmed.”
New emission limits will help making sure motorcycles remain at the edge of low-emission personal transport. In a stepped approach, newly sold motorcycles will have to comply with the Euro 6 norm from 2020. Additionally, manufacturers will have to inform their customers about fuel consumption and the amount of CO2 emissions for every model they offer, which was another request voiced by riders.
FEMA had also been calling for the manufacturers’ responsibility to produce long-lasting products and the response of the Commission consists in strong durability requirements. Motorcycles complying with the Euro 6 norm have to do so up to a mileage of 50.000km. FEMA also welcomes the market surveillance measures proposed by the Commission since they hold the potential to protect motorcyclists from faulty aftermarket parts.
Now the proposal has to be approved by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. FEMA will use the remaining time to mitigate the unpopular parts of the type approval regulation: mandatory ABS and anti-modification measures, while ensuring that the promises regarding repair and maintenance information for the user are delivered, and grey zones around on-board diagnostic devices and the definition of off-road bikes are clarified.
We are looking forward to work with the European Institutions in order to make this new regulation a real success for motorcycling in Europe. Because in the end, that will tell what the bike you buy tomorrow will be like!
Have a safe and free ride,
Aline Delhaye
General Secretary of FEMA

WATCH OUT–Technical Inspections for motorcycles all over Europe– In some countries in the EU, motorcycles have to be presented periodically to technical inspections. Even though there is no clear evidence of the safety benefit of periodical technical inspections (PTI) for motorcycles the EU plans to harmonise PTI in Europe also in consideration of motorcycles. Motorcyclists in Europe would therefore have to invest over one and a half billion Euros for inspections biannually. Protest among riders is growing continuously.

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY SHARES TESTING WITH PENN STATE– At Penn State University , there were four sophomores taking chemistry and all of them had an ‘A’ so far. These four friends were so confident that, the weekend before finals, they decided to visit some friends and have a big party. They had a great time but, after all the partying, they slept all day Sunday and didn’t make it back to Penn State until early Monday morning.
Rather than taking the final then, they decided that after the final they would explain to their professor why they missed it. They said that they visited friends but on the way back they had a flat tire. As a result, they missed the final. The professor agreed they could make up the final the next day. The guys were excited and relieved.. They studied that night for the exam.
The next day the Professor placed them in separate rooms and gave them a test booklet. They quickly answered the first problem worth 5 points. Cool, they thought! Each one in separate rooms, thinking this was going to be easy. . . . Then they turned the page. On the second page was written. . .
For 95 points: Which tire? _________
–from CarlR

Bikers in front of the National Assembly in Paris. Picture: Nicolas Grumel – Moto Magazine – FRENCH RIDERS TAKE TO THE STREETS– On October 23rd, FFMC and its 81 local sections gathered more than 25,000 riders to demonstrate against the current government’s traffic policies, requesting a change towards better safety for motorcyclists. Despite the bad weather and fuel shortages caused by the general strike across the country, riders thronged major cities to get their point across.
Following a previous demonstration on March 13th this year, this action aims at showing the long-term involvement of riders for better safety policies, focused on their needs and not on blind enforcement.
Some 64 demonstrations were organised across the country in some 30 cities, answering a call from the Fédération Française des Motards en Colère (FFMC) – the French Federation of Angry Riders. The main message was a strong opposition to the government’s proposal for the introduction of mandatory roadworthiness testing, and the request for a legal framework on lane filtering.
In particular, FFMC denounces the overall repressive turn taken by the authorities, with an emphasis on speed control, tighter traffic rules and increased enforcement. In particular, lane filtering, which has long been tolerated by the authorities and broadly accepted by most road users, is now targeted by the traffic police. FFMC has been campaigning for a legal status for filtering, showcasing its importance in urban mobility with “ride like a car” demos this year, where thousands of riders brought traffic to a halt in major cities by taking the same road space as personal cars.
FFMC has denounced the excessive enforcement as unfair, inefficient and putting the blame for traffic accidents on riders. The association called for a road safety plan based on training, respect of vulnerable road users and responsibility of all users; and requested a meeting with the Minister of the Interior, in charge of the topic. FFMC warns that other demonstrations will be organised if nothing is done in the coming months.

INTERNATIONAL MASTER BIKE BUILDERS FIRST CANADIAN COMPETITION–The International Master Bike Builders Association (IMBBA) is pleased to announce the first true competition between teams of top bike builders from nations around the world. The IMBBA World Cup Competition will take place April 20 to 22, 2012 at the SportXpo Centre in Laval, Canada near Montreal in Quebec.
IMBBA representatives from member nations have begun the process of choosing up to six top bike builders to represent each country in the IMBBA World Cup Competition. They will have more than a year’s time to assemble their best work. The bikes must be shown publically for the first time at the 2012 competition that is being hosted by Canada’s own, Pros Production as a featured event during the 2012 Classic Bike and Tattoo Show.
“Each team of bike builders will also be responsible for sharing a bit of their culture at an expo booth during the event,” said Jeff Starke, founding president of the IMBBA. “Those who attend this event will truely be witnessing motorcycle history. Nothing like this has ever been attempted.”
Sponsors thus far include: Accel Motorcycle Products, S & S Cycle, Wimmer Machine, Denver Choppers, B’Cool Products, Maximum Motorcycles, Independent Cycle, Canada’s Belt Drive Betty and other media friends around the world. IMBBA is going to great length to ensure good press coverage by magazines and press representatives from each of the participating countries.
Cash and prizes now exceed $30,000 and include a hand-engraved Billet guitar that is being custom built by Blair McGrath. There will also be plenty of motorcycle parts, including two front ends from Denver Choppers.
The competition at the SportXpo Centre will be hosted by Pascal Richard’s Pros Production, which is the parent company of The Classic Bike and Tattoo Show, The Montreal Art Tattoo Show and Revolution Motorcycle Magazine.
The event will be directed by Canada’s IMBBA representative, Master Bike Builder Bob McKay.
DAYTONA IS FUN ALL YEAR LONG–Most people think of Daytona during Bike Week and Biketoberfest, but there is plenty to do there and the surrounding area all year long.
So Many Parties and Rides and So Little Time – I had the opportunity to go on one of the weekly rides put on by Cochise who also published the local CHOPS magazine this past Sunday and had a great time.
Started off with Bloody Marys at the Cabbage Patch and then off to the Foxhead Lounge before heading to Wolfys in Sanford. We ended up at Club 44 where I got something to eat before heading home.
I had a great time, met some new people and saw some old friends, YA!
If you want to go on one of these rides pick up the magazine and or check them out on the net at http://www.cochisechops.com/
TEAM FLAT RAT – WERA REPORT– Well the season ended a few weeks ago but this is the first chance I’ve had to write a report, sorry. Reason for the delay will be explained in a moment. The 2010 WERA season was a huge success for me in many ways. Every sponsor I have I cannot thank enough and have all played a large part in this year’s season. With the help of Matt at Race-Tech I managed to get the bike handling better than ever and shaved seconds of many of my best ever lap times at various tracks.
Sprocket Specialists supplied with me with enough sprockets to use my lighter SL350 rear wheel as well as every possible gear ratio for the CB350. Finally managed to have enough time to install the prototype Cone Engineering stainless reverse cone megas. They sound way better than what I had on there and gained some torque, very nice! Bore-tech helped me out yet again in 2010 and supplied me with the knowledge, parts and labor to have a bike that is not only very fast but reliable and can be bump started in less than ten feet.
Avon tires were sticky as ever and gave me the confidence on 100 degree days and 25 degree days in sleet (yes, there was one). Silkolene fluids kept the bike lubed, clean and everything in between. Now to the good stuff. I won every race I entered this year, barring one weekend (took a second and third) when my handling problem was at its worst. This allowed enough points to easily secure regional championship wins in V-1 and V-2 classes in North Florida, Mid Central and Southeast regions and also win two national titles in V-1 and V-2.
Now the reason for the delay. For those of you who do not know, I work for one of the best Hot Rod builder/ Custom bike shops in the US (sure I may be a little biased), Fuller Hot Rods. We have been building a 1961 Chevrolet BelAir over the last two and a half years called The Impaler. The debut for the Impaler was at SEMA last week in Las Vegas. Hundreds of hours were put into the car by our whole team in the last couple of weeks leading up to the show, the last day being a 26-hour shift. The car looks amazing and won an award from GM for Most Unique GM Vehicle, something we are all very proud of. To say this car took up all of my spare time since the final race would be a huge understatement, but well worth it.
Again, sorry for the delay in race report and look forward to some good bike photos that can be used for advertising purposes if needed.
Team Flat Rat would like to thank the following for their support in 2010:
Avon Race Tires
Cone Engineering
Fuller Hot Rods
Silkolene USA
Sprocket Specialists
Dean Middleton
Sweetwater Harley’s annual Turkey Mini-Poker run– It’s this Sunday the 14th of November starts at 10:00am at Sweetwater Harley Davidson. A short ride of about 45 minutes to 1hour ending up at italiano mangia in Chula vista where you can enjoy a buffet lunch for 15 dollars tax and gratuity included. We will be raffling off turkey’s and other prizes during lunch.
Thank, You
John Wright
Safety Officer
Sweetwater Harley Davidson

ELECTION DAY WRAP-UP– It’s been one week since the 2010 federal elections, and all but 8 Congressional contests have been settled. It appears that the motorcyclists of America have fared well. Many motorcycle-friendly legislators have been elected and re-elected to both the House and the Senate. With record-breaking attendance at the polls, this year truly was an historic election. We at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) believe strongly in a working with a bipartisan Congress that supports the interests of the people of this country. The MRF will continue to work with both parties for the benefit of the American motorcyclist.
A couple of races of note included the defeat of House Transportation Chairman James Oberstar (D-MN), who was a friend of motorcyclists, and the return of Congressman Tim Walberg (R-MI), who actively rides his motorcycle.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) grossly miscalculated estimated pollution levels in a scientific analysis used to toughen the state’s clean air standards, and scientists have spent the past few months revising the data and planning a significant weakening of the state’s landmark pollution regulation.
Apparently the pollution levels were overestimated by 340%, according to CARB. The estimate was a key part in the creation of a regulation adopted by CARB in 2007. It is unclear if this was an intentional overestimation or an accidental miscalculation, but the error mainly affects diesel fuel users with a potential trickle-down effect for all fuel users.

UNCLE MONKEY REMEMBERS– Growing up I remembered hearing the stories of the Vietnam Vets. Soldiers, warriors who had been forgotten by their country, who had fought in a war that was never to be won. The war was a distant memory. Something that had happened in the past and as a society we were left to deal with those that came back. Came back. The idea seemed to spit in the face of conventional wisdom. Media would tell me that the veterans of that war never really came back. Scarred, shell shocked, most came back as hallowed shells of the great men that they once were. They couldn’t relate to society, relate to our way of life, the way that we lived now. That the world had moved on, forgotten about them.
My television would be filled with the images of the soul-less eyes staring out from behind grizzled beards, forgotten soldiers spit on by the people they had grown up with. To me the Vietnam War was a far off distant time, an ancient past that would stir its ugly head to remind us to fight our own battles. Violence, murder and rape, glorified on cellulose and cast against the silver screen. The media would tell me that the soldiers who fought in Vietnam were tarnished, soiled, unworthy of the respect given to the veterans of the World Wars and the Korean War. The Vietnam vets were the ugly redheaded stepchildren of war. Unwanted, un-tolerated by a society that had moved on, believing that peace and love had finally triumph, a dawning of a new age.
The forgotten war, the dirty war. I would eventually learn the distant war that had happen all those years before was still being fought when I was born, that the end of the Vietnam War should have been part of my earliest memories. It would sicken me. That a society had so quickly forgotten about the youth that they had put in harms way. Not a faded distant memory but living breathing sons and daughters, neighbors, family and friends. I would watch the nation’s youth fight in the Gulf Wars, returning heroes, freedom defended, oppressed liberated. Men and women stepping to the side to salute them while ignoring the Vietnam soldier reaching for help at their feet.

I’m not sure what went wrong. Why we would celebrate some but not all. I would eventually become good friends with Veterans of the Vietnam War, good men. They still stand tall, an undeniable pride in that they put themselves in harms way when their country asked them too. As Father Time lays to rest the last of the Soldiers of the Great wars it is Vietnam Veterans like my friend Keith and others who pick up the flag, hold it high in the color parade. They still fight a war. Fighting for the rights and beliefs of a country that is wholesome and true and not an over inflated propaganda of self-righteousness. They defend the rights of protesters, even when those protests were against them and the war they fought half way around the world. Fighting for the liberties and freedoms we take for granted.
-bad Uncle Monkey
HIGH COURT DECISION A VICTORY FOR ALL AUSTRALIANS– All Australians have had their individual freedoms assured by today’s ruling by the High Court against unjust and unconstitutional state laws designed to crush traditional values such as mateship and freedom of association.
Spokesman for United Motorcycle Council’s Australia, Russell “Camel” Wattie, said the ruling would have major implications not just for South Australia but for all states which had gone down the path of restricting their citizens’ legal rights.
“This is a victory for all Australians, with the High Court sending a clear signal that it’s not acceptable for governments to crush the rights that should be guaranteed in any open and democratic society,” Camel said.
“These laws were never about motorcycle clubs and their members, despite the governments’ PR spin. They were a disgraceful attempt by the government and police to trample long-standing legal and civil rights of all citizens.
“The High Court has seen straight through the South Australian government’s false claims about combating organised crime. It’s ruled that no government has the right to take away the legal protections that have underpinned western society for hundreds of years.”
The defeated laws gave police unfettered power to use secret, false and illegally obtained evidence against individuals, took away the right to an open and fair trial, and shut down all avenues of appeal.
“The Rann Government has now spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars trying to defend its disgraceful abuse of power. Other states will no doubt do the same.
“It’s time these governments had some respect for proper legal process and democratic freedoms. They should apologise for their disgraceful behaviour and should not attempt to reintroduce their discredited legislation.”
United Motorcycle Council’s Australia

BIKER CHICZ OF NORTH AMERICA– the much-anticipated new book by Edward Winterhalder and Wil De Clercq, is slated for release on December 1, 2010. This is Winterhalder and De Clercq’s third non-fiction collaboration since the publication of their best seller, The Assimilation: Rock Machine Become Bandidos, in 2008, which has been translated into French and German.
Like The Assimilation, Biker Chicz of North America revolves around the culture of motorcycles and motorcycle personalities. But that’s where the similarity ends. It is quite a departure from the authors’ first book, which chronicled the vicious Montreal biker wars from 1994 to 2002. Biker Chicz of North America features women whose stories are meant to empower other women, whether they ride a motorcycle, are thinking about riding one, or simply want to know more about the lifestyle.
While each of the women featured in Biker Chicz of North America are unique and extraordinary in their own right, there are, not surprisingly, certain attributes they all have in common. In addition to being avowed Harley riders—and in many cases ambassadors for women’s motorcycling—they are successful, intelligent, freethinking, adventurous, risk takers, creative, inspiring, and tenacious.
“Our original intention was to focus on mainstream women motorcycle riders who are more or less the average girl next door. But somehow we ended up with women whom we consider to belong to the current royalty of North American female bikers. The only criteria we were looking for was that they had inspiring stories to tell and that they rode a Harley-Davidson,” said Winterhalder. “We are not Harley snobs by any means, but because Harley-Davidson motorcycles are the most identifiable and representative of the biker culture, we chose ‘America’s Freedom Machine’ as a common thread to lend continuity to our narrative.”
Winterhalder is one of the world’s leading authorities on motorcycle clubs and the biker lifestyle. The creator and executive producer of the Biker Chicz and Living on the Edge docu-reality series, he is a consultant to the entertainment industry for TV, feature film, and DVD projects that focus on the biker lifestyle. Winterhalder has appeared worldwide on television networks such as Bravo, Nat Geo (National Geographic), History Television, CBC, Global and the History Channel.
De Clercq has ghostwritten a number of successful books and is the co-author, along with enduro/rally rider Lawrence Hacking, of the MAX award winning To Dakar and Back: 21 Days Across North Africa by Motorcycle. De Clercq has been a dynamic force in the world of motorcycle journalism for more than twenty-five years.
For more info please visit: www.blockheadcity.com or www.bikerchicz.blogspot.com

TRIUMPH DEMO DAYS–The Triumph Demo truck will be in the area for the next few days for you to test ride their great machines. Tonight (11/10) at Quaker Steak, and Friday (11/12) and Saturday (11/13) at St. Pete Powersports. Saturday November 13th, there will be a huge party with vendors, bikini bike wash, food and drinks, free t-shirts for the first 50 riders both Friday and Saturday and a FREE Flat Screen TV give-a-way sponsored by Fran M. Haasch. If you would like to set up as a vendor please call Tony Cianci at 727-919-1743. Only $25 per 10X10 vendor spot.
Event Hours are:
Friday (11/12) – 12noon till 5pm
Saturday (11/13) – 11am till 4pm
RIBFEST BIKE SHOW– This year the Ribfest contacted Full Throttle Magazine and Preachers Cycle Promotions to run the custom bike show that is always held on Sunday of Ribfest. The cost is $25 per bike and registration is from 8am till 11am (MUST BE IN BY 11AM!!!) Awards will be around 3:30 or 4pm and you can get out between 4:30 and 5:30pm. Come out for a great party, plenty of good food and drinks and a great time at the Vinoy Park! For more bike show info call Revrend Jim at 727-504-313
–Florida Full Throttle Magazine
7:30 – 8:30 REGISTRATION
LOS ANGELES CARLOS ORTIZ (213) 315-8819 * TEMECULA OUGUMS (951) 236-7622 * SAN DIEGO CARLOS DE BACA (619) 370-1467

KJAZZ FALL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE– We’re half way through our Fall Membership Drive! If you’ve already made your pledge, thank you so much. If not, it’s not too late to make your gift of financial support to KJazz! Your pledge today of whatever amount is right for you will enable KJazz to continue broadcasting the great jazz and blues that you have come to rely on every day! Every member and every dollar makes a difference.
Listener support is the most reliable and important source of funding. Your membership contribution will help keep your favorite music alive in Southern California and around the world on the Internet. That is why we need you to pledge online now or call 1-800-767-3688 and become a member. And who knows? Your contribution might just inspire someone else to contribute.
We’ll thank you with a wide variety of premiums, like our new Breakfast with Bubba travel mug, KJazz beret, Nothin’ But the Blues license plate frame, CDs and DVDs, and our signature pre-loaded iPods – a Latin Jazz iPod from Fania, an eclectic mix of jazz from Rhino Entertainment, a blues iPod from Blind Pig Records and a jazz iPod Nano from Monterey Jazz Festival Records pre-loaded with never-before-released performances from the Festival’s past as well as new works and all-star collaborations for future release. Plus, right now anyone who pledges for the KJazz Golf Package (logo golf balls, tees, headcover and golf towel) will automatically* be entered for a chance to win the Terranea Golf Package Sweepstakes. The prize includes a two night stay in an ocean view room with a round of golf for two. We also have concert tickets to BB King at House of Blues Anaheim, Chick Corea at OCPAC as well as restaurant and club gift certificates and much more!

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT BIDDING SEMINAR–Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House.
One is from Chicago , another is from Tennessee , and the third is from Minnesota .
All three go with a White House official to examine the fence.
The Minnesota contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. “Well,” he says, “I figure the job will run about $900: $400 for materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”
The Tennessee contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, “I can do this job for $700: $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”
The Chicago contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, “$2,700.”
The official, incredulous, says, “You didn ‘ t even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?”
The Chicago contractor whispers back, “$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the guy from Tennessee to fix the fence.”
“Done!” replies the government official.
And that, my friends, is how the new stimulus plan works.
James C. Gustafson
–from Geno
BUYING MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE ONLINE– Review shows many often lack the proper coverage–
As an independent insurance agency focused on serving the motorcycle community, we get to see hundreds of insurance policies as part of our “free policy review-no obligation” offer. Many of these good folks used the Web to get other quotes as well and get all excited when they see that they can insure a $20,000 bagger for $300. Yet, upon review of the actual coverage afforded, they turn to shock when they find out that, in some cases, Property Damage is not covered, it’s a “Liability Only” policy, or the Uninsured/Under-insured Motorist coverage is missing. In one case, we reviewed a motorcycle insurance policy purchased online “cheap” for a $50,000 custom that actually covered only $25,000 on an Actual Cash Value basis when it should of been insured for $50,000 Agreed Value backed up with an Appraisal.
Look it! The internet is here to stay and we love it too. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of getting your motorcycle insurance quotes directly from an insurance company online.
1. You can get multiple quotes fast. You have seen the commercials – “15 minutes can save you 15%”
2. It is more convenient than making five phone calls to five insurance agents.
3. If you choose to purchase a quote, you can usually print temporary insurance ID cards right away.
4. Consumers usually have the option to chat with a representative of the company if they need too. That representative may or may not know anything about your motorcycle.
5. Most quoting sites are secure. Look for URLs beginning with “https” and look for the “lock” icon near the window of the browser.
1. A Social Security Number is required for a full, accurate quote. Leading to concerns about identity theft.
FYI-Bikernet Insurance will never ask you for your SSN online or via email. We will always call you personally to obtain this information.
2. Coverage details are often lacking. Minimum coverage for minimum premium amounts is typical of the policies we review.
Note: Bikernet Insurance understands the need for our customers to minimize expenses so we provide many payment options to make sure you can afford the right insurance protection for your specific motorcycle and other important important considerations relating to your motorcycle life.
3. Little if any advice provided. You are in charge of your insurance purchase. There are few questions about “tailored” insurance needs, such as endorsements on rental reimbursement or specific custom parts.
Key note: Bike builders ourselves, we know customs and how to insure them properly. We do all we can to ask the right questions and stay away from stupid questions. We are on a mission to get you the right coverage at the best price possible for your bike.
There you have it folks. Told like it is. No Bull. For riders who insist on non-tailored, bare bones coverage at the cheapest price possible, buying your motorcycle insurance online direct with an insurance company is a valid approach. However, until some of the disadvantages outlined above are remedied, the cons of buying motorcycle insurance over the Internet outweigh the pros.
Ride Safe Out There. And, make sure you are riding with insurance coverage that is right for you and your bike.
The Team at Bikernet Insurance
Call us anytime: 888-467-8703
For fastest response email: clientservice@bikernet-insurance.com
CA 0G67810 & 0D71028 – Serving 20 states.

CANTINA SUBSCRIBER SPEAKS OUT– A three year subscription is what I was after, although I’d pay $36 a year, if that was what you were charging. I’ve been with you a long time and I really appreciate what you are doing and have done. FYI – tried to buy Harbor Town Seduction a couple of times today and the order form keeps coming up with “you must select a shipping option to continue the order”.
Can’t find any shipping options at all, other than the “get shipping costs” button, which doesn’t release the order form. Fuckin’ computers – could be slowing down the sales on this. I’ve read quite a few chapters of this book as you have posted them – good read Mr. Ball, and don’t give it to me, your work is worth paying for.
–Joe Will
Hey Joe, the computer guys tell me the shop is fixed. You can order any book you want now. Thanks for your support.–Bandit

RSENAL RACING UPDATE– Good morning race fans! We have a little more then 24 hours before departing to The Baja 1000. The following links give you live footage as the race begins next Thursday the 18th starting at 6:30am pacific coast time. Rsenal will be leaving the line at approx. 7:10am
Chuck Shortt-Start in Ensanada
Connor Olson-2nd section
Terry Kyle-3rd secton
Tristan Rickard-4th section
Dan Reeter- 5th section and finish in LaPaz, “1061 miles total”
http://www.bajaracingnews.com/ live webcast
www.rsenalracing.com live satellite tracking

VICTORY’S HOMETOWN HEROES PROGRAM–Victory Motorcycles has launched the Hometown Heroes program to honor military personnel and to collect personal items at Victory dealerships that Operation Gratitude will distribute to troops worldwide. One soldier will receive a new Victory motorcycle.
Consumers are invited to nominate “hometown heroes” on the Victory Hometown Heroes website, www.victoryheroes.com. Those serving in the U.S. or Canadian military and all veterans are eligible to be nominated. All nominations will be open to public voting on the site beginning in early November and concluding on Dec. 5. Following the conclusion of public voting, the veteran or active-duty soldier receiving the most votes will be selected to receive the motorcycle.
“We have the greatest respect for both those currently serving in the military and those who are veterans,” Steve Menneto, Victory Motorcycles general manager, says in a press release. “So we are honoring hometown heroes and teaming up with Operation Gratitude to brighten the lives of the brave men and women serving throughout the world.”
Victory also is inviting everyone to support military personnel by dropping off items for Operation Gratitude at Victory dealerships from Oct. 1 through Nov. 30. Operation Gratitude will package and distribute these items to military personnel serving around the world during the holidays.
Each person who donates items for Operation Gratitude at a Victory dealership will receive a free Victory Military Riders Pin. All active military personnel and veterans also are invited to visit a Victory dealership to receive one of these pins as a sign of gratitude for their service.
Operation Gratitude is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, volunteer-based corporation, funded entirely by private donations. Items collected can include letters of appreciation, hygiene products, entertainment items such as CDs and DVDs, and toys such as Beanie Babies, which troops commonly use as goodwill gifts for children in the foreign countries where they’re deployed.
“Whether you’re a motorcycle enthusiast or you’ve never rode before in your life, Victory dealerships are your stop to show our troops that you care,” Menneto said. “We encourage everyone to join Victory in supporting Operation Gratitude to help make the holidays more special for military personnel who are away from home.”
Details about Operation Gratitude and the most popular care package items are available at the Hometown Heroes website and www.operationgratitude.com.
Posted by Arlo Redwine
Published courtesy of DealerNews: www.dealernews.com

BIKERNET CONTRIBUTOR CELEBRATES VETERAN’S DAY–Here’s a shot of me preparing for my Seabee inspection. This shot was taken while checking out those razor sharp creases is at Camp Mosgrip (Camp Mosquito) Puerto Rico, 1975, right before I got out.
Horror Merchants MC Veterans
KNUCKLEHEAD Cylinder Head & Base Gasket Kit– Knuckleheads require special care and precision fit components. So, the next time you do a “top end” job on one of these very cool engines you might want to pick up one of James’ KNUCKLEHEAD® CYLINDER BASE & HEAD GASKET KITS.
James’ unique Knucklehead head gaskets are 0.020” thick dead-soft copper embossed to provide a tight seal. Application specific base gaskets are patented beaded rubber-covered metal. It is this bead that provides additional elastomer to seal the split between the crankcase halves. Additionally, the rubber-covered metal gasket material provides excellent sealing characteristics and exceptional torque retention.
At just $24.95 these gaskets are an inexpensive way to ensure a leak free, perfect seal when reinstalling that beautiful top end. Purchase from J&P, Dennis Kirk or call 775-246-2220 for a dealer near you. You can also email James at customerservice@jamesgaskets.comor on line at www.jamesgaskets.com

OPERATION GRATITUDE RIDE COMING– I am organizing a ride from Redondo Beach to OPGrat’s HQ in Van Nuys on Saturday, 12/11/10, for #600k. ‘Rain or shine,’ bikes will muster @ the Shell station on the corner of Artesia & Aviation @ 0715 hrs. The ride to the Armory will take about 30 minutes. The atmosphere inside the Armory where packages are assembled will be electric.
It is cool that Scott Wine/Polaris Industries & Victory Motorcycles have stepped up as OPGrat sponsors (http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/victory-motorcycles/hometown-heroes/Pages/videos.aspx ). I hope biker media will publicize what Victory is doing!
A few weeks ago Carolyn Blashek was presented with a Minerva award by Maria Shriver (http://www.your-story.org/operation-gratitude-founder-receives-minerva-award-from-california-first-lady-maria-shriver-221577).

BIKERNET OFFICIAL ACCREDITED SANCTIONED STICKER MANUFACTURER FINALLY FINISHED NEW WEB SITE–I just finished our website after all these years of not having one. Would you be so kind to link us on your website we will do the same. Please let me know.
Thank-you Chris Tronolone – Expressive Designs Hawaii
ITALIANS LOVE THEIR SHOES– Gennaro walks to work 20 blocks every day and passes a shoe store twice every day.
Each day he stops and looks in the window to admire the Boccelli leather shoes.
He wants those shoes so much…
it’s all he can think about.
After about 2 months he saves the price of the shoes, $300, and purchases them.
Every Friday night the Italian community holds a dance in the church basement.
Gennaro seizes this opportunity to wear his new Boccelli leather shoes for the first time.
He asks Sophia to dance and as they dance he asks her,
‘Sophia, do you wear red panties tonight?’
Startled, Sophia replies,
‘Yes, Gennaro, I do wear red panties tonight, But how do you know?’
Gennaro answers,
‘I see the reflection in my new $300 Boccelli leather shoes.
How do you like them?’
Next he asks Rosa to dance, and after a few minutes he asks,
‘Rosa , do you wear white panties tonight?’
Rosa answers,
‘Yes, Gennaro, I do,
But how do you know that?’
He replies,
‘I see the reflection in my new $300 Boccelli leather shoes…
How do you like them?’
Now as the evening is almost over and the last song is being played,
Gennaro asks Carmela to dance.
Midway through the dance his face turns red…
He states, ‘Carmela, be stilla my heart,
Please, please tell me you wear no panties tonight,
Please, please, tella me this true!’
Carmela smiles coyly and answers,
‘Yes Gennaro, I wear no panties tonight…’
Gennaro gasps,
‘Thanka God …
I thought I had a CRACK in my $300 Boccelli leather shoes!’
–from Chris T.

BIKERNET POLITICAL ANALYSIS– California: The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out, bites the Governor and attacks his dog.
1. The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie “Bambi” and then realizes he should stop; the coyote is only doing what is natural.
2. He calls animal control. Animal Control captures coyote and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.
3. He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases.
4. The Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and on getting his bite wound bandaged.
5. The running trail gets shut down for 6 months while Fish & Game conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is free of dangerous animals.
6. The Governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a “coyote awareness” program for residents of the area.
7. The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.
8. The Governor’s security agent is fired for not stopping the attack somehow and for letting the Governor attempt to intervene.
9. Additional cost to State of California: $75,000 to hire and train a new security agent with additional special training re: the nature of coyotes.
10. PETA protests the coyote’s relocation and files suit against the State.
The Governor of Arizona is jogging with her dog along a nature trail. A Coyote jumps out and attacks her dog.
1. The Governor shoots the coyote with her State-issued pistol and keeps jogging. The Governor has spent $0.50 on a .45 ACP hollow point cartridge.
2. The Buzzards eat the dead coyote.
And that’s why California is broke.
–from Vickie Kelly

PS. Pop Artist Roy Lichtenstein’s enlarged comic strip panel just went at auction for $42,000,000. Now everyone can feel justified with their outrage.

WITH THAT I’M OUTTA HERE–I listened to a NHTSA panel discuss aging drivers recently. They built a case for more driver regulation, more equipment requirements in cars and larger signal lights. Good god. We’ve become a society of analyst. We analyze and financially evaluate everything that moves, because that’s how bureaucrats justify their salaries and next budget increase.

I’m still up for a move to the middle of nowhere, maybe Salome, Arizona, setting up a highly secure Bikenet command post and hiding out. I spoke to Larry, from the Chop and Grind Race team. He was looking at an old strip hotel in Aquila, Arizona, and hoping to hide out from the 5-Ball Racing Team. “I need a secret location, away from you bastards,” said commander Petri before slamming the phone down.

I can see it now. We’ll be just 55 miles south of his fortress, and there will be an all out war between the Chop n Grind reptiles and the 5-Ball Racing cheer leaders. We are trying to make a run to Salome in December to discuss the Bikernet 15th Anniversary Run and Party. I’ll search every cheap hotel room and saloon toilet seat for Chop N Grind stickers. Have a helluva Veteran’s Day Celebration! And thanks to Quick Throttle Art for the shots of the SEMA action.