Editor’s Note:Bikernet receives regular questions regarding bikes for disabled riders due to accidents (whether on motorcycles, on the job or in cars), or natural disabilities. Jaqhama, one of our esteemed Australian correspondents responded (volunteered). He should have known better. I asked him to take the helpful notion to a higher level and list all the associated links he could find. He did a helluva job and we’ll continue to update this and the descriptions as more info avails itself.–Bandit
Motorcycle Volunteer Network
Let me say that the second I saw this site below I thought what a truly wonderful idea it was. That’s why it’s at the top of the list, even though I did not find it for some hours.http://www.motorcycleridevolunteernetwork.org
Here is a link to the AMA that contains stories and articles by can do men and women who refused to stop riding due to disabilities.Inspirational stuff for us all here!

And this page links to various companies that are aimed at helping disabled riders.http://www.ama-cycle.org/roadride/DISBresourcelistings.asp

Ridley American
Ridley is an American company making automatic, custom motorcycles. Many women at http://www.vtwinmama (my mate Petra’s site) rave about these bikes.http://www.ridleymotorcycle.com/html/gallery.htm
Boss Hoss Trikes
The legendary V8 motorcycle the Boss Hog and various other models can be found at the link below. They also make trikes, so one supposes they are used to inquires from disabled riders. The engines are bought brand new from the General Motors Company and then installed at the Boss Hoss factory.
Regardless, the engines should be easy to work on and parts easily available within the United States. I understand they also have an outlet in New Zealand. Although they look big and heavy they assure potential riders that the bikes are actually very well balanced and almost vibration free to ride. Check them out at: http://www.bosshoss.com

Cheetah Trikes
The link below has some of the wildest looking trikes I have ever seen.These guys seem to have many for sale also.
Ding Bob Trikes
This guy builds motorcycle trikes in Oz. Which was a great surprise to me. (As opposed to trikes with VW car engines in, plenty of them around Sydney.)Not that I have ever seen anything except VW trikes on the roads here.http://www.dingbobtrikes.com

Lehman Trikes
These trike builders are in Canada and apparently comply with USA road design standards.http://www.lehmantrikes.com

Voyager Conversions
Trike conversions claimed to any motorcycle, also claimed to be cheaper.http://www.mtcvoyager.com
Tripod Trike Kits
Standard and chopper trikes here.http://trikekits.tripod.com
Brothers Of The Third Wheel
Brothers of the third wheel. Website for American trikers. Doubtless they will also have info for disabled riders.http://btw-trikers.org/uploads/info.php
Kliktronic Disabled Biker Systems
Kliktronic is a company that makes a system specific to disabled bikers.http://www.kliktronic.co.uk/history.htm
Adaptive Motorcycles
Another site specifically for disabled riders.http://www.adaptivemotorcycles.com
Champion Sidecars
This link is for great looking trikes and sidecarshttp://www.championsidecars.com

Motor Trikes
This site appears to have trike conversions for Triumph Rocket’s and most Harley’s including the V-Rod’s. I must admit I thought the trikes here probably looked the best of all the sites I went to.http://www.motortrike.com
Oz Trikes
I could hardly do a trike information page without including an Aussie one could I?I see quite a few of these around on the roads of Sydney. You can even hire them or be taken for daily rides and tours on them.http://www.oztrikes.com.au
Sidecar Organization
Here is a link to a USA based Sidecar organization.Many people with wheelchairs can convert motorcycles with sidecars to their needs. I am sure the people at this site will have links and ideas about it.http://www.sidecar.com
Wing Landing Gear
Link for a system to support a Goldwing when stopped if you have trouble putting your feet or legs down. I imagine the system could be utilized on other bikes.http://www.winglandinggear.com
Search Hints
OK, now that I have listed all of the links above here is some more important info for anyone who is interested in either trikes or has a disability.
I found all of the sites by typing in Yahoo Search.
A: Trikes USA.
B: Motorcycles for disabled riders.
But do not forget you can get further results by typing in various different options of those terms, such as; trikes for disabled riders.
Or: Motorcycles for the handicapped.
Or: Motorcycles for wheelchairs.
So many variations available, doubtless they will bring up results more varied or different than my own.
Honda Scooters
Now Honda and the other Japanese bike manufacturers also make bloody big Scooters these days. Up to 600cc. They are automatic and can probably be adapted for disabled riders with a little thought and a good engineer or mechanic. Some of the trike conversion companies will convert scooters into trikes also.
You can view these bikes simply by typing the name of the company,
Ie: Honda motorcycles USA, into a search engine.
And: before anyone starts mouthing off with a Ah wouldn’t ride no godamn scooter anywhere commentPeter Thoeming, Editor of Australian Road-rider magazine, recently used a 600cc Scooter to ride from Sydney to Melbourne and back on major highways, tarred secondary roads and smaller dirt roads, and had a great time. They will do everything most bikes are capable of and do it with loads more luggage space and comfort to boot!
I freely admit that if they were cheaper for me to buy than a motorcycle of the same capacity I would have one in the garage in a second. Great choice as a second bike or a back up machine.
If anyone needs help with a more specific question about machines for disabled riders don’t hesitate to contact me through Bandit at Bikernet.
Ride! To Infinity and beyond!
Another Connection: Cool looking things, many dealers in USA on the dealers map. This is the only company manufacturing a trike with two wheel in the front and one in the rear.Apparently uses a Kawasaki 1000cc engine.Just the thing to do the shopping with I expect.
I have also sent this to the guy who asked for info. Can I go back to riding now or what?
Laterz: Jaq.