I am originally from Franklin County, Kansas. In Ottawa, we had one of the largest Toy Runs in the Nation. We started out the year with a Christmas in July, which would bring in the largest part. There would be cars being auctioned off, tons of events, raffles, and the whole community would gather for this event, which was organized by Shep and Judy Collins and Gloria and Allan Crane. One year the total contributed Toys and Cash were $18,000.
They had a good system worked out with the E.K.A.N. to distribute the toys. We were 100% positive the toys were making it to the needy.
Five years ago, I relocated to Southeastern Kansas and for years sat through some sad Toy runs, with no flyers, one pot of chili and their Santa wearing a tattered old outfit for years. I bit my tongue as long as I could and started up the Christmas in June Toy run benefit here in Pittsburg.
I did not want to step on any toes by interfering or taking over what they had already arranged. Their toys were dropped off at the Salvation Army. The Captain here sometimes, never even met us there to receive the toys. If he did meet us there, he acted like it was a pain in the ass for him to have to come out. Now the previous Captain before our current one, was wonderful. Always a greeting with arms wide open.
No one thought much about what happens after the Toy run, but my suspicions were raised when a friend of mine’s daughter was refused assistance.
I called up the Captain of the Salvation Army and said there was a great potential of donations increasing drastically. I wanted to know what their guidelines for signing up were. Such as the dates, income levels, etc…, to receive toys during the holidays. In addition, if he could prove that the toys were being given to our local needy.
He told me that he wouldn’t furnish me with the guidelines and that the toys were resold through the Salvation Army and that some of them even went up to Kansas City and was sold there. I was so shocked. I always assumed once the toys were dropped off, I pictured a happy boy or girl opening my present.
I informed the Toy run and expected the reaction I had about the Toys, but was told to keep quiet and yes they were still going to keep taking them to the Salvation Army. Santa had a brother that was on the Board of Director’s for Salvation Army and didn’t want to upset him, I guess was the reasoning.
There are other options for donating. I called the Safehouse to see what they needed and also the Shriners. The Safehouse, which is a Battered Woman’s Shelter, showed me a whole closet full of toys and the Shriners said they didn’t know what or when they’d have a child. The best way to help the Safehouse was through Annual Swim Passes, especially helpful for the Teenagers, and the the Shriners were in need of funds for transportation of the children to doctors appointment and hospitals.
After a phone call to the City of Pittsburg, Parks and Recreation suggested I buy one Swim Pass for $50. 00 up to 25 people age group 13 and under, they match me $50.00 for the other age group, how could they say no.
Not all Salvations Army’s maybe like this one.
Yes, they are a very good worthwhile organization to give donations to. Their relief efforts for the Hurricane victims are very commendable. This is probably just a isolated situation, however, WHO KNOWS.

“ The proceeds from the sale of the toys do go back into the community that they were sold in, for it’s other needs,” Captain of the Pittsburg, Kansas Salvation Army replied.
Something to think about.
Julie Weems