Tom Fritz To Unveil Painting Of John Penton

John Penton “Five Days Down” painting by artist Tom Fritz to be revealed at OC Sports Grill today

unnamedIn conjunction with the production of the upcoming film PENTON: The John Penton Story, legendary motorsports fine artist Tom Fritz has completed his latest work, showcasing none other than John Penton himself. The 20″ x 30″ painting titled Five Days Down will be officially unveiled at the OC Sports Grill, near Angel Stadium of Anaheim, on Friday evening, January 17, in concurrence with the Legends & Heroes event celebrating 40 Years of Supercross 


Five Days Down was commissioned by the film’s producers as part of a rewards program for the campaign that provided funding for the production. Giclées and prints will be given to select backers of the film. The painting will also be for available for purchase in spring 2014. As for the grand masterpiece – the original Frtiz painting – an auction date will soon be announced.

“It was an honor to work with Tom Fritz on this project, tied in with our film,” said Todd Huffman, the film’s director and producer at Pipeline Digital Media (PDM). “I have always admired Tom’s work, and it’s simply breathtaking to see how he depicted John Penton on canvas.”

“I love painting motorcycles and particularly, heroes of mine. John Penton is one of those,” commented artist Tom Fritz. “It was a pleasure to capture the determination, grit and beauty of John riding at the ISDE on a motorcycle bearing his own name.”

After the unveiling of the painting with John Penton’s son, Jack, on hand, a short behind-the-scenes video featuring Tom Fritz working on the painting will be shown. Those present during the unveiling at the OC Sports Grill in Anaheim will also receive a limited edition postcard portraying Five Days Down.

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