
Every once in a while, I begin to wonder if Bikernet is taking the wrong direction. Maybe we should support the Green New Deal like most of the media does. Hell, they don’t even have the balls to ask questions. Isn’t that what Journalists are supposed to do? Then remarkably, I will stumble along something that inspires my resolve again. Check below from an Australian Senator.

Let’s hit the news and stay warm…

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

Senator Malcolm Roberts Challenges the Aussie Government to Prove CO2 is a Problem

Essay by Eric Worrall

An inside view into what it is like being a climate skeptic politician who is determined to get answers out of both his colleagues and government scientists.

… Our earth’s climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years. Historical, empirical, scientific evidence shows there is nothing unusual or unprecedented about our current temperatures or weather events.

Climate science has been hijacked. Special interest groups pushing ideological societal change, rent- seekers wanting to profit from taxpayer subsidies and politicians looking for easy new ways to tax citizens, are hijacking our nation’s governance and sovereignty. Alarmingly, once highly regarded agencies such as the CSIRO and BOM, have allowed themselves to become a part of the climate change industry and have failed to provide government with robust, competent science advice upon which to base policy.

There is no logical, scientific point with empirical evidence linking carbon dioxide from human activity as the cause of climate variability. No entity or person has ever proven that the ongoing natural climate variability is not entirely natural.

This lack of vigorously tested evidence has allowed governments to create policy that is permanently damaging our once cheap and reliable electricity system. Our manufacturing industries are disappearing overseas, families are struggling to pay their exorbitant power bills, farmers are under pressure and our once reliable electricity system is on its knees, due to government regulations forcing intermittent wind and solar into the electricity grid.

Even our children are not safe from this alarmism, with eco-anxiety finding its way into the innocent world of our children.

Nor is the environment safe, due to the lack of recycling of many solar, wind and battery components with relatively short working lives, and due to other inherently damaging aspects of solar and wind.

I implore you to apply the utmost of analytical and sceptical scrutiny to the claims underpinning climate and related energy policy. The effects of climate policy are historic, and Australia has never before faced such a fundamental and arguably monumental change to our way of life and lifestyle.

Your extra scrutiny on the claims underpinning climate and related energy policy could be the difference between millions of Australians suffering if the proposed legislation is passed or alternatively, having a more prosperous nation if existing climate and related energy legislation is rescinded. …

Read more: Submission by Senator Malcolm Roberts to Australian Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications

Senator Roberts’ document was submitted in August, but a link to the submission has just become available to me.

The document is well worth a read if you are interested in a very complete dive into what is wrong with modern climate science and climate politics, from the perspective of a politician who is pushing for clarity. Senator Roberts has captured a wide range of issues, including some obscure issues which are not widely known.

Although the focus of the document is Australia, much of the document is applicable to everyone – climate alarmists worldwide all tend to use the same scientific talking points to push their case.

For example, Senator Roberts caught the curious issue of the Marcott 2013 et al paper, which is used by alarmists to push the idea that the current temperature rise is unprecedented. But Marcott’s paper differs from his PHD thesis. The difference? Marcott grafted a hockey stick onto his published paper.

One of the most intriguing elements of Senator Roberts’ analysis is his interaction with Australia’s premier government science body. The CSIRO, in my opinion may be leaving themselves a large escape hatch for when today’s political climate hysteria collapses.

According to Senator Roberts, “… CSIRO admitted that it has never stated that carbon dioxide from human activity poses a danger. Instead, statements of danger came from politicians …”.

One day historians will look back on today’s climate hysteria. They will struggle to understand how politicians and voters ever mistook such a flimsy house of cards as a solid edifice of evidence and sound policy – especially with politicians like Senator Roberts sounding the alarm.

Update (EW): Re the Marcott 2013 et al paper, Marcott himself dissed his own hockey stick addition. He admitted the “… 20th century portion of our paleotemperature stack is not statistically robust, cannot be considered representative of global temperature changes, and therefore is not the basis of any of our conclusions. …”. His words.

“You do know that not one motorcycle rights organization or automotive aftermarket association in the States will question the greens. It’s either that or they are bullied to follow this path.”—Bandit

ALERT FROM THE MOTORCYCLE RIDERS ASSOCIATION–There’s more than one way to have your voice heard!

Last Tuesday was election day, but our voices should be heard every day. In less than 50 days the 2022 Motorcycle Profiling Project annual survey closes. Have you filled out the survey?

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) relies on surveys like this to help back up our arguments in Washington D.C. Not only is this information useful in our nation’s capital but bikers have successfully used this data to change laws at the state level.

It takes less than 2 minutes and can help make the difference in the lives of all bikers.

Do you part, fill out the survey today before it’s too late!

Click here to take the survey

About Motorcycle Riders Foundation
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. The MRF is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. The MRF is committed to being a national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle and works in conjunction with its partners to help educate elected officials and policymakers in Washington and beyond.



¡Hola Amigos!

We just did a pre-run to San Felipe to make sure everything is a go for next year. The town is as friendly as ever and they are looking forward to seeing us in May. You can get more details and the exact schedule here:



Good Day and Good Ride to you.

We received a couple remarkable photos from Michael Lichter Photography featuring this custom Harley Davidson Panhead by Dan Starkey of Starkey Originals.

That’s one of our hand-tooled leather seats.

Great to work with passionate and talented artists.

–Adam Croft
DimeBag Leather



This is a two-piece 2-into-1 exhaust designed by Josh “DirtyBiker” Sheehan and produced by Paughco. The goal with this version was to create another signature “DirtyBiker” exhaust for the H-D generator Shovelhead years of 1966-1969.

But why leave it at just that… This design will also work with the cone Shovel years as well! With a tip of the hat to Dick Allen and the Alphabet Co. It was time for that classic exhaust style to make a comeback. Shovelhead’s rule, so does this exhaust. I hope you dig it too.


Here’s what it will fit
• 1966-1984 Shovelhead engine.

• Must be a rigid Shovelhead frame. (Pan frames will work too, but you’ll need to relocate the mounting tab on the lower frame rail behind the engine.

• Will work with forward controls. • Will work with mechanical brake or hydraulic brake.

• Will work with high mid controls (Main Drive).

• Will work with stock style 4 speed transmissions.

• Will work with floor boards or pegs mounted to the floor board tabs.

What it won’t fit
• Swing arm frames.

• Stock H-D mid controls mounted on the transmission.

Mounting Info

*This exhaust MUST have two mounting locations on the frame as well as being mounted to the heads (duh). The first location is the stock mounting tab just behind the engine on the lower frame rail. The second location is from the back side of the exhaust collector to the lower frame rail in front of the axle plate. You can do this one of two ways. Either weld a mounting tab to the lower frame rail, or use the mounting kit offered by Paughco. Part number: 718-9 (which is a bolt on application). You might need to modify a tab to fit, but you’re a chopper dude/dudette. I have faith in you!


THIRD QUARTER MC SALES DOWN–Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC)
United States – Q3 Retail Sales Figures

The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC, Irvine, California) reports that sales of new motorcycles and scooters were down in the third quarter 2022 at -3.9% compared to the same period of 2021, with ATVs down by -15.3% among the brands that are part of its new registrations data capture and reporting program.


DIRECT FROM THE BIKERNET THOUGHT TEMPLE–As humans, we are surrounded by illusions that we perceive as being very real.

What we affirm becomes the fabric of our existence.

One of the biggest commitments we can make on our journey from fear to love is to become more conscious of what we are thinking in any given moment.

Are you happy with this reality? Is it aligned with your values?

Truth be told, we can create whatever reality we want for ourselves when we can see through the illusions that keep us in fear. Our world functions like a hall of mirrors. What we see in the world is a reflection of who we are being in any given moment. What a beautiful gift when you think about it. We can have it all. There is no shortage of anything on this planet. We just believe there is.

Everything is energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed. It simply changes states. You manifest your reality based on your energetic frequency in each moment. Are you holding onto anger or joy? What is it that you are attracting?

Want to change your life? Simply change your thinking.

–Ray Russell

The MIC Government Relations Office submitted additional comments to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, regarding its second draft of proposed PFAS regulations. On behalf of hundreds of association members, plus the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, and the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association, the GRO stated that hundreds of MIC members remain considerably impacted by the requirements proposed in the latest concept draft for the “Maine PFAS in Products Program.”

“We continue to call on MIC members with expertise and vested interests to contact us about joining the MIC PFAS Working Group,” said Eric Barnes, MIC technical programs vice president. “PFAS presents a major powersports industry challenge, and whether you’re an OE, aftermarket, or riding gear manufacturer, you must learn about government PFAS proposals and look for ways to replace PFAS in products you sell.”

A bill now working its way through the New Jersey legislature calls for motor vehicle dealers to delete personal information from motor vehicle computer systems prior to resale or lease.

During a hearing this week for General Assembly Bill A4723, the committee chairman indicated the bill’s author is working on floor amendments and they would like to expand the legislation to include rental cars. The hearing focused on personal information in address books and global positioning systems built into automobiles, but some powersports vehicles have these features as well. New Jersey’s identical Senate Bill S2740 has not yet been through a hearing.



Saturday, Dec. 3rd from 1-7 pm – VVMC Holiday Party and Toy Drive at Clutch Roadhouse

Sunday Dec. 4th – VVMC 2-Wheeled Toy Run
More details to follow

This Sunday, let’s ride North!
Come join us this Sunday. We’ll be cruising up the PCH, then cut up into the canyons and end at Rock Store.

Rock Store
30354 Mulholland Hwy, Cornell, CA 91301

9AM – Meet
10AM – Kick stands up!

As always, vintage bikes encouraged but all years, makes, and models are welcome!

Please remember…..

– We leave at 10am sharp!
– Be gassed up and ready to go.
– Please do not pass our Road Captains. They are there to lead and keep everyone together as a group.
– Keep this a safe and fun ride by staying aware of your fellow riders.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook & Instagram, or go to for the latest updates on our events calendar.

See you there!

EUROPEAN ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE ALERT–Survey on historic motorcycles.

FEMA asks for your help: please fill out our survey on the use and definition of historic motorcycles. We see different definitions of what a historic motorcycle is in rules and regulations for (for example) periodical technical inspections and for emission zones. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey and make your voice heard!



For Harley-Davidson these codes, and their locations, have changed over the years.

WTF is an anti-theft code?

What year did Harley start putting serial numbers on frames?

What does this 17-digit VIN on my M8 really mean?

This article will answer these questions and give you the information you need to properly identify your Harley-Davidson motorcycle!

Read on Lowbrow website
–Lowbrow crew


I’m sending you some pics of a new/old build I’m starting for a customer and I wanted to pick your brain, what’s left of it that is, (ha-ha) on a couple of things.

Years ago, a customer/client asked me to build him a Board Track Indian using a Power Plus engine in one of Rick Krost’s board track frames, built by Paughco. The client & I bought the frame directly from Rick. The client already had the engine. Then he lost his job and the project got put on hold. Well, after years of sitting the build is back up and running.

I’m trying to set-up the drivetrain and I’m tossing around transmission ideas. I was wondering if you had any thoughts or suggestions. One of mine is to try and use a later model H-D trans with the oil bag under it. But there would be a lot to engineer with one of them.

Keeping it simpler, my other thought is to hunt down the OE trans, primary and starter that came with those models. This engine came from an ’02 Indian.

Would or do you have any leads on where I may find that set up ?

–El Waggs
Air Stream Studios

I hooked Jim up with Paughco who makes components for Rick’s Frames. I also pointed him in the direction of my entire build. Check it out:


Cannot tell where path lead, until reach end of road.

Time will not press and talk will not cook rice.

He who feeds the chicken, deserves the egg.

–Warner Brothers


After a two-year hiatus, the Winter Power Package is back! All of the best parts to big bore/cam/oilpump/plate your Twin Cam or M8 with $400 knocked off! ~ DZ

S&S Cycle – Winter Power Package Returns for a limited time!

The S&S Winter Power Package is the ideal combination of performance and savings, designed to transform your M8 or Twin Cam H-D without breaking the bank. For the latest generation HD’s, S&S is packaging their 124” & 128” bolt in big bore kit with a 550 cam, cam plate and high flow oil pump as well as valve springs, lifters and pushrods.

T he Twin Cam kits get a similar combination of performance parts with a 585 cam and a bump to 100 for the early and 110 cubic inches for the late TC models.

All kits are available with gear or chain drive cams and are designed to make big, reliable power with equally big savings.

Winter only pricing starting at $2299, saves over $400! The ideal combo for a winter storage project. Good from November 14th through January 31st, 2023, get yours and schedule that winter install.

Check out the details, parts list and dyno charts at

David Zemla
VP – Marketing
S&S® Cycle, Inc.
14025 County Highway G, Viola, WI 54664


WREATHS ACROSS AMERICAAnnounces 2022 Escort to Arlington

Chevrolet to lead the country’s longest veterans’ parade with wrapped vehicles transporting Gold and Blue Star Families, Veterans, and American patriots!

What has become known as the country’s longest veterans’ parade – Wreaths Across America’s annual “Escort to Arlington” – kicks off on Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022. The official route, which can be viewed here, will travel down the East Coast stopping at schools, memorials, and other locations along the way to spread the year-long mission to REMEMBER the fallen, HONOR those that serve and their families, and TEACH the next generation the value of freedom.

Stops with public events will be held in Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Washington D.C., before arriving at Arlington National Cemetery on the morning of Saturday, Dec. 17 – National Wreaths Across America Day.

“For me the Escort to Arlington is the culmination of another year of sharing the mission to Remember, Honor and Teach across this country. I say it every year, but it is truly an experience of a lifetime,” said Karen Worcester, Executive Director, WAA. “The way the mission and these families and veterans are welcomed into communities, with flags waving and streets lined with children and grateful Americans, is something we always wished every person could witness. This year we’re hoping that supporters will once again join us in safely lining the roadways and welcoming the escort into their communities.”

For the 8th year in a row Chevrolet, has generously provided the Wreaths Across America wrapped escort vehicles, transporting participating Gold Star families and veterans. In addition, Chevrolet has also donated 4,000 veterans’ wreaths for placement at Arlington National Cemetery to help honor our nation’s veterans.

“Chevrolet and its dealers are proud to support the work of Wreaths Across America once again and share the mission to Remember, Honor and Teach. This annual tradition has become a cornerstone event for Chevrolet and its dealers here in the Northeast Region,” said Dan Adamcheck, Regional Director of Sales, Service and Marketing for Chevrolet. “To be able to give back to our communities, and the men and women who have given so much to our country is truly an honor for Chevrolet and its employees.”

Participants for this year’s Escort to Arlington will include Gold Star Families – including the National President of American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., Sarah Whitehouse Taylor – Blue Star Families, volunteers, and veterans representing many eras and local Veteran Service Organizations such as the VFW, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, VFW Auxiliary, and the American Legion Auxiliary, and more. Members of the Patriot Guard Riders and Patriot Riders, and law enforcement from departments across Maine and other states along the route will provide escort to ensure safe transport for all participants throughout the week.

The Escort to Arlington has grown to consist of twelve tractor-trailers representing Schneider National, Gully Transportation, Witte Bros. Exchange, Inc., Hartt Transportation Systems, Inc., Delhaize Transportation LLC (DBA Hannaford Supermarkets), American Trucking Associations – Workforce Heroes, Pottle’s Transportation, Cargo Transporters, Inc., Boyd Grain Inc., Hampton Roads Moving & Storage, Prime Inc., and Tyson Foods, Inc. These dedicated organizations and their professional drivers will haul a portion of the sponsored veterans’ wreaths heading to Arlington National Cemetery for placement on Saturday, Dec. 17. Additionally, Load One Carriers will once again serve as the ceremonial wreath transporter for the Escort.

What began 30+ years ago as a pilgrimage by a Maine wreath maker in a single truck to deliver 5,000 wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery as a gesture of thanks has become a year-long mission to Remember, Honor, Teach. National Wreaths Across America Day ceremonies are happening at more than 3,500 participating locations across the country on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2022. These events are free and open to all people. To find a participating location near you to support and/or volunteer to place wreaths, click here.

In total, nearly 257,000 sponsored wreaths are needed to reach the goal of placing a wreath on every eligible marker at Arlington National Cemetery. To sponsor a $15 veteran’s wreath for placement this year, please visit

You can learn more here:

*Note, volunteers placing wreaths at Arlington will be required to preregister and show proof of registration on Wreaths Across America Day on December 17, 2022. You may also register at the above link by clicking the VOLUNTEER button on the page.

[page break]

LIFESTYLE CYCLE DEAL OF THE WEEK— 2021 Harley-Davidson FXBBS – Street Bob 114 for $15,995.00


2021 Deadwood Green Harley-Davidson STREET BOB SPECIAL 114-INCH FXBBS with only 4264.00 miles!

This bike is a low mileage 114c.i. Street Bob and some of the features/Add-ons on this bike are

* 114c.i.Motor with a 6-Speed trans. and only 4264.00 miles on it!!!!!
* S&S exhaust
* Detachable passenger pad
* Tall sissy bar with tool pouch
* Chase Harper saddle bags
* Fairing with smoked windshield
* Black shock boots
* Passenger foot pegs
* Digital dash

This bike is only $15,995.00

Plus license, $85.00 documentation fee, and local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like some dealers. And we have no reconditioning or prep fees.

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety/mechanical/structural inspection.This motorcycle has not been refurbished and does not come with any warranty expressed or implied!

Fill out an online application today. We have EZ FINANCING and EXTENDED WARRANTIES available!

Lifestyle Cycles is located at 1510 State College Blvd,Anaheim,CA,92806. Open 7 days a week.

NOT LOCAL? WE HAVE SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Call today (714) 490-0155.

We carry Street Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Ultras, Sportsters, Softails, Dynas, and much more!
We are California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock! To view our current inventory,

Please visit or



It’s snowed for a couple of days. The Redhead slid off the driveway and two trucks couldn’t rescue her.

Here’s a before snow shot and an after.

It’s still snowing.



Once upon a time, a man walking by the side of a lake spotted a scorpion struggling to get out of the water it had slipped into. The man knew it would drown against the deep lake and steep climb.

So, the man went and tried to get the scorpion out. Since he had nothing but his bare fingers to use to pick the scorpion out of the water, he got stung by the creature. The man persisted in trying to save the life of this poisonous scorpion which did not understand the man was trying to save it from drowning.

Another man sitting at a distance trying to catch fishes with his equipment saw this curious situation and approached the man rescuing the scorpion.

“Clearly, every time you try to fetch the scorpion out of water, it is attacking you with painful stings. Why do you persist in saving such an ungrateful creature? Leave it to its fate!”

The telson of the scorpion got entangled in the swollen skin of the man and he was finally able to place him on dry land.

Free from his pursuit, the man replied to the wayside fisherman, “It is in the scorpion’s nature to sting. I am a human and know better.”

Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page


I have a totally rebuilt ‘72 Norton. Words alone can’t explain 16-month project too much in it to talk about. This Triumph is the Most Beautiful I’ve ever seen, and I have seen a lot. How do I get a side profile pic of this sweet heart for my wall like 14×20. I’ll even take down my Jaclyn Smith?

CHINO valley, AZ

Google Peter Linney. I’ll bet he can take care of you. Tell him Bandit sent you.

WILL GAS STATIONS SURVIVEThe Forced Evolution Towards Electric Vehicles?

We still need gas stations as long as we drive internal combustion engines (ICE). That’s obviously a given.

According to Kelley Blue Book, though, automakers sold 576,000 EVs in the last nine months–a whopping 70-percent increase during the previous year. If we continue buying electric vehicles (EVs) at this pace, we will need electric chargers on a much larger scale.

The Biden administration is pushing the electrification of half of all new cars by 2030 and plans to give funding to build a network of half a million fast-charging stations in the same time frame. Seven years is a short time frame to make all this happen.

EV industry consultant Loren McDonald explained to the Los Angeles Times that a large chain could add chargers at a lower per-unit cost due to economies of scale. Chargers cost $70,000 to $150,000 per unit. He said that once installed, electric chargers need two to five years to become profitable, mainly in part due to their infrequent use. McDonald noted that chargers are currently only used about five to ten percent daily.

Until recently, most states had laws preventing businesses other than regulated electric utilities from selling electricity. A proxy battle has already started between electric utilities, EV charging-provider companies such as EVgo and ChargePoint, truck stops, convenience stores, and traditional gas stations. Offices, restaurant chains, and even stores are also joining the EV charging trend.

In a recent post, Politico claimed gas station owners and other businesses who put in chargers find themselves at the mercy of an opaque, regulated, and monopolistic electric utility system that is unlike the gas supply system. The gas price fluctuates based on market conditions. If an ICE owner doesn’t like the price at one station, they can drive down the street and find the price of gas per gallon they want.

An electric charge costs what it costs, and there’s no use trying to find a different price point. Three thousand local electric utilities in the US determine how much each charger can charge depending on its geographic location in the individual utility network. Right now, EV owners are just happy to find a charger.

Reason Director of Transportation Policy Bob Poole recently pointed out in his November 2022 email that electric vehicle charging, even fast charging, can ‘fill up’ only one-sixth as many EVs in a 14-pump scenario. The 14-pump electric charge station would only be able to charge 1,680 EVs in a 12-hour cycle. If it were gas instead, 14-pumps could refuel 70 cars in five minutes, and in 12 hours, it could handle refueling 10,080 vehicles. If the average price for a charge were the same as gas, the station owner would lose money.

Of course, gas stations are no longer the gas stations of the 1970s. Eighty percent of all gas is now sold at convenience stores, which make their real money on other goods and services. If folks stick around because it takes longer to charge, then convenience stores can make up for some of the difference by providing more goods and services.

Unfortunately, expanding stations to accommodate more electric charging will be challenging because affordable land adjacent to gas stations is likely unavailable in many scenarios.

Also, chargers need standardization, which currently does not exist. Owners need a similar payment system, pricing information, and charging speeds to make EVs easier to use and own. The Biden administration announced last summer that drivers need real-time information on station pricing and location to better plan trips to help alleviate ‘range anxiety.’ Stations will also need a minimum number and type of chargers.

Home charging and charging during the day at places of work might also hurt the bottom line of the ‘gas station’ of the future.

In the meantime, several cities in California will no longer allow the building of new gas stations to discourage the use of gas vehicles in the hopes of curbing climate change. Northern California’s Marin County is the hotbed of banning stations. Novato’s city council will vote in a few weeks to enact a ban. The town currently has 12 stations and two more pending construction. In March 2021, the nearby community of Petaluma was the first in the country to enact a ban on gas stations. Since then, the Bay area cities of Cotati, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, and Windsor have all followed suit.

In August, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted to require all new cars and light trucks sold in the state to be zero emission by 2035. More than 5,000 mom-and-pop gas stations dot the state, and many have indicated this zero-emission requirement will expedite the closing of their businesses.

Even after the new car mandate, CARB predicts the number of ICE vehicles in California will drop to less than 16 million by 2035. Currently, 24 million are registered in the state.

Despite what you read in the press, gas stations will survive even in California. They might all be national or regional chains that can afford to have a dual gas/electric charging system in place. As electric charging speeds increase and a comprehensive networked system comes online, more people will buy EVs and likely still make a run to the ‘gas station’ as needed.


The Gasoline Station in America

1920s Shell Gasoline Station

John Parham had great appreciation for American motorcycles, especially early machines. But as he talked with friends, learned and purchased some of the finest, he knew that motorcycle memorabilia like cast iron toys, signage, leather jackets, photographs and advertising art were also key to a good collection. And considering his likely museum visitors, he knew that the more varied these objects were, the better he would engage all sorts of visitors, assure they had a good time when they visited the National Motorcycle Museum.

Indeed, the gasoline and oil that are necessary to getting a motorcycle down the road offered some amazing display items. But oil cans and gasoline cans were just the beginning for John. He found gasoline…


Win This 1951 Harley-Davidson Panhead Bobber

Hagerty Insurance and National Motorcycle Museum

TRIKES OF THE WEEK—From the exclusive Sam Burns collection.

–Sam Burns
Trike Editor™


Virostko Chopper Mini Saddlebag (Black) Our Survival Saddlebag uses a waterproof, 22-ounce heavy-duty waxed canvas. The bag is double-lined with a rubber-backed material to ensure the contents stay dry. Our pure and honest design completes that great look for your hardtail or stock frame.

Come get some action at

THE LATEST FROM LOWBROWAdd a touch of class to any scoot.

Lowbrow released these Air Cleaner Covers some years ago as an easy way to make your bike stand out from the crowd.

They replace the typical S&S Teardrop air cleaner cover, but retain the stock air filter, backing plate and mounting hardware.

They are investment cast aluminum, semi-polished, and bolt right on to S&S Super E and G carburetors.

–Lowbrow Crew


When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out–
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So, stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit–
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.


Yale Gelfant
Choppers Cycle


Song: “Dreaming In The U.S.A.”
Artists: Sting, Shaggy
Album: 44/876

I was a boy, I was dreaming of the U.S.A.
All the movies I see are from the same place
All the music I love is from the U.S.A.
All the stars that I see have an American face

The only blue jeans I wear are from the U.S.A.
The sneakers here on my feet, they are American made
Presley, Monroe and Dean are from the U.S.A.
Louis Armstrong, Sinatra and Marvin Gaye

Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the United States

You seek a visa, you’re dreaming of the U.S.A.
It’s never easier looking for another way
God bless America, dreaming of the U.S.A.
Are we hysterical, dreaming of the United States?

Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the United States

Don’t stop dreaming
Don’t stop dreaming
Don’t stop dreaming
Don’t stop dreaming

And so they work in the fields across the U.S.A.
The work nobody else wants to feed their family
They join the army, they’re fighting for the U.S.A.
Here in the land of the brave, and the home of the free

Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the U.S.A.
(Dreaming) Dreaming in the United States

Big up all of mi people who live and working right here inside of America
Get up every morning working two jobs to make it here in America
I’m a military man who carried arms and fight in defense of America
I await the day when we will all inhabit a better America

Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming in the U.S.A.
Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming in the U.S.A.
Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming in the U.S.A.
Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming in the U.S.A.

Dreaming in the USA obviously !!!


Richard Petty with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and also SEMA Board of Directors member Ted Wentz III and SEMA President and CEO Mike Spagnola.

“The King” and SEMA Push to Pass the RPM Act in Meetings with Congressional Representatives

On Tuesday, July 19, Richard Petty, “The King,” joined SEMA CEO Mike Spagnola in the nation’s capital to lobby Congress to pass the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports (RPM) Act. The bipartisan bill (H.R. 3281/S. 2736) protects Americans’ right to convert street vehicles into dedicated racecars and the motorsports-parts industry’s ability to sell products that enable racers to compete. The Washington, D.C., visit came at a critical juncture for the bill, which has been steadily gaining traction among lawmakers.

Like most NASCAR drivers, Petty competed in racecars that started out as street-legal vehicles. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains the position that such modified race vehicles are not legal under the Clean Air Act, threatening many classes of racing along with an industry that employs tens of thousands of Americans and contributes more than $2 billion to the U.S. economy each year.


BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!– MOVING OIL

Thanks for the amazing description and care.


— Paulo Lopes
New Plymouth, New Zealand

This article, produced by Frank Kaisler covered the running oil lines basics. Check it out. Frank is missed.


“Confrontation does not mean conflict. A good friend will object to your behavior, habit, or mistake, because he wishes you well.” ~ Wayfarer

“Forget your age. If you have dreams to achieve, you are still young.”

“Just as without brakes, you can’t avoid accidents, without good character, there is nothing to stop you from self-destruction.”

Associate Monk
Bikernet Thought Temple

[page break]


Big gains by motorcycling, ATV riding, and side-by-side driving helped boost America’s entire outdoor recreation industry to a record-breaking year in 2021, according to economic data recently released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

According to the BEA, inflation-adjusted gross domestic product for the outdoor recreation economy increased 18.9 percent last year, easily topping the 5.9 percent increase for the overall U.S. economy. The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable reported that the new data shows that outdoor recreation generates $862 billion in economic output and 4.5 million jobs.

The BEA listed motorcycling and ATV riding (which includes side-by-sides) as the nation’s fourth-largest “conventional outdoor recreation” activity for 2020-2021, with $8.1 billion in current-dollar value added for the economy – up from $7.3 billion the previous year.

“To those of us in the powersports industry, these are not surprising numbers,” said MIC President and CEO Erik Pritchard. “We’ve seen outdoor recreation giving a real boost to America’s economy during the pandemic as more people throw a leg over a motorcycle or ATV, or get behind the wheel of a side-by-side, to enjoy family time in the beautiful outdoors. The BEA data confirms that communities large and small, from all corners of America, benefit from outdoor recreation. We’re proud to be part of the responsible recreators who are generating nearly a trillion dollars in economic value across the country.”

Outdoor recreation contributes more to the U.S. economy than either oil and gas extraction, mining, or agriculture, according to the ORR, which is supported by the MIC, the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, and the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association.

“The BEA data underscores how important it is to invest in public lands, waters, and recreation infrastructure from coast to coast and for recreation activities of all types,” said ORR President Jessica Turner. “From the creation of jobs and increased profit for small businesses in local economies, to larger boons to our national economy, this sector is a consistent driver, even in times of economic uncertainty. There are infinite benefits that come from more people spending time outdoors and they’ll only grow with continued investment.”


New TECH Bikernet Reader Comment!–


This article is on point and wish I had read it in 2008. My 2008 Dyna Owner’s Manual and Service Manual both say that the oil pressure is supposed to be 35psi on OEM but found that this articles 50-60 psi full pop off will cool the bike down.

I have installed the Zippers 117-inch TC Kit and it recommends the use of a blueprinted Fueling Cam Plate, which I didn’t have at the time, that is set to those numbers.

I found out the hard way that they sold that plate after using the S&S TC3 plate and not checking the pop off psi. It wasn’t long before the lack of oil led to heat and major problems. I’ll also say the 50-60 psi will quiet the valve train more than I think people realize.

I have this tool and have used it and anyone doing their own work should purchase it when getting into a cam chest. It should be part of a Cam Chest Kit.

— Chris
Pasco, WA


We’ve reduced our leather line-up to eight stellar pieces for the holidays. Each order will receive a special signed book by K.Randall Ball and holiday bling.

There’s more. Perfect for Xmas are easy to handle books by Keith “Bandit” Ball.

Hell, each of ’em are thrilling tales with action & raw emotion, giving you hours of entertainment.

Let them fuel your imagination, for touring as well as weekend warrior mode escapade.

Ride Free


DIRECT FROM FEMA IN EUROPEHas Europe Banned The Combustion Engine?

Maximum confusion in Brussels whether the sale of cars and small vans with an internal combustion engine will be actually banned from 2035. And what about motorcycles?

On Thursday 27 October 2022, the European Commission, European Parliament, and the member states, united in the Council of the European Union, reached an agreement in the so-called trialogue about the emission limits for cars and vans. After a few steps to lower the emission of the fleet, from 2035 the sale of new cars that have no zero CO2-emission will be banned in the European Union.

Many parties, especially NGOs like Transport & Environment, who have lobbied for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) for years and the Greens in the European Parliament celebrated this as a victory of electric vehicles against vehicles with an internal combustion engine and said that this meant that this was a ban on combustion engines.

Consequently, this would not only affect cars and vans, but also motorcycles. However, the agreement does not state that motorcycles could not be sold from 2035. It states: “The agreement includes wording on CO2 neutral fuels whereby following consultation with stakeholders, the Commission will make a proposal for registering vehicles running exclusively on CO2-neutral fuels after 2035 in conformity with EU law, outside the scope of the fleet standards, and in conformity with the EU’s climate neutrality objective.”

In our view, this means that new vehicles with an internal combustion engine, including motorcycles, that run on eFuels or hydrogen can still be sold after 2035, but that the European Commission must provide the legislative framework for this.

‘FEMA will resist any attempt to ban the internal combustion engine for motorcycles.’

Dolf Willigers, FEMA’s General Secretary, said: “It is (now) only cars and vans that run on fossil fuels (petrol, Diesel) that may no longer be sold after 2035. From experience, and signals from the European Commission, we know that the chance that motorcycles will escape this fate is very small.

Nevertheless, FEMA will resist any attempt to ban the internal combustion engine for motorcycles. In our view, the emissions of motorcycles are already negligible and the alternatives for both fossil fuels and electricity are still in the development phase.

To focus solely on battery electric vehicles the problems of air quality and climate chance will just be redeemed to other, equal serious problems: the social and environmental aspects of the mining of raw materials that are needed to make batteries and the geo-political consequences of getting dependent to countries like China to acquire these raw materials and the batteries should not be underestimated.

Already, a delegation of members from the EPP party in the European Parliament has asked questions about this to the European Commission and asked how the Commission thinks to decrease the dependency of other countries. To give room to other options like eFuels, Europe can be the forerunner in the development of valuable alternative techniques.”

Written by Wim Taal

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!THE IRON ORDER “CODE”

If this Iron Order club isn’t for you, who cares? Is there some rule that all motorcycle clubs must all be criminal organizations?

— Jim
Bremerton, WA

“No, there is no rule that I know of. Some charters within 1% organizations don’t take in members with criminal backgrounds. You can be tough as nails and a constant rider and biker without being a criminal.”


This classic was built by Jason Lee. This is a rider’s classic. I like the mufflers, semi-shorties. Never a fan of straight pipes, these shorties show respect for the community.

Check the carb, a rare classic and the original inspiration for the first S&S carb with side float bowl.

Classic paint and mechanical brakes front and rear.

–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor™


The fight on the banks of the Hydaspes River in India was the closest Alexander the Great came to defeat. His fearful Companion cavalry was unable to subdue fully the courageous King Porus.

After losing the battle of Hydaspes (326 BC), King Porus was taken to Alexander in chains. When Alexander asked him, how should he treat him, Porus replied that he wants Alexander to treat him as a King treats another King.

According to the Greeks, Alexander was apparently so impressed by King Porus he gave back his kingdom plus the territories of King Ambhi of Taxila who had fought alongside the Macedonians.
Hydaspes marked the limit of Alexander’s career of conquest; he died before he could launch another campaign. 

Moral of this legend ?
1. Honor your Dharma
2. Character directs your Karma (actions)
3. Your Karma is yours alone. Every man has to carry his own cross.
4. Give respect to get respect

—- Wayfarer


I am with Brothers of the Third Wheel (BTW), a motorcycle trike group that has been around for almost 40 years. I have been tasked with putting together our Central States Region Trike-In (rally) for the next 3 years.

The 2023 event will be held June 1 – 3, 2023, at a hotel and conference center in Bedford, Indiana.

The event is primarily social in nature but there will be rides each day of the event with the attendees riding their own trikes. Most attendees are in their 50s, 60s and 70s and we expect 75 – 100 attendees.

No alcohol is served at the event. I am looking for liability insurance to cover the event. The group’s main website is We have created an event website at

Best regards…
Noel Moss
Cell: 314-608-3292


Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks for everyone around you, to include some love for your two-wheeled friend(s)!

Talk about a transformation without breaking the bank, less is more!

(pictures above) We continually try to bring you unique parts for your ride. Weather it’s a cool new LED turn signal, headlamp or a curved license plate frame with mount. I know what you’re thinking, what’s new about a curved license plate frame?

Well, the Letric Lighting Co. Curved Perfect Plate Light is not just a curved frame, it is indeed a very bright light! Taking advantage of 360-degree SMD LED’s, our frames provide running light, brake light and turn signal functions all while lighting up your license plate with down-facing bright white LED’s.

We’re confident that you will be seen with this on your rear fender! To make it even cleaner, our cleaver designers thought up this cast aluminum Turn Signal Eliminator bar which resembles and mounts the same as the stock turn signal bar. It will even allow the use of the OEM tag light!.

(black or chrome) The LLC-CPPL-B or LLC-CPPL-C Perfect Plate Light™ Black/Chrome Curved License Plate Frame is available with a matching “laydown” universal backing plate or OEM style mount for turn signal bar or our Turn Signal Eliminator Bar LLC-TSE-B or LLC-TSE-C (as seen above).

Features running light, brake light & turn signal functions with license plate illumination. Universal or plug-n-play options are available for most models! Both versions are in stock and ready to install or can be purchased at your local authorized HardDrive Dealer, J&P Cycles, Dennis Kirk or directly from our website! “Where the brightest idea’s come from!”®

Curved aluminum frame with Gloss Black powder-coated or show chrome plated finish

Easy to install
100% Plug-n-Play
Fits all 4? x 7? license plates
Red brake light, Red running light to (bright) Red turn signal to off when turn signal switch is activated
Lifetime Warranty
Technical Data
Red run: 14.27-lumens
Red brake: 72.49-lumens
Amber turn: 75.78-lumens
Super-bright SMD LED technology
Water proof & dust proof design
Turn Signal Eliminator with Gloss Black powder-coated or show chrome plated finish
Replaces OEM rear turn signal bar
Easy to install
Reuses OEM mounting hardware
Reuses domestic OEM license plate bracket or upgrade to a Perfect Plate Light
Allows the use of custom turn signals

“We make it easy for you to do it right!”


OK to let a fool kiss you, but not OK to let a kiss fool you.

Kiss is merely shopping upstairs for real merchandise downstairs.

Better to lose a lover than love a loser.

Man with broken condom often called Daddy.

Drunken man’s words often sober man’s thoughts.

Viagra just like Disneyland …… One hour wait for 2-minute ride.

Joke is just like sex. Neither any good if you don’t get it.

Man, who run in front of car get tired.

Sex is like oxygen, no big deal until you’re not getting any.

Man who run behind car get exhausted.

Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.

Man with one chopstick go hungry.

Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails.

Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.

Baseball is wrong: man with four balls cannot walk.

War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left.

Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.

Man who drive like hell, bound to get there.

Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.

Man who live in Glass House should change clothes in basement.

Man who fish in other man’s well often catch crabs.

Crowded elevator smell different to midget.

Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient.

Lady who goes camping must be aware of evil intent.

Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion.

“A lion will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger Wood!”

–Sam Burns



For the past couple of years, we’ve had a LOT of fun with our “12 Days of Uhlness” promotion. Let’s kick the 2022 version this week!

Pieces offered this year include the gently used display pieces (from our traveling gallery), some of David’s earliest works, pieces that were on payment plans that fell through, consignment returns and originals you may never have seen before. They are all signed by David, numbered and will come with the appropriate Certificate of Authenticity.

For each of the next 12 days, you’ll see a different group of pieces which are being offered in a 24-hour flash sale. You will only have 24 hours to reserve your piece from the time that day’s email is sent out. And, only one of each is available in most cases, so you’ll want to act quickly.

Many of these are hard, if not impossible to find and most are offered at great prices!

Perhaps the best part of this promotion is that, with a minimum $500 purchase, you will be entered into our drawing for an Original David Uhl oil painting!! This year, you’ll have a choice of either “Southern Comfort” or “Spring Break”. The drawing will be held after the 12 days and the lucky winner is responsible for shipping.

“Southern Comfort”
Original Oil on canvas

“Spring Break”
Original Oil on canvas

And the list goes on. Check the Master’s web site.


  • This Massive Barn Find Bike Collection Filled Five Shipping Containers
  • British specialist shop Hitchcocks Motorcycles hit the vintage bike mother lode.
By: Janaki Jitchotvisut

There’s something immensely appealing about the idea of a barn find, isn’t there? The idea that a solid machine has just been left sitting somewhere, due to circumstances completely out of its control—and that you’re the person who can lovingly bring it back to life is downright enticing. Granted, it takes a certain kind of person who’s into a fixer-upper lifestyle, but if that’s you, then you know what I mean.

Like a magnet of sorts, every once in a while, you’ll hear about some utterly amazing barn find cache of vintage motorcycles. Just when you think there can’t be any barns left to find things in, another one appears—almost as if by magic. Here at the end of 2022, British bike shop Hitchcocks Motorcycles has put together one of the biggest such collections we’ve seen in a long time.

It’s a combination of two collections that they’ve imported from the U.S., and it’s absolutely massive. How massive, exactly? All told, Hitchcock’s says there are at least 180 bikes, as well as over 50 tons of spare parts. In fact, getting it from the States to their location in Solihull took five massive sea cargo shipping containers to hold it all. That’s a whole lot of barns!

Now, as you might imagine, it’s going to take quite a bit of time and effort to go through and accurately catalog everything that’s there.

Machines made by Triumph, Norton, BSA, Indian, AJS, Royal Enfield, and more are plentiful in this collection. The folks at Hitchcocks also spent time walking the aisles of bikes with the camera to give us a good look at it all, so chances are good that you’ll spot something new and interesting each time you watch this video.

While the collection of bikes is impressive, the absolutely unbelievable parts haul is also a whole lot to take in. You can see in the video that things are at least roughly sorted into piles of like parts. Wheels and tires are in one big box, cylinder heads in another, gauge pods in another, and so on.

There’s likely a lot of good stuff in here for project bike builders, and Hitchcocks says it’ll be posting the lot up on its website for sale over time. We’ll include the link to their website in our Sources so you can keep an eye on it if you’re interested in what you’re seeing.

Source: Hitchcocks Motorcycles
And Rideapart


Hit like gangbusters. I’m working with Chopper Dave or the Weirdo on some point covers.

We are working with Markus Cuff on another article around his 35 years of shooting bike features. We chose the most significant aspect of bike, the tanks. The last article covered construction and this one will cover paint products and wild styles from the ‘60s on.

Here’s a link to the first article:

I bought these 9-inch apes from Throttle Addiction. I put my riser dimensions in the comment box of the order, but someone didn’t read them and the riser clamps are too close to the bends. That’s okay. I’ll save them for another application. I’m about to post the first tech. Hang on for the report. Still trying to come up with a name for the VL, XA, S&S FL project. The long acronym is beginning to grow on me.

Since I’m running an alternator. This is an S&S spin-on oil bracket and it bolts to the generator hole, perfect. It came with fasteners and oil line nipples.

‘Bout to finish the Urn for Mike Kelly’s ashes. It’s coming together. I’m not a wood worker, but I gave it hell…

Found this massive shop sink. Nothing seems to fit, so I’m making a plate bolted to the two small 5/8-inch holes. It will hold a standard industrial faucet set. Hang on.

I roughed out the 100th episode of Bandit’s Cantina. I started to write a piece about Zero emissions and knew right away it should be a book. But I rode with the young character and had some fun with his vintage Sportster and a brother from Bandit’s Cantina. Hang on.

There’s more coming, but in the meantime ride free forever.


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