
A couple of items have smacked me this week, and this news will reflect them. Life is amazing, but full of pitfalls lies and deceit from the highest authorities. As bikers we have always fought to survive, duck the naysayers, and find a way to keep freedom alive.

That’s why I support motorcycle rights groups all over the world, the ones who believe in freedom, not the ones who want to control our lives or set rules. You will see what I mean mentioned in the news this week.

The second note I will make surrounds nirvana. Nirvana is a term used in the Buddhist faith for ultimate tranquility. Ever since I left the corporate publishing world I have attempted to create a two-wheeled nirvana. A place where a handful of bikers can be ultimately creative on a daily basis, ride whenever we choose, build what we want, help our brothers and sisters in the industry, and write about sex or chrome daily.

I’ve been damn fortunate from the perspective of the chromed Nirvana. We don’t make a ton of pennies, and half of what we make we spend on bringing you more content. You’ll see where I’m coming from in the news today.

Let’s hit it. Our Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, and Iron Trader News.


POSITIVE REPORT OF THE DAY FROM THE WEEK MAGAZINE—U.S. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT GREW A BETTER-THAN-EXPECTED 3.9 PERCENT IN THE THIRD QUARTER, the commerce Department said this week. Coupled with the second quarter’s 4.6 percent growth, the latest figures show the economy “expanded at its fastest pace in more than a decade during the spring and summer.”

The boost was thanks largely to strong consumer and business spending. Corporate profits were also up 3.8 percent from the same quarter last year.”—The Week Magazine

Europe is still facing problems, and Japan is slipping into recession, which may impact us, but currently we are looking good.–Bandit


THE HUNT FOR A NEW DIGITAL DISCOVERY FOR THE CANTINA–Bandit, slueth unparalleled, strikes again. …

Be wearin’ yer weld hood, when yah open that ther side car box…

Despite the drunken sub mariner trying ta throw us a wild fish, a red herring, if you will, with wild tales of green beer and periscopes… the entrepid bandit gets to the crux of the matter once again.

(That engine looks familiar, wait…could it be… the secret weapon of the Bonnie Belle?
Stay tuned for future developments…)

–Bob T.

AEROMACH ACCESSORIES FOR INDIANS EXPANDS–Aeromach USA, LLC announced today the availability of their Dual Position Passenger Floorboards for 2014 and newer Indian Motorcycles. The floorboards are CNC-machined from T6-6061 aircraft quality billet aluminum. After machining, the floorboards are hand polished and finished in show quality chrome.

“We have seen terrific response to our Indian accessories and requests for a high quality American made passenger floorboard drove our decision to create this product” said Paul Aiken, owner of Aeromach which is located in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The floorboards are designed to be mounted in either the horizontal position or at a 12-degree angle, similar to the front rider floorboards. “By offering a dual position board, the passenger can decide which is more comfortable. We add a non-slip ribbed vinyl foot surface and include stainless hardware to complete the package”, Aiken continued.

Aeromach continues to lead the industry in aftermarket accessories for the new Chief, Vintage, Chieftain and Road Master motorcycles. “We created the first heel shifter for these beautiful bikes and we continue to have great success with that product. We anticipate high demand for these new floorboards as well”, Aiken said.

The Dual Position Passenger Floorboards retail for $299.99 and can be purchased at many Indian Motorcycle dealers as well as online and at Aeromach.

Aeromach is also the US representative for Highway Hawk motorcycle accessories from Motolux, BV based in Barneveld, The Netherlands.

–Aeromach USA LLC

Paul E. Aiken,


Highway Hawk is a product of Motolux


BAD COP FILES NOW OPEN–Portland Police arrest 35 in Black Friday vegan strip club riot

Scott Reynolds November 29, 2014 News, Satire

While millions of shoppers throughout the United States were fighting cold weather and crowds for the best deals, hundreds of people in Portland, Ore. overwhelmed a vegan strip club in the early morning hours of Black Friday.

Casa Diablo, billed as the world’s first vegan strip club, held its first ever Black Friday sale Nov. 28, and was clearly unprepared for the onslaught of excited customers who braved the rain for hours for the club’s 5 a.m. opening.

Patrons of the Northwest Portland establishment got into a brawl over 59¢ a minute lap dances, despite the club’s attempt to be prepared by having 24 dancers available that morning.

“We were utterly blown away by the amount of customers who showed up this morning,” said Cruelty-free Cleopatra, who is one of the club’s most popular dancers.

–from Rogue


MOVIE SHOWING TO SUPPORT VETS–Thought you might like to see this. This is the movie Dave has seen & some others in the Great State of WI.
Now Pan America Pictures has released a special Military/Veteran Limited Edition with profits going to the DAV.

Take just 6 minutes to watch this Promo Real with Sheree J. Wilson, Phil Pitzer & Jimmy Kay.

Semper Fi
–Jimmy L. Kay
Two Wheel Thunder Tv, LLC.


WE HAVE A WINNER from the Bikernet DAILY UPDATES by E-MAIL Sign-Up!!

The winner is Dan Smerker from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A box of Bikernet goodies chosen by Bandit himself, and packed at Bikernet Headquarters will be on its way to Pete.


It’s free to sign up and receive daily Bikernet Content updates. It’s no big deal, and you’ll know what’s hot and new on Bikernet, Baggers, Trikes, and around the motorcycling world!

Enjoy your winnings Dan! CONGRATULATIONS!

Every new sign-up for the Blog is a potential Winner!!

Chris “Mistress” Kranzler
Women’s Editor

ARCH MOTORCYCLES THE REAL STORY COMING TO BIKERNET—We hung out with Gard Hollinger the master designer/builder around the new Arch Motorcycles. Starting next week we will bring you an exclusive series about this most-amazing motorcycle.

Even your key is custom designed and machined.

The CNC machined aluminum tanks have one weld and take over 60 hours of machining time.

You will be blown away by every thought process, every design, every element of manufacturing notion behind every component.

Sure, these puppies are expensive by today’s standards, but not by the standards of just seven years ago.



PANHEAD FROM THE PAST–That’s my Pan from like 1968. Put a lot of miles on that one right after getting out of the service. Wish I had her back today! Nothing special but back then it was who and what we were without all the frills and notoriety.

Just wrenchin’ and ridin’ free from societies hang- ups. Road grime, oil and grease on the bike were all the norm as were roadside repairs and nightly maintenance. Being cool had nothing to do with anything.

–Bob Clark

Yeah right, look at the car in the background.—Bandit


ANOTHER BAD COP REPORT– Raid on Neenah business triggers $50 million lawsuit.

The subjects of a police raid on Eagle Nation Cycles in downtown Neenah have served a federal lawsuit claiming their rights were violated during the September 2012 ordeal.

The plaintiffs — Eagle Nation Cycles, Steven Erato, Michael Funk, Wendy Williamson and Lottie Tucker — allege the search at 206 Main St. was unjustified and used extreme force.

“The hyper-militarized force parked an armored tank-like vehicle outside of Eagle Nation, stormed the building, bombarding the occupants with assault weapons drawn, screaming profanities and abuse, all while wearing plain clothes (ununiformed) and face masks,” the lawsuit says.

The lawsuit, expected to be filed late Monday or early Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Green Bay, seeks $50 million in punitive damages, $200,000 in compensatory damages and $200,000 in lost income. It says the plaintiffs suffered emotional and psychological trauma and ostracism.

The defendants — city of Neenah, Neenah Police Department, Police Chief Kevin Wilkinson, Capt. Tom Long, Winnebago County and Winnebago County Circuit Judge Scott Woldt — were served with the lawsuit Friday and Monday morning.

“It’s been referred to defense counsel through our insurance (company),” Neenah City Attorney Jim Godlewski told Post-Crescent Media. “We’re assessing the facts to determine what our response should be.”

John Bodnar, corporation counsel for Winnebago County, said he had seen the lawsuit but had no comment.

According to the lawsuit, officers with the Lake Winnebago Area Metropolitan Enforcement Group reported seeing a heroin deal occur in an alley behind Eagle Nation Cycles on Sept. 20, 2012. Officers obtained a search warrant, asserting the business was part of a drug manufacturing and distribution operation.

The warrant was signed by Woldt and executed the next day. Police said they found 0.9 grams of marijuana in one of the offices of Eagle Nation Cycles and prescription drugs and drug paraphernalia in two of the residences in the building.

The raid resulted in 15 felony charges against Erato, the owner of Eagle Nation Cycles: one count of maintaining a drug trafficking place, six counts of being a felon in possession of a firearm and eight counts of bail jumping. Erato was convicted of misdemeanor possession of marijuana; all other charges were dismissed.

“They threw everything but the kitchen sink at him, and it turned out to be nothing,” said Erato’s attorney, Cole White of Green Bay.

The lawsuit claims the raid was done to force Erato out of business.

“Eagle Nation Cycles is located on a prime piece of property located in a developmental district of downtown,” the lawsuit says. “Finding a large cache of drugs would have resulted in an easy acquisition of property by the city.”

Even the discovery of the marijuana is questioned. “Suspiciously, the video recording in that office cuts out following the police entry into the room and then resumes only after the alleged discovery,” the lawsuit says.

The plaintiffs say Woldt shouldn’t have signed the search warrant because he had a previous conflict with Erato. Woldt presided over a January 2004 case against Erato’s wife, Merica Kabke, who was convicted of reckless homicide by negligent use of a vehicle after a crash claimed the life of the couple’s 5-year-old son. Kabke had consumed marijuana before the crash.

Erato was denied an opportunity to ask for leniency at Kabke’s sentencing. He subsequently filed a complaint with the Crime Victims Rights Board, arguing that former District Attorney William Lennon and Woldt conspired to prevent him from speaking because they feared he would air parallels between the Kabke crash and Lennon and Woldt.

Lennon had admitted to drug use as a college student, and Woldt was the driver of a motorcycle that crashed into a car in 1980, killing an 18-year-old Oshkosh woman. Neither Lennon nor Woldt faced criminal charges.

The Crime Victims Rights Board reprimanded Lennon for violating Erato’s rights. The board concluded that Woldt erroneously determined that Erato did not want to speak, but it didn’t find “clear and convincing evidence” that Woldt acted unreasonably.

The lawsuit says Woldt should have disqualified himself when he was asked to sign the search warrant for Eagle Nation Cycles. It says Woldt “cannot be seen as an impartial judge in matters regarding Steve Erato.”

By Duke Behnke, Post Crescent Media


ROLLING BONES FILM EFFORT- Brian Darwas releases short film on The Rolling Bones Hot Rod Shop.

Film maker Brian Darwas currently produces feature length documentaries on Hot Rod and Motorcycle Culture. All of which have gone on to win awards, and have been well received. He’s now changing things up a bit, making a handful short films that anyone can share freely.

“I feel it’s important to our scene that high quality moving images, which can both awe and inspire, are available to anyone at anytime. My goal is to reach the younger generation. The generation of people who grew up on the Internet, and turn to it as a source of new ideas and inspiration. I’d like to instill in them the notion that hot rods, motorcycles, and building stuff by hand is still cool and relevant.” ~ Brian Darwas

Each film will run anywhere from two, to five minutes. Once completed, they will be shared freely via the Internet, social media, etc. . . So, please share and help spread the word.

When asked why he chose to film The Rolling Bones Brian Darwas had this to say:

“The Rolling Bones drive their hot rods from New York to Utah. . . race them at Bonneville, then drive them back home. I’m not sure there’s anything else I could add that would give someone a better reason to document what they’re doing.” ~ Brian Darwas

To see more of both Brian and The Rolling Bones work check out:


TRIBUTE TO DAD–  Did I ever show you this one of Dad? A good man for sure. Rain or shine he was always there providing a lifetime of knowledge, wisdom and support.

–Bob Clark


935 LIES QUOTES—I’m reading this book by Charles Lewis. It’s terrifying. Makes you question everything, but once in a while I will throw a quote at you.

“The fact is, according to the Federal Communications Commission, even though the country’s population grew to 308 million in 2010 from 203 million in 1970 (a gain of roughly 50 percent), today we have approximately the same number of journalists watching those in power as we did then. What’s more, we have half as many television network news staffers as we had in the 1980s.”

“This means that newspapers in twenty-seven states now have no reporters in Washington covering their members of Congress and myriad other state-relevant subjects. Moreover, the number of reporters covering state governments in the United States fell by one-third between 2003 and 2008 alone, their thinning ranks clearly not up to the task of following some 22,000 laws passed each year in state capitals.”


 THE BIKERNET BLUES FILE FOUND OPEN, ALLIGATOR RECORDS 2014 ON AIRPLAY DIRECT–“Alligator Records and our artists would like to thank AirPlay Direct and all of their radio members who have supported us and our releases globally in 2014. Here is a another sample of some of the great music from the Alligator Records catalog that is available right now on AirPlay Direct. It has been an incredible year and we’re looking forward to sharing with you more of our ‘classic recordings’, as well as our new releases for 2015. To everyone we wish you a wonderful and safe Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!!”

Bruce Iglauer, Josh Lindner, Tim Kolleth and the Alligator Records Team

“Just like our radio members every year, we look forward to the releases that Alligator Records puts up on AirPlay Direct… this year has been no exception. It has been a banner year with stellar new releases and more of their deep catalog. We would like to thank our radio members for supporting this great label and their artists and to wish everyone a Happy New Year!” Michael Harnett, President – AirPlay Direct


SHOULD BIKERNET REACH OUT TO PICKERS?– I look forward to seeing what mods you make on your new Indian. I saw where you made an appeal for information leading to you finding a 45 motor for one of you projects.

The thought occurred to me that you might reach out to Mike and Frank of American Pickers fame. Both are avid motorcycle people and might know of the animal you seek. Who knows ya might even make an episode out of it. I met Mike last year at Bike Week and he’s good people. Just a wild thought.

–Rhys H. Ralston
Telecom Analyst
Daytona Beach Florida


LUCAS OILS COMING TO BIKERNET– “Ho Ho Ho and Santa is bringing everyone a new motorcycle for Xmas,” said Michael Farabaugh. “I know cuz I ask him last night—-Matt and Dave, we are working on all kinds of stuff related to better communicating Motorcycle Lucas products to the dealers distributors and end users. Picture this same image with a Moto Guzzi, BMW, Triumph a Honda, a 2-stoke, a 4-wheeler and Indian and on and on. “

Michael Farabaugh, his wife Debbie, their son and a whole team of gear heads will publish tips, techs, and info about all of the Lucas products so our readers can make the best decisions for their riding equipment.



 AUSTRALIAN ANTI-FREEDOM NEWS--Biker arrested over club ring

A member of the Lone Wolf MC could be fined more than $40,000 after wearing a banned club ring at a Gold Coast pub.

The 26-year-old biker is believed to be the first arrested on the Gold Coast for wearing biker paraphernalia on licensed premises.

Rapid Action Patrol officers were conducting a spot check at the Tugun Tavern on Saturday night when they spotted the biker wearing the banned jewelry: a golden wolf head with “Lone Wolf Australia 1%” etched beneath it.

Police claim he was frantically trying to remove the jewelry but wasn’t fast enough and will face court on December 17.

Under the draconian new legislation, any item of clothing portraying a club’s name, symbol, abbreviation or acronym relating to the outlawed club is illegal.

Any mention of “1%” or “1%er” is also off-limits.

Police seized the jewelry and charged the biker with wearing a prohibited item on licensed premises, a charge which carries a maximum $42,250 fine.

Under changes to the Liquor Act 1992, anyone caught wearing a logo on associated or prohibited items faces up to a $42,250 fine.

The tavern owner will be interviewed by police this week, but could face an $11,000 fine for allowing the club member to wear the prohibited item on licensed premises.

The new legislation obligates licensees to evict anyone wearing a prohibited logo and extends to any piece of clothing or jewelry and covers more than just the traditional logo patches of the clubs.

RAP commander Superintendent Jim Keogh said the arrest was a sign of the ongoing crackdown against motorcycle clubs across the state.

“Police will allege the offender had clear knowledge that he should not be wearing the ring at a licensed premises as he tried to remove it when he was confronted by police,” Supt Keogh said.

Leading criminal lawyer Bill Potts, of Potts lawyers, described the massive fine as “trying to smash an egg with a hammer”.

“I can understand wearing of colors can be intimidating, but a $42,000 fine for wearing jewelry strikes me as being somewhat over the top,” said Mr Potts.

[page break]

JIMS has developed a new tool for ease of exhaust gasket seal installation on all Twin Cam or Evo heads. This new JIMS Exhaust Gasket Installer No. 788 will safely install exhaust gasket seal evenly and square without distorting the seal.

Without the proper tool, you could run the risk of developing an exhaust leak. This installer uses either the two exhaust stud flange nuts from the exhaust system or a JIMS No.33416-80 tool handle to install the seals. JIMS Exhaust Gasket Seal Installer No. 788 is backed by our lifetime warranty and has an MSRP of $30.55.

For more information visit us on the web at, find us on facebook, or call 805-482-6913.


NATIONAL NEWS FROM THE AMA– The AMA urges all riders to build relationships with their lawmakers. The best way to influence motorcycle-related issues is to establish and maintain positive relationships with elected officials before you need their help.

If you already have started working with an elected official, by volunteering on a campaign or through previous efforts, the AMA would like to hear your story. Please send your activism-in-action photos, with a brief summary of your efforts including the name of the candidate and your state, to

Again, thank you to all who voted for motorcycle-friendly candidates and especially to those who volunteered on campaigns.

Washington, D.C.: Four federal agencies have announced dates during the coming year when the public can enter designated areas without paying a fee. The Bureau of Land Management, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Forest Service and the National Park Service are making fee-free access available under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.

The fee-free dates for 2015 are:

Jan. 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (BLM, NPS, USFS, USFWS)
Feb. 14-16 Presidents Day weekend (BLM, NPS, USFWS) (USFS -16th only)
April 18-19 Opening Weekend of National Park Week (NPS)
June 13 National Get Outdoors Day (USFS)
Aug. 25 National Park Service Birthday (NPS)
Sept. 26 National Public Lands Day (BLM, NPS, USFS, USFWS)
Oct. 11 First Sunday of National Wildlife Refuge Week (USFWS)
Nov. 11 Veterans Day (BLM, NPS, USFS, USFWS)

State News

Torrance, Calif.: Achieving a milestone more than 65 years in the making, Honda Motor Co. Ltd. recently announced production of its 300-millionth motorcycle. The milestone bike is a Honda Gold Wing produced at the company’s Kumamoto factory in Japan. Honda will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the iconic Gold Wing in 2015.

Honda began mass production of motorcycles in Japan in 1949 when it built the Honda 98cc Dream Type-D. Today, Honda produces motorcycles, ATV’s and side-by-sides at 32 plants in 22 countries, including two plants in North America.

In 1958, Honda introduced the Honda 50, known globally as the Super Cub, which would go on to revolutionize the industry. This iconic bike paved the way for Honda’s expansion into the U.S. in 1959 and Canada in 1969. The Super Cub, which has sold nearly 90 million units globally since its inception, was the focus of a mid-1960s advertising campaign, “You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda,” that played a major role in the transformation and growth of the U.S. motorcycle market.

In the 1960s, Honda became the best-selling motorcycle brand in the U.S. and the world, leading to the establishment of Honda of America Mfg. and the company’s first U.S. production facility, the Marysville Motorcycle Plant. The plant, which opened on September 10, 1979 in Marysville, Ohio, produced both motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles until 2009. Production of ATVs has since shifted to Honda of South Carolina Mfg. in Timmonsville, S.C. Since the start of production in 1979, Honda has manufactured more than 5 million power sports products in North America using global and domestically sourced parts. Today, HSC manufactures FourTrax ATVs and Pioneer side-by-sides and engines, while the Honda plant in El Salto, Jalisco, Mexico, produces motorcycles.

Furthermore, the research and development of Honda ATVs and side-by-side vehicles for both local and global markets is now being led by a team of engineers at Honda R&D Americas—with Powersports R&D operations in Los Angeles, Ohio and South Carolina.


Round ‘Em Up Cowgirl!
Round Up of Articles from the Bikernet Family of websites.

2014 Bikernet Holiday Shopping Guide

A Wish List For The Motorcycle Enthusiast And A Gold Mine Of Gift Ideas For Your Loved Ones. By Ben Lamboeuf.

Welcome to the Bikernet Holiday Guide. You will find in this special section a selection of gift idea for your riding friends. You can also see it as a handy wish list you can share with your family and pals. The guide is upgraded daily with new items and fresh ideas, so make sure to check back to see what’s new.

READ more….

J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show – Seattle, WA

A Killer Show in the Cathedral of Cool.

The 2014 edition of the J&P Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show in Seattle is a feature of the Progressive International Motorcycle Show with custom bikes positioned on oval pads located on the glass and steel arch that connects the two halls in the downtown Seattle convention center.

READ more….


Finally, a Kit Bike Option with Class and Quality.

There is still one custom chopper manufacturing facility still standing, maybe three. But one in particular Brass Balls Cycles or Darwin Motorcycles, recently launched a kit bike program and made it ultimately affordable.

READ more…

“I meant what I said and I said what I meant.” -Dr. Seuss
Mistress Chris

NEW CALIFORNIA LANE-SPLITTING ASSEMBLY BILL No. 51–Introduced by Assembly Member Quirk

An act to amend Section 21658 of the Vehicle Code, relating to vehicles. legislative counsel’s digest.

AB 51, as introduced, Quirk. Vehicles: motorcycles: lane splitting.

(1) Existing law requires, whenever a roadway has been divided into 2 or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one direction, that a vehicle
shall be driven as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from the lane until the movement can be made with reasonable safety. A violation of the Vehicle Code is a crime.

This bill would authorize a motorcycle to be driven between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane if the speed of traffic is 35 miles per hour or less and the motorcycle is driven no more than 10 miles per hour faster than the speed of traffic. The bill would provide that these provisions do not authorize a motorcycle to be driven in
contravention of other laws relating to the safe operation of a vehicle. By creating a new crime this bill would impose a state-mandated local

(2) The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.

Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: yes.

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 21658 of the Vehicle Code is amended
to read: Whenever any roadway has been divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one direction,

a) A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from the lane until such movement can be made with reasonable safety. line 9

(b) Official signs may be erected directing slow-moving traffic to use a designated lane or allocating specified lanes to traffic moving in the same direction, and drivers of vehicles shall obey
the directions of the traffic device.

(c) (1) A motorcycle, as defined in Section 400, may be driven between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane, including both divided and undivided streets, roads, or highways, if both of the following conditions are present:

(A) The speed of traffic moving in the same direction is 35 miles
per hour or less.

(B) The motorcycle is not driven more than 10 miles per hour
faster than the speed of traffic moving in the same direction.

(2) This subdivision does not authorize a motorcycle to be driven in contravention of other laws relating to the safe operation of a vehicle.

No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution because the only costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or
infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within
the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution.

–from Richard Kranzler
Bikernet Baggers



It would be cool to have a visual bike build feature that would allow a person to see what the alternate parts might look like. If not possible, perhaps a few photos of their bikes with some of the optional features substituted. Yeah, I’m a visual type.


We are working on augmenting some additional photography to help with the visually impaired.–Bandit


NEW BDL 2-INCH OPEN DRIVE FOR BAGGERS--Interest in just about anything Bagger related is at an all-time high and this 2-inch Open Drive setup from Belt Drives Limited is certainly a Hot Ticket for these formidable machines.

Precision machined to BDL’s rigid standards for fit and function the cosmetically stunning 2-inch assemblies cover all popular Bagger machines. Actually there are two. One is specifically designed for use on 1990-2006 machines and the other for 2007 and later bikes.

Each kit incorporates a unique top belt guard that fits precisely into a groove located between the motor plate and side guard. These are total packages and in addition to the legendary 2-inch belt and new guard, they include BDL’s smooth as silk, Ball Bearing lock up clutch. But, it doesn’t stop there.

Each kit is also supplied with a special pulley ratio that affords great over-all RPM management. The new drives are designed to allow proper re-placement of the floorboards without any interference. If you’re looking for the perfect combination of proven performance and crowd stopping appearance, these 2-inch Bagger Drives are your solution .

For complete details visit BDL on line at, email or FAX orders to 714-693-1616.


UNCLE MONKEY TAKES STOCK–As we flip over to the last page of the calendar its time to take stock of the year that was. Those that read my column may have noticed a nostalgic slant to my columns this past year. Trust me when I say its not pining for the good old days. It is because this year I made the decision to truly embrace life and everything I have.

I had been spending so much time focused on what was next, where I was wishing I was that I was losing touch with what I had. This last year I put that behind me. Sure I still need a raise at my day job just to keep the bills paid; sure my health decides to kick my ass from time to time. That’s life. There is never enough money, never enough time to do everything.

I’m not so much regretting the old days but empowering today. I had the same problems when I was twenty, finding a job, being a good father, and being someone a person could count on. I didn’t know which way was up, but looking back I had so much to be thankful for. If I just stepped back and looked at the bigger picture, life would work itself out.

The same can be said when I was thirty, and forty. Those days weren’t really as bad as I perceived them to be. That’s what motivated this year, the motive for change. While it is too soon to say it was a complete success, it is clear I took a healthy step in the right direction.

It meant ruffling a few feathers, more than a few. It meant keeping some items at arm’s reach. For others, it meant turning my back and walking away. It meant taking stock and the time to embrace the things that bring me joy, riding, spending time with family and friends, cheering a little louder at the games, smiling more.

The attitude change made hard times softer and the better times the best times. This holiday season it means noticing my granddaughter squeezing my hand when Santa’s float comes by. It means spending less on presents but spending more time with friends and loved ones, watching the smile brighten when a present is opened. It means welcoming more people into my home, watching, “Its a Wonderful Life” for the first time in a long time, sharing my time, not just my wallet.

In a few weeks a new year will be upon us. Chances are you are grinding away. Take a moment to set the grinder down and look around, watch your old dog snoring on the floor by the bench, listen to that old classic rock song coming over the loud speaker, and look around the pool hall at all the people and stop to listen to their stories.

Hold your old lady’s hand as you walk through the mall. When out with the boys having a good time, take the time to appreciate the moment, because the circumstance that brought you together won’t happen again. The axe is sharp enough, or are you just grinding it away to nothing, grinding yourself away to nothing.

–Bad Uncle Monkey

REPORT FROM Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance (BOLT)– Our attorney’s have decided to kick our lawsuits into full throttle. What we need from you is to send a request to all clubs, COC’s plus any and all riding groups, throughout California. What we need are copies of helmet tickets issued by the CHP.

Tickets can be scanned and emailed to me at: OR Mark Temple at ALL information will be kept confidential. We need these tickets as evidence.

— from Richard Kranzler
Bikernet Baggers

I am requesting all who read this to go to the BOLT of California website at and read what is going on with the Mandatory Helmet Law Fight in California.

Whether or not you wear a helmet this fight and the court cases are important because Freedom Of Choice is a serious Issue like many of the other laws and actions that single out motorcyclist and it is wrong.

I am asking you to also click on the Blue PayPal Donate link you will find as you scroll down. I realize that times are hard for many of us and we do not have a lot of money. But it is important to send whatever you can and to also share this with your friends through whatever means you can and ask them to do the same.

The money raised will be used to Fight For Your Rights.

Thank You for whatever you can do to help those Fighting For You.



SUCKER ARRESTED!--Owner of Motorcycle Maker Sucker Punch Sallys Accused of Fraud.

By Matthew Hendley, Phoenix New Times

Gerie Leigh Clayton, the owner of Scottsdale-based custom motorcycle maker Sucker Punch Sallys, has been arrested on felony theft charges.

Scottsdale police say Clayton, 64, defrauded at least two people by taking money for custom bikes that were never made.

“They had placed orders from out of state or out of the country and made significant deposits to have the work done, and these custom motorcycles weren’t put together and weren’t shipped out,” Scottsdale Police Officer Kevin Watts tells New Times.

Police say Scottsdale PD’s auto crimes unit has been investigating the shop for two years, and along the way, found more than $3.6 million worth of judgments in civil court cases against Sucker Punch Sallys.

The felony charges of theft by misrepresentation stem from two people, one from North Carolina and the other from Canada, who paid out about $35,000 for custom “bobber” motorcycles that were never delivered.

Watts says these latest cases amount to felony theft instead of civil claims because detectives don’t believe there was any intent by Sucker Punch Sallys to make the customers’ bikes.

While the customers were inquiring as to why their bikes weren’t being delivered, police say the company doled out excuses, like, “We’re working on it.”

“For a while it was, ‘We’re in meetings with investors, so we’re not taking new orders,’ but that didn’t cover people who put down deposits — significant deposits,” Watts says.

Scottsdale PD’s auto crimes detectives think there could be more victims, so they’re asking to contact the police department if you’ve been defrauded by Sucker Punch Sallys.

Motorcycle Industry Council Releases Tire Guide How-To Video– When you’re on your motorcycle or scooter, everything is riding on your tires. So begins MIC’s new Tire Guide video, a four-minute instructional video that highlights the importance of selecting the right tires for your bike, and shows you how to make regular inspections of your tires, how to maintain them, and when to replace them.

Motorcycle tires are the crucial connection between your motorcycle and the road. Monitoring and taking care of that all-important connection is vital. “Motorcycle tires, with their U-shaped profiles, allow motorcycles to lean in turns,” said MIC Chair Dennis McNeal. “The dynamics and forces at play are very different from automobile tires, making regular inspections and ongoing maintenance of motorcycle tires critical. Your safety depends on you becoming well versed at selecting, inspecting, maintaining and replacing your bike’s tires. MIC’s Tire Guide video shows you how to inspect your tires and what steps to take.”

An accompaniment to MIC’s popular Tire Guide booklet, the new Tire Guide video explains that knowing your motorcycle’s tire requirements starts with a good review of your bike’s owner’s manual. For example, many people are under the misconception that the best place to locate your bike’s tire pressure requirements is to look on the tire’s sidewall, but that only gives you the tire’s maximum pressure. Your bike’s owner’s manual has the specific tire pressure requirements for your bike. Requirements are also listed on the tire information label found on the motorcycle’s chain guard, frame or swingarm.

–from MPN News


THE BANDIT TESTIMONIAL– I don’t always ride a chopper, but when I do, I prefer 5-Ball Racing Leathers’ 5/8 Jack Shirt… Stay chilly my friends. –

–Jeffrey Najar, Partner
Biker Pros

c. 919-450-5060

“Biker Pros – We mean business.”



[page break]

FROM THE CENTER FOR PUBLIC INTEGRITY SPONSORED BY 5-BALL RACING– Although the Affordable Care Act is helping people find coverage that doesn’t bust the family budget, more than 30 million of us are still uninsured because the law doesn’t bring down the cost of insurance nearly enough.

You will meet a few of those millions in Remote Area Medical, which is named after the organization that former TV star Stan Brock founded 30 years ago to fly doctors to remote villages along the Amazon.

“Welcome to America,” Brock says early in the film as thousands of people wait patiently in long lines at the Bristol Motor Speedway in East Tennessee.

During many weekends in the spring and summer, tens of thousands of fans fill the seats at this racetrack, one of NASCAR’s biggest. But over three days in late April or early May every year, the Speedway is transformed into an enormous pop-up health clinic.

People start arriving days early and sleep in their cars and trucks in the vast parking lot in hopes of getting one of the numbers Brock hands out before dawn each day the clinic is in operation. Inside are doctors, dentists and other caregivers who have volunteered their time to treat the thousands of men, women and children, many of whom have driven hundreds of miles — and all of whom have fallen through the big cracks that continue to differentiate the U.S. health care system from those in every other developed country.

–by Wendell Potter


REBUILD OR NEW FROM R&R, YOU DECIDE– R&R Cycles offers new (manufactured in house) crank assemblies as well as a crank rebuilding service.

New crank assemblies are available in 4 3/8″, 4 1/2″, and 4 5/8″ strokes for 99 – present T.C. A and B engines. The crank rebuilding services can be custom tailored to your needs and budget.

For more information contact
R&R Cycles Inc.
8024 S. Willow St.
Manchester, NH 03103

BIKERNET BOOK OF THE WEEK CLUB–Lee Parks updated version of Total Control will be shipping soon! This is sure to be a great seller.

A completely revised version of one of the best-selling motorcycle riding skills books of all time. Today’s super high-performance bikes are the most potent vehicles ever sold to the public and they demand advanced riding skills. Get it right, and a modern motorcycle will provide you with the thrill of a lifetime; get it wrong and you’ll be carted off in a meat wagon. The line between ecstasy and agony is so thin that there is absolutely no margin for error.

Total Control provides you with the information you need to stay on the healthy side of that line, providing a training course developed and perfected through decades of professional training in Lee Parks’ Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic.

This is the perfect book for riders who want to take their street riding skills to a higher level. Total Control explains the ins and outs of high-performance street riding.

Lee Parks, one of the most accomplished riders, racers, authors and instructors in the world, helps riders master the awe-inspiring performance potential of modern motorcycles. This book gives riders everything they need to develop the techniques and survival skills necessary to become a proficient, accomplished, and safer street rider.

High quality photos, detailed instructions, and professional diagrams highlight the intricacies and proper techniques of street riding and the knowledge gained will apply to all brands of bikes from Harley-Davidson and Suzuki to Ducati and Kawaski to Honda and BMW and more!

Readers will come away with a better understanding of everything from braking and cornering to proper throttle control, resulting in a more exhilarating yet safer ride.

Publication Date: January 15, 2015
Pre-order your copies today
Total Control High Performance Street Riding Techniques, 2nd Edition
Lee Parks (author)
Erik Buell (foreword by)
Paperback, 192 pages, 8.25 x 10.625 in.
Illustrations: 182 color photos
Item Number: 194926
EAN (ISBN-13): 978-0760343449
MSRP 29.99



To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. Lao Tzu

As some of you know I have had some new health challenges over the last week. I spent four days in the cardiac unit because of some chest pains I was having. Since getting out I have told my hospital story many times to caring people who want to know how I am doing. In turn I have focused all of the energy on the problem and even held a pity party.

This morning I woke up and decided to take inventory of where my consciousness was. I needed to get rid of my stinkin’ thinkin. I have to admit part of me has been scared of what happened last week. I am not ready to have any more health issues, I want to be here for a long time yet. I realized that in order to meet my goal of sticking around, I need to change my conversations and thoughts and be focused on being healthy, not being sick.

As we so often do by focusing on the problem we forget we are primarily the solution. I am not alone on this journey. Beside the wonderful family and friends who Love and care about me, I have My Higher Power. Call It God, The Universe, Jesus, Buddha, the spiritual is a beneficial place. It allows us to shift our minds into neutral. It’s call meditation or mindfulness and has distinct health benefits. In this place I Let Go of all fears and worries and raise My level of Trust, knowing All is unfolding in Right and Perfect Order. I now choose to be even healthier than I have been.

Today, my life is filled with Love, and Health. Joy, Peace, Prosperity, and Abundance of Good and so much more in attainable through meditation. I am going to Live every second of this day.

I am so Grateful to Know and accept this Truth

And So It Is

There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before.
–Henry David Thoreau

WINTER TIPS FROM THE WEEK MAGAZINE— Clear the gutters. All drainage systems must be functioning, so make sure gutters and downspouts are clear and that runoff water drains at least 6 feet from the house.

Remove outdoor hoses. If water in a hose freezes while the hose is attached to a faucet, it can break the pipe it’s connected to.

Seal concrete cracks. Use a quality silicone caulk to seal the cracks in concrete walks or driveways to prevent heaving.

Inspect chimney. Have a pro inspect any working chimney. A busy chimney may need to be cleaned twice a year.

Check insulation. Inspect your home’s attic, crawl spaces, windows, and doors for any gaps in insulation or weather stripping needing attention.

Change the furnace filter. You’ll need a clean one every two to three months, so add a tag indicating the date of installation.

–The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Great Job Building Your Brass Balls Bike James! This is one of our great customers James, from Okanagan Falls, BC, Canada. He built his Brass Balls Bike using our Bike Kits Phase System.

See what James had to say along with thoughts from the editor of regarding our Bike Kits.

Click here to see the feature on


Klock Werks offers “Comfort and Joy” with December Deals for the Holiday Shopping Season– (Mitchell,SD) December 4, 2014 – Klock Werks is excited to announce “December Deals” for the Holiday Shopping Season that will bring you “Comfort and Joy.”

‘Tis the season to share Holiday Cheer with each other, and what better way to kick that off then with great deals for our customers to take advantage of.
All month long Klock Werks will have exclusive deals that will be Hassle Free!

Hassel Free means, no sales codes to enter. Simply add the part(s) you’d like to your shopping cart, and the special offer items will be shipped with your order! All orders over $195.00 will have Free Shipping, and All orders receive a free bottle of Shine Werks.

Visit  and enjoy the savings. You may also call 605-996-3700 to place your order and receive all of the special offers. *FREE Shipping applies to UPS Ground and USPS Priority in the Continental US only.

For More Information please Contact Sara Liberte at


ANOTHER QUOTE FROM 935 LIES—To sum up, then: The intense financial pressures that drove Edward R. Murrow and other conscientious reporters out of the television news business have only become more powerful and universal in recent decades. And the shortsighted greed and increasing corporatization of the newspaper industry have led to a dire downward spiral in the quantity and quality of independent journalism.

The quest for truth, it seems, has become more marginalized that ever before in our recent history…

I don’t think so, for two reasons. First, my life in journalism has convinced me that the urge to discover and report the truth is a deep human instinct that even powerful political, economic, and social pressures can never extinguish…Alternative media outlets must and will be found….what is possible in the foreseeable future thrills the imagination. I believe we are witnessing the dawn of a new nonprofit journalism ecosystem in which the most ambitious reporting projects will increasingly emanate from the public realm, not from the private, commercial outlets.


LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK–2008 Harley Davidson Dyna Fat Bob FXDF.

Our Price

Mileage: 1,227 miles


NEW PRODUCT: HeliBars Multi-Adjustable Handlebars for the 2015 Harley-Davidson Road Glide — For 2015, Harley-Davidson made significant changes to the Road Glide, but didn’t address the stock handlebar’s less-than-ideal wrist angle. This is why HeliBars designed the multi-adjustable Horizon XP Performance Handlebar, a direct replacement for the bike’s original bar.

This patented design optimizes riders’ wrist angles so they can more easily support their weight. Heli is the only handlebar manufacturer that offers three planes of adjustability, resulting in superior comfort. Made from DOM tubing with pivots CNC machined from solid, 6061 billet aluminum, the bars offer increased comfort and control. Made in the USA, they utilize the stock control clamps, accept heated grips and are torqued down using the highest quality hardware.

Please visit for more information about HeliBars’ innovative product line or call 800-859-4642. Additional company-related news is available on its Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Defining Features:

Direct stock replacement for the 2015 Road Glide handlebar

Corrects extreme rearward wrist angle position of the stock bar

Rear offset adjustability: 2 in. to 4 in.

Width: 30 in.

Rise: 10 in.

Features 3-1/2 in. on center knurling with special, welded 1-1/4 in. sleeves

Fits in the stock Road Glide 1-1/4 in. mounts to fit stock handlebar clamp

Will maintain stock control clamps (after locating pins are removed)

Handlebar tubes are slotted for wiring

Zinc-plated 12.9 DIN hardware

Accepts heated grips

Made in USA

Retail Price: $750.00

Love Jugs Cool-Master Sets Record for Cooling Harley-Davidson Engines!– Love Jugs, the World’s Greatest Harley-Davidson Engine Cooling System, set the new record for reducing engine temperature when Fix My Hog* was filming a new product video featuring the newest generation Love Jugs…the Cool-Master.

Fix My Hog technicians let a 2013 Harley-Davidson big twin idle until it reached a cylinder head temperature of over 400 degrees. They turned on the Cool-Master system and in less than four minutes, the temperature had dropped an incredible 100 degrees! 

Love Jugs Cool-Master System

The new Love Jugs Cool-Master patented dual fan cooling system delivers more cooling air than any other product on the market and offers a number of great product design features, including:
Cool-Master puts out even more air-flow than Original Love Jugs.

A smaller profile gives the Cool-Master a popular new look

Sleek new design gives the product a classic custom style

Recessed switches on the face of each fan are trim and convenient

100% Money Back Guarantee and a full year Warranty

Coming Soon – a new Matte finish, in addition the current highly polished stainless steel

The Cool-Master is simple to install, looks like it is an original OEM part from the factory, and it is priced much lower than anyone would expect. The introductory price of the new Love Jugs Cool-Master is $399. Get ready to really enjoy your ride – Use Original Love Jugs or Cool-Master to keep yourself, your engine, and your oil Super COOL!

The Love Jugs Cool-Master is available at Love Jugs Authorized Dealers, J&P Cycle and on the company website. For more information, please contact: Hammerhead Engineering CEO Steve West at or visit the web site: Dealers and Distributors are invited to inquire.

You can check out the new Love Jugs Cool-Master Video, along with the Original Love-Jugs video, and the rest of their catalog at

Skip Johnson
V-Twin Marketing-Digital POWER Media

MORE FROM ANTI-FREEDOM AUSTRALIA–Queensland police say they are edging towards victory against bikers

In the Australian state of Queensland, police say they have made much progress against bikers, claiming more than 1600 club members and associates have been arrested since a statewide crackdown began.

The announcement came following a spate of separate raids and operations across southeast Queensland at the weekend.

They resulted in police seizing an allegedly stolen bobcat, worth $56,000, at Alexandra Hills and uncovering about $500,000 worth of cannabis growing at properties at Amamoor, near Gympie.

Six people who were allegedly part of, or linked to, the Rebels, Bandidos and Lone Wolf clubs were arrested in the raids – which also took place on the Gold Coast and Redcliffe – on a range of drug and weapon offences.

Police are also looking for the owner of one of the properties at Amamoor they say is linked to the Finks and Mongols clubs.

Detective Inspector Brendan Smith said the latest arrests mean 1624 bikies and their associates have been arrested on 4434 charges since the crackdown, code named Operation Resolute, began in September 2013.

Insp Smith said police intelligence ‘suggests’ about 30 per cent of Queensland bikers, including several senior members, have moved interstate or overseas since the crackdown began.

When asked when police could declare a victory over the bikers, Smith said the Taskforce would have to “wait and see”, but was on the right track.

“I’m hoping that we’re getting to that point,” Insp Smith said.

“We’re fortunate enough to have probably the strongest laws in the world. We’ve got interest from interstate and overseas on our methodologies and there’s a number of jurisdictions that are keen to follow our lead.”

He said the latest raids, which came on the back of major Operation Lima Hacksaw in which 75 people were arrested, should indicate to club members that detectives were ready to strike at any time.

“I want them looking over their shoulder,” he said.

“I want them not knowing when we’re going to be knocking on their door.”

Smith said publicly celebrating the taskforce’s success not only helped to deter bikers, it helped show the public how police were using their resources.

But he said he expected bikers to continue breaking the law, because they were motivated by greed.

The six people arrested – five men aged 19, 23, 38, and 49, and a 53-year-old woman – are all due to appear in various courts in coming weeks.


PLANS FOR SMOKEOUT 16–Phillip Roebuck, the one-man band, plays Smoke Out Rally 16.

Roebuck uses cables and contraptions that allow him to stomp out complex drum beats with his feet while he shreds a banjo.

“Phillip Roebuck is an amazing artist. You hear one of his songs, like “Little Bo Peep” or “Monkey Fist”, and you think wow… I’ve gotta get this on iTunes. I had a mental image of him as a front man for a four or five piece band. Then I saw him live, and I was blown away. It is not just great music; it is an amazing show, like nothing I have ever seen before,” said Greg “Edge” Scheuer, Smoke Out Producer.

“Phillip uses cables and contraptions that allow him to stomp out complex drum beats with his feet while he shreds a banjo in a way that is miles from normal. Even seeing it on video, which you should right away, does not capture the power of the live show. Find the “Monkey Fist” video on YouTube. It is great music, and the cherry on top is that you can’t believe so much sound can come from one person. The power of the live performance is mesmerizing in a way that video can never capture.

“I knew Phillip was perfect for the Smoke Out Rally the first time I saw him, and it has taken a couple of years to schedule him around conflicts he had with other performances, movies, and events he does. Finally this year it worked out, and he will play Saturday afternoon,” said Edge.

Roebuck is a Virginia-born songster and bare-bones, one-man band. With punk rock intensity, Roebuck stomps out beats on a classic, depression-era drum apparatus, while strumming the banjo with a fierce ragged-but-right style.

Roebuck’s songs are sourced from blues, folk and soul. His influences are from the legendary artists Tom Wait, Bob Dylan, Robert Johnson and Louie Armstrong. In his show he plays drums, tambourine, harmonica, guitar, banjo and all the vocals. Everything is live, no Milli Vanilli soundtracks. Learn more at

Event tickets are available now at

Circuit of The Americas to Host Ride Smart 2015– Ride Smart Motorcycle School, the premier track day school in Texas, to hold rider’s school on the world-class performance Circuit of The Americas road course.

Austin, Texas (December 4, 2014) – Motorcycle enthusiasts will now have the opportunity to experience the ultimate road course where MotoGP champions Valentino Rossi, Marc Márquez and Jorge Lorenzo have competed.

Ride Smart, a motorcycle rider’s school, which provides instructional assistance for wide variety of skill levels, will be conducting rider classes at the world-renowned Circuit of The Americas (COTA).

· Dates: March 14 -15, April 18 – 19

· Time: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

· Riders are organized into one of three groups – based on experience and skill level.

From the street rider to the most experienced licensed racer and everything in between, Ride Smart’s focus is to bring the most comprehensive set of tools available to help increase riding proficiency and safety.

“Exhilarating”, “Unbelievable”, “Experience like nothing else”, “One of the best days of my life”, are just a few ways former students have described their Ride Smart experience at COTA.

For those who have always wanted a taste of what MotoGP champions experience on the 3.4 mile, 20 turn track, open registration for March 14-15 event is Friday, Dec. 12 at 6 p.m. For more information on this event head to .

THAT’S THE WORKS, MAYBE—I’m a tad lost today. Too many interruptions on a Thursday, but the news is killer. Let’s just touch on what’s coming.

My 135-inch JIMS twin cam is being delivered to Lucky Devil in Houston and we’re anxious for frame progress. I still need to find a FIM rule book for Bonneville Racing.

Just received a call today from Steve at Paughco. The Paughco team is going to help with the rebuild of Krash Kranzler’s bagger for Bikernet Baggers. It’s going to be killer and we will bring you lots of reports.

Jeremiah called the other day about a CV carb problem. I ended up with the bad one and we are going to rebuild it, with CV parts including their slide, choke bracket and in-the- box velocity stack.

I need to reach out to Carl Morrow. We are going to bring you a complete article on their most magnificent Typhoon carburetor. It’s the only carb on the market with a 50 mm throat.

And next week we will blast out to Arch Motorcycles for an in depth look at all the components designed from scratch and machined in house for this amazing motorcycle designed to slice through canyons.

Hell, I’m also working on a Cantina Episode and looking for the next Girl of Bikernet. Plus, we constantly look for rare early motorcycle artifacts for feature on the digital page.

Never a dull moment.

Ride Free Forever,


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