
This will be a week of reflection and panic over Harley’s Quarterly Report, the Kansas Plant shutdown and the State of the Union Speech.

Two things at play here. One is the nature of our media now, since everything is in real-time and negativity seems to be the order of the day. So, most reports are doom and gloom. That’s not the case.

The other notion is the fact that everything changes all the time. Companies are forced to navigate changing times, customers, and markets constantly. It’s not a big deal, but it’s the nature of the beast.

Bikers are a different breed. We’re going to have fun whether we have money or not. We’re going to build cool shit, whether we have parts or not. And we’re going to ride free whether they like it or not.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown and, Sturgis Museum. And the Smoke Out.

George is working with writer Richard LaPlante to produce a four-part, one-man show based on his book Exile on Front Street.

He has connected with Charles Lago and the producers at DTLA Entertainment. They published his first fiction book. We will bring you more news as production begins. They are looking for input and funds.

Charles Lago DTLA Entertainment
+1 (310) 663-4226

EXECUTIVE & REGULATORY UPDATES – Infrastructure Plan Leaked, Chaos Ensues

Despite being on his checklist of priorities for the first 100 days of his presidency, President Trump has released few details on his infrastructure proposal…that is until now. And “released” probably isn’t the right verb to use. “Leaked” would be more applicable. The transportation world was abuzz this week when a 6-page document was obtained by a local D.C. news publication who promptly released it to the public.

It offers a glimpse of what may be the next major package of legislation Congress debates. (that is, after we figure out how to fund the government past February 8…ya know, no big deal!)

According to the document, there would be about $200 billion (that’s right, you saw a B and not an M) which would be divvied up to states (about half) rural infrastructure needs (about a quarter) with the remaining for “transformative” projects.

The other thing that caught many eyes? TOLLING. The leaked memo says that states should have the flexibility to collect interstate tolls and utilize toll for their infrastructure needs. This has been a big no, no – there is a current ban on tolling existing interstates with a few exceptions.

The Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates, of which the MRF is a member, quickly fired out a statement saying that if true, the plan is NOT good policy and they would actively fight against it.

The other rumor on the street? That a gas tax increase could help financing of the package. What are your thoughts on this? As citizens, drivers and most importantly RIDERS, I’d like to hear your perspective. Thumbs up or down on an infrastructure package? And if up, how do we pay for it? Tolling? Gas tax?

Charge it to America’s credit card? Shoot me an email to tell me your thoughts – remember, I work for YOU:


Megan Ekstrom
Vice-President of Government Affairs & Public Relations
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation

Write to Megan, if you have a minute. Infrastructure and the economy for the middleclass should be the first priorities for America. And I don’t think anyone should need to pay any more taxes. We are paying billions for other agencies including the DOT and the NHTSA and others responsible for infrastructure. We pay taxes that go to agencies that do little or nothing except ask for more money. It’s amazing. We need to get a handle on our run-away government. But what the hell do I know. I’m just a grubby biker.–Bandit

BRAND New Bikernet TRIKES Reader Comment!–

Couple of personal items – marvelous concept but luke warm on it because
of the chain – who wants to slop up this piece of art with chain lube not
to mention chain maintenance – easily could have been belt driven or
even shaft because I don’t see young crotch rocket jockeys buying this
but older experienced riders looking to do sport cruising and not chain
maintenance – also Yamaha really needs to put the effort in developing a
nice range of accessories to highlight the sport touring nature of this
beast – if they do at least that they may save some support for it

–PJ Karavlan
Valencia, PA

Hi PJ,

Great insight. Thank you sharing. I hope the product teams at Yamaha pay attention to your voice.

–Ujjwal Dey
Most Magnificent Editor in Charge
Bikernet Trikes

This is the story of a poor blonde taking her first flying lesson, in a two-seater airplane with just the instructor: He has a heart attack and dies. She frantically calls a May Day: “May Day! May Day! Help me! Help me! My instructor had a heart attack and is dead, and I don’t know how to fly. Help me . . . Please!”

All of a sudden she hears a voice over the radio saying: “This is the tower. I have received your message and I will talk you through it. I’ve had a lot of experience with this kind of problem. Now, just relax. Everything will be fine ! Now give me your height and position. She says, “I’m 5′-4” and I’m in the front seat. “

” O.K. NOW ” …… says the clam voice from the tower. ” Repeat after me: Our Father… Who art in Heaven… “

–from Rogue and Sidehack Jerry

PAT SAVAGE IS BORN TO RIDE– For the last 34 years, Pat Savage has graced the stage in many countries around the world with rock & blues artists such as The Doobie Brothers, Joe Cocker, Foghat, Saxon, Savoy Brown, Matt Guitar Murphy, Albert Collins, Uli Van Roth, Scorpions, Manfred Mann, Slade, Sweet, Uriah Heep, Steppenwolf, Molly Hatchett, Lynyrd Skynyrd, BB King, Marshall Tucker Band, Grand Funk, Georgia Satellites, Fabulous Thunderbirds, Jeff Healey and Colin James to name but a few.

His latest tune is based on the movie Born to Ride. Hang On!

His song got my motor running this morning, along with a cup of coffee.–Rogue

$250,000 Policy Limit Settlement for College Student–Our client, a college student, was T-boned by a large truck in Black Hawk County, Iowa. The “Jaws of Life” were necessary to extract the victim from her vehicle due to the severity of the impact. The at-fault driver was inattentive and did not slow down prior to striking our client’s vehicle who had the right-of-way at the intersection.

The client was eventually air-lifted to a nearby hospital where her injuries included: two skull fractures, a brain hemorrhage, headaches, memory loss, balance issues, anxiety, back pain, neck pain, rib pain, bruising, and abrasions. Fortunately, the client made a full recovery and lives with no permanent physical injuries. At least not today.

After several months of negotiations with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, Attorney Benjamin Lynch obtained full policy limits and the amount of $250,000.00 was tendered. This settlement helped pay off all the client’s medical bills and put a sizable sum of money in her pocket for pain and suffering.


–by Benjamin K. Lynch

epistemic [ep-uh-stee-mik, -stem-ik]

of or relating to knowledge or the conditions for acquiring it.


Debates over epistemic principles sound abstract, but they have enormous practical repercussions. For instance, in order to decide policy matters (like what to put in our textbooks and what to teach in science classrooms) we need to decide on the facts.
— Michael Lynch, “Defending Science: An Exchange,” New York Times, March 11, 2012


The Greek noun epist?me “skill, knowledge, scientific knowledge, science” is a derivative of the verb epistánai “to know how (to do), believe (that), be acquainted with, know, know as a fact.” The verb is composed of the prefix epi- “on, over” and stánai “to stand.” Various languages use different prefixes plus the verb to stand to express intellectual comprehension: in Greek one “stands over”; in German verstehen means literally “stand before’”; and in English one “stands under.”

THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS STILL OPEN– A Jewish woman finds herself in serious trouble. Her business has gone bust and she’s in dire financial straits. She’s desperate, so she decides to ask God for help.

She begins to pray…”God, please help me. I’ve lost my business and if I do not get some money, I’m going to lose my house as well. Please let me win the lottery.”

Lottery night comes, and somebody else wins.

She again prays . . .”God, please let me win the lottery ! I’ve lost my business, my house and I’m going to lose my car as well.”

Lottery night comes and she still has no luck.

Once again, she pray. My God, why have you forsaken me? I have lost my business, my house and my car . . . My children are starving. I do not often ask You for help, and I have always been a good servant to YOU. PLEASE let me win the lottery, just this one time, so I can get my life back in order.”

Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light as the heavens open. The Jewish blonde is overwhelmed by the Voice of God, Himself . .

. . .”Sweetheart, work with Me on this . . . . . . . . . . . Buy a ticket! “

–from Rogue and Sidehack Jerry


STATE NEWS – Shout out to my Michigan Buddies

I made cracks about spending January in Lansing – turns out the joke was on me. ABATE of Michigan put on a solid show and conference and their members could NOT have been more welcoming to me. From asking insightful questions at the Saturday panel, to spending some serious $$$$ at the auction and raffle which also benefits the MRF and probably most importantly, plying me with jello shots and beer at the pool party, I had a great time. Thanks, Michigan for being one of the best.

I’m headed to Greensboro, North Carolina next. Excited to see that southern hospitality in action. Do you have any good pics to share from your state motorcycle events? Send them to Tiffany and she will feature them in our magazine or on social media. Here is her email: or


You should have received a ‘Call to Action’ this week. This was a special one that comes directly from our Board Chairman and the legend himself, Kirk ‘Hardtail’ Willard. With the support of the MRF Board, he is asking that you (yes, YOU reading this) to take a few minutes to answer this 13 question survey about motorcycle profiling:

This survey is being conducted by our friends at the Motorcycle Profiling Project and is intended to capture data from 2017.

You may not think completing this is important, but I assure you it very much is. The data that this survey captures helps paint a picture for us. It tells us if motorcycle profiling is on the rise (guess what, it is!) and where it is occurring. We take this data and turn it into advocacy talking points.

It helped get the anti-profiling resolutions introduced in the Senate and House of Representatives and is also helping to persuade more supporters. So please – help us, help you by taking a few minutes to complete the survey. Its totally anonymous and you should feel free to share the link with your friends/family and anyone who rides.

Until next time…

–Megan Ekstrom
Vice-President of Government Affairs & Public Relations
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation

JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK– Cylinder Hold Down Nuts

These Cylinder Hold Down Nuts are an effective way to keep the cylinders in place when the heads are removed from the engine. This is particularly useful when installing the second cylinder over the piston and rings after the first cylinder has been installed, or when rotating the crankshaft for other work.

In any case, even a slight rocking of the cylinder can damage the base gasket or cause a cylinder to lift entirely off the cases. These Hold Down Nuts have different threads on each end to accommodate either the Milwaukee Eight or the Twin Cam.

With an MSRP of $71.50, you can’t go wrong. For more information please call us at (805) 482-6913, email us at, or visit

If you have any questions, please call me directly at (805) 482-6913.

–Greg Thiessen
Marketing Representative
555 Dawson Drive,
Camarillo, CA 93012
Ph: 805-482-6913

NEWS FROM THE CLIMATE DEPOT– The planet continues to cool after an El Niño induced string of warm years

By: Rob Bushway – Climate Depot

From Dr. Roy Spencer: UAH Global Temperature Update for January, 2018: +0.26 deg. C Coolest tropics since June, 2012 at -0.12 deg. C. The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for January, 2018 was +0.26 deg. C, down from the December, 2017 value of +0.41 deg. C: The global, hemispheric, and tropical … Continue reading The planet continues to cool after an El Niño induced string of warm years

— gReader Pro

[page break]

National and Regional News

WASHINGTON, D.C. – WalletHub compiled its list of the best and worst states for driving in 2017. Using criteria including gas prices, congestion and 21 other data points, the company ranked Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and North Carolina the most motorist-friendly states. The worst areas for driving were Hawaii, Washington state, Maryland, California and Connecticut. The full list is available at

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Valero Energy Corp, the largest American oil refiner, has left the Renewable Fuels Association due to cost cutting, a company spokeswoman said in a statement to Reuters. Valero has been lobbying to change the federal Renewable Fuel Standard, which dictates the amount of ethanol blended into the U.S. gasoline supply each year. The company spent nearly $750 million in 2016 to buy fuel credits to meet the mandate.

State News

SAN FRANCISCO – A motorcyclist involved in a crash with a self-driving car has sued General Motors. Motorcyclist Oscar Nilsson claims the GM Cruise Chevrolet Bolt changed lanes to the left. As he rode forward, the Bolt suddenly veered back into his lane, knocking him down. In a report GM filed with California Department of Motor Vehicles, the carmaker said the Bolt aborted the lane change and, as it was re-centering itself, Nilsson glanced the side of the car and fell over. The case was filed in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

BOZEMAN, Mont. – The Custer Gallatin National Forest is preparing an environmental impact statement as part of its forest plan revision and has opened a 60-day comment period that ends March 5.

The revision effort is about halfway through its four-year process, and the team is seeking public comments from the public that are solution-oriented and can help to shape alternatives. The proposed action represents an interdisciplinary approach from many specialists across the forest, as well as consideration of input received from the public, other agencies, best available science and direction associated with the 2012 planning rule.

The draft EIS is expected in the autumn of 2018, and the final EIS is expected in the summer of 2019. Comments may be submitted electronically online at Written comments should be addressed to Custer Gallatin National Forest, Attn: Forest Plan Revision Team, P.O. Box 130, Bozeman, MT 59771. Comments may also be sent via email to with subject line: “Comment draft plan, CGNF” or via facsimile to 406-587-6758.

PIERRE, S.D. – The state Supreme Court ruled in favor of Buffalo Chip City, meaning the 2015 vote to make the Buffalo Chip Campground and surrounding area a city was valid. The ruling reverses a circuit court finding that some of those voting for incorporation did not live at listed addresses and that the vote was invalid. Campground CEO Rod Woodruff and Meade County commissioners believe the city status will improve economic conditions at Buffalo Chip. The campground has evolved over the years into a mecca of motorcyclists attending the annual Sturgis rally.

SEATTLE – State troopers are cracking down on motorists under the new distracted driving law, which is the toughest such statute in the country. The Driving Under the Influence of Electronics law provides for a $136 fine just for holding a phone while driving. Drivers are allowed to touch a phone only to answer a call or start navigation. Holding a phone is prohibited while driving and while stopped in traffic or at a light or stop sign.

MADISON, Wis. – The state Department of Natural Resources is considering a plan to increase ATV access at three properties in the Northwoods area. In September 2017, the Natural Resources Board approved a recommendation from the DNR to evaluate several amendment requests the agency has received to provide all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle access across the Upper Wolf River Fishery Area and the Turtle-Flambeau Scenic Waters Area.

These trails would create linkages in the larger regional trail networks. The department has also received requests to construct a multi-use parking area at the Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area to serve snowmobilers, ATV/UTVs, and boaters.

These facilities are not currently authorized by the respective master plans for these properties. In order for the trails and parking area to be constructed, the master plans would need to be amended to allow these uses. For initial information about the amendment process, search the DNR website,, for “master planning” and click on the link for “Northwoods amendments.”

To comment, fill out the online questionnaires download the form and mail it in. Comments, either online or hardcopy, are due by Feb. 4.

Industry News

LINCOLN, Neb. – A bid to repeal the state’s mandatory motorcycle helmet law failed again this session when senators voted 30-15 to stop debate. The death of the bill (L.B. 368) means all motorcyclists and passengers riding in the state must wear DOT-approved helmets. Sen. John Lowe of Kearney said he may bring the bill back in 2019.

No Freedom of Choice there.

LAS VEGAS – Honda unveiled removable battery packs for its electric two-wheelers at the Consumer Electronics Show. The Honda PCX electric scooter was unveiled in October with two removable batteries under the seat, according to www. Now, Honda says those Mobile Power Packs can be shared with other machines. Honda uses the same batteries to power ATVs, an autonomous four-wheeled buggy and the PCX Electric scooter. All the vehicles use various numbers of the same battery pack.

LOGAN COUNTY, Ohio – The Ohio Controlling Board is considering a request to grant about $8 million in low-interest loans to the Transportation Research Center Inc. The center in East Liberty, Ohio, has served for decades as a 4,500-acre research site where manufacturers and engineers test prototypes of the newest sports cars, motorcycles and trucks long before they’re ever unveiled to the public.

According to the Springfield News-Sun, the Transportation Research Center began construction in the late 1960s to attract foreign automakers and new jobs to the state, a goal that was accomplished when Honda established a manufacturing facility nearby in the mid-1970s. But state lawmakers and other partners now see the TRC as a key asset to attract investment and even more high-tech auto research to the state.

MILWAUKEE – Harley-Davidson Motor Co. announced it will close its Kansas City, Mo., final assembly plant and move all its operations to York, Pa., by July 2019. Harley-Davidson President and CEO Matt Levatich said closing the Kansas City plant will eliminate 800 jobs. Meanwhile, 450 full-time, casual and contractor positions will be added at the company’s York facility.

WATERLOO, Ontario, Canada – Chemists at the University of Waterloo have announced a breakthrough that could boost battery performance for electric vehicles, according to a report at The Waterloo team says the use of negative electrodes made of lithium metal holds the potential to dramatically increase battery storage capacity, which could triple the distance electric vehicles are able to travel on a single charge.

International News

GURUGRAM, India – Harley-Davidson India launched the Harley-Davidson University at Capital Harley-Davidson in Gurugram. The school will train Harley service personnel to work on the latest models of the company’s motorcycles. In addition to mechanic training, employees will be offered financial management and branding courses. The school is the company’s fourth in the Asian-Pacific region.

AMA News

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The AMA recognized its greatest champions and hardest-working organizers from the 2017 season on Jan. 20 during the AMA Championship Banquet at the Hilton Downtown Columbus in Columbus, Ohio. Cody Webb of Royal Oaks, Calif., was recognized as the AMA Athlete of the Year from National Championship Series competition.

The 2017 AMA Athlete of the Year from Grand Championship events was Justin Cooper, AMA Motocross Horizon Award Winner and AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship.

Tayla Jones, who moved to North Carolina from Australia last year, was announced as the AMA Female Racer of the Year. She was the 2017 WXC Champion from the AMSOIL AMA Grand National Cross Country Series, the Women’s Pro Overall Champion from the AMA Full Gas Sprint Enduro Championship Series, and the Women’s Elite Champion from the AMA National Enduro Championship Series.

The 2017 AMA Vet Racer of the Year was Destry Abbott, who dominated his class in the 2017 AMA Endurocross National Championship Series.

The 2017 AMA Youth Racer of the Year was Ty Masterpool, who is the Supermini 1 (12-15) Champion and Supermini 2 (13-16) Champion from the Rocky Mountain ATV/MC AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship.

Top-three finishers were recognized from six regional championships and 21 national championships, representing all disciplines of AMA-sanctioned competition. More winners are listed at

PICKERINGTON, Ohio – Tony Moseley won reelection to the American Motorcyclist Association Board of Directors in voting that ended Jan. 15. Moseley’s challenger for the South Central Region seat was Nancy Broen of Georgetown, Texas. “The motorcycling industry provided me a living, as well as a wonderful pastime, for 30 years,” Moseley said. “I’m happy to give back to the motorcycling community in any way I can by serving a second term on the Board.”

Moseley, of Fort Worth, Texas, has served on the AMA Board of Directors for three years. He is retired from Kawasaki Motors Corp. U.S.A. His term expires in 2020.

PICKERINGTON, Ohio – Two AMA Road Captain workshops are being offered April 7 at the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum, covering various aspects of leading a group motorcycle ride. AMA EAGLES training also will be available that day.

AMA EAGLES (Education, Activism, Growth, Leadership, Expertise, Skills) is an advocacy and leadership program that empowers members with knowledge, tools and resources tailored to their interests. Through it, members learn about the AMA and become better grassroots activists, public relations representatives and membership advocates.

Two road captain sessions will be presented by AMA Recreational Riding Manager Heather Wilson: a morning session from 10 a.m. to noon and an afternoon session from 1-3 p.m. To register, visit


The Ultimate Winter Fluid Change to Protect, Extend Life and Keep Running at peak performance.

Engine Oil

Spectro Heavy Duty Platinum Full Synthetic 20w50
Spectro Heavy Duty 25w60
Spectro Heavy Duty 50W, 60W, 70W

Transmission Oil

Spectro Heavy Duty Platinum 6 Speed Transmission 75W 140 GL-5
Spectro Heavy Duty Platinum Sportster Transmission Lube 75W 140 GL-1
Spectro Heavy Duty Platinum Gear Oil 75W 140 GL-1
Spectro Heavy Duty Gear Guard 85W 140 GL-5

Chaincase Oil

Spectro Heavy Duty Primary Chaincase Oil – SAE 85

Brake Fluid

Spectro Heavy Duty DOT 5 Silicone

Fork Oil

Spectro Heavy Duty Fork Oil Type E / 20
Spectro Heavy Duty Fork Oil Heavy / 40

Spray Spectro 101 in the cylinders & to lube your cables
Use Spectro Fuel Conditioner to and Stabilizer to ensure top performance from season to season

Trusted and Endorsed by Sturgis Buffalo Chip, Baker Drivetrain, Jodi and Dave Perewitz, Nash Motorcycle Company, Top Suspension Manufactureres use our product, Speeds Performance Plus, Brass Balls, Brew Dude, Flat Track Racing Community and many more…

–Joe Russo
National Sales Manager
P: 203-775-1291 x108 C: 646-302-3484
W: F: 203-775-8720

We are working the Spectro Team on an article about transmission fluids. Watch for it soon on Bikernet.–Bandit


Bob has send Bikernet a shitload of pictures to over the years. On this photo here you see him with two Brother Speed members, but he also is friends with the old Easyriders crew and was involved with Easyriders breaking the land speed record on the Salt Flats.

Bob Tronolone is a good friend of the Brother Speed from Fucking Burley. The man has a long history of building and riding the most awesome choppers all over the US. We love photos from the ‘70s and Bob sent us a shitload today.

The pics show the freedom of the road, the brotherhood and the pride people had in building their own unique choppers in those days. Thanx a million, BOB!

The Rogues are a club with strong traditional bikervalues we try to relive those days of forgotten bikerhood as best as we can. More Bob T photos later.

The Rogues is a 50-year-old club from Holland, but we still sent this to Rogue the Supreme Senior Editor of for his approval.


A lawyer with a wife and 12 children needed to move because his rental agreement was terminated by the owner, who wanted to reoccupy the home.
The lawyer was having a lot of difficulty finding a new house.

When he said that he had 12 children no one would rent a home to him, because they felt that the children would destroy the place. He couldn’t say that he had no children, because he couldn’t lie; we all know lawyers cannot and do not lie.
So he sent his wife for a walk to the cemetery with 11 of their kids.

He took the remaining one with him to see rental homes with the real estate agent.

He loved one of the homes and the price was right — the agent asked:
“How many children do you have?

He answered: “Twelve.”

The agent asked, “Where are the others?”

The lawyer, with his best courtroom sad look answered,

“They’re in the cemetery with their mother.”


It’s not necessary to lie, one only has to choose the right words…
and don’t forget….
most politicians are, unfortunately, lawyers.

–from Sam Burns

The bar was packed, booze did flow,
shots of Jack Daniels, doing some blow.

Striker was out for an evening of fun,
planning to party and greeting the sun.

Music was blasting, the band played on,
dancing and rocking into the dawn.

Leather clad women moved wildly in dance, leather clad men had thoughts of romance.

Tattoos and patches on vests were seen, knives and guns concealed by the mean.

Drop of a word or look the wrong way,
fists would fly, turn into a fray.

Smokey room seemed to spin and twist,
for Striker a party he could not resist.

Barmaids were serving and taking his lip,
long as his money included a tip.

Two A.M. and the bar must close,
Striker was drunk as often he chose.

Walked to his bike, kicked it to start,
shook his head clear, he prepared to depart.

Onto the highway deserted and dark,
the cold air was manna light as a lark.
His motor did rumble the pulse of the night,everything felt so perfectly right.

The center line guided Striker this night,
till suddenly blinded by oncoming light.

Unable to see in the blinding flare,
there were no seconds for him to spare.

He pulled on the bars, hard to the right,
racing at speed into the night.

His bike it did wobble out of control,
whiskey and speed going to take it’s toll.

The bike went down sliding to ditch,
his next thought, “Ain’t this a bitch.”

Came mornings’ dawn in flashes of red,
cop said “ DUI, this one is dead”.

–Robert Gene Stoner Jr ©

THIS JUST IN FROM CHOPPERTOWN– We’re pleased to say that your Dice Digital Issue 77 is ready. Thanks for supporting Dice and Choppertown by being a subscriber.

Remember: This link is for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. Your support keeps Choppertown and Dice going, please ask your friends to get their own subscription so we can continue bringing this wonderful magazine to you.

Should any problems arise just respond to this email and we’ll take care of you.

Note to iPhone/iPad users: To download the offline version to iOS v. 10.2.1+ (iPhone and iPad) please open this link in either mobile Chrome or mobile Firefox, Apple has an issue with Safari.

Have a great week and enjoy! Stay independent.

–Zack, Scott, Dean, and Matt (forever)
Dice Digital Issue 77

We Must Sell 100 Wheels in 3 Days

We are cutting prices and making the best deals of the year to make sure we meet our goal! If you were quoted an earlier price, chances are in the next 3 days we can beat it.


Get 6 Months 0% Financing + 2% Cash Back


A Recent Poll Shows 80% of those responding Favor Restoring Voting Rights.

Thoughts on ex-felons and voting
Marshall Frank makes a strong case that any citizen who cannot present a physical photo ID should not be allowed to vote.

Frank does not address the question of the 1,500,000 Floridians, more than in any other state, who are prohibited from voting because at some point in their past they were arrested for a felony and lacked the money to hire a personal lawyer to get the charges reduced or restore their rights.

This and similar laws were created 150 years ago when Florida was run by white men who were racist and proud of it.

Even in 1960, of over 12,000 black citizens in Gadsden County, only seven were allowed to vote. Former Gov. Charlie Crist made it easier for ex-felons, who had paid their debts to society in full, to restore their rights. But Gov. Rick Scott reinstated the Jim Crow-era process in 2011.

Are we willing to work as hard to restore the rights of 1.5 million Floridians who are currently disenfranchised, as 48 other states already do, as we are to prevent a single citizen without a photo ID from voting?

–Daniel Woodard, Merritt Island

–from Rogue

NEWS FROM TERRY COMPONENTS– Terry Components now offers a rebuild kit for the “Reverse Motor” in all Harley-Davidson Tri-Glides.

Included in the kit are: a new armature, a new field assembly (magnets), a new brush cap, and a new planetary gear shield. Terry Components reverse motor rebuild kits make it easy and economical to repair the Harley-Davidson Tri-Glide back-up motor.

This kit retails for $300.00. Included in every kit is Terry Components traditional “Quality and Performance.” Dealer inquiries welcomed. For all further information please visit your local Drag Specialties dealer or contact Terry Components direct at:

2916 East 4th Ave
Spearfish SD 57783
605 642- 5300

The Brave Create Destiny
The weak rely on destiny
The kind respect destiny
The wise change destiny

–Venerable Master Hsing Yun

If you haven’t already heard, website building platform Squarespace is bringing a motorcycle riding Keanu Reeves to the Big Game. After weeks of Keanuisms and teasers, we’re thrilled to finally share our 5th consecutive Super Bowl ad with you.

As a longtime customer, Keanu brings the authentic story of building his company’s website, Arch Motorcycle, on Squarespace, while encouraging viewers to get out there, and make their own dreams happen.

*inspired, aren’t you? (and yes, he actually did that stunt)


I will admit that I had pretty much stopped watching the State Of The Union speech during the past administration, but I am very Happy that I did last night to see and hear what President Donald Trump had to say at his first one.

I have been involved in politics since the late ‘60s fighting for Motorcycle Rights and other issues. Some years were good and others not so good. One must work with those in office and make the best of it.

I am one of the people that are Happy that Donald Trump is now the president. He made some promises during his campaign that the majority of the people in the last election liked and voted him into office. I do believe he is trying his best to keep his promises.

I like what he has done for veterans and I can say I for one have personally been affected by his actions. I agree with what he has done at the EPA but hope he will go further with issues pertaining to motorcycles. I am very interested in his infrastructure plans and hope they include motorcycles and with Vice President Pence and other elected officials riding motorcycles that should help.

Yes I am also interested in all the other subjects and we have plenty of people working on them. I will continue to work on motorcycle issues and am interested in what other motorcycle riders would like addressed. I also hope motorcycle riders will get involved with Bikers For Trump as a way to accomplish this.

Supreme Commander Editor
Bikernet Baggers

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BIKE SHOW NEWS, Swiss-Custom is bringing the Rat’s Hole award to Europe–
The Swiss-Custom Customizing and Tuning Show, staged at Swiss Moto (Zurich, February 22-25, 2018) has partnered with The Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show in the USA, with one of the “sought-after Rat’s Hole Trophies being awarded in Europe for the very first time – with the newly appointed Best-of-Show Bike from the 2017 Sturgis Rally also on display.”

After several years of successful cooperation with the biggest customizing show in the Middle East (Custom Show Emirates), Swiss-Custom says it has “set a further milestone with this new cooperation.

“An award from the Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show is regarded as a veritable Oscar in the customizing scene. For many years now, hundreds of thousands of motorcycle fans have been descending on the two Rat’s Hole shows at Daytona and Sturgis, and with this new cooperation bike builders and customizing fans in Europe will now be able to marvel at customizing art from America too.”

In addition, the overall winner of the Swiss-Custom Bike Show will be given a trip to the Custom Show Emirates 2018 in Abu Dhabi (March 30 – April 1). Visitors can look forward to the European premiere of the unique Sturgis Best of Show bike “Dyslexia”, by Hawke Lawshe of Vintage Technologies in Montana.

–from the AMD


Will these running boards soon be available for the 2018 Harley-Davidson Tri Glide, and where in Florida can I order them through if possible.

–Terry Frankcom

Zephyills Florida, FL

I would highly recommend getting in touch with them. Tell them Bikernet sent you. They have a great dealer network across America.

Dealer List:

11841 Monarch Street
Garden Grove, Ca 92841-2110
Toll Free: 1-800-875-0949
Fax: 714-847-1539

–Ujjwal Dey
Grand Emperor Editor
Bikernet Trikes

Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress Hardcover – February 27, 2018
by Steven Pinker (Author)
#1 Best Sellerin Violence in Society
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–Joe Teresi
Grand Marshall Publisher
Paisano Publications

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Autonomous Bikernet Weekly News for January 25th, 2018

April 7th is the date of the VNV M/C North Carolina Fischer House Ride to raise money for the Fischer House in Ft. Bragg NC

— Iron Mike VNV M/C North Carolina
Ellijay, GA

Thanks Mike. –Bandit

Welcome the new Revival Wishbone, which started as a 2006 BMW R1200S. Head over to our website to see the build process with more photographs and details on this bike!

Feeling inspired? Watch this. The “How to Wire Your Motorcycle” Tech Talk walks you through the theory and practice of wiring your motorcycle. We even include a downloadable Electrical System Checklist with recommendations and links to all the referenced parts.

The INDIAN LARRY parts line has been widely celebrated throughout the years. Our attention to detail, craftsmanship, quality materials and folks who know what they’re doing, make our parts unbeatable.

We’re constantly working toward better for our customers and are excited to bring you new parts in the new year. While we work on that, take a look at our tried and true famous parts that you’ve come to relay on. Its never too late to finally grab those Triple Trees you’ve been eyeing, or how about that Derby Cover?

Whatever the part, get it here!

30% – 40% Off ALL Parts
Today – Friday February 2, 2018

Originally $240
SALE $160

The Indian Larry Push-rod Collars fit any Harley Davidson OHV style engine 1936 & up, polished brass for authentic vintage look.

RARE CAR SPOTTED IN THE GHETTO– The Fisker Karma, 2012. Hybrid. Fisker went bankrupt— battery supplier went under– was sold to a Chinese firm. They produce the successor: the Karma Revero.

We spotted it in the Wilmington harbor ghetto while shooting the 5-Ball Panhead project for the bastard Bandit. The shoot is destined for the pages of Cycle Source Magazine.

The one we saw is the Fisker Karma. Karma Revero is the one now produced by the Chinese owner. Gull wing doors, etc.

Headquarters, Anaheim. Manufactured: Delaware.

–Markus Cuff

DEALS OF THE WEEK– While we live and breathe four wheels, our affection towards motorcycles is undeniable as well. Here is a brief sampling of some of the two-wheeled offerings we currently have at the LBI stable.

1974 John Player Norton Commando

Inquire For Price

1 of approximately 200 produced worldwide, a highly original, thoroughly sought-after motorcycle.


2005 MV Agusta F4 1000

Offered at: $12,000
A superb example of one of Tamburini’s iconic creations and showing a mere 245 miles from new.


2003 Ducati 999S

Offered at: $10,000
Well documented with one-owner history and showing just over 2,000 miles from new.


•1975 Norton Commando MKIII – 2100 miles from new, a true time capsule.
•1975 Norton Commando MKIII – Desirable “JPN” color scheme, 16K miles.
•1977 Harley Davidson XLCR – One owner from new, barn find.
•1975 BMW R75/6 – Black, one owner, barn find, 12K miles from new.
•1985 BMW K100 – Silver, 2500 miles from new, highly original.
•1993 Ducati Superlight – Yellow, desirable MK I specifications, #778.
•1995 Ducati Supersport – Red, 12K miles from new, #574.

Many other motorcycles privately available in a wide variety of conditions and price ranges.
Interested In Consigning A Motorcycle?

Here at LBI Limited, we take great pride in our ability to provide top-tier marketing services and tailored content to achieve exceptional, market correct results for your vehicle. If you have a motorcycle you are interested in consigning or have any questions regarding the process, please get in touch with a specialist below.
Contact a Specialist

PROPOSED TV Series: “ATK Motorcycles”, the other American Motorcycle Brand that Defies all Odds.

ATK Motorcycles, America’s only Dirt Bike manufacturer is now poised to expand its winning traditions on a TV reality series that will follow the daily commotion of what happens at ATK Motorcycles.

The series will take viewers on what actually occurs along the way; from the initial concept of a new motorcycle, engineering, designing, developing, testing, crashing, marketing and manufacturing and then finally selling that motorcycle somewhere on planet earth.

ATK will ask for the viewers for their input on what they want to ride and ATK will manufacturer it. This will be a first in the motorcycle industry. Along the way viewers will be a part of the epic rides on the open asphalt roads, discovering special places with biker history along with viewing impressive off-road trails, sand dunes, snow peaks on snow-bikes that only a few people have ever seen.

Along the track, ATK will link up with the special VIP’s in the biker-world, from the legendary chopper guys to the world champion motocross champions who all share the same passion for motorcycling and how it changed their lives.

The series will also pick up along the way some special actors, celebrities’ and yes, even a few politicians, who are true bikers to make the series a little controversial and fun.

Each episode will have various roadblocks, cliffs and sand washes with different hero’s in the cast overcoming these obstacles in making ATK a success against the mighty Goliath’s in the motorcycle industry. Everyone wants an underdog and ATK is just that by defying all odds. Every episode will include a special motorcycle give away to the viewers in being with the cast of ATK.

If you want to help, contribute or know more contact Frank White, ATK motorcycles.

–Frank White


ad absurdum

[ad ab-sur-duh m]

to the point of absurdity.

“Oh, if any argument’s pushed ad absurdum …” Fido controls her temper.

— Emma Donoghue, The Sealed Letter, 2008

In Latin ad absurdum is a prepositional phrase composed of the preposition ad “to” and the neuter singular adjective absurdum “out of tune, harsh, rough; senseless, silly.” In English the phrase is used as an adverb and is still unnaturalized. Ad absurdum entered English in the mid-17th century.

 Polaris Reports 18 Percent Fourth Quarter Increase in ’17– Polaris Industries Inc. has reported record fourth quarter 2017 sales of $1.431 billion, up 18 percent from $1.218 billion for the fourth quarter of 2016.

“I am proud of the Polaris team and excited to see their dedication and hard work pay off as we returned the company to sustainable profitable growth in 2017. Indian Motorcycles massively outperformed the motorcycle industry, building on its existing momentum with a flood of product news and a very successful year on the race track.

“We accelerated North American demand for side-by-sides throughout the year led by strong retail sales of RANGER and Polaris GENERAL along with increased international sales growth in all regions outside North America. Additionally, we made significant investments and improvements in our people, processes, product innovation and quality, which led to notable execution improvements in our Off-Road Vehicle business, marked progress on the TAP integration, and a substantial upgrade of our quality control systems and infrastructure,” commented Scott Wine, Chairman and CEO of Polaris Industries.

Motorcycle segment sales, including PG&A, totaled $103 million, saw a decrease of two percent compared to $104 million reported in the fourth quarter of 2016 which included $25 million of Victory Motorcycle whole-good, accessory and apparel sales. Indian Motorcycles whole-good sales increased in the high-single digit percent range in the fourth quarter, while Slingshot sales more than doubled.

Gross profit for the fourth quarter of 2017 was $5 million compared to $1 million in the fourth quarter of 2016. Adjusted for the Victory Motorcycles wind-down costs of $3 million, motorcycle gross profit was $8 million, up from the fourth quarter last year due to higher sales volume for both Indian Motorcycles and Slingshot and lower warranty costs.



UNCLE MONKEY ON GETTING OUT OF DODGE– For many people they reach a point in their life when they are looking for a change of scenery, a chance to get out of Dodge for once and for all. It can be tempting to see green pastures and hope for the best.

The first thing you have to ask yourself is why you want to move. For many they look at it as a fresh start, a chance to rid themselves of bad habits, bad acquaintances.

The problem with running away from your problems is that often you’re at least 50% responsible for those problems. If your an addict moving somewhere else isn’t going to magically solve your problem because you will gravitate to those same people, same additions in a new place.

A change in scenery doesn’t solve problems and in fact will probably amplify them. That applies to a wide variety of things. If you are a shy introvert you will not suddenly because out spoken extrovert. If you are fed up with homeless you will find homeless people whereever you go.

Hate immigrants, no matter where you go you’ll find immigrants. The only way to stop this is to deal with those issues at home, kick your demons to the road before you hit the road. Once you learn to live what your idea of a prefect life is at home, only then should you consider moving.

For those of us who have our lives together the temptation of green pastures must always be measured. For my friend Bandit wanting to move to the Black Hills it makes a lot of sense. I love riding the canyons, Badlands and the mountains like everyone else. But that is in the summer.

Winters are long and cold and there is no riding for those months. For those like me who grew up in the snow-belt we know how to adapt. We spend the days in the garage building bikes, maybe out skidooing. Some it is wood working or writing the next American novel.

Nights are spent curled up with a good book, good bourbon, and a good woman. The world closes in around you and you bunker down for the winter. It is something a California boy has to accept.

On the other side Mrs. Monkey and I would love to move to sunny California but as Canadians we’re use to universal healthcare, responsible gun laws and good solid education none of which the US is particularly strong at or even have some understanding the concepts of.

So there you have it. If you’re moving to get away from something – don’t. If you’re moving because the grass is greener – look at everything, 365 days of the year to see if those May flowers are still there in October.

Chances are, all you need to do is water your own lawn for a while. If you’re moving for adventure, the anticipation of the unknown – what are you waiting for – do it.

-bad Uncle Monkey

Yes, adventure. I’m going next month to look at properties.

Two well-dressed ladies happened to start up a conversation during an endless wait in the Toronto Airport Terminal. The first lady was an arrogant Torontonian married to a wealthy business man. The second was a well-mannered elderly woman from Timmins. After a little while the Toronto woman started by saying, ” When my first child was born, my husband built a beautiful mansion for me.”

“The lady from Timmins commented, ” Well, isn’t that fantastic? ”

The first woman continued, ” When my second child was born, my husband bought me a beautiful Mercedes-Benz. “

Again, the lady from Timmins commented,” Well, isn’t that fantastic? ”

The first woman went on, ” Then, when my third child was born, my husband bought me this exquisite diamond bracelet.”

Yet again, the Timmins lady commented, ” Well, isn’t that fantastic? ”

The first woman then asked, ” What did your husband buy for you when you had your first child? “

“My husband sent me to charm school, ” declared the Timmins lady.”

“Charm school?” the first woman cried, “What on earth could they teach you??”

The Timmins lady responded, “Well as an example… Instead of saying, “Who gives a Fuck?” I learned to say, “Well, isn’t that fantastic?

–from Rogue and Sidehack Jerry

Sometimes the news kicks my ass and more keeps coming.

We have lots of exciting stuff coming up including a wet T-shirt competition in the Sunday Post this weekend, if you are a Cantina Member. Yes, we will launch a Sunday Post before we head out to a Super Bowl party. We’re dedicated.

Next week we will bring you Cleveland Show Winners. Then is have a report on the notorious Oklahoma swap meet. And from the AMA the history or women riders with historic shots from Bob T.

Don’t forget the David Mann Chopperfest in Ventura this Sunday.

We finished Grandson Frank’s Dyna and shipped it to Larry Settle’s Custom Bikes in Harbor City for a final tune and another set of eyes on the completed bike.

Keep the faith and keep riding free.


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