The Golden State 1947 Knucklehead

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knuck full left
Name: Golden State. Why? I was born and raised in So Cal, as a matter of fact, my family has been here in California (the Golden State) since 1890. I have watched this area (So Cal) grow and change so much in the last 30 years. Unfortunately, I can’t say it’s for the better. This bike was sold originally in CA and I am the 3rd owner- it never left the state; nor have I………. yet. I have had this bike as a chopper, a stock configuration, and now in its “Golden State”- a Bob Job configuration. So why the name? Well, it harkens back to a time when our state (and Nation) existed in more simple times. I wish we now had- “Golden Times”. I think as I endeavor to grow, learn, and gain wisdom in this life, I want to do it with a “Golden State” of mind. This bike was built with this notion as a constant reminder.

knuck full right
Specs: No hydraulics- all mechanical…… during this old girl’s time there were no fancy dancy hydraulic stuff- so I’m not messin’ with a good thing! Zero aftermarket crap that I didn’t build, with exception of the petcock, battery, oil lines, seat and tail light. Well, the petcock and battery suck, go-figure (new aftermarket). However, the seat is a 1950s Bates leather solo which still retains its original sticker in all its glory and original leather. The taillight is a ‘50s Do-Ray light…. both of these aftermarket items I feel would satisfy a “period correct” enthusiast. The sheet metal and foot controls were made by yours truly. Foot controls made with the use of OEM Harley levers and rods to retain the pure nature of this bike. Back in her day, a gentleman used what they had at hand. I built this bike in the same spirit. Any lathe work was done on our 1946 LeBlonde lathe. Pipes were made from sections of OEM Harley exhaust.

knuck left rear
Paint: The World Famous Harpoon ! Uh, Johnny….. how bout the pinstripes? love ya bro- sorry I missed your party….

Finish: Tons of stock patina. It was not my desire to “clean up” or hide any nostalgia on this bike. If it’s old stock chrome- I left it! Old stock paint- left it! Any new paint (outside of sheet metal) was done to look old and weathered.

Engine: 1947EL stock (now .030 over). Trans: 1947 4 spd Primary: 1947 with a 1955 outer OEM cover for beauty. Secondary Gearing: 24T X 52T OEM Wheels: OEM Kelsey Haynes 16″ w/ OEM star hubs and covers

Brakes: 1947 Springer front (mechanical) with OEM Parking brake handle.
Rear: 1947 OEM Mechanical rear fitted w/ NOS pads and shoes.

Frame: 1934 VL frame, modified to fit drivetrain.

Front end: 1934 VL I-beam fitted with 1947 brake set-up and wheel.

Spotlights: 1947 Guide SH-2 OEM

knuck right rear
Handlebars: 1964 FL bars OEM w/ internal throttle mated to 1934 VL top clamp and 56 OEM Harley Grips

Seat: 1950’s Bates leather solo with Knucklehead OEM Valve component “shock”

Rear Honch: WL OEM

Rear Drive Chain: OEM 1947 Duckworth chain Primary Chain: OEM double row

Steering Dampener: VL mated to 1936- top nuts and bar

Gas Caps: OEM Eaton caps

Kicker pedal: 1943 War Production pedal OEM

Electrics: Conversion to 12V w/ Cycle Electric (these are great people w/ a great product) Ignition: 70’s OEM Harley Davidson w/ key

Tires: Dual Sport (reversed)

Just your ordinary average everyday bike.

U.S. Choppers now has 17 years of vintage Harley-Davidson builds under their belts (1989- Pasadena, CA). “It is my opinion that every self professed “Master Builder” of Harley-Davidsons should posses a firm grasp of the fundamentals,” said Rick Krost, the boss. “This is where it all began. I had the opportunity to meet and hang out with gentlemen who had shops in the ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s….. I watched and learned. I learned every nut, every bolt. I learned the correct way, noting the correct parts for each and every model year from 1936-1965 right down to the proper markings on the bolts. What we used to call in the finance profession, a bottoms up approach. We do not profess or hold ourselves out to be Master Builders and never will. These titles should be reserved for the likes of Al Crocker, Sir Harry Ricardo, Carl Hedstrom, William S. Harley, and Ole Evinrude. These gents pioneered the field….. we just play in it. Respect never seems to go where it’s due.”

U.S.Choppers Boardtrack racing chassis.

”We still do restorations in the shop, mostly for our own bikes or long term clients, however, if you feel you have an interesting restoration for us, we specialize in 1936-1965 big twins. Give us a call. Regarding questions about custom bike builds, we do about 3-4 a year, that’s it. It’s on a first come, first serve basis. We have an easy interview process to ensure that we both have the same goal in mind. Your dollars will be well spent and your time will not be wasted. Rest assured, you will be a longterm client and friend.”

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The rest of U.S. Choppers’ hours are spent producing fine quality American made chassis kits. Their kits are reminiscent of the “Golden Days” with art-deco lines and attention to detail you just don’t see in this modern time. Please visit their site for more information.

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“I will be selling some of my personal collection to celebrate and anticipate the birth of my first baby boy due around March 22nd 2007,” Rick added. This Knucklehead is for sale for the very reasonable price of $22,500. If you would like all the original parts to return it to is completely stock form, Rick has the components for an additional $10,000. Rick is currently building the chassis for the Bikernet 5-Ball Racing, World’s Fastest Panhead effort for Bonneville 2007.

Rick aboard his board-track classic.

U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

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