The Cook Triumph Bobber

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Kevin cook contacted Bikernet not long ago with this killer Triumph bobber. I was all for featuring it, but he told me it was accepted by the outlaw staff of the HORSE for a feature.

Great! I have some pics on disc,” Kevin said, “and I will attach the article that will come out in the next issue of The Horse.

Stripping her down.

We have a code. We won’t publish a feature before a mag has featured the bike and it’s had it’s run on the newsstands. Not fair to the reader to see it on Bikernet, then pay to read it again in print. So I checked with Geno at the HORSE.

No response. Kevin bugged the Englishman and a flurry of e-mails slammed back and forth across the country.

Those guys are pals, so I waited for the next issue. It came and went. I gave them some more time, send more e-mails. In the meantime Kevin and I collected shots of the bike being built.

I’ll contact Big Daddy @ Bitter End,” Kevin said, “and see if he has some pics of the build process. Thanks again for your interest in this bike. I look forward to seeing it on Bikernet.”

Months passed and Geno asked to see shots of the bike. The investigation continued until Hammer was cornered in a bar at the Smoke-Out. He confessed, “Yeah, I know the bike, but we can’t find the disc.”

We took the Bikernet Editorial Drag-bike out of neutral and let her fly. I’m sure you will see this bike on the pages of HORSE in the future, but it’s too sharp to have it collecting dust under a desk.

It’s basically a 2003 Triumph Bonneville Bobber.

”Johnny Goodson, (formally with EXILE) now at Insane Custom Cycle, helped me with the concept,” Kevin said, “and provided the gas tank metalwork and the triple trees. Big Daddy @ <> built the custom frame and together we assembled what I believe is the ultimate modern Triumph bobber!”

Up front they used Johnny’s trees and cut down the fork tubes to make sure the bike would ride level. Big Daddy fabbed-up some great spacers for the front brake and wheel set-up. As for the handlebars, only apes would do.

”I found a great set of 16-inch by 1 ¼ V-factors to which I mounted PM black controls and an Exile internal throttle for a very clean, very smooth, look,” Kevin said. “The Triumph logo riser was just a perfect fit for the bars.” The headlamp was an Arlen Ness sealed beam unit, again for the very classic Triumph. The tank was treated to a very Triumph-style paint scheme by Cas Rybkoski along with the Custom Chrome rear fender. “The paint was so smooth and black, it still looks wet,” Kevin said! “Speaking of the rear fender, check out the mounts. Very smooth and old school cool.”

The front and rear wheels are stock Triumph spoke units. They are properly wrapped in Avon rubber. A 160/60/17 for the rear, and a 100/80/18 on the front, sans fender. “I love the dirt track look of it,” Kevin said smiling.

For the rear brake, Big Daddy machined-off the old mount and used a rod/heim joint set up so he could have a Triumph logo on the rear caliper. They used a Matt Hotch kickstand which blended very well with the curved lines of the frame.

”I ran as much of the wiring as possible through the frame, along with the rear brake line,” Kevin told me. This made for a very clean and very neat overall appearance.

As far as the engine, Kevin added a set of CR carbs and matched up the intake ports. Along with the black exhaust wrap, He also installed a set of thunderbolts in the pipes for much needed back pressure. “The sound is incredible,” He said rapping the pipes.

The brass-knuckle seat was built by Chica Customs along with the springs which provide some smoothness to the ride. “As long as the craters aren’t too big,” Kevin added. “I found some items like the monza style gas cap, CR carbs, fork gaiters, clutch pull cover and more at, who specialize in after-market Triumph parts.”

Thanks go to Mike, at Bella Corse, for hooking Kevin up with Jojje, in Sweden. “Without whom I would have never got the wiring figured out,” Kevin said. Big Daddy has special names for his projects. That’s why he used bullets for valve-stem caps.

“This has been a fantastic experience for me,” Kevin rambled. “I enjoyed every step of the build, especially the final assembly, which I am proud to say was my pleasure. I realize now the true meaning of “Choppin’ ain’t easy, but it is necessary.” He was fortunate to find great professionals like Big Daddy, Johnny, Cas, Mike, and others, to help. They provided him with great products and direction. “Speaking of direction, its about time to fire up Da Trump Card and head off in one,” Kevin wasn’t making sense. “Until Then-Later!”



Owner: Kevin Cook
City/State: Wheeling WV
Builder: Bitter End Old School Choppers
City/state ( or company contact info)
Fabrication: Big Daddy Al Wilkerson Johnny Goodson Kevin Cook
Manufacturing: BEOSC
Welding: BEOSC
Machining: BEOSC


Year: 2003
Make: Triumph
Model: T 100 Bonneville
Displacement: 790cc
Builder or Rebuilder:
Case finish: chrome
Bore: stock
Pistons: stock
Barrel finish:
Lower end:
Heads: match ported
Head finish:
Valves and springs:
Cams: stock
Carburetion: CR Keihin


Year: 2003
Make: Triumph
Gear configuration: 5 speed
Final drive: chain
Clutch: wet


Year: 2005
Style or Model: Trump Card
Stretch: 2″
Rake: 32 degrees
Modifications: Drop seat-Curved Backbone-Drop Neck

Front End

Make: Triumph
Model: Bonneville
Year: 2003
Length: 2″ under
Mods: 2″ under- wide glide set up-Insane Custom Cycle Triple Trees

Sheet metal

Tanks: modified stock- Johnny Goodson @ Insane Custom Cycles
Fenders: Custom Chrome
Oil tank: faux BEOSC used to house electrics


Sheet metal: Cas Rybkoski
Molding: Nope
Base coat: Primer goddamnit
Graphics: Cas Rybkoski
Frame: BEOSC powder coat
Molding: none
Base coat: lotsa heat
Graphics or art: don’t need ‘em
Special effects: nope
Pinstriping: I’ll pass


Make: Triumph
Size: 19″
Brake calipers: stock
Brake rotor(s): stock
Tire: 100/80/19 Avon

Make: Triumph
Size: 17
Brake calipers: stock modified BEOSC
Brake rotor stock
Tire: 160/60/17 Avon


Foot controls: XOPRODX
Finish: black ano
Master cylinder:
Brake lines: custom in-frame
Handlebar controls: PM
Finish: black ano
Clutch Cable: Barnett
Brake Lines custom


Ignition: DVI Triumph
Ignition switch: stock
Coils: stock
Regulator: stock
Charging: stock
Wiring: Kevin
Harness: custom Kevin Cook
Headlight: Arlen Ness
Taillight: Repro Vincent
Accessory lights: Back Off tag bracket
Electrical accessories:
Switches: oil tank dip stick!
Battery: Harley AGM

What’s Left

Seat: Chica Customs
Pipes: stock modified BEOSC
Mufflers: come’re kidding
Exhaust finish: wrapped
Gas caps: Monza by Bella Corse
Handlebars: 16″ V Factor apes
Grips: PM
Oil filter: KN
Oil cooler: stock
Oil lines: stock
Fuel filter: Pingel
Fuel Lines: custom
Throttle: Exile internal
Throttle cables: custom Barnett
Fasteners: chrome button heads

Kevin Cook, assembler

Johnny Goodson
Insane Custom Cycles
Phoenix, AZ

Big Daddy Al Wilkerson
Bitter End – Old School Choppers

wet girl
She must be a bobber fan.

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