I’ve been intending to send a few shots of the FLHS, the “S” believe it or not means Sports. It is a 1990 Sports bike and for those familiar with this model will verify, it is far from a Sports bike. But it must be because my insurance premium is about $300 more than my ’90 Sturgis, which in my eyes is much closer to a Sports Bike, so go figure.
It wasn’t very popular when it was introduced, according to my source ( name withheld) at Morgan & Wackers in Brisbane. The FLHS was known as an Ugly Duckling. Apparently the designers were sent back to the drawing board and they came up with the ever so popular Road King.

I first laid my eyes on one after my brother in-law hassled me to check out a bike out he’d heard about, and the owner was keen to sell. I decided to take the Sturgis for a spin ( around 200 klms round trip) to try it. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there she sat , dirty, dusty & with a fair bit of corrosion, but I liked her. I took her out for a test ride abd about an hour and half to be exact, I didn’t want to get off it.
We worked out a price and I was back there the following day to collect her. As you can see by the photos, it was two tone red and dead stock, except for the exhaust. I gotta tell you that lasted for less than a week! Three cans of flat black, 1 inch lowered shocks that we had lying around and a couple of stickers to add a some character and the “Black Mongrel” was born.

That was seven months ago and since then we’ve clocked 11,000 klms up on the old girl; a great bike to ride.
It seems to be the go these days to have several bikes; one for traveling, one for hitting the twisties and of course a Chopper, and if you’re really fortunate, a project or two. I think most people, myself included, get attached to their bikes, I really hate parting with them. Along with the 1990 Sturgis, I also have my project Pan, a ’72 Shovel plus a rolling chassis all complete except motor and gearbox.

I decided to sell the Black Mongrel on Anzac Day, mentioned it to a couple of mates and that night it was sold. Unbelievable!. Geoff and his wife Melisa flew up from down south, stayed 2 nites and rode 1,400klms back home and had a ball. It was a great sale, these guys have 5 kids, haven’t had a Harley for 15 years and been working there arses off to get another one.

I’m telling you it was meant to be. Kerry and I have not seen two grown people show so much emotion over anything, especially a bike for a long time. It really was a good sale all round.
From the Aussie,
Glenn Priddle
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