Me and Cecily hopped in the car were on our way to Las Vegas once and we stopped at a desert town that is a popular way-station for the Las Vegas hordes that come and go to LV from SoCal.

It’s a hot gasping oven of a town and used to have just two eateries but time changes things and now there’s dozens. Time hasn’t changed a few things though and one of the places is kinda scary-lookin and attracts lifer inhabitants of unfactoryfresh motorcycles and their riders. I like to stop there because the Diet Cokes are always icy and the – it’s basically a dive bar – and the BTL’s whoever the fuck owns the place makes are monuments to bacon, lettuce, tomato and REALLY good bread. And the women that work there are salt-o’-the earth, unless you give them crap, And I don’t give crap to serving personnel, even if they have it coming. I’ve BEEN serving personnel: I know that customers are often begging to be murdered. Read more.

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