The Art Of Monte Moore

Art transcends lifeā€¦or something like that. While many view the motorcycle itself as a form of art, there are those who strive to take it to the next level. Monty Moore, a trekkie at heart battling his demons of motorhead, is an artist making dreams into reality.

Monty in his studio

While many of us can imagine some freaky images in our heads, Monty actually takes those images and projects them onto any platform with a skilled touch honed by years of practice and education. He can make your wildest dreams a realityā€¦in paint. His attention to detail is so great, Scot Ross of Redhill Motorcycle Werx, uses Monty exclusively for all his builds. Who could forget the bike Bitchcraft?

Drawing his way through high school, Monty received enough grants and scholarships to attend Colorado State University for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. He began with his initiation into the highly competitive comic book field in 1993. Before long Monty began accumulating toys of the two wheeled sort, and with that came a fresh canvas for him to explore. One thing led to another, and numerous bikes and accolades later, and he's busy as hell.

Fire and Iceā€¦.thatā€™s one way to describe her.

While his passion is anything motor related, he also works in other mediums, including fantasy and science fiction. You know, Goblins, Dungeons and Dragons, Star Wars, etc.

Monty enjoys the challenge of murals, including portraits of Elvis and Marylin, Fire and Ice, even a gunslinging Deluxe. His paintjobs range from to simple flames, to the insanely intricate detailed.

If you want to check out more of Montyā€™s work, you can check him out at He has glistening web site packed with eye-candy that will keep you clicking for more. Be sure to tell him Bikernet sent ya.

No matter the angle, front to rear or vice-versa, she looks incredible. Guess whether I am talking about the girl or the paint? Ha!

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