Take Two: a Hollywood Romance

TakeTwo_COV_3D_MUTake Two: a Hollywood Romance, a quarter-finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award earlier this year, is officially released on all popular e-formats as well as print via Amazon or direct-from-author. You can find all the details and purchase options at www.TakeTwoNovel.com

When Hollywood actor Zac Davies is intentionally poisoned on the set, there’s only one logical thing to do: move in with the director and her teenage daughters. In the weeks that follow, Zac discovers that Gina is not who he thought she was. But once back on set, Zac and Gina’s friendship is tested. In the media frenzy that follows, Zac fears that his tragic past and uncertain future have become the story. He must protect those he’s come to care for – and decide where his heart lies: in the world of bright lights and fame or in the arms of a motorcycle-riding, small-town-at-heart woman with a big chip on her shoulder.

Get to know the characters by reading the first installments FOR FREE on Traceys blogTake Two is also the first volume in the Lady Biker Series. Yep – Gina’s biker chick friends will be telling their stories too! Read more about the Lady Biker Series here.

About the Author: Tracey Cramer-Kelly’s work fuses writing, music and visual imagery and draws from her experience as an Army Reserve paramedic and 25+ years as a biker chick. She owns a motorcycle accessories business and lives in small-town Minnesota with her husband and two young children.

Contact: Tracey Cramer-Kelly tcktalk@gmail.com; www.TraceyCramerKelly.com

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