
Clay’s Christmas – Blessings Come in Strange Packages

New Episode 97 in Bandit’s Cantina – The Series by K.Randall Ball with illustrations by Jon Towle and George Fleming The Cantina bustled and Bandit kept the holiday tunes blasting while he stared at his budget sheet. It didn’t look good. The positive cash flow from the Sturgis Rally dwindled. He knew his time in Los Angeles waned and 2022 would be a turning point. He put on a smiling Xmas face and walked down the stairs to the dining room. Most huddled together over their presents. Brothers discussed bike modifications and upcoming projects. Marko came out from behind bar and nudged Bandit. “Looking good?” Marko said and then steered Bandit’s gaze to Clay, his thinning head of sandy-blonde hair resting against the polish bar top. Clay was a too-regular. He started drinking early and didn’t stop. His poison Corona beers held him in place between piss and smoke breaks. A friendly, helpful sort he wanted to assist folks and started to rebuild outboard motors and handled dinghy repairs. Never said a bad thing about anyone. CLICK HERE To Read the Follow-up to the 2021 XMas Story Join the Cantina for more – including all of Bandit’s novels and Exclusive Features If you sign up for a two-year Cantina Membership, you will receive a signed book and lotsa swag from the crew. Click Here to Subscribe Today !!!

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Warm Holiday Bikernet Weekly News for December 2nd, 2021

NEVER A DULL MOMENT— Everyday is full of excitement around the Bikernet Intergalactic Headquarters. –Bandit With News from: The NMA, Dealerworld, Dealernews, Lowbrow Manuals, Mama Tried, Harley-Davidson Museum, Triumph Motorcycles, Norton Motorcycles, Tucker and Kuryakyn, Pillar Peak, Deadwood, Sturgis, Watts Up With That, Zero mandates, and Santa of course. CLICK HERE To Read the Weekly News on Bikernet.com SIGN-UP FOR OUR EMAIL BLAST — Do the girls of Bikernet a big favor for the holidays. CLICK HERE to Join up to receive Bikernet’s weekly email blasts. It’s easy, no bullshit, relevant and informative for all things motorcycle. No spam, ever.

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Thanksgiving Bikernet Weekly News for Thanksgiving 2021

Riding Free for 25 Years Hey, Happy Thanksgiving from the Bikernet and 5-Ball crew. We want you to know how much we appreciate your support over the years. We all have so much to be thankful for this Holiday season. We have been lucky Mofo’s forever. Hell, young builders don’t even know how lucky they are to be able to score parts at a swap meet and go to work building a bike, unhampered by a myriad of government agencies. Ask some brothers in Europe, where every product must be approved by maybe not one, but a group of government agencies. There are so many folks and aspects of American life to be thankful for. We are living in the best of times. Have a terrific day, and take a moment to reflect on how good we have it in America, because it is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Ride fast and free, forever! –Bandit CLICK HERE To Read the Weekly News on Bikernet.com Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today !!! https://www.bikernet.com/pages/custom/subscription.aspx

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