Suzuki To Premiere Its First Hydrogen Test Bike

Suzuki To Premiere Its First Hydrogen Test Bike At 2023 Japan Mobility Show The Suzuki Hydrogen Burgman is among several world premiere vehicles from the house of Hamamatsu. Suzuki has preferred the 2023 Japan Mobility Show as the event to unveil its first-ever hydrogen-powered two-wheeler for the world. The company has mentioned it a test vehicle, so it is not a concept. Suzuki is currently researching hydrogen engine development and has yet to put it into consumer focused production. The exhibit will include a test vehicle using a Burgman 400 ABS outfitted with a 70 megapascal (MPa) hydrogen tank and a corresponding engine. Suzuki will also host panels and show videos to illustrate its progress in hydrogen engine development. The 2023 Japan Mobility Show is scheduled to take place between October 28 and November 5, 2023 in Tokyo. * * * * * * * * * * * * Stay updated, stay ahead of the curve. Click and Sign up for the Weekly Newsletter from Bikernet Blog for free.

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