Bikernet Flashback Feature Article
Last year hit the 25-year marker in the business, which was a major milestone after starting in 1996, when the web was super-young. Here is an awesome feature article from 2007, to give readers a glimpse of how the Motorcycling industry has shaped over the years and insight into the legacy of Badlands Run 2007 DownUnder Bikernet Reporters Ride To Sturgis By Doc with photos by Doc and Chris Callen “Sometimes on a trip like this you can begin to feel as if you have no other life but this; that you’ve always been riding and always will be. Family, friends, home, pets all seem to fade into a mist of another time and another place. Here and now is the only reality. This place. This road. And during those times when it feels like one is riding through a pizza oven, skin cracked and dry despite sun block regularly applied, tired, thirsty and with a bad case of monkey-butt it helps to remind oneself of the old saying that, “even the worst day on the road, still beats the best day at work”. Sustained by a mix of road philosophy, music from their CD players and the thought of that first long cold beer, the boys hit Wichita just on dusk, bought that longed-for cold beer and booked into the nearest motel.” – Excerpt from Badlands Run 2007 By Doc Read the entire Flashback Feature Article at: Join the Cantina to get exclusive access to a treasure of 25 Years of Motorcycling Lifestyle. Click Here to Subscribe to the Cantina
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