
Vanishing Breed of gear-heads

In a few years if a collector wants to keep the old stuff running he may have problems Photos and text by Bill May The cars and motorcycles of today run awesome and last a long time, but they do nothing for me. People who can work on those old engines are few and far between. We are a vanishing breed. In a few years if a collector wants to keep the old stuff running, he will have to get out the old manuals and train some young guy with an aptitude for it. Me, I’m just going to keep flying down the road on my old bikes and my ‘34 Ford. CLICK HERE To Read this Feature Article only on Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today.

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Battery Maintenance 101

And How to Use Tenders By Bandit, Jason Mook, Battery Tender Crew, and Jeff Holt How to use battery tenders? We are on the hunt. A friend kept his bike on a tender 24/7. But when he rode to his girl’s house and spent the night, the bike was dead in the morning. Jason Mook, the owner of Deadwood Custom Cycles recommends putting your bike on a charger or tender once a week, charge it and then unplug it. CLICK HERE To Read this Tech Article only on Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today

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