
Build Moto sees a future for mechanics

Build Moto sees a future for mechanics And so does Harley-Davidson which is now a sponsor by Wayfarer Would you have liked to build a motorcycle when you were in highschool? A mentorship program based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is teaching teams of high school students how to work on motorcycles. Mentors from various companies are scheduled to donate time and effort to educate students about motorcycles, their maintenance, and custom building them. Milwaukee also has a history with international motorcycling community and hence some big brands are coming onboard. Build Moto program will get support from Harley-Davidson as a sponsor from 2025 donating motorcycles, parts, accessories, support, and manufacturing expertise to enable a generating of motorcycle mechanics and gearheads. Students will also learn fabrication, welding, machining, and of course the marketing and fundraising skills which is essential to the motorcycle industry. Small businesses, race teams, employment at a factory or dealership– it all will benefit from this knowledge and experience. While that’s the big picture–for the immediate short term effects, teams of students from schools will be invited to design and build flat track racing motorcycles that meet American Motorcyclist Association specifications. Social media will document and promote the progress till the final winner is awarded their prize. The global village, the internet and the community is definitely the need for the art and craft of motorcycling to survive and prosper. It is the connection between the rider and his community that spurred the Golden Era for motorcycling and this highly skilled, highly evolved industry can do this again by involving the community. As Build Moto says on its website– “Build a motorcycle, Build a future”. Certainly agree to that! Consider Visiting About Build Moto BUILD is a non-profit organization building trade & life skills through motorcycle fabrication. We […]

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Brothers for Truth

Joey woke up early. He had to blast to work, a new job. The sky shown a brilliant blue with sparce clouds over the vast Wyoming plains. He was new to the area after riding his Sportster out from California and finding an apartment. He immediately faced a daunting issue, though. Winter loomed and motorcycles didn’t fit. He needed to find a garage and a used 4-wheel drive pickup truck. He also needed a dojo and there weren’t any in the small town of Pina. The growing berg was split by a highway and the founding fathers of the community wisely put the town on one side of the highway and the industrial area and growing oil fields on the other. Joey showered, trimmed his tightly cut Vandyke facial hair, dressed for work and rode a couple of blocks to Mable’s Diner for breakfast. He passed fresh new franchise joints being built like plastic toy boxes and an old brick building being restored. The Pina was clean, vibrant and growing. Click here to read this heart warming global healing adventure, only on

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The Tall Tales of the Climate Crisis

by Daniel W. Nebert For the past 35 years, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned us that emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, predominantly carbon dioxide (CO2), are causing dangerous global warming. This myth is blindly accepted — even by many of my science colleagues who know virtually nothing about climate. As a scientist, my purpose here is to help expose this fairy tale. From his seminal work while prisoner of war during WWI, Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovitch explained how climate is influenced by variations in the Earth’s asymmetric orbit, axial tilt, and rotational wobble — each going through cycles lasting as long as 120,000 years. Click here to read this article on * * * *

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Is Green the New Gray Area

by Mark Buckner with images from Sam Burns For as long as I can remember – which is getting to be a LONG time! – those of us who love riding motorcycles and have devoted a large part of our lives to preserving and protecting our way of life have been telling anyone who would listen that the enemies of motorcycling don’t just want to pass more and more restrictive laws where we’re concerned. Their ultimate goal is to get us off the road entirely. Click here to read this report only on * * * * To Stay updated on all Motorcycle News and Events … – simply Click & Subscribe to Bikernet’s FREE Weekly Newsletter

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Fliers for Freedom

Hey, I was inspired by Becky Zarling, an MRF Assistant rep and a hardworking member of ABATE of Wisconsin. She pronounced in her newsletter that members of ABATE would attend every motorcycle event in Wisconsin, meet bikers and hand out fliers regarding legislation, MRF efforts and ABATE of Wisconsin activities. I was moved and motivated. I asked Becky if I could create an important MRF flier about the biggest threat to our lifestyle. Could she add it to her leaflets and make it available to riders all over her state? She said yes, but there were some guidelines she must follow. First the flier had to be motorcycle centric and secondly, and of course, the wording must be approved by the MRF Board. There you have it. So, I’m here to present my original version and the version edited by the CO2 Coalition. I hope one or the other is approved and we can move forward. Chris Callen, the boss of Cycle Source Magazine volunteered to handle the art layout. We will make these available to anyone who wants them free of charge. is also sponsoring this effort. Keith R. Ball WHAT’S THE BIGGEST THREAT TO MOTORCYCLING AND OUR LIFESTYLE? CLIMATE DOOMSDAY Harley CEO Jochen Zeitz tells us that after 120 years of being famous for its big gas-powered models, electrification is the logical next step. –Jalopnik SO, WHAT’S THE REAL DEAL, THE TRUE SCIENCE? CARBON DIOXIDE CO2 IS NOT A POLLUTANT More carbon dioxide will help everyone including future generations. CO2 is the essential food for land-based plants. The Earth’s biosphere has experienced a relative CO2 famine for millions of years, but the recent increase in CO2 levels with the use of Fossil Fuels has had a measurable, positive effect on plant life. FUTURE CO2 INCREASES WILL

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25 holiday Power Facts about energy and climate

If this year’s holiday discussions veer toward energy and climate issues, I’ve got you covered. Here are 25 facts that will make any honest person think twice about today’s anti-fossil-fuel narrative. As you sit down at the dinner table this holiday season, I expect many of you will find yourselves in conversations about energy and climate with friends and family who may have come to inaccurate conclusions, in part because they are missing a lot of the relevant facts. So, I’ve compiled 25 true, succinct, powerful facts about energy and and climate. Each “Power Fact” has significant implications and should make any honest person think twice about the anti-fossil-fuel narrative. Together these facts show that the world needs more, not less, fossil fuels for as many people as possible to be productive, prosperous, and safe from climate—a job that cannot be done by unreliable solar and wind. The 25 Power Facts are organized into 4 categories: · Fossil fuels make us far safer from climate. (4 facts) · Global fossil fuel use is increasing, and the energy-poor world needs even more to power life-saving machines. (5 facts) · The “green” movement catastrophizes the future climate side-effects of fossil fuels, which are completely masterable. (8 facts) · Unreliable solar and wind are not anywhere near able to replace fossil fuels. (8 facts) Fossil fuels make us far safer from climate. 1. Annual deaths from climate-related causes (extreme temperature, drought, flood, storms, wildfires) have declined 98% over the last 100 years, even as CO2 levels have risen.¹ 2. Even though Earth has gotten 1°C warmer in the last century, deaths from cold outnumber deaths from heat by 5-15x. Cold is more dangerous than heat on every continent. Even in especially hot countries such as India, cold-related deaths significantly exceed heat-related deaths.² 3.

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Preview: A Climate Conversation

Self-canceling claims, such as “we own the science,” serve only to divide. Science, by definition, cannot be about consensus; the earth is not flat, and the sun does not revolve around us. We should welcome challenges to theories as fundamental to human flourishing. Without dialog, there is no science. A Climate Conversation rejects extremism in favor of a constructive debate on climate change. Devised and produced by geophysicist Walter Johnson and filmmaker Colton Moyer, A Climate Conversation offers viewers a welcome opportunity to reach a consensus based on shared values of environmentalism and humanitarian compassion.  

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Serious Hope by Bandit

Rogue, Kirk Willard and I and thousands of other guys have been fighting for motorcyclists’ rights for decades. We continue to fight, but lots of brothers and sisters don’t pay attention. By now most folks are aware of the green movement and what it’s doing to the Fossil Fuel industry, hell even the meat industry. Their problem and their worst fear is that they are wrong. So, what did they do? They called anyone who didn’t agree a denier. We’re grubby bikers, we deny everything and fuck you, if you don’t like it. So let’s cut to the chase. They are wrong and the movement to point out how wrong is growing. I’ve been pushing and looking for solutions for over a decade. Recently, with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation at my back I came up with a congressional resolution. I was and is a fight for every kid on the planet, who needs to know the truth and who should know we are living in the Best off Times, not the worst. This last week became incredibly significant. I can’t say it loud enough. Throughout this year we have tried to find someone who would shove our resolution in front of Congress and force a hearing. We finally found support with Senator Rounds office in South Dakota. Week before last we faced a major setback. Montana lost a court case. It could impact the entire energy industry in Montana and send a very negative message across the country. The problem with this entire effort is not the facts, the science or the truth, it’s guts. The world and politicians on both sides of the isle are being bullied and paid off. No one wants to step up and say, “Sorry, but we’re not doomed.” So, what happened in the last

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Invasion of the Small Capacity Engines

Small is Big: Motorcycles with less power, more styling, high sales volumes Just as the world was recognising the perks of weekend motorcycle getaways and big V-Twin engines, there was also economic collapse, trade tariff wars and then the curse of the climate. Everyone complained about the weather and then somebody actually did something about it. Like all solutions, the proposal was a ban. In this Article we dive into the world of small things making big waves in motorcycle industry Click Here to Read this Comprehensive Overview of All Things Big About Small

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Bandit Lights an Xmas Fire

Bandit’s Cantina Episode 96 : a 2021 Christmas story by K.Randall Ball Bandit looked around at the dozen or so kids and looked at the sleek classic chopper with highbars he was building. The Knucklehead engine and transmission were now in place. Marko approached and whispered something into Bandit’s ear, “Exactly,” Bandit added. It was the week after Thanksgiving. Marko disappeared for a minute and returned with a couple of large boxes marked, “Xmas.” “We need to do something to brighten Christmas for these kids. I’m going to paint the Chopper red and white for the holidays.” said Bandit. CLICK HERE To Read the Christmas Episode of Bandit’s Cantina – The Series. Join the Cantina to read all the Episodes – a live ever-growing series.

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