Salt Torpedo

The Salt Torpedo Bikernet Weekly News for October 29th, 2020

It Couldn’t Be Better with News every Spectrum Hey, The weather is rapidly changing. The election is almost over and I hope everyone voted. Next week will be damn exciting. I have confidence in America and as you know, in freedom. The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently Quick Throttle Magazine came on board. Ride fast and free forever! –Bandit Click Here to read the Weekly News at Bikernet Join the Cantina – Subscribe Today

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  We had a tough day today. The weather was clear and the roads around the Port of Los Angeles empty as we rolled the Salt Torpedo out of the shop.   I was supposed to be a final test run to determine whether the ignition stumble we discovered in the desert was remedied. We had also experienced a slight shimmy in the handling, so I added more rake for more stability. Today before taking it off the lift we needed to adjust the toe-in and we did. With everything tightened we were ready for a final test run before installing the painted body work and preparations to haul ass to Bonneville. All seemed to be good to go as the Torpedo fired to life and Micah dropped the clutch.   He recently discovered that he had another son, Eddie, who runs E2 Metal Works in Bakersfield, with his wife, Emilia. His business is all about CNC Plasma Metal Design and fabrication. Today, Micah arrived with his new son Eddie and his pal, Mike. We immediately set to work prepping for a pass down the street, which has its pitfalls.     It’s a city street complete with cops, and we aren’t prepped for papers, plates or registration. The torpedo has no lights, no turn-signals, you name it. But since the virus has attacked our lives, the streets were void of traffic, especially on a Sunday as I asked Micah to take it easy and test the handling first. There’s something about the Salt Torpedo that brings out the speed in a man. As soon as he caught a gear he nailed it and felt the rear tire break loose as it acted like a rocket ship that wants to fly into the next atmosphere. Unfortunately that didn’t happen today.


Salt Torpedo Chapter 24

Secret Desert Test Run On Tuesday, January 22, we nervously took the Salt Torpedo into the desert for some passes on a desolate paved road. I can’t tell you where we went. It’s a top-speed secret, that only coyotes and bleak desert bikers know about. What a trip. We did exactly as we were told. We pulled off the pavement, cracked open Don’s trailer, unstrapped the Torpedo and pulled it into the sun. Micah quickly donned his helmet and jumped in, fired it to life and we pushed him backwards toward the pavement. The sandy surface leading to the asphalt rolled like the wake behind a sailboat and a couple of times the belly scrapped over the sandy humps. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS ADVENTURE ON BIKERNET

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Weekend Round-Up for September 17, 2019

Trying to Find the Way I’ve made progress on the Salt Torpedo. I also reached out to Kendal Trailers regarding a trailer for this puppy. I want to start on another Cantina Episode. I rode tested the new leather Bandit’s Dayroll and it worked like a champ to hold the shit and my tools. Here’s the signed book and the bling you receive as a two-year member of the Cantina. Subscribe Today. CLICK HERE TO READ THE ROUND-UP IN THE CANTINA

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Bonneville Bikernet Weekly News for August 22, 2019

It’s a Game Changing Wild News By Bandit, Bob T., Bill Bish, Rogue, Laura, Barry Green, Sam Burns, the Redhead, and the rest of the crew This is going to be a wild day. This would have been the day we rolled out for the 2019 Bonneville Speed Trials, but it’s not happening. We still have work to do, but we did make our first pass around the block successfully. We accomplished a great deal in the last eight months and we are proud to say it runs and handles like a champ. Amazing. Don’t miss the 22nd Chapter of the Salt Torpedo build story. CLICK HERE TO READ THE NEWS IN THE CANTINA – Subscribe today

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Bikernet Weekly News for August 15, 2019

The Race is on for Truth, Justice, Fairness, Freedom and Fast Shit. All across America, more women are finding joy on two wheels, and spending money on motorcycling, and it’s generating media coverage. I want to jump right into the news. I need to scramble back into the shop and start work on the Salt Torpedo firewall final aluminum construction. We have just eight days before we should be rolling out towards the salt. The list never ends, but it’s getting shorter. Hang on for the next report. In the meantime, ride fast and free, forever! CLICK HERE TO READ THE WEEKLY NEWS – Subscribe to the Cantina today

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Bikernet Weekly News 25 July 2019

I’ve been approached by two companies to either write or produce a documentary on the history of Easyriders. The new Choppers Magazine wants a written story and a documentary producer approached me about producing a documentary. What was an Easyrider? What did he stand for and who understood the code and who didn’t? That may be the context of the article. The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board. CLICK HERE TO READ THE NEWS JOIN THE CANTINA WITH AN ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP TODAY

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