Robson Riders Motorcycle Club: Members, Warm Your Engines!
The winter riding season is filled with time-passing activities such as cleaning, polishing, tinkering, adding new farkle, map reading, route planning, and some occasional riding. In late February the weather allows us more limited access to the road, so sometimes we use our time to hone our skills. Club President Mike Conley conducted a second training on the installation and use of the Sena 30 Bluetooth communication module on Feb. 19. While we have several modes of motorcycle-to-motorcycle communication (CB radio, cell phone, hand signals), the mesh capability of the Sena 30 is best suited for a group of riders going down the road spread over a distance of almost a mile. Twenty-seven members attended the Quarterly Meeting and Social on Thursday, Feb. 20. The event is getting so popular that we are beginning to outgrow the Board Room at the Grill. Once again, we enjoyed great fellowship and the sumptuous hamburger buffet. We owe a debt of gratitude to our board members, but a big nod goes to Mike Conley for the great presentations at the socials. The information, pictures, and overall good synthesis of the material in an enjoyable format make for a great session. Itching to get back on the road after a string of cold and wet weather, the club held a lunch ride to Nocona, Texas on Monday, Feb. 24. Cruising north central Texas is wonderful because of the great roads, homey destinations, and great places to eat. Nocona is always popular. The Horton Classic Car Museum is worth the trip by itself. It is quickly becoming the “Classic Car Capital of Texas” with over 120 classic cars in its collection. The museum is housed in what once was the town’s Ford dealership. Over 120 cars are contained in the collection, which largely focuses on […]
Robson Riders Motorcycle Club: Members, Warm Your Engines! Read More »