
Get Your Kicks on Route 666

Motorcycling Arizona’s Mountains Story and photos by Koz Mraz Arizona has incredible geological diversity that lie between Flagstaff’s Humphries Peak, at 12,637 feet to the Grand Canyon, the Red Rocks of Sedona to lush Verde Valley. Arizona also has the longest continuous stretch of uninterrupted Route 66 two-lane asphalt and is home to Route

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Fourth Annual St. Pete BikeFest

OCC Road House and Bert’s Barracuda Harley-Davidson to Host Fourth Annual St. Pete BikeFest – November 18-21 WHO: OCC Road House & Museum, massive new restaurant, entertainment venue and museum, and official Orange Country Choppers headquarters, and Bert’s Barracuda and Bert’s Black Widow Harley-Davidson, one of the top-performing Harley-Davidson dealerships in the nation WHAT: OCC

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Why motorcycle lane-splitting is Legal in California but Not in 49 other states

Why California lets motorcycles legally split lanes while 49 other states do not from by Tony Kurzweil If you’ve ever been startled out of the doldrums of your afternoon commute by a thundering, lane splitting Harley Davidson and cursed whoever is responsible, you’re not alone. But before you blast the California Highway Patrol with

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Totally amazing: Veteran, cancer survivor reunited with stolen motorcycle

‘Totally amazing’: Vietnam veteran, cancer survivor reunited with stolen motorcycle after 3 years from by Quinlan Bentley On Friday nights, the Lawrenceburg Motorcycle Speedway comes alive. The smell of exhaust fills the air and bleachers vibrate from the deafening roar of motors revving, as motorcyclists of all ages line up to compete in a

Totally amazing: Veteran, cancer survivor reunited with stolen motorcycle Read More »

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