
This Robotic Prosthesis Promises a New Life for Motorcycle Riders

by Cristian Curmei from https://www.autoevolution.com If you’ve ever had an accident that caused you to lose functions of a certain body part, you might be able to imagine what it may be like for an amputee. A new design is looking to change all that and offers a second chance to a once lost love. Every once in a while, a human comes along and changes the rules of the game. Out of struggle and hardship amazing designs to meet unconventional needs are born. This time, the story is about how we can continue our favorite past-time of riding motorcycles even after accidents would leave us incapable of naturally doing so. A designer by the name of Tom Hylton, an intern at Jaguar, has designed an innovative solution for amputees who would still like to take that Sunday ride. A bionic arm bearing the Honda sigil. More so, it’s even capable of being taken out to the racetrack, on paper anyway. This design is still a concept so I’m not sure how soon we would be seeing it on actual riders, but that doesn’t mean that it deserves any less respect. Taking into consideration that it offers the ability to continue being a rider even after a limb-losing accident, this device is one of the more promising designs around. As you can see, the design revolves around your basic human arm, but with a few less functions. For example, the arm includes only a bicep, triceps, elbow and forearm. No palm component, that we normally use for throttling or picking things up, exists. Instead, the arm has a pincer like end that should allow it to connect to any throttle stick. So, it’s specifically made for motorcycling and nothing else. That being said, the arm does include a few components […]

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Generous group helps make new prosthetic for local war vet and surprises him with new motorcycle

CLEVELAND, Ohio (WJW ) — An innovative event is giving a local war veteran a big surprise and the chance to once again hit the open road. Sgt. Charles Zollicoffer served three tours of duty with the Marines, then joined the Army and was getting ready to re-deploy overseas when he was hit by a drunk driver on his motorcycle. “The morning I was set to fly off that’s when I had the accident,” said Sgt. Zollicoffer. “Boom, that was it.” The driver left him for dead on S.R. 800 in Stark County, but luckily another man on a motorcycle who was headed to work stopped and saved his life. “I didn’t think he was gonna make it,” said Dave Bowman. Twenty-seven surgeries and four months later, Zollicoffer woke up at Aultman Hospital with his left leg amputated at the hip joint. Doctors told him it was a difficult amputation and that he would never walk again. “I said, ‘I will walk again; I don’t care if I have to take a 2×4 and duct tape, I will walk,’” said Zollicoffer. The father of three has been walking using a prosthetic leg, but has not been able to ride a motorcycle again— something he truly loved to do. Then, a friend and former colleague told him the good news. De Ann Williams, executive director of the Stark County Veterans Service Commission, nominated him to be part of the “Challenge America’s Makers for Veterans Event.” The event, which kicked off Friday night at St. Edward High School in Lakewood, combines teams of students, engineers, designers and physicians who develop solutions for veterans. The plans are then developed into finished product using 3D printers, metal making, and circuit boards among other means. “An incredible, but sometimes intense experience,” said senior Coleman Isner.

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