Kawasaki Z900 review: You don’t have to get your kit off and start a fight to like it

by Geoff Hill from https://www.mirror.co.uk It may be an evolution rather than a revolution, but the latest version of this popular naked streetfighter looks good and is tons of fun, with a great engine and a very attractive price tag Question: A naked streetfighter is a) A football fan after the bars shut in a nudist colony. b) Someone who thinks that naked streets should be brightened up with those nice hanging baskets full of petunias. c) The small green thing on which I’m hurtling around a corner with a smile on my face. The answer, of course, is c – in other words, a sports bike which has been stripped bare of any fairings, folderols and fripperies to look more lean, mean and aggressive. Or in this case, the latest incarnation of the Z900, a very nice 32,000 of which Kawasaki has sold since introducing it in 2017 as an evolution of previous 750 and 800cc versions. To be honest, it didn’t really need to update this one apart from the pressure of Euro 5 emissions demands from Brussels, but the Kawasaki boffins thought they may as well take the opportunity to tweak a few other things while they had their sleeves rolled up. They started with the aesthetics, reshaping the nose, side panels and fuel tank for a more aggressive look, and sticking in LED headlights while they were at it. Thankfully, they didn’t muck about with the seating position, which, while slightly compact for anyone of 6ft 7in like me, is perfect for smaller folk, canting you forward slightly to leave your hands resting lightly on the wide bars and needing only the hint of a nudge to leave you carving into bends like a cornering craftsman or woman on their way to a BBQ for a […]

Kawasaki Z900 review: You don’t have to get your kit off and start a fight to like it Read More »