Gun Rights

Veterans Day Bikernet Weekly News for November 11th, 2021

It’s Crazy It’s Wonderful The world is nuts. Did you see that Germany won’t sign the declaration to eliminate internal combustion vehicles? Yet, none of our internal combustion organizations or publications in the United States, like the AMA, Rider Magazine, SEMA, MRF, Dice Magazine, NCOM, Easyriders, NHRA, Auto Club, MIC or the NMA will even question the elimination. If they don’t motorcycles will be toast in a decade. I don’t think our Veterans fought for this. They fought for open debate. They fought for men and women to be able to stand up and question the government. Ride Fast and Free Forever and never give up. I’ll leave it at that. Let’s hit the news: –Bandit CLICK HERE To Read the Weekly News only on Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe and Support Riding Free !!!

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Showtime Bikernet Weekly News for November 4th, 2021

It’s all Wild and Free It’s another magnificent day here in Deadwood, South Dakota. The deer are cleaning the fields, the sky is amazing blue and clear and if you step into the sun, you would think it was summer again. We started to take hikes. It’s all good. In the meantime, Ride Fast and Free Forever. — Bandit CLICK HERE To Read the Weekly News only on Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today.

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California: Anti-Gun Joint Resolution Passes Assembly Public Safety Committee

On Tuesday, March 12, the Assembly Public Safety Committee was scheduled to hear anti-gun bills, AB 12, AB 276 and AJR 5. AB 12 and AB 276 were both pulled from the agenda and are expected to be rescheduled for a later date. AJR 5 passed by the Committee and is eligible for third reading on the Assembly floor at any time. Please contact your State Assembly Member using our TAKE ACTION LINK below urging him/her to OPPOSE AJR 5. Assembly Joint Resolution 5,  sponsored by Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-59) would urge the federal government to adopt universal firearm laws using California as an example. California is far from the example when it comes to firearm laws. Lawful gun owners must navigate a maze of gun laws that are ever changing. Each year the legislature considers numerous proposals that continue to place additional restrictions and costs on lawful gun owners while ignoring the fact that criminals are already ignoring the hundreds of laws on the books. Continue to check your inbox and the California Stand and Fight webpage for updates on issues impacting your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage in California. JOIN NRA – National Rifle Association of America, Institute For Legislative Action.

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