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100 WFC: Preacher Run by J J Solari

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Preacher Run by J J Solari with unholy illustration by Wayfarer Some preacher self-absorbed pile of sanctimonious piety yelled at me, “Do you know what you need to do to be saved???” ….all accusatory. I said, “Yeah: be born after 33AD, cockfuck, which I was. Is that about how you gut it figured?” Apparently it wasn’t. He proceeded to order me to Hell. I said “Will you be there?” He said not a chance. I said “I’m on my way!!” He managed to get even more infuriated. Which, based on his current level of fulminary spittle-spraying, I thought very impressive. * * * Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to WINNERS SO FAR: 1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner 2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher 3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys 4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead 5. for the month of September 2023: “Mountain” by Koz Mraz

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Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials 2022 Cancelled

FIM Land Speed World Records ~ AMA Land Speed Grand Championship cancelled due to adverse conditions on the Bonneville Salt Flats. Cancellation of BMST 2022 Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials 2022, FIM Land Speed World Records and AMA Land Speed Grand Championship is Cancelled. Our assessment team has reviewed current Bonneville Salt Flat conditions by air and on the ground. Unfortunately, all BMST track locations and alternatives are still flooded from the initial storm and multiple subsequent storm systems. There is no possibility that the water will recede and salt will dry out sufficiently in the week remaining to support track preparations and operations. “We are all disappointed that we are forced to cancel,” said Event Director/Owner Delvene Reber. “Like you we have spent a year plus preparing for this event and investing in improvements. This year we were implementing racer driven improvements that include new flagging, course line improvements, and other racer driven updates.” “As a racer,” said Sodium Distortion Racing’s Bill Woods, “it’s hard to accept that mother nature called our event but at the end of the day all that hard work will just make next year that much better. I’m especially looking forward to a 2023 with all of the racer-driven improvements” How Bad Is It? They say a picture tells a thousand words, but nothing beats seeing it for yourself. Last night, on Aug. 12, we were able to perform an aerial assessment and determine that the entire length of our tracks and beyond are flooded. Today, Aug. 13, we put boots on the ground and waded into the flood waters at BMST Intermediate start locations for our International and Mountain tracks. It is flooded 10 in. (254mm) to 4 in. (102mm) deep across the length of our tracks. We know many folks were hopeful looking

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