100 WFC: Too Many Dive Bars and Bar Fights

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC Too Many Dive Bars and Bar Fights by Bandit Little Sport threw a scrawny leg over his ‘69 XLCH. He kicked hard, a Tillotson carb set him free from the bullies inside. Fuming he rode through, Sundance, Wyoming, like his leather seat caught fire, to a destitute trailer park. In shambles, he tore the screen door off the hinges scrambling inside for a loaded snub-nosed .38. His crack-whore wife gone, Sport snatched the pistol, revenge blistering his busted lips. Everything on the line he headed out when he heard, “Dad!” His small son ran to his side. “Don’t go,” he held tight to his thigh and looked up with terrified crystal blue eyes… * * * * * * * * Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to the editor wayfarer@bikernet.com

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