Unique Hexagon Wheel Design on Custom Harley-Davidson Night Rod
by Daniel Patrascu from https://www.autoevolution.com If there is one element that can clearly make a custom motorcycle stand out in the crowd, than that element is the wheel. All it takes is a bit of imagination and some equipment to make a unique design, and you’re off to creating something no one else thought about before. When setting out to customize a motorcycle, more specifically a Harley-Davidson, shops usually spend a lot of time and at times money in selecting the best wheel design for their project. The guys over at Russian shop Box39 are a good an example as any in this respect, as we’ve seen over the past few months. Created about a decade ago, Box39 has a real thing for Harley’s V-Rods of not so long ago. In fact, the shop gave birth to an entire family of custom bikes based on that, called Giotto, which presently counts around 19 individual builds. The one you’re looking at is called Giotto 7 and according to the Russians it has been completed in 2021. It was originally a Night Rod version of the American muscle bike, and it received the usual complement of changes to make it unique. The most in-your-face elements of this apparition are of course the wheels, carefully crafted to display an uncountable number of small hexagons. The wheels are sized 21-inch front and 18-inch rear, the usual size combination when it comes to the Russians. A custom paint job over the modified body of the bike make the wheels feel right at home in this design, especially when looking at the plastic body kit that was slapped onto the front end and fuel tank of the Milwaukee machine. Box39 is not in the habit of telling people how much such a build costs to make, […]
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