The statistics of the Sturgis Rally are always impressive, however, this year’s 70th anniversary marks a return to the boom days of the middle of last decade before the onset of the recession, with numbers considerably up on the past few years and with a daily record for the number of visitors to the Mount Rushmore memorial for the number of visitors in one day smashed, with an estimated 17,600 attending.
Sturgis Police Chief Jim Bush was coy about how many cops (euphemistically referred to as ‘public safety officers’) he has in town for the rally but he did admit to four cops on each block. Offence-wise the rally was fairly tame which probably ties in with the demographic of the majority of today’s Harley-Davidson riders.
“They come into a town of 6,500 people and over a weekend we add over 800 retail businesses, Jim said, which is another one of those amazing stats. While the numbers were big news for the rally businesses it made things pretty congested on the roads with the well known routes teeming with bikes, trikes and various other contraptions.
Paul Senior proved as big a drawcard as ever, with hundreds lining up for autographs and photo opportunities.
Oh, no, surely there couldn’t be two of them on the one planet?
“I’m getting married next week”. Cue thunderous applause.
While across the street Paul Junior launched the bike Paul Jr designs built for Biker’s Choice. To no-one’s surprise it is web based and I’d have like to shown a pic but despite military training and a don’t-give-a-damn attitude about how many people I might crush, or how many toes I might step on, I couldn’t get close enough. Vinnie was on the team and life must be treating him well for he looked like he’d porked up somewhat.
Mikey of course pulled his usual jovial clown stunt and seemed happy to be back beside big brother Paul at a bike launch once again.
Reyne riding free in the Badlands. He’s from Australia where helmet laws are universal. Damn!
Binfords scooped the pool at the official Harley-Davidson Ride In Show.

As usual the Baker burnout competition was awesome, with Kevin Alsop from Big Bear Choppers scooping the pool on his amazing 145 cube, 200 horsepower S&S powered flat black chopper. Kevin beat OCC’s Rick Petko in the final, reaching fifth gear in just over two seconds. That is not a misprint.
Bikes, babes and beer sounds like a good mantra for Sturgis and each night as usual was party night, that’s party with a capital P.
Roll on next year!
Heavy Duty Magazine





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