Ssinister Cop Bike

It was a really warm morning in Cave Creek Arizona when I was to meet John Shope of SSinster Choppers with the Copperhead 2 and my model, Chainsaw Chelsea, to shoot a feature for You can find that feature in the Girls Of Bikernet section, in Bandit’s Cantina. If you’re not a member, you’re missing out big time. It’s cheap. Right now the Winter 2006 deal is a measly 10 bucks for a whole goddamn year. That’s right 10 bucks for biker entertainment 24/7.

John also brought out his COP bike and wanted to know if I would shoot it as well. Chainsaw was up for anything, so you get to experience her twice. If you desire a few less clothes, don’t forget to head to the Cantina and look up the Girls of Bikernet. We had time to spare, so we decided to shoot it. Besides I found out later the Cop Bike was one of Bandit’s favorites from the 2006 LA Calendar Show. As I looked over this sleek black and white beauty I became more and more impressed with John’s skill as a builder. This bike exudes CLEAN. Not only was this a novel and creative effort but John’s expertise in finish work and detail can only be appreciated close-up. For what it’s worth, and it’s worth a lot in the scheme of things, you can actually ride John’s bikes. His wife sped off on this one just as soon as we were done with the shoot.

Shooting Chainsaw on this bike made for an interesting dichotomy. Though Chainsaw is really into bikes, this COP notion gave her a brief chill as she looked around to make certain that she wasn’t going to get busted for overexposing her bust. The chill she got worked to my advantage and that wasn’t all bad, given what I had hoped to get out of her. As you see we got just what we needed.

John is a very talented and creative guy. His next bike is a Captain Morgan theme bike that I saw at the Smoke Out West before it was finished but I assure you it is worthy of another trip to Cave Creek.

Keep your eyes open for much more from John Shope and Ssinster…

That’s the end of the Scooter’s feature, but I’ve got more questions. This bike was built in Phoenix, but it has “California Highway Patrol” on the tanks. What’s up with that? Maybe Phoenix or Arizona Highway patrol have goofy looking cop color schemes. I don’t know?

During the ‘70s I bought Los Angeles cops bikes at auction, before they cost $1000.00. As soon as they reached the one grand number, I thought they were out of my league and went looking in the classifieds for basket cases and wrecked bikes. Times have changed.

I’ll let you know, if I find out more about the scheme behind this hot number. Not Chelsea, the bike.–Bandit

Don’t forget to join the Bandit’s Cantina, for more of Chainsaw Chelsea.

Ssinister Choppers
Scottsdale, AZ
Phone: (602) 309 – 3352?
E-mail: John Shope –

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