Continued From Page 3

NEW Z-BARS FROM CYRIL HUZE–Totally cool Z-Bars that you can ride because they are very comfortable. They measure: 8-inch center width, 30-inch wide, 5.5-inch pullback, 3-inch rise. They look bitchin’ when used on a chopper or bobber with Cyril Huze full line of Spikee risers, grips, pegs, mirrors, gas caps etc. Chrome.
Order Here:
Cyril Huze Custom Inc.
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923 gas gauge – joe L.
HAWAIIAN CHOPPER MEETS LAS VEGAS–Hawaiian Chopper Magazine is working with Las Vegas Harley-Davidson to put on a bike contest as part of the Celebrity Event being held September 10th & 11th.
The categories for the contest are:
Classic (up to 1936)
Vintage (1936-65)
Shovelhead (1966-83)
EVO (1984-Present)
Custom (modified – any style/any year)
Radical Custom (Heavily modified)
Best of Show
The contest is open to any and all bikes.
Cost of registration is $15.00 per bike.
Prizes for first place in each category:
$300.00 (Harley bucks) & hand made trophy courtesy of Hawaiian Chopper and LVH-D.
Registration will begin at 9:00am on Sunday, 11 September at Henderson Harley-Davidson (1010 W. Warm Springs Road, Henderson, Nevada).
Judging will be held 1:00pm – 3:00pm. Judging will be done by the celebrity builders (Matt Hotch, Mondo, Cole Foster, Jose De Miguel, Scott Long, Shannon Aikau, and The Count).
Those interested should call Henderson Harley-Davidson at (702) 456-1666, or Las Vegas Harley-Davidson at (702) 431-8500.
Don’t forget about the Celebrity Ride on Saturday, 10 September. Join some of your favorite television and movie stars, plus some of the top motorcycle builders in the country for a ride benefiting the airmen and their families stationed at Nellis Air Force Base. There will also be a concert featuring Molly Hatchet.
For more info visit

WHAT A LONG STRANGE TRIP IT’S BEEN– A drunk was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn’t find a parking place.
Looking up towards heaven, he said “Lord, take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to church every Sunday for the rest of my life and give up drinking.”
As he finished saying it, miraculously, a parking place appeared.
He looked up again and said “Never mind. I found one.”
–from Rev. CarlR

CHARLIE BRECHTEL RIDE AND CONCERT–Saturday, Oct 1st, 2005.Sign up 8:00 – 10:00 am..leaving at 10:00am rain or shine! Collector pin first 500 ridersMitchell’s Harley-Davidson 500 N Carpenter, Modesto, California.50/50 raffle, t-shirts & donation jar to help fund event.Buffet & Beverage for sale on site before & after at Legends.Everyone & every bike welcome.Public welcome to show support to bikers along Carpenter.
Cost: Free.
Presented by the family & friends of Laci & Conner. Come join us with Host Rider Mickey Jones and Charlie Brechtel. *Disclaimer waivers must be signed by all participants releasing all liability. Website:

BIKERNET TRAVEL ADVICE–A jumbo jet is just coming into the New York Airport on its final approach.
The pilot comes on the intercom, “This is your Captain. We’re on our final descent into New York. I want to thank you for flying with us today and I hope you enjoy your stay in New York”.
He forgets to switch off the intercom. Now the whole plane can hear his conversation from the cockpit. The copilot says to the pilot, “Well, skipper, watcha’ gonna do in New York?”
“Well,” says the skipper, “First I’m gonna check into the hotel and take a big crap ….. then I’m gonna take that new stewardess with the big tits out for dinner ….. then I’m gonna wine and dine her, take her back to my room and put the big willy to her, big time! all night..”
Everyone on the plane hears this and immediately begins looking up and down the isles trying to get a look at the new stewardess.
Meanwhile the new stewardess is at the very back of the plane. She’s so embarrassed that she starts to run to try and get to the cockpit to turn the intercom off.
Halfway down the aisle, she trips over an old lady’s handbag and down she goes.
The old lady leans over and says: “No need to hurry, dear. He’s gotta take a shit first.
–from Chris T.

FOURTH ANNUAL 9/11 PATRIOT RIDE PARADES TO LOS ANGELES COUNTY FAIR–PLEASE JOIN US AS THE NATION REMEMBERS 9/11.(Los Angeles), Calif.- September 9th, 2005 Quick Throttle Magazine and Freedom’s Flame Memorial Foundation are thrilled to present their Fourth Annual 9-11 Patriot Ride this Sunday, September 11th to the Los Angeles County Fair 1101 W. McKinley Ave., Pomona, CA 91768.
The tragic events from 9/11 will not only be remembered for the terrorist attack resulting in tremendous loss, but for the heroic and courageous spirit that united the American people for the days, months and years that have followed. It is this spirit that has been captured by the non- profit organization, Freedom’s Flame, offering an exceptional exhibit to raise funds for the development of the Freedom’s Flame memorial to be built in Southern California and New York City. This moving exhibit made of 16 tons of steel from the World Trade Center, offers a tribute to those who lost their lives on 9/11 with artifacts from The Pentagon, the Pennsylvania crash site of Flight 93, and a Recovered NYC Fire Truck that served at Ground Zero.
The event will begin on Sunday, September 11th with Quick Throttle Magazine’s 4th Annual 9-11 Patriot Parade. Riding from 10 different Harley-Davidson locations in Southern California to the Parade staging area at Los Osos High School 6001 Milliken Ave Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737, motorcyclists will then be able to accompany the Freedom’s Flame Memorial Exhibit for the 16 miles from the 210W freeway to the LA County Fair in Pomona. At approximately 11:00am, the Freedom’s Flame massive memorial exhibit will be transported on two flat bed trucks into the City of Pomona accompanied by thousands of motorcyclists from around Southern California. Freeway overpasses are expected to welcome firefighters with their trucks as well as Patriotic Americans waving their flags proudly.
The Patriot Ride continues inside the Fair with a ceremony at the Lagoon area, behind the Clock tower, with special guest speaker Bill Spade – a surviving fire fighter from Rescue Co. 5 Staten Island, NY. “I’m in staircase C leading people out when a loud thunderous noise like numerous trains approaching a subway station occurs. I close the door to the hallway and we are all in the staircase. Outside the noise is deafening. “No, this thing can’t be collapsing,” I think. Will rubble soon be coming down the staircase and trap us there? It lasts for what seems like a minute then, complete darkness.” Hear more of Bill’s story of heroism for yourself.
For further information please contact Quick Throttle Magazine at 888-770-9866 , 949-677-2453.

THAT’S A WRAP FOR THURSDAY– Let us know which T-shirt design is your favorite. Come up with a slogan for any of them and you’ll get a free T-Shirt. Send your responses to
So that’s it for this week. Don’t forget to make time to make a donation for the victims of Katrina, send a care package or something, even if it’s wrong.
What a crazy year. Well hang on as we launch a lot more content in the next couple of days. I’m waiting on a new software program that will help speed images to the site. Now, I need to mess with my bikes.

Ride Forever,